Earth's Angels: The Earth's Angels Trilogy

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Earth's Angels: The Earth's Angels Trilogy Page 7

by Beth Worsdell

  As we deepened the kiss, his tongue teasing mine, his hands caressed down my back sending a shiver down my spine. Moving further down, James’s hands smoothed over my backside and then cupping it, he lifted me up. I curled my legs around his body melting into him.

  His hard arousal entered me slowly, and he gasped at my tightness. My hard nipples brushed against his muscular hairy chest, his hairs adding to my sensitivity. Slowly, he raised and lowered me with his hardness gliding in and out with ease.

  With each entry, my climax built, and James’s hands were gripping my buttocks harder as he got closer too. Before long, my orgasm exploded inside me, and as my body tightened around his hard-throbbing arousal, his orgasm peaked.

  He groaned loudly at his release, his hands drawing me closer against his body. He held me as I kissed his neck softly, running my fingers through the wet hair at the nape of his neck.

  We made love again there in the shower reminding each other of our love. It was perfect, and because I still had no proper memories of our life together, it was like the first time for me.

  About an hour later, we were clean, dressed and lying on the bed facing each other and talking quietly.

  “I don’t have any memories of our life together or our children James,” I said.

  Tears sprung to my eyes as I said the words and felt the loss.

  “Please tell me about our children. I don’t want to feel like a stranger when I meet them,” I told him.

  “They are just like you,” he said, smiling at me with love.

  “They have your thick hair and your beautiful eyes, your strength and your compassion. Plus, their dad’s awesome sense of humor,” he continued.

  I couldn’t help but giggle at the cheeky face he made.

  “Our twins Harrison and Abigail are fourteen years old now,” he said, “Holly is nineteen, and Anthony is twenty years old now.”

  “I’ve missed so much of them growing up; years and moments I’m never going to get back,” I told him, again feeling a huge loss.

  James began to softly and reassuringly run his hand down the side of my body.

  “Are they all okay?” I asked, “I don’t remember anything of what happened before the angels got here. Although the angels did show me how Earth was dying.”

  James looked deeply into my eyes and took a deep slow breath to calm his emotions. I’d asked him, but suddenly I wasn’t sure if I wanted to know or remember. What the angels had shown me had been bad enough.

  “The kids are great, but things were extremely bad baby. Just before the angels arrived, about eighty percent of the human population had died already,” he said. “Some through starvation, others through dehydration or worse. People were trying to drink whatever water they could find, and others died through some really nasty diseases. I’d never seen anything like it. Towards the end, many died from fighting over what little was left. There were so many committing suicides because they didn’t want to suffer anymore, or because they’d already lost their loved ones,” he explained.

  He stopped, and tears started to slowly run down his face. The pain and emotion were written all over his expression.

  “I think all our family is dead Mel, and our planet was all but dead with barely any animals left. There was no drinkable water and no food supplies left,” he said. “We were on the verge of ending things as a family ourselves. We didn’t want the kids suffering, but it had already gone too far.

  I think we’d all just fallen into an exhausted sleep. When the kids and I woke up, you were gone. We found ourselves in a hospital room being looked after by the angels,” he added, with sadness in his voice.

  James had obviously nothing but gratitude towards the angels for saving our children and us.

  “When I asked where you were, they told me you were alive and healed,” he explained. “They did explain that you and the other women were helping them with the animals. I understood how important that was, but it didn’t make it easier being without you.”

  The angels had obviously kept the details to a minimum, not really understanding that humans needed as much information as possible. James and the kids had clearly understood just how important it was for the angels to replenish the animal kingdom. I listened patiently as James continued.

  He explained that they and the other children and men had come to terms with their women not being there. They knew it was for the greater good and knew it wouldn’t be forever.

  However, after years of trying to be patient, their patience had begun to run thin. Especially with so little information and no proof of the explanation they’d been given. They’d been repeatedly asking for their women and had been told repeatedly the same thing.

  Until one day, when the angels changed over again, and a few new ones appeared at the holding structure with the replacement shift. Just as James was about to tell me more, I heard Zanika’s voice from the archway entrance to my room.

  “Can I enter Elita,” she asked.

  James and I quickly rose from the bed, “Of course,” I replied, smoothing down my dress.

  We walked towards the entryway, and Zanika entered my room. She dipped her head at us both and took my hand in hers.

  “We are going to need your help, Elita,” she stated softly. “We want you all to be happy, with what we are doing,” she added “However, we do not have your human social skills. Will you help us to resolve the issues that have arisen, so that we may move forward in our goals?” Zanika asked.

  “Yes, of course, I will,” I replied, “And by the way, apparently my true name is Mel,” I added with a huge smile.

  “That is a beautiful name,” she said “We can tell the others now. We are to meet them, with the other men in the larger meeting room,” she added.

  We left my room and made our way down the pearlescent corridor towards the control room. James was holding my hand once more. It was as if he was afraid to lose me again. I gave his hand a gentle squeeze,

  “You’re not going to lose me again you know,” I said softly.

  “I’m not taking any chances,” he replied in a hushed voice full of emotion.

  Zanika broke the emotional tension between us.

  “Everyone is looking forward to hearing more James,” she said, “We very much want to hear why you were told we were torturing your females. We are very distressed by this new information. We would like to find the angels who told you these untruths,” she added.

  “Yes, I’d like to know why they lied to us too. We’ve all been through hell and back, all believing the worst, imagining our women were screaming for us in pain,” he told her.

  James was subconsciously tightening his grip on my hand as his emotions became stronger. I stroked his arm reassuringly, reminding him that I was there with him. I knew it worked. I could tell by the shy smile he gave me that he was getting his emotions in check.

  In next to no time, we arrived at the control room. It was interesting to watch James’s expression when he looked around the massive room, with all the angels busy working at their consoles. Like me, he seemed in awe of his surroundings. Especially when he looked out of the huge glass window and saw the ocean outside, with the big rig structures in the distance.

  When I followed his gaze, I noticed that the once destroyed rig craft was now as good as new and working again. It was amazing how quickly the angels worked their special kind of magic.

  Zanika led us through the control room to the meeting room beyond. Harrik, Christik and their colleagues were already waiting for us inside, and so were all the other men who’d come with James from the holding craft.

  The tension that I’d felt coming from the men before at our first meeting was now minimal, thank goodness. I was so relieved that I hadn’t realized how nervous I’d grown on our way to meet them. The room had been prepared for us with the smaller table now replaced with a larger and longer one with enough chairs for everyone.

  On the table was an impressive assortment of foods; some wer
e familiar, and others weren’t. There was quite a feast with an assortment of fresh vegetables and fruits. Plus, there were plenty of fruit juices and fresh coffee for all.

  The men still seemed to feel out of place; all stood in their own little group talking quietly while the angels, relaxed and intrigued, watched them from a short distance away.

  We dipped our heads in welcome to the angels and men, then took seats together around the long table. James didn’t leave my side and appeared very at ease with Harrik sitting next to him. The men, on the other hand, all sat together, forcing the angels to do the same.

  There was a definite ‘them and us’ situation going on. I hoped that the situation would remedy itself with time and that the men would eventually have the sort of relationship that I had with the angels.

  “Welcome humans of Earth; my name is Christik,” Christik greeted warmly, “We are pleased with your visit, even though it was initially for negative reasons,” she said, not unkindly. “We hope we can turn that negative into something positive together as we still have much work to do here to save your planet.”

  The men nodded at her greeting but didn’t say anything, so she continued.

  “Zanika and Harrik have told us all about your initial meeting. It is worrying for us that our own kind would lie to you about your women. Our race never lies; it is not in our nature,” she told them.

  “I would like you to meet Livik, Jakiz and Hulaz,” she said, gesturing to the other angels who were sitting at the table.

  The angels all dipped their heads in respect to the anxious-looking men.

  “You have already met Zanika and Harrik, and of course Elita, known also as Mel,” she said, smiling at me warmly.

  I really liked Christik as she was so honest and direct. Christik continued as the nervous men looked on.

  “We are going to make some positive changes today. We want you to see how much we are dedicated to saving your race and your planet,” Christik told them as she looked into all of their faces.

  “Before we do, however, we need to find the angels who lied to you,” she stated. “We believe they may be responsible for the explosions on our ocean cleaning craft, and the great suffering of our race, who were on it at the time,” she said sadly.

  Harrik sat forward and spoke to the men.

  “Would you be willing to help us find the Fallen ones? They pose a real threat to our work together and the survival of you all,” he stated.

  The men glanced at each other as though communicating with thought, which, of course, they couldn’t. So, I assumed it must have been an acknowledgement of something they’d agreed between themselves earlier. It was the oldest man who spoke for the group.

  “Yes, we will help you find them,” he said with conviction. “We want to help save our planet too, and now we have the chance to do it,” he added.

  The angels dipped their heads in agreement, and Hulaz stood up from her seat. When she raised her palm towards the middle of the table, I knew we were going to see something. Her hand glowed with the bright, white light, and an image began to appear in front of us all. It was the holding structure where the men had come from.

  I could see angels working outside of it, unloading supplies of food and other essentials, such as clothes and bathroom items. They were using their power to elevate and move the items from a small land craft and into the building. The image zoomed in on one of the angel’s faces.

  “We will show you all the angels who have helped you and your new community. Please tell us which of them lied to you,” Christik asked.

  “We will,” James told her.

  He gently squeezed my hand and gave a nod to the other men around the table.

  “No, he’s not one of them,” he told her, as the image zoomed in on the angel’s face.

  The image moved to another angel and another.

  “No, No,” The men stated as the images changed.

  It was just like a space-age mugshot display or line up, and after about ten minutes, James suddenly stood from his chair.

  “Yes, she is one of them,” he almost shouted.

  The image showed a female angel. She had the same markings as Zanika, but as we all looked on, the image glowed brightly. Abruptly, the diamonds on her markings turned a dark grey almost black, and her long red hair turned to a dark silvery grey, as did the shimmer of her skin.

  “She has been marked for removal; only we can see the changes for now,” Harrik told us. “We still need to find the others.”

  James sat back down, and the images continued. Every time one of the men recognized one of the liars, Christik would mark them in the same way, turning their colors into dark grey.

  There were six of them in total, and I could sense the anxiety emanating from the angels in the room. James started to gently stroke his thumb over my hand. I think he felt it too.

  “Why would they lie to my people,” I asked the angels. “I just don’t understand what reason could be behind this,” I added.

  Christik looked at me with worry all over her beautiful face.

  “We do not understand it either Elita, sorry Mel,” she said. “We are a peaceful healing race; it is what we do. It is what we have always done,” she continued. “It is not in our nature to deceive or have ill intentions towards another race or each other.”

  “We are very confused,” Hulaz added.

  “We will find out Elita, do not worry. Now we know who they are, let us eat, and then we all have work to do together,” Christik said to everyone in the room.

  The atmosphere in the room had changed dramatically while we all ate and drank together. The angels asked the men questions such as “How do you like the holding structure? “How did you survive so long before we arrived?” and so on.

  The men answered warmly, and I think the conversations were breaking the ice and the barriers between them. James and the men asked the angels questions too. They were genuinely interested in what the angels were doing and what they’d accomplished so far. They couldn’t help but be impressed like I was. I also noticed a sense of determination coming from the men, including James.

  As I watched them all, I thought to myself that I shouldn’t really be surprised. These men, these survivors had witnessed famine, drought and disease as well as fighting and the deaths of humans, animals and vegetation.

  It just showed how resilient we were as a race. I felt so much pride forming in my chest, I thought I might burst as I sat there at the table with my fellow humans and the angels.

  After we’d all finished our meal and the last piece was eaten, Christik took that as her cue. Rising from her seat, she addressed us all.

  “I believe we are forming a wonderful friendship with you all. We would like you to feel welcomed by all, and we want you to trust us,” Christik said. “So, moving forward, we would like you all to work alongside us to help us achieve our goals, and we will start right now,” she added with a lovely smile.

  The angels rose from their seats and began to glide towards the exit, the men smiling at each other with, I think, excitement followed suit.

  We walked back through the control room, and as we passed the angels working, the angels greeted the men with smiles and dipped heads of respect. It was as if they all knew what had been said and were happy to be all working together. I wondered if the angels were just as curious about us as we were about them.

  As we walked into the corridor, the oldest man came alongside James and I and introduced himself.

  “I’m Derek ma’am,” he said, with a very thick Scottish accent.

  He had greying hair and a kind, slightly lined face with lots of character. That gave me the impression he’d seen and experienced a lot, even before the end of our world started to happen.

  “I wanted to say how much me, and the lads appreciate what you’re doing lass,” he said.

  “You’re very welcome,” I replied, giving him my best smile. “I’m starting to think that my waking up was fate,” I told

  “Aye lass, you could be on to something there,” he responded with a chuckle.

  I liked him instantly! As we walked down the long corridor, I soon realized that the men had already been told what the rooms were and for what. I could hear them asking the angels questions such as, “So what temperature do you keep the new plants at?” and “Do you have seeds and stuff just from our country or from other countries too?”

  They’d obviously had time to process the information they’d already received and wanted to know more. I was starting to think it really was the beginning of a beautiful friendship between the angels and us.

  When we finally stopped, we were outside the cavernous room where I’d woken from my long sleep.

  Chapter 7

  At the archway entrance to the sleeping room, Christik moved to the front of everyone in our group and she spoke in her calm demeanor.

  “This is the room where all your women are. Please do not be alarmed by the machines; they are feeding your women, keeping them healthy and in a peaceful sleep,” she explained kindly.

  As soon as she said the words, I could almost hear the men’s pounding hearts around me, beating and thumping in their chests as their excitement and trepidation grew.

  “We will find your women one by one, and we will wake them for you,” she told them. “I must warn you that many of your women may not have their memories for a time, unfortunately, like Elita.”

  I think we all felt their disappointment at that point.

  “Please don’t be upset everyone. I started to dream about James and our children straight away,” I said reassuringly.

  I looked at my husband and smiled at him, our connection feeling stronger with every hour we spent together.

  Christik continued addressing the anxious group.

  “We will walk through the room together. When you recognize your female, please tell us,” she told them.


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