Earl of Gold: Lords of Scandal

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Earl of Gold: Lords of Scandal Page 9

by Tammy Andresen

  But she’d always known to keep a wall between her and the world. Not to allow anyone past it. Because she had everything to lose here.

  What if a man’s intentions weren’t pure? What if he didn’t support her orphans? What if, like Clarissa said, he left her with child?

  She was getting ahead of herself. She knew it took more than a kiss to make a baby. But when he’d touched her, she’d forgotten to think, to reason, and she’d just wanted…more.

  He was dangerous, and she needed to stay far away from him. While they stayed in the same house. Drat. Without meaning to, she let out a sigh. Everyone looked at her. “Sorry,” Penny murmured.

  “We’re almost there,” Logan said. “The children can all settle in the nursery. Clarissa can go into the maid’s quarters that are attached, if that’s all right.”

  “Fine,” Clarissa murmured, waving her hand. “Any bed will do.”

  “That leaves…” He hesitated, his hand rubbing the back of his neck. “Penny.”

  Her eyes narrowed. “Are you out of beds?”

  “No.” He drew in a long breath. “It’s just the only other room that is attached to the nursery is…” his voice trailed off.

  “What?” she asked, leaning forward, Natty shifting with her.

  “The countess’ suite.”

  Her breath sucked in.

  “There are other rooms of course. But not that are attached to the—”

  “That’s fine,” she cut him off, her voice catching on the last word. So much for distance. “I’ll sleep wherever I can be near the children.”

  He gave a quick jerk of his chin and the carriage rolled on, silence falling again. Clarissa however, notched her head to the side, looking at Logan. “Is the countess’ suite connected to yours as well?”

  He straightened. “There’s a lock.”

  “On which side?” she gasped.

  “Both,” he answered holding his hands up.

  “Lord Gold—”

  “Penny,” his voice rose in volume. “Please. After what nearly happened, what could have happened, I’d like to keep all of you close.”

  There was a tremor in his voice. One she’d never heard before. It sounded vulnerable and frightened. All her worry seemed to whoosh out of her with her exhale. “All right.”

  He relaxed back into his seat. “Good.”

  Natty scrambled down from her lap and parted the curtain to look out the window as the gate swung open. “You live here?” Natty asked, her voice filled with wonder.

  “I do.” Logan reached out and stroked Natty’s hair back from her face.

  Penny’s own insides twisted at the gesture.

  “How big is your family?” Fran asked, having scrambled to look out the window too.

  “Very small,” he replied quietly.

  “So why is your house so big?” Ethel asked. She stayed in her seat with only the smallest squirm and wistful glance toward the window. Penny shifted. Ethel was the eldest of the little girls and trying so very hard to be grown up. But Ethel’s words made her stomach churn. Logan would marry someday and start a family of his own. She hated the jealousy tightening her hands into fists.

  He chuckled. “It was the only size the house came in.”

  Ethel nodded as though that made complete sense. “How long will we stay?”

  His laughter died. “Until we can find a safer home for you.”

  Penny’s own throat started to close. Because she’d been so angry, she’d thought some pretty terrible thoughts about him this evening. But the truth was, whatever his motivations had started as, they seemed pure enough to the orphans.

  He wanted to keep them all safe. When was the last time a man had stood between her and the world, shouldering the heavy burden?

  So long.

  She didn’t know how long he planned to stay, and she’d meant what she’d said about the girls needing a consistent presence in their life. But if he hadn’t been there tonight…if he hadn’t taken them in…

  Her hands twisted in her lap.

  She needed to be nicer.

  It was just that somewhere along the way, this infuriating, wonderful man had gotten under her skin.

  She’d not allowed anyone to make her angry or upset in ages. Nor had she allowed herself to feel love for another besides Clarissa and the children.

  But he was working his way into her heart.

  And that was the real reason she was angry. She shouldn’t let him. He was not going to be theirs forever. Even she knew that.

  Chapter Eleven

  Logan tossed himself into a chair near the fire in an upstairs sitting room. Penny slipped into the chair next to him, sighing as she leaned back.

  They’d spent the last hour getting his guests settled. Finally, he had all the children and Clarissa tucked into their beds, and only Penny remained.

  She still wore her dinner gown and though it was creased from all the activity, she looked breathtakingly beautiful.

  He’d like to press her palm to his lips and kiss her hand. Then her arm, perhaps her neck, ear, and cheek.

  “I’m so tired, I could just sleep in this chair.” Her head tilted to one side, her eyes fluttering closed.

  “It’s well past midnight.” He watched her breathing slow as her lips softly parted. “We should get you to bed too.”

  She waved her hand. “In a minute. I have a few things to say first.”

  His gut clenched. What did she want to say now? “Yes?”

  “Thank you,” she said as she sat up, her brown eyes opening to look into his. In this light, they appeared to have little flecks of gold. “Now that we’re here, I feel so much safer.” And she took a deep breath. “And the donations you helped secure. They are beyond…” She swished her hand in the air. “Anything I ever dreamed.”

  “Your vision is worth far more.” He wanted to reach over and take her hand. He placed his hands on his thighs to keep from reaching out to her. “We’ll keep fundraising. I’m not the most popular lord but surely I can—”

  “My lord,” the butler called from the door. “There is someone here to see you.”

  Logan’s head swiveled around. Had someone come to call with names of the perpetrators already? “Who?”

  “The Earl of Baxter,” he answered. “Should I ask him to return tomorrow? It’s rather late for visitors.”

  “I am aware of the time.” Logan sighed. He really did have the most opinionated servants in all of England. But somehow…

  How strange. He’d only just realized his staff sounded like family. Like Clarissa and Penny.

  “Did he say why he was here?”

  The butler nodded. “A business proposition that would help fund the orphanage.”

  “Send him in,” Logan said as he closed his eyes. He just wanted to watch Penny relax in her chair. But this night just wouldn’t seem to end.

  “Should I go?” Penny asked, already rising.

  “You don’t need to.” He rose too, stepping closer to her. “If it’s about the orphanage you should be here.”

  “When it comes to money, I trust you implicitly. You are the Earl of Gold.”

  “Stay for a bit.” He needed her to trust him with more than just money. He might want her to trust him with everything. His gut clenched. Where were these thoughts coming from? It didn’t matter now. What did seem important was regaining her trust. And the only way to do that was to have no more secrets.

  She nodded as the butler showed another man into the room. He was tall, and broad, and terribly handsome with dark wavy hair and a flashing smile.

  Logan had heard of the man, of course. He was one of the few earls who had a worse reputation than Logan. Earl of Bastards they called him. Unlike most earls, the man hadn’t inherited his title but earned it from valor on the battlefield.

  Logan had never heard why he was called the Earl of Bastards. Was it because he’d been a cutthroat soldier or was his parentage in question? Still, the man had been successful and,
unlike Logan, seemed to move through society with relative ease.

  Save the rumors, of course.

  The man’s dark eyes seemed to assess Penny in an instant and jealousy once again rose like the tide inside Logan.

  “Miss Walters, I presume.” A grin flashed across the other man’s face. “It’s a pleasure.”

  Penny silently dipped into a curtsey. “My lord.”

  “It’s a very late hour to call.” Logan rumbled, taking two steps forward that put him between this man and Penny.

  “Apologies, Goldthwaite.” The man inclined his head. “My brother said it was urgent.”

  “Brother?” He’d not heard of the man before.

  “The Duke of Devonhall.” Baxter said moving closer. “You met him this evening, I believe.”

  Logan’s eyes widened. How could Devonhall and Baxter be brothers? But the resemblance was there. Their eyes, the nose. The grace with which both men moved. “I didn’t know.”

  “Not many do,” Baxter answered. “May I sit? I’ve a great deal to say and not a lot of time.” Then he turned to Penny. “Some of what I have to share is for Goldthwaite’s ears only. I hope you don’t mind. I’d love to make your acquaintance some other time.”

  Penny moved closer, Logan felt her body draw closer. The energy about him always shifted when she was near. Then her hand lightly touched his shoulder. But the touch warmed him. He wished to turn and capture those fingers in his, pressing them to his lips.

  “Lord Goldthwaite?” Penny asked a silent question but one he understood. She wanted to know what he wished for her to do.

  “It’s all right.” He looked back at her with a smile. Concern colored her face and he wanted to hold her for caring. “Mr. Winters can get you anything else you need.”

  “Good night.” Then she nodded to Baxter on her way out the door.

  Logan watched her go.

  “Lovely girl,” Baxter said, turning back to Logan. “You’re very lucky.”

  What did he say to that? Baxter’s words implied that Penny was his. He supposed it would seem that way, with Penny under his roof and the hour so late. Much as he wanted Baxter to think Penny was under his protection, he also wanted to guard her reputation. “I’d appreciate it if you’d keep her visit here to yourself. Someone attempted to light her orphanage on fire this evening and—”

  “You’re serious?”

  “I’m afraid so. Local thugs as far as I can tell, though they’ve been annoyingly persistent. I’m beginning to worry there is a larger force at work.” He rubbed his head, hating where his thoughts had taken him. “Do you know Blackwater at all?”

  “I do. I know you had an altercation this evening, but he wouldn’t stoop that low. He’s a good man.” Baxter crossed to the chair that Penny had just vacated. “You’ve obviously had a trying evening. Let me get down to business. First, I’ll match the donation to the orphanage. I plan to be a less active owner of the club so I feel I should contribute.”

  “All right.”

  “But I’d like you to reconsider joining our venture in the Den of Sins.”

  Logan should have known. “I’m sorry, but as I told Daring, the answer is no.”

  Penny clapped her hands over her mouth to keep from gasping then wondered if they’d heard the sound of her gloves smacking against her flesh.

  But the conversation continued.

  She knew she shouldn’t be listening but as she’d walked away, she’d realized they were discussing…well…her. Then they turned the conversation over to the club and she’d distinctly heard Logan say that he wasn’t taking part in the Den of Sins and something soft and warm melted inside her.

  Because he was most definitely still helping them.

  And not getting a thing in return.

  She was sorry she’d been so angry and so grateful that he’d brought them here where they were safe.

  She leaned against the wall as the conversation continued.

  “Why?” Baxter asked. “It’s a fabulous opportunity. You know it.”

  “I do. But I also know that I don’t need it. And furthermore, helping Miss Walters is far more important than any business endeavor. I’ve made my final decision.”

  Tears stung at her eyes and she had to blink several times to clear them. He was giving up gaining more money to focus his energy and time on her cause.

  Baxter was silent for a moment. “I’m going to level with you. We know that you have the golden touch…”

  Penny inhaled a sharp breath, steeling herself for Logan’s response given he loathed the nickname. That much was evident earlier this evening during dinner.

  “And?” Logan’s voice could have frozen the Thames.

  “Blackwater will come around. The rest of us believe you are a vital element to the success of the venture,” Lord Baxter said. “We’re willing to reflect that need in your share of the business.”

  It was Logan’s turn to stop speaking. The silence stretched for so long that Penny found herself standing on tiptoe, leaning closer to the door. She nearly forgot to breathe as her hands clasped together.

  “I don’t have a reputation for playing nice with others,” he said finally.

  Penny shook her head. Yes, sometimes he blew in like a storm and occasionally he pummeled men in the street. But he stood up for what was right, and he protected children and… She covered her mouth again to keep from speaking when she wasn’t even supposed to be listening.

  Why was she listening? She shouldn’t and it wasn’t like her, but from outside the door, Logan was coming into focus. And he was the man she’d hoped he’d be.

  Baxter chuckled. “My reputation is far worse than yours. I know what Blackwater’s brother was like, the first heir apparent. I caught his wrath at Eton and I had a brother who was a duke in my corner. I’m going to trust you to try your best to make nice with the new Baron of Blackwater. He’s nothing like his brother was…he’s just…feeling guilty.”

  He scrunched his brow. What did that mean? Penny tamped down the urge to find out. It didn’t matter.

  Logan let out a grumble. “I’ve made my decision. I’ve got rooms upstairs filled with orphans who need a home.”

  Tears once again filled her eyes. Her cheek pressed against the wall, cool under her heating skin.

  “I might have a solution for that. There is a building near Mayfair that is available.”

  This time she couldn’t hold in her gasp. Mayfair? Her orphans would be so much safer and happier in such a place. Penny hadn’t realized she’d closed her eyes until someone touched her arm. Then they snapped back open.

  Logan stood before her, his eyebrows raised.

  “I’m so sorry,” she whispered. “I didn’t mean to. I just…”

  “We’ll talk later,” he replied. “Upstairs with you. Second door on the left.”

  She nodded. She knew the room. It was the one connected to the nursery.

  Her gut clenched. He now had every right to be angry with her. She’d eavesdropped on a conversation and…she sighed. And learned that he wasn’t the Earl of Gold because all he cared about was money.

  In fact, if she were to guess, his heart was made of pure gold.

  Chapter Twelve

  Logan returned to the room, barely containing a smile. Somehow, it made him feel better to know that she wasn’t absolutely perfect.

  That did not mean that she wasn’t perfect for him.

  She made him softer. Hell, she made him a better man.

  With startling realization, Logan discovered that he liked himself more than he had…ever.

  Thoughts of his father ricocheted through his mind. His father hadn’t been overly cruel. He’d just hurt Logan, first with indifference. The subtle snub of always being second to gambling. As a child, it had hurt deeply. And then later, the outright abandonment of being left behind as his father had been carted off to prison.

  No one had ever cared about him.

  What if he’d had a Penny as a younger boy
? How different would he be today?

  But now was not the time for such thoughts.

  He turned back into the room to face the Earl of Baxter.

  “Problem?” Baxter smirked as he leaned back in his chair.

  “No,” Logan answered, taking his seat again. “Where were we?”

  “I was telling you I had an exclusive lead on a property in Mayfair.”

  Logan gave a small smile. “A lead I surely couldn’t replicate?” He knew very well he could. And Baxter knew it too.

  That was part of what made him the Earl of Gold.

  The other man narrowed his gaze. “You’re annoyingly good at this.”

  Logan smiled at that. “A conundrum to be certain. It’s the very reason you want me within the club and yet—”

  “It makes it difficult to recruit you.” Baxter leaned forward his lips pulling into a devilish smile. “But I have an even more tempting offer.”

  Baxter shifted his shoulders and Logan caught sight of a golden emblem pinned to his lapel. It gleamed in the firelight. A single, shiny W winking back.

  Logan had seen them before, but he had no idea what the emblem actually signified.

  “Do you like it?” Baxter noticed his glance and pulled out his lapel for Logan to get a closer look.

  “It’s wonderful,” Logan said flatly. Baxter was deflecting. He wasn’t having any of it.

  “Only members wear this pin. It’s the insignia of our very exclusive club.” Baxter’s grinned widened. “I’ve just been appointed the new leader.”

  Logan’s brows went up. He shouldn’t ask. The man was laying a trap and Logan was about to step in it. “What sort of club?”

  “The kind that would give you direct access to London’s most elite men.” Baxter wiggled his brows.

  “Whites?” Logan asked.

  “Mundane,” Baxter waved a hand. “I said exclusive, remember?”

  More exclusive than White’s? “What’s it even called? Have I heard of it?”

  “We’re secret,” Baxter lowered his voice. “It’s called, and you must promise to keep this to yourself, the Wicked Earls’ Club.”

  Logan sucked in his breath.


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