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Deja Vu

Page 7

by Samantha Gentry

  A new thought clouded her mind. Where was this headed? She knew in an instant where she wanted their spontaneous encounter to lead. But there was nothing practical about that thought. She didn’t know anything about Gable Talbot other than the fact that he made her pulse race and her heart pound. Finding out who he was topped her list and until she knew, she couldn’t allow herself to become physically involved with him.

  It took her a moment to get her bearings as she looked around. It was like leaving the 1920s and being transported to the here and now in the blink of an eye. All the furnishings and decoration were contemporary including the flat panel high definition television.

  “This is certainly an interesting contrast...” Her words stilled in her throat as his gaze locked on hers in an intense moment of eye contact. It took all her self-control to keep from touching her fingers to her lips as the lingering excitement of his kiss rippled through her body.

  She finally managed to force out some words, her voice not as firm as she would have liked. “Uh...did you make these changes or did you buy it this way? Was the mansion fully furnished including this modern apartment?”

  “I haven’t done anything to the mansion since I purchased the island. To the best of my knowledge, all the furnishings are original from the time the mansion was built except for the third floor. The previous owner renovated this floor and his family used it as their vacation home while preserving the first and second floors in their original state. I do intend to install an elevator so guests won’t need to deal with the staircase unless they want to.”

  A tremor of anxiety made its way through Lexi’s body, replacing the sensual reflections of the kiss. She had just caught Gable in an absolute lie. She had recently been shopping for a new television and recognized the one in the common area of the third floor. That particular model of flat panel high definition television was first manufactured only two years ago and Gable had owned the island more than four years. It couldn’t possibly have been purchased by the previous owner of Skull Island. Why the deception? What purpose would there be in him claiming to have not done any of the contemporary upgrades to the third floor? And for that matter, since he had his own house why would he have purchased a new television for the mansion at all? Had he used the third floor during the construction of his house? But again, why lie about something as insignificant as that? It made no sense to her. Yet it had just happened. One more piece to the puzzle.

  They returned to the first floor where Lexi wanted to take one more look around the ballroom. “This is the last place Winthrop and Evelyn Hollingsworth were seen? Is there any information confirming where they were standing in this room? Over by the French doors that lead directly outside? In the middle of the room on the dance floor? Maybe close to the double doors at the ballroom’s entrance?”

  Caution ruled Gable’s response. “There might be something in the sheriff’s report from that night, something witnesses told the deputy, but I don’t know anything about that. Apparently the storm knocked out the power. By the time candles were lit and flashlights were found, Winthrop and Evelyn were gone.”

  “But wouldn’t the house have been on some type of generator system for power rather than the equivalent of power lines strung on poles from a substation as it is on the mainland? It seems unlikely that the storm could have knocked out the power under those circumstances.”

  “I really don’t know. You’ll need to check with the sheriff’s department to see what’s in their report from that night.”

  The smell of her perfume tickled his senses. The tightness pulled across his chest again. Conflicting needs controlled his actions—on one hand, his need to stop the direction of her questions and on the other hand, his need to once again sample the sweetness and passion he had experienced with their first kiss.

  He knew he shouldn’t, but he managed to shove his concerns aside as he pulled her into his arms again and took control of her mouth with a passion filled kiss that spoke volumes about the sensuality of the man. A moment later a flash of panic darted through Gable’s consciousness. This time he broke off the kiss.

  Alexandra Caldwell represented everything in his life that he had put on hold until after his plan played out to the conclusion. She was too dangerous to be around, a deterrent to his carefully worked out agenda. Yet he could not deny the way she made him feel or his desire to have her body entwined with his.

  He brushed his lips against hers again, then quickly stepped away. Running his hand across the back of his neck, he sucked in a calming breath. Not that it did any good. The only thing that could put a stop to his immediate pursuit of her was for him to turn his back and walk away from her tempting presence.

  “If you don’t have any questions you want answered right now, I need to get back to my office. I have work to do and some emails to send before the close of business today.” He turned toward the front door of the mansion, then paused. “Please feel free to stay here as long as you’d like. Let Hank know when you’ve finished so he can lock the door.”

  Lexi stood motionless as she watched Gable walk away, closing the door behind him as he left the mansion. Again, she felt a sense of loss even though the heat of his kiss lingered on her lips. Neither of them had mentioned the first kiss the entire time he had shown her around the mansion, as if it never happened. It had helped to eliminate some of the awkwardness of the moment, but to continue to pretend that it didn’t exist…well, it would be just as easy to try and swim back to the mainland.

  She pulled in a deep breath, held it for several seconds, then slowly exhaled. It helped a little, but her insides still quivered from the excitement of his kiss. She sucked in another lungful of air, shook her head in an attempt to clear the unwanted thoughts, then headed for the front door.

  After letting Hank know he could lock the mansion, she started back to her room. A moment of apprehension shivered through her as she approached the area where she had experienced the sensation of someone watching her. She hurried along the path, willing the uncomfortable memory to go away. A sudden thought invaded her mind. Why did Gable keep the mansion doors locked when there wasn’t anyone on the island? Hank and Dolly both had access with a key, so who was Gable locking out? Granted…there were many items of value in the mansion, a reality separate from the lurid speculation of the disappearances, but that still didn’t explain it. After all, he didn’t keep his own house locked up tight.

  Determination pushed her forward. Gable Talbot became her primary task for the rest of the afternoon. By dinner, she hoped to know enough about him to be able to make an accurate judgment as to why he felt the need to be so deceptive. Dinner…it would be just the two of them. Her mind wandered to what the night would bring, an uncomfortable direction for her thoughts to travel.

  But an equally tantalizing one.

  Lexi checked the lock on her suitcase. Satisfied that no one had tampered with it, she took out her laptop computer and quickly connected with the internet. For the next two hours she concentrated her efforts on finding out everything she could about Gable’s background—his family, where he came from, where his money came from, and how much he had paid for Skull Island. The public records listing the purchase would provide her with some viable information. She remained deeply absorbed in her work as the remainder of the afternoon slipped away.

  Nearly six o’clock. Lexi stood and stretched the kinks out of her back. Dinner would be served at six-thirty. Shaking her head in dismay, she locked her computer inside her suitcase again. Her research into the life and times of Gable Talbot proved as mystifying as the man himself. According to what she found, he purchased Skull Island four and a half years ago, paying ten million dollars without taking out any type of property loan or mortgage.

  A ten million dollar cash sale? The island had originally been put on the market at nine million dollars with speculation that the owners would be receptive to a lower offer. He had paid one million dollars above the asking price in order to shut out any othe
r potential bidders and expedite the process so he could get immediate possession. And that wasn’t the most bothersome thing she discovered. The information she turned up proved every bit as baffling as the Hollingsworth disappearances.

  No record of Gable Talbot existed prior to five years ago when the object of her research suddenly materialized from nowhere with his fortune in hand. He was only a child at the time of the disappearances thirty years ago, not old enough to have had any involvement. So, why did he want ownership of Skull Island so badly that he willingly paid one million dollars more than the owners were asking and apparently in cash as soon as the island had become available?

  Who was this man hiding behind the name of Gable Talbot?

  Chapter Five

  A million questions swirled through Lexi’s mind during dinner, questions she was afraid to ask for fear of what the answers might be. Gable, on the other hand, seemed to be more relaxed and open than he had since her arrival. Could it be because he had finished his business meetings and the other men had left the island? Had the emails he sent resulted in some good news?

  And still no mention of the incident in the mansion as if the kisses had never happened. Kisses that literally curled her toes and took her breath away. Kisses from the sexiest man she had ever encountered.

  They carried their after-dinner drinks to the den where Gable built a fire. She sat on the carpet with her back against the sofa, facing the fireplace. Even though Hank and Dolly were still in the kitchen and the security personnel on duty, it felt as if the two of them were all alone. Two people sharing the beauties of an otherwise deserted island. The fog started to lift allowing patches of starry night sky to show through. He turned off all the lights, leaving only the illumination from the flames highlighting his handsome features.

  She had never known a more desirable man…or a more mysterious one. Who was he? Why would a false identity be important to him? A dangerous criminal living off the ill-gotten gains from a series of spectacular bank robberies? A jewel thief enjoying the proceeds from millions of dollars of stolen diamonds? An embezzler who siphoned a fortune from a huge international conglomerate? Is that what J.D. Prescott suspected? Was that the information he really wanted when he hired her to do research? One thing she believed to be true…whatever Gable was hiding fit into the riddle surrounding her.

  The visions…the premonition of danger. Somehow it all fit together. A cold chill moved up her spine in defiance of the warmth from the fireplace. Could she possibly be in danger if she discovered the truth? But in danger from whom? She closed her eyes and leaned her head back, resting it against the sofa cushion. The disturbing possibilities swirled around in her mind. And most disturbing were the visions of the mud sliding toward her, entrapping her in the ooze, followed by the appearance of the two skeletons.

  Lexi heard him move, then settle on the floor next to her. He smelled good, a combination of aftershave and a masculinity that grabbed her senses and wouldn’t let go. In spite of her apprehension about the secrets he kept, she couldn’t shake the intense pull of his sexual magnetism…nor did she want to.

  “How is your research coming along? Are you finding what J.D. Prescott wants?”

  The sound of his voice, a sensual whisper in her ear, sent little shivers of delight dancing across her skin. “Well, it’s not going as smoothly as I had hoped. I’ve come across a few surprising bits of information, but I haven’t been able to put it into context…yet.” Perhaps because she had run into a brick wall when she shifted her research to her prime concern and current major focus—discovering the truth about Gable Talbot.

  “Maybe I can help. What seems to be puzzling you?”

  She gave him a sly sideways glance. Maybe he could help? He certainly could. All he needed to do was confess his true identity and tell her why he chose to hide behind a façade. “Now isn’t that curious. I thought you told me you didn’t know anything more about the disappearances than what you read in the newspapers.” Another little tremor of excitement assailed her senses as he ran his fingers across her cheek and down the side of her neck.

  “Well…you’re right.” He forced what he hoped sounded like a casual yet embarrassed chuckle. “I guess I really can’t be too much help in that department after all.” Damn…I walked right into that one. What is there about this woman that has my thinking so muddled? He knew the answer before he had even fully formulated the question in his mind. Smart, beautiful, sexy, able to handle herself in an awkward situation with grace and style. It still pleased him when he thought of the way she had put Fred Turnbull in his place when he tried to hit on her…tactful, ladylike, but leaving no doubt about what she meant. She was everything a man could want.

  And a terrific kisser, too.

  His gaze ran across her features and came to rest on her lips…her very kissable lips. Once again it proved a temptation too strong to resist. The kiss started simple and innocent, but quickly escalated to match the passion churning inside him. The long time obsession that had resulted in his personal agenda and grand scheme occupied all his time, especially for the last few years starting with the creation of his new identity. It left little room for a personal life. But even at that, his relationships had always been discreet. Quality mattered more to him than quantity. He had never felt a need to see how many different women he could get into his bed and how often.

  In spite of the demands on his time, Alexandra Caldwell was one woman he could not ignore. No way could he view her as a casual encounter, a temporary diversion…a one night stand. He also knew mere kisses weren’t going to be enough.

  He flicked the tip of his tongue across her lower lip, then invaded the dark recesses of her mouth. Exploring, tasting, teasing. Each breath he drew turned more ragged than the one before. Each thought strayed farther from the reality of what he should be doing. His fingers threaded through the soft strands of her hair, the texture more like silk than anything else.

  Her arms circled around his neck and shoulders as she fully responded to his advances. He liked that. No silly little games or pretenses. No manipulation or attempt to control the situation. It all seemed to happen so naturally, to flow from the desires of two people obviously attracted to each other. At least on his part the attraction could not be denied regardless of how much he wanted to put it aside…to save it for a time when he would be free to explore the possibilities without encumbrances. But for now…

  Gable wrapped his arms around Lexi, bringing her with him as he leaned back on the floor. He settled her body on top of his, caressing and stroking her shoulders and back. All the while his mouth teased, his tongue tasted, his lips nibbled. His hand slid down her back and came to rest on her rear end. Everything about her excited his senses and aroused his libido. In fact, arousal was about to be one of his problems. If he wasn’t careful he’d have a full erection and, with her body on top of his, no way to hide it from her.

  Shifting his weight, he maneuvered her off his body and onto the floor. Their tongues twined in a type of ritual akin to a precursor of making love. Her taste filled his mouth with a need for more. The tantalizing fragrance of her perfume teased his senses. He had never been so intensely or so quickly attracted to any woman as he was to Lexi. He tried to tell himself that he couldn’t afford the distraction, not at a time when his plan required all his energy and attention. Then the concern vanished in a heated flash of incendiary passion. He slipped his hand beneath her shirt and ran it up her back, savoring the creamy texture of her skin. His last viable thought told him to put a stop to his seduction while he still could…before it went beyond his control.

  Lexi took the decision out of his hands before he had time to make the choice. With a little whimper of regret, she broke off the kiss and pulled back from him.

  “Gable…this isn’t…we shouldn’t…”

  “I know…” He folded her in his embrace, tenderly holding her close, but nothing more. His voice dropped to a whisper, part regret and part frustration. “I know


  Brian Cookson walked silently down the hall toward Gable’s office. A quick glance into the den had told him Gable would be busy for a while and would most likely be adjourning to his bedroom very soon. Lexi Caldwell was a tasty looking morsel. He wouldn’t mind having a go at her himself. But for right now, he had business to tend to. He had been studying the special door lock on Gable’s office and had finally figured out how to circumvent it. He had two objectives—the contents of Gable’s safe and the files in his computer. The door lock had been a true challenge, but he suspected it was nothing compared to what he would find with the safe and the computer.

  Wherever Gable came from and whatever his true identity, one thing had become evident. He knew all about security. Even the infrared wireless surveillance cameras monitoring the cove and the dock had been his doing right down to the choice of manufacturer and model of the equipment and its placement at the site.

  Per the clandestine instructions issued to Brian when he first arrived on the island, he had done as thorough a search as possible of Gable’s belongings with particular attention to the office. That foray had resulted in the discovery of the sliding panel hiding the location of the safe. Unfortunately, it had been the last time he had access to the office due to the fancy new lock Gable had installed on the office door.

  But now his careful study of the new lock had proved successful. After gaining entrance, he went directly to the sliding panel all the while listening for anything that sounded like someone approaching the office door. Definitely a risky move, but the way things had been going it might be his only chance. He had to choose a time when he was the only security guard in the house, the only one on duty. No way he could hang around late at night after someone else relieved him in the security office. Hank and Dolly were not a concern, or so he had been informed. But caution still remained the order of the day.


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