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The Warrior Woman

Page 16

by Evelyn Lederman

  Shirl walked up to her brother and grasped his three fingers in her hand. “I need to make sure you can really hear within this channel and are not just copying what everyone else is doing,” her friend addressed her brother through what Candy could only call the new communal link. “Sit on your butt if you truly hear me.”

  Candy watched as Cianan sat in front of Shirl. Her friend started to cry and she reached out her hand to help her brother up. “I can truly trust you now,” she said as she embraced him.

  “I am lost,” Cianan said aloud. “What is happening? Why are you overreacting to communication through a new communal pathway? It is understandable when a new group interacts with an existing group.”

  “But it is not a communal pathway,” the man from the bar answered. “It is something altogether different.” He directed his attention to her and walked to stand in front of Candy. “My name on Earth is Ben Clark. I have been watching over you, Shirl, and Alexandra your whole lives. My Troyk name is Benko Jarlyn.”

  Benko had increased the volume of his voice when he announced his true name. There were gasps and cries among the people gathered around. His name had been a rallying call for decades. A name that stood for hope and a promise of a better future without mind control.

  “You all linked into the warrior channel,” Darden shared with everyone. “A channel that is shared by the true ruler of the Troyk universe and his most loyal followers. You are no longer prisoners but future liberators. Many of you are here because you called for change.” Darden stopped conversing at that point and looked at Benko.

  “I guess it is time to start planning my return to the Troyk universe,” Benko said. Those words were met with both cheers and tears. “This dimension seems the best place to plan such an event. It is literally the last place my father would ever consider looking for me.” Benko gazed at Candy, Alex, and Shirl, the women he indirectly raised. “It is also time to bring JoAnna home. I will no longer be safe on Earth once that happens. Darden and Cassie should also relocate here once JoAnna is brought over. My father will be too suspicious once a fourth surviving offspring returns to the Troyk universe.”

  From the corner of her eyes Candy saw Chartail approach Benko. “I am Chartail Adholm and I plotted to kill your father.”

  “So I have heard,” Benko chuckled. “It must have bruised my father’s ego to have such a beautiful woman plan his assassination. I will make sure to stay in your good graces.” Benko had certainly inherited his father’s charm.

  Candy could see sparks flying between the two strong-willed people. She started to consider the warrior link and the channel that opened between her two friends and Chartail. Their closed link did not feel like the communal channels she accessed here and in the Troyk universe. Perhaps it had to do more with Chartail than with Candy and her friends.

  “Touch her,” Candy demanded. She was not going to let Chartail lose one minute with her soul mate, if indeed that was the case.

  All eyes fell on her. There was laughter in Benko’s eyes. He moved forward and touched Chartail’s shoulder. Before Candy could say anything, Chartail made the necessary skin to skin contact to determine if the two were soul mates. It did not surprise Candy when the two reacted to the touch.

  “Son of a bitch!” Benko said as he devoured Chartail with his eyes. Candy, Shirl, and Alex came to stand behind Chartail as she stood in shock.

  Realization of what happened finally crossed Chartail’s face. That look transitioned to one of apprehension as she looked between her and Shirl. Benko was probably not aware of everything his soul mate had suffered. Chartail was anything but damaged goods. Each obstacle she hurdled made her stronger.

  “May I speak with him about what you have been through?” Shirl asked her future primess. Candy was not sure what title was appropriate for the Prime Ruler’s consort or wife. Relief was visible on Chartail’s lovely face.

  Chartail nodded, still in partial shock that she had found her soul mate and he was Benko Jarlyn. “Take Candy with you to complete the story,” Chartail suggested. “I will stay with Alexia in the meantime, or should I say Alexandra.”

  “Alex,” her friend responded. “It does not matter the world I am in. Either way I am Alex. I need to speak with you anyway and come clean.” A frown crossed Chartail’s lovely face.

  Candy knew Alex was going to tell Chartail about how she had read her mind and betrayed her. She did not know which conversation was going to be more difficult. Shirl and Candy were going to tell Benko about what happened to his soul mate in this world and in the Nightshade universe. Alex got to confess about her betrayal in order to clear the way to save her best friend Shirl and get her into the Troyk universe. All roads had led them to where they were today. Benko was finally stepping up to return to the Troyk universe and Chartail had found a soul mate to fight alongside.

  Candy and Shirl spent about ten minutes alone with Benko sharing Chartail’s story with him so she would not have to. The man was enraged with what he heard. He had been aware of Shirl being held in the Nightshade universe. He had been ignorant of Chartail being raped, brutalized, and drained of blood by Yorik.

  Benko communicated he needed to strengthen his relationship with Drake to one day exact revenge against Yorik. When the time was right, Shirl would aid him in his quest. In the meantime, they needed to return to the others.

  Candy was nervous about how Alex’s discussion went with Chartail. If Chartail turned against Alex they were all sunk. Candy would stand next to her friend regardless of what it meant politically or socially in the future. To her relief, Chartail and Alex were embracing when they returned. Alex was crying and Chartail was comforting her. Her friend was mumbling about hormones and the inability to control her emotions.

  It was time to return to the Troyk universe. For the time being, Benko and Chartail would stay behind and help the Utopians move into the portal guardian village. Most of these people were here directly or indirectly because of Benko Jarlyn. He was named the new community leader. Klark retained his position as head of security. Tolfer’s friend, Marton, was named his lieutenant. There were promises of more supplies and covert visits.

  Candy stepped through the portal ready to continue building her life in the Troyk universe with more secrets to keep and a soul mate. First and foremost was explaining how she was able to escape the penal colony. They could not afford to endanger the lives of the true ruler of the Troyk universe and the people she had come to love in this world.

  Chapter 17

  The Troyk Universe

  All eyes were on them as they made their way through the streets of Aster Province on the way to The Palace. It was decided they would go directly to be debriefed before heading home and cleaning up. Candy would have loved to have taken a shower first. She was caked in dried blood from head to foot. It was a wonder she was able to continue to swallow the bile that kept coming up her throat. Her hair was partially tied behind her head while strands kept coming loose. Candy had to continually shove the wild wisps from her face.

  Tolfer walked next to her. He had taken her hand as soon as they came off the mountain pass and continued their journey beside each other. They were both physically and mentally exhausted. Staying within the penal colony and helping them settle near the portal had not been discussed. It had been hard on her soul mate to leave behind the children he had grown so close to.

  With Benko Jarlyn now in that community there was no question they would be returning to that world. Tolfer would be able to keep working with the children while Candy prepared the adults for the battle of their lives. No one knew if unseating Jerlyn Jarlyn would be a peaceful revolution or bloody. She decided to hold off on that thought for another day. Candy had seen too much blood today. Oddly it was not the vampire blood feast that had gotten to her, but the horror they inflicted on each other. It troubled her she was not an emotional mess reacting to all the lives she had taken. Perhaps she was still in shock and her brain had not internalized all she had do

  The warrior channel was active with conversations regarding the upcoming stories they would all share. They would confess to the involvement of the vampires from the Nightshade universe, but not the men who had fought beside them from Terra Nova. Too many gatherers visited that world to risk bringing visibility to Ervin and his men. The people of Terra Nova shared and kept Shirl’s secret.

  Naturally no one would mention the involvement of Benko Jarlyn and his presence now in the penal colony world. Fortunately, Solfa would lead the interrogations. They would be interviewed as a group and would then be separated. The warrior channel would be used to share discussions across rooms in order to guarantee consistency in what they communicated.

  Within a block of The Palace they were met by two dozen guards. Although Candy had been warned they would be coming, it did not reduce the anxiety she felt being surrounded by these armed men. The group walked in silence for the remaining steps until they reached their destination.

  Nothing was being shared within the warrior path. The communal pathways were abuzz, but none of them contributed to the discussions. Their stories had to be first shared with the Troyk intelligence community. No one had ever returned from the penal colony before. Tarsea and Shirl were going to talk about planning the rescue, while Tolfer and Candy were to inform them about life in the penal colony.

  It was the first time she entered the Palace through the front doors. The foyer was filled with people gawking at them. Candy stared at the staircase before her. On any other day she could have taken the stairs two at a time. Today she wondered if she would be able to make it one flight. The interrogations would take place on the third floor. Tolfer tightened his grip on her hand as they started their climb. He knew without her telling him she was exhausted. Knowing her soul mate was there gave her a second wind.

  They were led to a large conference room. Medical personnel did cursory exams to make sure there were no life-threatening injuries before they continued. Candy thought that was odd. If anyone had been gravely injured they would have telepathically shared that information as soon as they came in range of the communal pathways. She figured it had to be some kind of procedure that was followed after difficult off-world trips. Candy sat in the chair she was told to occupy. It was comforting that Tolfer was right beside her. What little energy she had left was fueled by his presence.

  To her surprise, Jeryl Jarlyn entered the room with Solfa. He came and immediately gave Candy an awkward embrace. Considering how gross she must be, Candy was surprised he even touched her.

  “I am so glad you have returned to us safe,” Jarlyn told Candy. “Although you are not my granddaughter, for a short period of time I felt you were. The affection I felt for you did not diminish when I learned the truth of our relationship. You are a daughter of the Troyk universe.”

  His words hit Candy like an eighteen-wheeler. She was struck by what he said and the sincerity behind them. Candy broke down. Tears that had not been shed for her grandmother and all those who had died today came streaming down her cheeks. She shook with sobs and the inability to control her body.

  “Shirl, you need to go to Candy and help control her grief,” Alex shared in their private pathway. “They cannot know Tolfer is her soul mate. It would make sense to the Prime Ruler that you are closest to her.”

  Shirl made her way to Candy and brought her into her arms. “Can we do this another time?” Shirl asked no one in particular. “She battled for her life today and has been held captive in the penal world.”

  “No,” Solfa answered. There was a hardness to her voice. Had Candy not known she was on their side, Solfa’s tone would have brought on even more violent sobs. She had truly lost control of herself. “I want to know what happened in the penal colony and if a gateway had been opened to any other dimensions where convicts could be loose.”

  There were three crystal telepaths in the room, but it was Shirl’s back that got as straight as a rod. “We went to that world to rescue Candy and that was it,” Shirl answered with an edge to her voice. “The criminals taken from that world left for the Nightshade universe. Their blood was payment for the assistance I was able to arrange with their master vampire.”

  “You entered the Nightshade universe?” Solfa said in disbelief. Candy had to admit, she was a great actress. It was her understanding that Alex’s cousin had been involved in the tactical discussions associated with the operation to come after her and Tolfer.

  “I needed invincible warriors to get my friend back,” Shirl answered. “Those monsters owed me!” Everyone knew what the female crystal telepath had suffered in that world. Evidence of the vampire’s bite was still on her neck.

  “Unbelievable,” Solfa said under her breath. “I noticed that Kelog Potts is not present. Did he die?”

  “Kelog survived the battle,” Candy shared with the Troyk officials. She had managed to get control of herself once again. “He entered that world because he had family there and wished to stay with them.”

  “Did you leave Chartail Adholm behind?” Solfa inquired. “This group has a bad habit of rescuing that woman.”

  Candy knew those words would get Shirl’s dander up. “Listen,” Shirl almost growled, “I would not leave a soul in the Nightshade universe, not even you.”

  Solfa approached Shirl and the two women were almost nose to nose. Candy almost expected a fight to break out between them. They were giving quite a performance. Alex jumped to her feet and placed her hand on her cousin’s arm.

  “Shirl is not the enemy here, Solfa,” Alex said. “We went to rescue Tolfer and Candy. Tolfer has become a brother to me during my stay with his parents. We left Chartail in the other universe where she belongs. She plotted to kill our Prime Ruler.”

  Jeryl Jarlyn left Candy’s side and embraced her friend. “Little Alexia,” he said. “I was surprised to hear you joined in the rescue.”

  “How could I not, sir,” Alex replied. “Besides, I wanted to see what a vampire looked like. It was a good thing Shirl had Drake under her thumb. Those vampires were terrifying. They were starving and were willing to assist us. We have Tolfer back and I will try not to think of what it cost.”

  An older man who had entered the room shortly after Jeryl Jarlyn and Solfa arrived came forward. “You saw my daughter Chartail? How is she?”

  Alex had been haunted by betraying Chartail. She had even demanded to be on the mountain to say goodbye to Chartail before her sentence was executed. Candy had been told that Chartail’s father had not even appeared at his daughter’s trial. Alex walked forward to confront Chartail’s father.

  “She was brutalized both in the Nightshade and penal colony worlds,” Alex said. There was such hatred in her voice toward Chartail’s father. Even Candy was surprised. “There had to be a better alternative in dealing with your daughter. You knew what she faced in the Nightshade universe, yet you did nothing.”

  Chartail’s father did not respond to Alex’s comment or look her in the eye. Candy did not have any baggage when it came to Chartail’s fate. She wanted to reassure this man his daughter was all right.

  “Chartail was being held by the leader of the violent portal guardians,” Candy shared with Prime Adholm. “She would visit the Utopia village where I lived while Fraclyn’s daughter visited him. Chartail is a survivor and does what is necessary to go on living. I do not believe I have ever met a stronger woman in my life. She is now free of that man and has joined the Utopia community. The vampires were given the survivors who had attacked our peaceful village. Your daughter is safe.”

  “Thank you,” Prime Adholm said to Candy. She felt there was more the man wanted to say but he stopped there. He removed himself from the group and sat in one of the room’s corners.

  Candy knew she had to bring to the attention of the Troyk government the condition of the penal colony. She lived with these people and pledged to be an advocate for them with the Troyk government. “There are children in that world your monthly supplies must start

  The room was silent after Candy dropped her bomb. How these people had not considered what would happen after they pushed people through the portal into the penal colony world she could not fathom. All criminals, regardless of their crimes, were sentenced there. Would they continue to send murderers and rapists to the world she just left?

  “Children,” Jeryl Jarlyn repeated. “How very short-sighted of us. We will make sure to include more appropriate supplies in the future.”

  “What about the fate of future criminals?” Candy asked. “Are you going to repopulate that now-peaceful community with people who would harm those children?”

  “We have many decisions we have to make about what to do going forward,” the Prime Ruler answered. “I want to hear what you experienced and who you met.” Jeryl Jarlyn turned to his head of intelligence and said, “It is time for the debriefing, Solfa.”

  Tolfer kept quiet as his soul mate and her friends addressed Jeryl Jarlyn, Prime Adholm, and Solfa. They did an excellent job of staying with the story they agreed would be shared and bringing to light the plight of the penal colony’s children. Going forward, nothing was more important than the welfare of those kids.

  The group was dispersed for the individual interviews to be conducted. He currently sat in a room with Prime Adholm and one of Solfa’s female lieutenants. Tolfer had seen the woman around, but did not know her name. He sat patiently waiting for the questioning to start.

  Prime Adholm would be the mind control telepath in the interview. One would be in attendance in each interrogation. They would be able in most instances to tell if the subject was lying or not. Since he had made love to his soul mate, he was immune to their telepathic powers.

  “Let us get started, Tolfer,” the woman said. “My name is Stelalyn. I worked the mission with your brother and Alexia that captured the two remaining plotters in the assassination attempt against our Prime Ruler.” She did not mention Chartail by name because Stelalyn was seated next to Chartail’s father.


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