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Killswitch Chronicles- The Complete Anthology

Page 91

by G. R. Carter

  Confusion froze everyone, until a third geyser hit between Lamar’s boat and the one just in front. The water drenched everyone, waking Pina from her stupor. Suddenly the realization sunk in of what he was seeing. “Drones! They found us!”

  Shock drenched Pina’s face like the water that roused her awake. Thaddeus sprung to action, hitting the ignition on an outboard motor used only in emergency situations. “We got to git to them trees!” he shouted. Half the Creek boats had such propulsion, the other half had been salvaged for just this trip, able to use the currents and oars to reach their destination. He spun the boat around, headed for those trapped in drifting craft. Lamar understood his actions and leapt to the stern, untying a tow rope from an eye loop mounted to the back. He tossed it to the first boat they reached, and Thaddeus gunned the motor, nearly causing the Creek man holding the rope to lose his balance. But strong hands held tight, and together they made the starboard shoreline.

  As the rescued boat used the momentum to beach in the mud, the passengers jumped into the shallow water and fled into the trees. Thaddeus returned to the middle of the river, and Lamar repeated the toss to the next group. A great geyser sprung up just behind the craft. In an instant, Lamar could see everything on the floor of the boat they meant to rescue as it flipped into the air, perpendicular to the water. Terror was on the occupant’s faces as they pitched towards him.

  He flung himself onto the floor of their boat as the other crashed on top. Wood and metal popped and groaned as the two vessels destroyed one another in a crash. Water splashed around Lamar’s face, briefly recalling the terrifying night in the creek. As the boat rocked and settled he could feel it slowing spinning in the river’s current. He felt and heard other splashes, and suddenly the whole heap of wreckage that entangled him flipped over. He rolled inside and then felt himself flying through the air until once again he was in water.

  Now free from the twisted and sinking boat, he tried to regain his head. He was gasping from water invading his mouth and nostrils. He puffed quickly, trying to blow the bitterly cold liquid out of his body. Looking around, he could see overturned boats and bodies floating in the river. A piece of debris meandered nearby, an old plastic cooler chest brought along to keep their drinking water. He quickly grabbed on and steadied himself, trying to regain his breath and his composure.

  “Thaddeus! Pina!” he cried aloud. No answer came. Searching the wreckage with his eyes, he finally found what had been his boat, and his heart sank at the sight. Denim britches, made bright blue by the cold river water, stuck out from the ruined vessel. He recognized the garment and knew his guide and protector was gone.

  As if to apply insult to injury, a final blast obliterated all that was left of the boat, throwing bits and pieces high into the air in the water spout. Watching helplessly, Pina’s broken body floated to the top face down and bobbing in the debris strewn waves. A drone a bit larger than the one he remembered from before hovered over the area where Pina’s body floated. Seemingly satisfied with its work, it suddenly shot up skyward and out of site.

  Lamar wept, trying to make sense of the sudden violence. I thought we were free of the Cogs. Lord, why? What is Your purpose in letting this happen? They kill their own people along with the innocent, yet still they prosper?

  He tried to push the doubt out of his mind. He really believed there had always been a greater purpose to what the Congregation suffered through. Here floating in this river, once more surrounded by the remains of those he cared about, ones who counted on him to be a protector, he searched for that purpose.

  “I’m tired of running,” he said to himself, aloud as if to reinforce the point. “Running only gets you shot in the back. We’ve been running ever since we left DC.” His voice grew louder and more confident. “We’re gonna make it to the land between the rivers. The New Zion. We’re gonna team up with those Red Hawks. God gave Mama the dream, and now it’s been passed to me. We’ll tell the Red Hawks everything we know about these demons we faced. Tell them about the storm that’s heading their way! We’re gonna help those people survive Lord!”

  He was still preaching to himself as Roy floated up in a boat miraculously intact after the attack. Cousin Tyrone was next to him looking concerned at the sight of his hero alive but in tears. Lamar’s own spirits lifted with the sight of the young man’s face. We still survive he assured himself, and the Congregation lives. A large hand reached down to grasp his and Roy’s relieved face managed a grim smile.

  Lamar returned the smile and gave a solemn nod. “Gonna get us some help Cousin Roy. Team up with folks who can fight those demons. Then we’re coming back here. Lord help me keep my word, we are coming back!”

  Epilogue: A Brief History of the North American Caliphate

  Written by scholar Abu Nasr Al-Farabi

  Year 11 A.M.R. (After Mahdi Returned)

  From the archives in New Mecca

  As-Salamu `alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh. In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messengers. Dear brother in Islam, we commend your keenness on getting yourself well-acquainted with Islam and its teachings, and we implore Allah Almighty to help us serve His cause and render our work for His Sake.


  Now all who have ears to hear, and tongues to speak, and souls to comprehend, I command you to believe these words and know that Allah is great and through his prophet warriors our victory over the infidels will be complete. God truly is great!

  Before darkness fell across the world, and while Satan used all of his tricks to bring the rot of Western culture into our homes, our great imams understood the signs given by God when the night skies began to bring rivers of light. Our teachers understood even then that the Mahdi would soon return. These great leaders warned Allah’s people that a time of strife would follow unlike any other they had experienced. Such is the gift Allah gave us, alerting the true believers to be prepared, to be tested and ever watchful.

  Then, when earthly preparations were complete, Allah took the magic powers of life and bonds of slavery away from the Great Satan, and sent the American dogs to their cold and hungry deaths. Without their electricity, they fell prey to the demons which stalk at midnight. Without their decadent stores, they starved while whimpering for mercy. Without their mind altering drugs, they fell to insanity and turned on one another with rage.

  Unlike the heathen, His chosen people were forged like iron in the darkness. Unlike the ungrateful infidels who occupied this land before us, Allah’s elect had strength to survive the hunger and strife, being humbled by years of struggle, with eyes fixed up the true prize of Paradise at the end of this life.

  When Allah brought darkness upon the land, the American weaklings died in droves, slaves cut off from their government teat and unable to provide for themselves. But the holy mosques of Allah rallied the faithful to join together and live humbly. Years of preparation yielded a time of survival. Brothers gathered their possessions to serve each other.

  How many brave warriors were martyred in those turbulent battles after the darkness fell! Godless hordes broke themselves on our holy walls, trying to strip bare any scrap of food or shelter they could take. Brothers selflessly threw themselves against the foe, knowing that the Paradise of Martyrs awaited their arrival.

  Our women, unlike the American whores, understood their greatest gift to Allah is giving birth to holy warriors of Jihad. And unlike those godless sluts who sought to pervert our faith and turn our youths to the rotten culture surrounding them, mothers and daughters of Islam kept the homes of Allah’s warriors pure and full of new life. Our brave martyrs were mourned here on this earth, but Allah, most holy of names, gave them sons and nephews to take their place to protect God’s people.

  Allah be praised, the great failing of America became the cleansing necessary for his holy people to occupy this land. Before darkness fell over the world, many
of our people dared to wonder what purpose Allah had to bring our ancestors to this wicked place so many years before. Brothers, you must be strong and know that the one true God has a plan for all! Now perseverance in this hostile land leads us to our greater calling.

  For we now prepare the vast expanse of fertile fields, fresh waters and abundant resources to receive He who is promised. Allah’s children will never know hunger or strife again. We may worship as we chose here in a land of plenty, Allah be praised!

  But it was not always so. I spoke of the great battles and strife in the first days after the darkness fell and oh how our faith was tested! The American soldiers and police attacked without mercy, not to defend their country or their false faith, but to steal what goods Allah had stored for his people in his holy mosques!

  Within twenty five sunsets after the darkness, Al-Qazwini Center was nearly over run, saved by the hand of God when several hundred holy warriors and their families arrived from their homes in Al-Hamtramck to join with their brothers. The mighty warriors slay one hundred infidel soldiers and police, and took their General as prisoner. Oh how that dog begged for death during his purification! To gain death, he released all the details about his fort and why his satanic weapons no longer worked against Allah’s warriors.

  Then our holy leader, Imam Adiyy ibn Hatim said to the faithful, “God has taken from the wicked the ability to strike at us from their hiding spots. Let us go now and cleanse all evil from this land, and take this city as our own. For it is right to destroy the unbelievers, and God gives us what we need to survive!”

  So the next day, under banners of every family and tribe representing the true believers in Islam, our glorious Jihad began. Imagine the look on the faces of the wicked when God’s holy warriors stood at their walls! The banners flew strong in the breeze, and shouts of “Allahu akbar” thundering in the concrete canyons where they stood.

  Satan’s weapons did not work against us as they had in our homelands all those years before. For nothing worked besides that which the true God gave us through the holy work of Kalashnikov the Elder. Our weapons shot straight and true, and where the infidels stood strong we burned them out. Praise be to Allah; the wicked ones received a taste of the flames they faced in damnation!

  Now when the remainder of the Great Satan’s military and police had been purged from our city, God’s holy people rested for one week. During the week great feasts were held, and each man martyred during the strife received a place of honor at the head table for their family. There they received the great joy of spending time seated next to our Imam Adiyy ibn Hatim. Pain of the mourners passed as stories of heroic deeds and assurances of their loved one’s trip to Paradise were told. No young man missed the opportunity to hear each word and dream of the day he might make his own sacrifice.

  Now at the end of the Sabbath week Imam Adiyy ibn Hatim gathered all the people into the stadium. He stood in front of the host, his voice projecting as though he was the Prophet himself, peace be upon his name. Total silence greeted his words, as all were eager to hear his wisdom.

  “I declare this land to be the New Levant,” Imam Samatar instructed. “From here we shall build a new earthly realm, to help others learn the truth of the words of the Prophet. Those who were misled by the Roman infidels should be given a chance to see the true heart of Isa, the Son of Mary, and know that we prepare for the return of Kalimet Allah.” Heartfelt cheers followed our Imam’s words, many were moved to tears by the clear stream of truth flowing from his mouth.

  “But hear me now brothers. All must accept the one God, Allah, or they shall not live in the New Levant. If anyone refuses, they must be treated as one of Satan’s angels and dealt with by God’s holy warriors. For I declare Jihad this day, and say that God himself intends his people to spread throughout this once wicked land! We shall cease our expansion only when God himself gives us the command to stop!”

  Brothers and sisters of the Quran, that day the mighty people of Allah danced and sang! God visited their hearts and gave them visions of where to go and defeat the nonbelievers.

  The faithful sisters of Islam, mothers and aunts of many of you reading this right now, perhaps ancestors already in Paradise, helped to rebuild the city into the shining New Mecca you visit on your pilgrimages while your fathers and uncles answered the call to Jihad. You see the stadium where Imam Samatar spoke, the site of many of the first battles and visit the holy shrine of Al-Qazwini. But you cannot know the utter joy of the call to Jihad when your ancestors had been under tyranny for so many years and under the foot of the wicked Americans.

  Now brothers, most of you know the great tales of the conquering of the land making up New Levant, but I tell you it was a true struggle at first. Outside of the decadence of the cities, smaller towns held out with bravery and cost us many warriors. Thankfully, because most survivors in the cities were without God before the darkness fell, they were quickly converted to followers, giving Imam Samater the extra men needed to conquer these smaller outposts.

  As time passed, more of these outposts fought to the death, afraid of the stories that were told about the fate of those unbelievers that fell into our hands. Now brothers, I do not tell you this to make you feel respect or admiration for these unbelievers, but so you know that underestimating your enemy is a costly mistake. And conquering through deceit and negotiation still leads to the increase of the Levant as much as the glory of the sword.

  So God granted Imam Samatar enough warriors to march east and west, gathering converts to fill the countryside, until our armies had numbers to rival the birds of the air. And God granted bountiful supplies to each warrior.

  God also granted plentiful wives who were selected from the non-believers and given a chance to convert. And Imam Samatar, peace be upon his name, instructed each warrior to take as many wives as possible to insure the future of the New Levant. Many of you fight for our Caliphate today because of the wisdom of this decision. You were raised as brothers and fight together as brothers even now. Allah be praised, most of these warrior’s wives accepted their duty, and gladly joined the households of others as their husbands fell in battle. What fruitful gifts they have given Allah!

  Even our blue eyed brothers have a place in the Caliphate now, though it was not always so. For whenever infidel strongholds did not willingly convert to the true faith, only those brown eyed boys under the age of ten were allowed to remain with the Levant. The rest were sent to their eternal damnation by the sword, for Imam Samatar said, “The blue eyed devils among this group will never accept their place in our society. And they are among the cleverest of Satan’s creatures, so they cannot be trusted even as servants. Do not accept them into your homes, but root them out as you would weeds from your garden.”

  Imam Samatar, wise and strong, made exceptions for those born to the converted wives of holy warriors, so long as each child was removed from the breast of their mother and placed in the care of elders at the holy mosques, where their education and progress could be tracked without emotion. Any sign of the devil’s work and the youth would be given a quick death. But those of you who read this now, know that Allah is merciful and has given you the chance to prove yourselves on the front line of Jihad! What joy must be in your soul to be given this gift!

  Now in this current time you enjoy the fast of 25 hours, representing the twenty five days of turmoil in New Damascus before the victory of our brave warriors. Then that is followed by the week-long celebration you now call Ramthinian, celebrating the founding of the New Levant which then led to the creation of our Caliphate.


  Brothers and sisters, I will tell you now of how we came to know that the Mahdi had revealed himself in this fertile land, held so long in the grasp of the retched nation known as America. For the Mahdi had resided here, who knows how long in the days of man, preparing the land for Allah’s holy people.

  One year after the Great Satan’s power was lifted from our backs and ou
r people were beginning to spread Jihad to new souls, a mysterious visitor made his way into our camps. All were celebrating Ashura, feasting and celebrating God’s will that we achieve victory over evil doers.

  Without a sound, our visitor appeared saying “Peace be upon you”. To his right, another holy man appeared and said “Peace be upon you”. They radiated God’s power, and they knew each of the elder’s names, which they recited. Then each elder rose and said “Who is this that knows us but we do not know them? Is this magic? Treachery of the deceiver?”

  Then our visitor revealed himself. The Mahdi had returned to us with the holy messenger Isa at his side!

  The Mahdi’s blessed face could not be described with words, such was the beauty, and his robes of red and white seemed to glisten. Isa was dressed the same way, and the peace upon his precious face shown like the sun!

  Each carried a long staff, topped with a circle. Inside rested a crescent, though nothing could be seen that connected the crescent to the staff itself. Emerald was its color and it glowed softly.

  Twenty holy warriors attended them each dressed in black. Each had a staff in their own hand, though tipped with an opening instead of the crescent. We did not know at the time what that opening was for, but all who saw knew it was a weapon. Their faces were covered with a mirror and the people said “It is God’s angels sent here to protect the Mahdi and Isa as they lead us.”

  Now brothers and sisters hear me, so that you are always on your guard against the Deceiver. Our Mahdi said, “You may call me Ar-Rahman (the Gracious) or Al-Khalik (the Creator), both of which have been forbidden to you. But that is who I am, and my brother Isa, whom some knew before as Jesus.” He pointed to the two soldiers standing at the head of the rest. These are my holy protectors, Jibril and Mika’il, who speak with my own voice in my absence. Obey them as you would me.”


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