Earth's Angels: The Earth's Angels Trilogy

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Earth's Angels: The Earth's Angels Trilogy Page 6

by Beth Worsdell

  The angels took their vocation very seriously, and again, I was in awe of them.

  “Are they all still babies like the ones I saw inside the glass wall? I asked.

  “Yes,” replied Harrik, “they are all still babies. We are still replenishing your animal numbers right now. We will reintroduce the creatures slowly to establish new colonies and packs,” he stated.

  “Are all the human women birthing the baby animals,” I asked, extremely curious.

  It was Zanika who answered my question this time.

  “Only your human females who are over twenty of your earth years, and no females who are over sixty earth years. We do not want to harm your females,” she added as we carried on.

  “And do the people in the holding structures know where their women are and what they are doing here to help you?” I questioned.

  “Yes Elita, we explained to your people when they arrived at the holding structure that their females are helping us to repopulate your animal kingdom,” Zanika answered.

  I stopped in mid-stride and looked thoughtfully at them both.

  “When I was in the birthing room and found out that I was pregnant with an animal, I was totally shocked and horrified at first,” I told them. “Can you imagine the fear and confusion of these men when they think about their women giving birth to animals?” I asked.

  Zanika and Harrik looked at each other in total confusion, so I began to elaborate.

  “Human females are only supposed to birth human babies for forty weeks. Their families are probably horrified at the thought, the same as I was. They’re probably thinking that their females are having to go full-term with the animals and are suffering,” I explained. “Some of our animals are massive!”

  Both of their faces showed the realization of my words.

  Zanika took my hand in hers.

  “We will help you to explain everything to the men Elita. We do not want your people to be afraid or to think we are capable of such things,” she said kindly.

  I think they were beginning to really understand why this situation may have arisen. We carried on down the long corridor. I’d never been that far in that direction, so I was fascinated by what I was seeing. Zanika and Harrik could tell I was obviously interested and were kind enough to explain everything new I saw.

  We passed large storage rooms, some of which were temperature controlled for the fresh fruit and vegetables, and I could see the condensation on the glass doors. They explained to me that our human scientists had managed to save most of the seeds from all over the world.

  So, while some angels were cleaning the earth and water, the other ships and angels were growing new healthy plants and trees ready to replant. They were even growing ocean vegetation such as seaweed and coral in massive tanks full of seawater that they’d already cleaned. They’d even managed to replace the microscopic organisms in the sea water.

  They explained to me that underwater plants were just as important to our planet as the plants on land. Apparently, it was the coral and marine flora dying that began the process of our ocean’s demise and that an ocean oil spill had sped up the beginning of the end. I had no idea just how important our oceans were to our planet, and they told me that our oceans not only produced oxygen, but they controlled our climate too.

  What also blew my mind was that apparently, they were using agricultural techniques that they had taught our ancient civilizations. They had massive tanks full of water with fish inside. Then on top were the plants; their roots were growing into the water, and the fish were feeding off the algae.

  Zanika explained that this process was the most effective way of producing plants and healthy fish as well as saving water too. We passed so many more rooms on our way, and I was beginning to realize just how vast the main spacecraft was.

  Finally, we came to the room where the men were. I could tell it was the right room because there were four purple-headed angels outside the archway entrance. They didn’t look like guards or soldiers. There were no weapons on them that I could see. They seemed no more threatening than Zanika or Harrik, but then why would they need weapons with all the power they held inside?

  The four angels greeted us politely, and when they saw me, they all touched their throats making them glow white. I appreciated them wanting to speak my language, so I could understand what they were saying.

  “The men are still agitated and angry. We have offered them food and water, but they refused,” one of the angels stated.

  Zanika smiled at them warmly.

  “Elita will talk to the men; please wait here,” she said politely.

  Zanika led the way into the room with her usual graceful glide. There was no glass door like some of the rooms we’d passed; instead, the entrance seemed to have a silvery, shimmering barrier. Zanika raised her palm just before she was about to come into contact with it, then passed through as if it wasn’t there. Harrik and I followed behind her. I turned around, and the barrier was whole again behind us where the other angels were waiting outside.

  There were seven men of various ages, and they were all sat around a long table, similar to the one in my room, only taller like a dining table. There were fresh food and drinks left untouched in the middle, and even though the men were sat in comfortable chairs, they certainly didn’t look comfortable or relaxed at all.

  As we walked towards them, they all looked up and when they saw me with my companions, their surprise showed on each of their faces. I smiled warmly at them and hoped it was a reassuring smile, but they just seemed stunned.

  “Hello, my name is Elita,” I said kindly, trying to sound a lot calmer than I felt inside.

  “I’d like you to meet my friends. This is Zanika, and this is Harrik,” I told them.

  As I gestured towards my companions, they both dipped their heads in respect to the anxious men. Quickly, I scanned the faces of the men and there, at the far end of the table, was the man of my dreams, literally.

  “James,” I said under my breath in a whisper.

  My eyes connected with his, and my heart started to pound quickly in my chest. My pulse was instantly racing so fast I thought that I might pass out. Zanika as always was attuned to my emotional state, and she reached out and placed her hand on mine.

  I broke my eye contact with James, and when I looked at Zanika, she smiled kindly at me. I hoped that my returned smile said thank you. As my heart and pulse rate slowed, I looked back to the anxious men in front of me.

  “I know you have many questions like I did, and I’m happy to answer as many as I can. May we sit down?” I asked.

  A couple of the men nodded, so the three of us sat in the spare chairs nearest the entrance.

  “Please help yourself to the food and water,” I told them indicating the food.

  While taking some of the strawberries off the tray myself, I hoped to remove some of the tension in the room. My small gesture seemed to do the trick. One of the older men who had a kind face spoke first, and he got straight to the point.

  “Are our women alive?” he asked, politely but bluntly.

  I appreciated his directness and smiled at him, trying to show him we were no threat.

  “The women who were still alive when the angels arrived are safe and well,” I told them all.

  “They were all healed just like you all were,” I explained.

  “Where are they now?” Another of the men asked.

  “They are sleeping in one of the rooms here,” I answered.

  Again, I looked into James’ eyes feeling drawn to him.

  “Have you been told about the role we women have right now? I asked him.

  “Yes,” he said, in a deep, husky voice that spoke directly to my heart and made my skin tingle.

  “We were told that our women are helping to repopulate the animal kingdom,” he stated.

  The older man spoke again, his emotions spilling over into his words.

  “The angels told us what our women were doing here. However, a
few of the angels at the holding craft told us a different story. They told us that our women are being tortured. Made to give birth to animals and that they were here screaming in pain,” he said, his voice getting louder and more desperate.

  He stood from his seat, his body full of tension and his voice shouting by the end of his sentence. His desperation and horror were flowing off him in waves. All of a sudden, the tension in the room was escalating dramatically.

  The anger and frustration from all of the men was flowing over me. I looked to Zanika, and Harrik and with that, Zanika slowly stood, raising her arms. As she rose her arms out from the sides of her body, she began to glow brighter.

  The bright, white light emanated from all over her body. I could feel her calming power flow over me, and when I looked over to the men around the table, I could see them visibly relax and calm in their seats.

  My mind was rapidly going over what the older man had said. He’d been lied to; they’d all been lied to. When I glanced back over to Zanika and Harrik, she was lowering her arms, and her shimmer was beginning to dim back to normal. Harrik looked just as confused as I was with this new information.

  “You have been lied to,” I told them with as much conviction as I could muster.

  I stood from my chair, leaned forward with my hands on the table and made eye contact with each of them.

  “I assure you we have not been tortured or harmed in any way, and I’m confused as to why some of the angels at the holding structure have told you differently,” I stated, feeling angry that they’d been deceived.

  I looked again to Zanika and Harrik.

  “I do not understand either Elita,” Harrik said, “We need to inform Christik of this new development.”

  “You go and tell her Harrik. I will stay with Elita and the men,” Zanika told him.

  Harrik rose and dipped his head to the men and us and then left the room hurriedly.

  “I will tell you everything I know so far,” I said to the worried men.

  “But first please eat and drink something as it will make me feel better,” I told them warmly.

  The men were kind enough to start helping themselves to the spread of food before us, and I wasn’t lying, it did make me feel better seeing them eat, drink and relax. James’ eyes never left me, and I could feel him studying me. As I looked up at his handsome face, my heart began to pound again in my chest.

  I looked down to his hands that were resting on the table, and I saw a wedding band on his left hand.

  “Are you my husband?” I asked.

  Our eyes connected again, and he smiled the most amazing smile.

  “Yes, I am fair lady,” he replied with a sexy smirk.

  I couldn’t help the smile that spread on my face; I was thrilled that my dream was true. Knowing he was mine meant the kids in my dream were mine also.

  “I think you and I need to talk later,” I said to him, still smiling like an idiot!

  I tried to steady my heart by taking a deep breath. I cleared my throat and looked around the table. When I spoke to the men, I tried to be as clear as possible. Starting from the beginning, I told them pretty much everything, from the moment I woke in the cavernous room where their women were sleeping.

  I explained about the whole birthing process I’d experienced, and I could see them visibly cringing, especially James. He looked the most shocked and horrified!

  “We’re saving the planet by birthing the animals,” I explained to them, “We don’t go through a full-term pregnancy, and we don’t get cut or anything like that during the birth,” I stressed. “It’s like having a C section, but the baby animal magically passes through our stomach as if our skin is a force field.”

  I wasn’t sure if I was relieving their stress and tension or adding to it. At that point, I just couldn’t tell. James’ eyes were still not leaving me in the slightest. A blonde-haired man with a young face and freckles across his nose spoke next.

  “Why are our women being kept asleep the whole time?” he asked angrily. “It’s like keeping them in a sleeping prison,” he added, getting more irate by the second.

  I looked at Zanika, and I think it dawned on us both how the situation must look. I could totally understand what they meant when I looked at the situation from their point of view. I’d been so relieved that the angels were here saving our planet that I didn’t focus on the fact that I’d been sleeping for five years, and the other women were still sleeping.

  “Don’t get us wrong here lass, we appreciate what you’re all doing,” the older man said to Zanika, interrupting my thoughts.

  “You’re saving our planet and healing us and all, but our women should have the choice if they want to have animals inside them surely?” he added, slightly less agitated but obviously trying to calm himself down.

  Zanika looked unsure of what to say, and that made two of us.

  Chapter 6

  There was an awkward silence that seemed to fill the meeting room we were in. Zanika spoke to the men, and her voice was soft and so full of remorse that my heart broke for her. This time, it was my hand reaching for hers trying to reassure her.

  “We are very sorry,” she told them.

  We could all hear the total sincerity in her voice.

  “We have only wanted to save you all and your planet. We thought we were doing the right thing by letting your women sleep while helping us,” she added.

  “Our women should not only be able to choose to help to save our planet, but they also need to be with their families while they do it Zanika,” James told her kindly.

  He locked eyes with me again, taking my breath away.

  “Their men and their children need them,” he added.

  It was as if he was talking directly to my aching heart.

  “Do I have children?” I asked him, quietly from across the table, as tears started running down my cheeks.

  James nodded his head with his eyes never leaving mine. He held up his hand indicating four.

  “I dreamt of you all,” I told him softly.

  Zanika rose gracefully from her seat.

  “I will go and speak with Christik also. We will all talk again very soon; please relax here. You will be taken to your rooms very soon,” she told them.

  She then turned to me.

  “Elita, I will take you and your husband back to your room while I talk with Christik and Harrik,” she said, as she moved away from the table.

  James and I rose from our seats too, both of us eager to be alone. Zanika and I dipped our heads to the men and began to leave with James. I seemed to be picking up the angels’ ways already, and it made me smile to myself.

  As we left the room, James slipped his hand in mine, and it felt so familiar and good. It made my heart race, and I was sure he felt it too.

  “Your name is Melanie by the way, not Elita,” he said quietly, “My Mel!” he added, and he gave my hand a gentle squeeze.

  Zanika was kind enough to point out the various rooms to James as we traveled back down the corridor to my room. He seemed genuinely impressed with what the angels were doing.

  “They take this all very seriously don’t they,” he said with a smile.

  “They sure do,” I replied, returning his beautiful sexy smile.

  We soon arrived at my room, and Zanika said farewell to us, telling us she would return for us shortly after talking with Christik and the others.

  Still holding hands, I led James into my room. As we entered, I noticed fresh food and drinks on the small table. Also, on the bed was a fresh tunic and trousers for James. ‘The angels really didn’t miss a beat when it came to details,’ I thought to myself.

  “Would you like to eat before you freshen up?” I asked.

  “That would be awesome; it’s been quite a day and a long trek to get here, and I’m starving,” He replied with a grin.

  He hadn’t let go of my hand, so I led him to the small table and chairs. As we sat down, I could feel my body starting to relax.<
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  “Is this craft the same as the holding structure you were in?” I asked.

  “No, it’s very different,” he answered.

  Then he explained that everything was different apart from a few things. Apparently, at the holding structure, they had a beautiful circular courtyard in the center of the structure with tables and seating. It was filled with colorful plants and flowers, and it was all open, so everyone could socialize together. They felt that the angels wanted to encourage the feeling of community between them all, and it seemed to be working from what James said.

  “I’ll go and get freshened up,” he said as we finished our food.

  He stood up and walked towards the bathroom. Picking up the fruit juice from the table, I took a sip, and my eyes roamed the room. His fresh clothes were still on the bed; he’d forgotten to grab them before he went into the bathroom. So, I picked them up and made my way to the bathroom, and when I got there, James was already showering. I stopped dead in my tracks. My breath hitched in my chest, and my pulse began to race.

  My husband was magnificent! I couldn’t help but take in the sight of the water running down his handsome, rugged face and muscular body. Before I knew what I was doing, I dropped his clothes on the floor. As he turned and faced me, I slipped my gown off my shoulders, letting it slide down my body to the bathroom floor.

  He gave me the sexiest smile I’d ever seen and reached out his hand to me. I walked towards him feeling suddenly nervous but excited, and I took his hand in mine. By my next breath, I was already in his arms with the warm water cascading over us.

  Our bodies melted together like they belonged; the heat from his skin warmed me through to my soul. He felt so perfect. He felt like he was mine. His hands cupped my face drawing my hungry lips to his, and he tasted like he was mine too.


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