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Brie Learns the Art of Submission: Submissive Training Center

Page 31

by Red Phoenix

  Master Anderson commanded Brie to wipe the floor clean of their sweat and lovemaking while he disinfected the cuffs. Then he rubbed the tail of his whip with special cleaner, rolled it up and placed it in a bag. He tossed Brie’s clothes in her direction, but put her corset in his bag. He winked at her. “You do not want to wear a corset after a bullwhipping. Besides, I want you to show off your back tonight. You did well and deserve the attention.”

  He held his hand out to Brie and walked her over to Sir after she took it. “I have a demonstration in fifteen minutes, Thane. I hand her over to your care.”

  Sir held out his arm to Brie, and she clasped on to it eagerly. The fact she was half-naked only enhanced her feeling of connection to him. He walked her slowly to the next alcove so she could witness the play.

  Brie was surprised to see Mary tied to a pole. The sound of Mozart filled the alcove as Marquis Gray worked his magic with the flogger. Instead of cries, Mary belted out peals of laughter. What was escaping from her lips was the sound of pure joy.

  Brie felt tears prick her eyes. I’m happy for you, Mary…

  Sir pulled her away from the scene and asked, “So, what did you think of Master Anderson’s skill?”

  She was thankful for his question, because it gave her the right to look him in the eye. “It was a unique experience, Sir. I can’t believe he can make it feel so light and pleasant.”

  “And what did you think of its bite?”

  “I…” Brie became lost in his captivating gaze and had to force herself to speak. “I am glad I tried it, Sir. However…”

  “What?” he encouraged.

  Brie was unsure if her answer would displease him. “I would only choose to do it on rare occasions…when it pleases my Master.”

  “The bullwhip does not call to you, then?”

  “No, Sir.”

  He patted her hand gently as he guided her on to a new scene, but every fiber of her being was focused on his touch and she was unaware of anyone or anything else. It wasn’t until Sir squeezed her hand that she took notice of the girl standing in front of her.

  “You have an admirer who wishes to speak, Brie.”

  A young sub with large, doe-like eyes, who was dressed in a black vinyl corset and skirt, was standing in front of her. “I just wanted to say how impressed I was at how you handled your Master’s whip. You’ve inspired me.”

  Brie smiled in embarrassment and looked down at the floor. She grasped at the only thing that came to mind. “A wise Master once told me to follow my instincts. It helps me to open up to new experiences when I’m hesitant.”

  The young girl bowed and said sweetly, “Thank you.”

  Brie crushed her face against Sir’s shoulder when the young girl had left.

  He chuckled. “What’s wrong, Brie? Can’t handle having a sub groupie?”

  She groaned into his shirt.

  He added, “A wise Master, huh? I prefer to be called intelligent, quick-witted, experienced. Wise…that’s for old men.”

  She smiled up at him. “Sir, you are wise beyond your years.” He patted her hand again without speaking as he walked her towards the next scene. Brie purred inside, loving this rare chance to connect. She wanted to ask him a thousand questions but stood beside him quietly, hoping he would open up.

  The scene playing out in front of them consisted of three performers—a large, leather-clad Dom and two naked females. The redhead’s wrists were bound to the ankles of the blonde. She enthusiastically lapped the blonde’s bare mound while the Dom fucked her with an enormous glass dildo.

  Sir grunted softly. “The overabundant use of toys remains a mystery to me. I understand the visual effect for the audience, but wielding a dildo is never as satisfying as using your God-given instrument.”

  Brie wanted to tell him that he had the most perfect God-given instrument known to man. Instead, she replied, “I appreciate your perspective, Sir.”

  “It is understandable that Doms and subs alike crave the newest toy, the latest fad, or the edgiest play, but in the end it comes down to a couple exploring their innermost fears and desires. The bells and whistles are really just for show. It’s the inner struggles and personal triumphs others can’t see that mark a successful D/s relationship.”

  “I agree, Sir. I want to be stretched and honed all my life. I desire someone who will challenge my fears and make me confront my hidden desires, especially those I don’t even know exist yet.”

  Sir chuckled lightly. “You will either be a Dom’s fantasy or his greatest challenge, Brie.”

  She almost blurted, “What am I to you, Sir?” but thankfully her lips remained shut. It was too personal. She didn’t want to say or do anything that might ruin this time with him.

  An unfamiliar Dom came up to Sir and asked to speak with him. They moved over to the social area and Brie stood silently by as the two men discussed the finer points of clitoral stimulation. She didn’t mind. In fact, she was proud to stand half-naked beside Sir, listening to the prudent advice he gave. She imagined other submissives walking past, admiring her red badges of courage as well as her handsome Dom, and it tickled her heart.

  Auction Day: Mystery Dom

  Brie had no idea who would win her for the fourth auction, or what to expect, since Mr. Gallant hadn’t assigned them to write in their journals that week. The girls gathered together with the normal sense of excitement just before it was to begin. Auction Days were always exhilarating. The sense of ownership and the thrill of the unknown were an unbeatable combination.

  “You two are going to meet me afterwards, right?” Brie asked.

  “Sorry, can’t,” Mary answered.

  “Me neither, Brie,” Lea said. “My mother is coming into town for the week and I have to get things ready. I’m going to have to tell her about this course and I am a little scared, but I don’t really have a choice with these nightly classes.”

  Brie gave her a squeeze. “Good luck with that, friend. I don’t envy you. However, I insist that we get together, even if it’s just for an hour tomorrow.”

  “Well, if you are willing to meet near my apartment, we could go out for coffee or something,” Lea suggested.

  Brie turned to Mary. “Will that work for you?”

  “Sure, whatever. At least you aren’t going to try to point that damn camera at my face.”

  Brie momentarily toyed with the idea of bringing it, just to bug her. “So, we’re agreed. Meet at Starbucks next to Lea’s place at noon. We can share our experiences then.”

  “Sounds like a plan,” Lea said, pointing towards the left discreetly. Brie turned and saw Ms. Clark approaching.

  “Miss Bennett, you will be first, then Miss Wilson, followed by Ms. Taylor. We have an unusual request for this one. A member of the audience has requested that Miss Bennett wear a blindfold before bidding begins.” The trainer whipped one out and proceeded to tie it around her head, a little too tightly for Brie’s liking.

  Ms. Clark whispered, “He must have read about your weakness, Miss Bennett. I wouldn’t be surprised if you are thoroughly tested and punished today. I suggest you keep your eyes glued to the floor if you want the ability to sit by the end of the evening.” She said it with relish, as if she hoped Brie would fail and suffer greatly. The woman loved to be right, especially if it meant Brie was wrong.

  Ms. Clark took her by the hand and led her onto the stage. Brie held her head at a respectful angle and placed her hands at her sides, open and relaxed. Despite the unusual circumstance, she would not let this get to her.

  “Miss Bennett is twenty-two, with a bachelor’s degree in filmmaking outside these walls. Her trainers describe her as dedicated but undisciplined.” Brie forced her jaw not to drop. Undisciplined? That was such an insult!

  “Being that this is our fourth auction, we will begin the bidding at four hundred,” the auctioneer stated. Brie was gratified that the bidding reached a thousand dollars before it ended. “Going once… Going twice… Sold to the man in the

  Brie was confused. Normally the name of the Dom was announced, but even that was being hidden from her. For a brief second, she thought someone she cared for had won her bid, but the minute the Dom touched her arm Brie’s hopes were dashed. She didn’t recognize his touch or his scent, which was a deep musk. As he led her off the stage, she was more curious than ever as to why he had gone to all this trouble to conceal himself.

  She waited patiently, listening as Mary was won by a Master named Regal and Lea went to a man named Sire Luke. When Sir ended the auction, her Dom led her down the hallway. Brie walked beside her mystery Dom, wondering at his silence.

  He guided her into a room and she heard the door shut behind her. Brie sensed that she was alone. She stood there with butterflies in her stomach, excited by the intrigue. She was enjoying this game her Dom was playing. “Master?” she whispered, to double-check that she was indeed alone.

  When no one answered, she slowly untied the blindfold, assuming that it was allowed because she hadn’t been given a command otherwise. Before her was a black dress laid out on a table, along with a sexy garter belt and pair of hose, a pair of classy high heels and a single rose. There was also a card that read, ‘Open Me’.

  Brie picked it up and eagerly read her instructions: Dress, put the flower in your hair, and get into the cab waiting for you. Enter the establishment and wait for me at the bar.

  She put the card down and immediately began to follow her mystery Dom’s commands. The dress was a short lace number that perfectly matched the silk hose and black garter belt, but she noticed there were no panties included. She strapped on her high heels, broke the stem of the rose and tucked the flower behind her ear.

  Brie left the room and walked down the empty hallway. It seemed strange to be going to an unknown destination to meet a Dom she hadn’t seen. She walked up to the cab and got in, smoothing her dress several times in her excitement. What a charming way to start Auction Day!

  She tried to give the cabbie a tip when he pulled up to the swanky hotel, but he assured her it had already been taken care of. She thanked him, then entered the hotel and made her way to the bar. Brie looked around, but only saw a group of older men watching sports on the screen at the bar. She walked to the other end and sat down on a stool to wait. The bartender came up and asked, “Miss Bennett?”

  “Yes…” she answered in surprise.

  He slid a small box over to her. “This is for you, as well as this drink.” He placed a gin martini in front of her and left her alone.

  Brie opened the box and found a silver chain inside. Underneath was another note. Put this bracelet on, knowing that it signifies your acceptance of the chain that binds you to me.

  She bit her lip in anticipation as she opened the clasp and put the chain around her wrist. Then she took a sip of the slightly dirty martini—it was perfection. She sighed nervously and looked around, wondering when he would show.

  Ten minutes later, a man with deliciously long, black hair came up to her. He looked her over approvingly and gave her a wink. “The flower is a nice touch.”

  Brie hadn’t expected her Dom to look like a rock star. She was unsure what to call him since his name had not been stated at the auction, so she fingered the rose lightly and said, “It is beautiful, thank you.”

  He smiled and ordered her another drink when she finished. “This isn’t my normal mode of operation,” he explained.

  She had to assume that this was his first auction, which explained the odd way it had been handled. “Then I am honored.” She looked at him curiously and asked, “What should I call you?”

  He broke out in an all-out grin. “Raven will suffice. You ready to blow this joint?”

  She smiled shyly. “If it pleases you, Raven.”

  “Don’t bother finishing that drink.” He stood up and gestured towards the door.

  Brie picked up her purse and was about to get off the stool when she felt a firm hand on her shoulder. “Remain seated.”

  Brie trembled at the sound of his voice.

  Raven immediately responded, “Hey, look, buddy. You get your hands off the girl. She’s coming with me.”

  The voice behind her answered, “No, she is not. Ask her.”

  Raven squared his jaw angrily and told Brie, “Give me the word and I’ll be happy to deck this guy.”

  Brie quickly realized her mistake and stammered, “I’m sorry, Raven…” She formulated a viable excuse in her head to explain her mistake. “You see, this man is my blind date.”

  “The freak is your date?” Raven asked incredulously.

  A shiver went down Brie’s spine as she wondered just whom it was who held her so firmly. “It would be best if you leave now,” she answered.

  The voice behind her stated, “I concur. Your presence is not welcome. Please leave.”

  Raven cocked his head at Brie. “You can’t be serious. You’d rather go out with this sideshow act than me?”

  Brie looked down at the floor, ignoring him.

  Her Dom stated, “We will leave.”

  He guided her off the stool and walked her out of the bar. Brie turned to see the bartender silencing Raven before he could cause a scene.

  “I’m sorry. I thought he…” Brie began.

  “I found it amusing, or I wouldn’t have let it continue.” Her Dom stopped and turned Brie to face him. “Look at me,” he commanded.

  Brie let her gaze trail up his torso, noting the expensive business suit and his striped tie before her eyes beheld his face. His sandy hair was cut military-style, but what demanded her attention was the fact that her Master’s right cheek was caved in and a patch covered his eye. Before she could respond, he said, “Injury. You will not speak of it.”

  She nodded, focusing on his soft lips. Despite his facial deformity, he had kind lips. “What shall I call you?”

  “What my men did. Captain.”

  “Yes, Captain.”

  He put his hand on her back and guided her towards the elevator. “The cretin was correct. The flower is a nice touch. You look lovely, pet.”

  “Thank you, Captain. The clothes are exquisite, as is the bracelet.” She held up her wrist to admire it again.

  “I like my pets to wear a reminder of their position.”

  “It is beautifully effective, Captain.”

  He walked her to the door of his room. “When you enter I want you to take off your shoes and stand by the bed.” He swung the door open and ushered her inside.

  Brie followed his command, wondering with trepidation what he had in mind when she saw the chain attached to the bedpost.

  He came up behind her and unzipped the dress, then let it slip slowly to the floor. Then he unfastened her bra and tossed it aside. He caressed her breasts, playing with and tugging on her nipples until he’d made her drip with need for him.

  Captain kissed her shoulder lightly before kneeling and attaching the metal cuff to her ankle. He stood up and informed Brie, “You will remain chained to the bed for the duration of our time together.”

  She gazed at his face, wanting to say something but knowing it was not her right. He unbuttoned his shirt and tossed it on a chair. She noticed numerous scars over his chest, probably caused by shrapnel. She felt an overwhelming sense of compassion and blurted without thinking, “May I kiss them, Captain?”

  The indignant look on his face made her cringe. He said nothing, but moved to an overstuffed lounge chair and sat down. He looked at her dismissively. “You should know that I wanted the blonde, but my friend insisted you would be a better fit.”

  Brie knew she had offended him and accepted his insult. “With all due respect, Captain, I have found that the outer shell doesn’t matter much.”

  He shook his head with a bemused look. “Touché.” He patted his knee and commanded, “Kneel at my feet, pet.”

  The chain rattled as she moved towards him. It was long enough for her to accommodate his wishes. She knelt beside him and he began strokin
g her hair. She closed her eyes and savored the feel of his fingers running through her long curls. He spent a considerable amount of time petting her hair in silence. Eventually, however, he stopped and she heard him unzip his pants.

  “Suck my cock, pet.”

  Brie moved between his legs and grasped his hard shaft. She wrapped her lips around him and slowly took the length of his manhood into her mouth.

  “I like it slow and gentle.”

  She moaned in response and moved her hair out of the way so he could watch her pink lips go down on his maleness. He shifted into a more relaxed position and let her work his cock for what seemed like an hour. She’d never taken that long to love a man’s shaft. Heck, she’d never had a man last that long before. By the time he ordered her to sit on his lap, her mouth and tongue were sore from her concentrated effort to please him.

  Brie crawled onto his lap to the clinking sound of the chain. He slid her pussy down over his hard shaft, pushing himself deep into her, then instructed her not to move. “Look at me, pet.”

  She stared into his good eye and smiled warmly. It didn’t matter that he was disfigured; the man had a gentle soul. But she could tell he needed something more from her, so she moved her hands behind his head to undo the ties of his patch. “May I, Captain?”

  He stiffened and she wondered if she’d overstepped her bounds again, but to her relief he answered quietly, “Yes.”

  Brie slowly undid the ties and removed the patch from his face. Underneath was a sunken eyelid, healed shut. She leaned over and kissed it lightly.

  She heard his intake of breath as he grabbed her hips and his shaft started pulsating inside her. He threw his head back and groaned softly. When his orgasm had subsided, he looked at her questioningly, cradling her cheek in his hand. “Why did you do that, pet?”

  “I needed to, Captain. Thank you.”


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