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Gender Swapped Volume One

Page 5

by Sophie Pert

  Up and up.

  Tantalizingly slow.

  Bit by bit the reflection in the mirror showed more and more of her smooth curves. Bit by bit she revealed herself to the empty room.

  Until the bottoms of her breasts were exposed.

  Like two glowing orbs they showed from under her shirt, perky and firm and jutting out from her chest. Their presence was unmistakable and difficult to ignore.

  But they stayed contained, only the merest glimpse of flesh showing. Just enough to excite the imagination, not enough to satisfy.

  It would have to be enough for now.

  Because now, with her eyes locked in on her reflection, one hand played down her body. One hand was frozen in place, idly stroking the smooth skin beneath her breasts, but that left the other free to wander. Wander it did, nails replacing fingertips as they traced lines down and down until they came to rest on the waistband of her shorts.

  Her shorts, unzipped and hanging off her hips. Her hips that are cocked to one side and thrust out a bit.

  Her fingers didn’t seem to know what to do. They traced the fabric at the top of her shorts, feeling the rough material that seemed so contrary to the softness they contained inside. At the same time her other hand started to move as well, playing with the fabric of her shirt, dipping into the valley between her breasts.

  All at once they seemed to make up their mind.

  One plunged down and the other up and I watched her reaction in the mirror. Her fingers and hands ran wild as they explored new territory and her eyes lit up as she felt them dance over her skin.

  Her hand below touched her outer lips as her hand above brushed lightly over her nipple.

  I felt a spark light off inside me. Two sparks, one high and one low, that arch electricity through me and met in the middle. They rushed over me in waves and left me heaving for breath and glowing with warmth.

  At once the realization hit me. At once it all seemed to weigh in.

  I was her, and she was me.

  I was now a woman.

  All woman.

  And what a woman I was.

  My reflection smiled in the mirror. I smiled and giggled lightly at this incredible turn of events.

  Then I continued with my ministrations.

  My hand, my right hand on my breasts, pushed the fabric up and over my glorious orbs. For the first time ever I felt the bare air on my nipples and saw my breasts exposed.

  They were beautiful, firm and full and perky. More than just handfuls, certainly more than I could handle. Pale pink nipples, small and perky, capped each breast perfectly.

  I didn’t have time to admire them, because just as they were uncovered my left hand, the one below, found the firm nub between my legs.

  The tips of the fingers on my left hand just brushed against my clit at first. Ever so lightly as if they were just a breeze they ran overtop of the very tip of it. It was enough to elicit a shocked gasp from me however, and the fire it lit in me was so unexpected I nearly tumbled to the ground.

  But my legs found their purchase before I fell and my ass smashed against the desk behind me to keep me steady. My knees wobbled a bit but in the end I was still standing, still balanced, and still determined to continue my exploration.

  Cautiously I repeated that move with just a slight bit more force behind it, and the explosion of heat that movement made me throw my head back, eyes closed, and sigh my passion out to the empty room.

  As if on perfect cue my right hand found my breast then. With spread fingers it slid through the cleavage between my firm orbs and cupped my right breast, feeling the weight with my palm. My thumb and forefinger found my nipple and squeezed lightly, eliciting yet another sigh from me.

  My left hand started a rhythm, brushing back and forth over my clit slowly and steadily. I kept perfect time, and as I continued my hips started to move as well. Almost unconsciously they began to rock back and forth in time with my hand.

  I watched myself in the mirror, seeing this unfamiliar reflection that was definitely me enjoy herself. A flush crept up my body as my breathing became heavier and heavier. Before long my chest was heaving, breasts rising and falling as I struggled to contain the passion within.

  This was enough, I thought, watching this beautiful girl explore her body. That alone was enough to excite me, to bring me to the brink of orgasm and beyond.

  It didn’t happen though, and as it continued to elude me I began to panic.

  I’d never been with a girl before. I’d seen videos and read stories but I’d never really been with a woman. I didn’t know what she wanted, what would make her get off.

  What if I never found out.

  A war fought itself through my body. On the one side my insecurities cried out that I would remain unsatisfied. On the other my hands moved almost of their own accord and made me feel oh so good.

  My right hand left my breast, left it’s place where it had been idly stroking my nipple, and made it’s way down my body and into my shorts.

  It moved on it’s own, snaking between my legs and under my other hand to slip beneath and between my lips.

  One finger at first, the tip only. It played at the entrance to me, darting between the lips of my sex ever so slightly until it was slick with my juices. Until it was coated and easily slid into me, each joint of my finger popping slowing inside me so that I could feel all of it inside of me.

  It was so unlike anything I had ever felt before.

  I closed my eyes and let my fingers continue to explore.

  As the index finger of my right hand plunged in and out of me the fingers of my left played faster and faster across my clit. My breathing grew ragged as the heat started to slowly bubble inside of me. I felt goosebumps pop up on my exposed skin as my shoulders and knees started to shake.

  I was so close.

  But not quite there yet.

  A second finger, my middle finger, slipped inside of me to join my other finger as it plunged in and out of me. It slid in easily, coated with the juices of my passion.

  I felt it spread me, felt the slight pain that came with it.

  And there, just at the tip I felt something new. A barrier, pushing slightly back at me and keeping me from going any further.

  Even in this body I was a virgin.

  The thought of it excited me. The thought of my wish, of everything that had come to pass and everything that would come to pass.

  I had wished to lose my virginity on the first day of college and here I was, back in my past.

  If the one had come true then surely the other would as well.

  After today I was no longer going to be a virgin.

  All I had to do was get this out of the way, get this nagging need to cum done and finished with and then I could go out and find someone to take what I had been trying to lose for so long.

  A girl of course.

  Even if I was a woman now I was still straight. I’d never been interested in guys, so clearly I was a lesbian in this body. That only made sense.

  So I’d find a cute little lesbian girl to experiment with, someone to teach me exactly how to love the female body. Someone who would take my place between my legs and use her fingers and mouth to bring me to this point and past. To push me over the edge.

  I pictured her, she looked so much like me. Short pixie haircut and fun bouncy body. She would run her hands all over me and find her way between my legs and then I would lie back on the bed and let her take me.

  She would plunge her fingers into me and slide up my body, her lips latching onto my breast as her tongue traced circles around my hardening nipple. I would sigh out as she pushed her fingers into me one after the other after the other. Spreading me further and further.

  Bringing me so close.

  And then, just when I think I couldn’t spread any wider she would do just that. She would slip her hips between me, grasp both of my knees with her hands and spread my legs apart and slide her thick cock into me. He would thrust it all the way
into my dripping and waiting sex until he was buried inside of me.

  I would place my hands on his wide and firm chest and feel his weight on top of me as he speared me. As he thrust into me. As he brought me there, right to the edge, making my whole body quiver as my toes curled and-

  The door rattled.

  My eyes shot open.

  The knob shook back and forth.

  I pulled my hands out from inside my pants.

  The knob turned and the door opened with a creak.

  His silhouette was big, and took up most of the door. The light from behind him made it difficult to see anything, not that I needed to.

  I knew exactly who it was.

  He stepped into the room with a smile, dropped his bag at his side, and in a deep and resounding voice he said, “I think I’m going to like college.”

  As he swung the door closed behind him his eyes didn’t leave me. I saw his glance go down my body all the way to my toes and then slowly work it’s way back up. When it settled on my chest I realized exactly why he was so happy: my shirt was still hiked up.

  My breasts were fully exposed.

  With a squeak and a rising flush of embarrassment I yanked my shirt down, covering myself and giving me back a bit of dignity.

  This is not how I wanted this to go. It isn’t much better than it went the last time.

  The last time, back when I went through college as a man, I was sitting lying on my bed reading a book when he came in. With a scoff and a sideways glance he dropped his bag on his bed and left immediately. I didn’t see him again until 2 in the morning when he stumbled back in the room with a lady wrapped around him.

  The last time it took a week before he even told me his name.

  Rich, my roommate.

  Apparently not everything has changed.

  Rich looked the exact same as he always had: tall, blonde, and athletic. At about 6 foot 3 he always towered over me but in this new female body he looked like a giant. His broad shoulders seemed impossibly huge and his arms looked firm and taut with muscle. He had a trim waist and strong legs. All in all he looked like the picture perfect idea of what a college man would look like, as if you were trying to describe how the star quarterback of one of those college football movies.

  His face, though, was what really made him stand out. In all the time since I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone as handsome as Rich. He had a strong square jaw and jutting cheekbones. Smooth skin with just the hint of a perfect five o’clock shadow. His hair was kept short, but not too short. Simple and classic he could easily look at home playing sports or in a boardroom. And his eyes, his pale grey eyes that I had heard so many girls say they could fall into forever.

  Rich my asshole roommate, here in my life again.

  Just perfect.

  “I guess these are co-ed dorms,” Rich says, crossing his arms and continuing to run his pale grey eyes over my body. He didn’t look at me hungrily, he didn’t even look at me appraisingly, but somehow he made it feel like I wasn’t wearing a stitch on me.

  I crossed my arms over my body to give myself some sense of cover and said, “I think you may have the wrong room.”

  “I don’t think so,” he said, pulling a folded piece of paper from his back pocket and glancing at it, “Yep I’m in the right place.”

  He held the form out and I snatched it from his hand. At that his eyebrows went up a bit, but I didn’t care what he thought of me.

  I looked over the form in detail, doublechecking everything even though I knew perfectly well that it was right.

  Of course he was in the right place, of course it was written correctly. My luck had to be flawed somehow.

  Sure my wish had come true, but now I was stuck as a woman and stuck as a woman living with this asshole.

  “I heard someone else had a problem with their room,” he said, taking a step closer to look at the sheet I was holding, “They said they were supposed to have a private room but ended up in a double. I saw them arguing with someone from administration when I was coming in here but they were just told that nothing would be sorted today since it’s move-in day.”

  I looked up at him, and his pale grey eyes caught and held my gaze. I took a sharp breath in.

  “I guess,” he continued, “At least for today we’re roommates.”

  He smiled, and I felt something warm and comforting bubble inside of me. He was so close to me, and I could smell the slight musk of his physical exertion waft over me. The bulk of his form, his strong and firm form, seemed to invade my space and somehow make me feel comforted. Like I was safe here.

  When he stepped back I felt a twinge of something that felt almost like loss.

  He stepped over and grabbed his bag, it seemed so heavy but he heaved it with one hand as if it was nothing, placed it by the foot of his bed, unzipped and started to rummage through it.

  “My name is Rich,” he said, glancing at me over his shoulder, “I only brought this stuff for today. The rest of my stuff is coming tomorrow but it was such a long trip and my car doesn’t have any A/C. I’m so sweaty right now I’m sorry I must smell awful.”

  “No,” I said quietly, placing his paper on the desk in the room, “You don’t smell bad at all.”

  He laughed, “Glad to hear it, all the same I think I might change anyways. I hope you don’t mind.”

  “Not at all,” I said, curious why he would think that I would.

  He pulled two or three items from his bag, turned to look at me and said, “Good.”

  Then, looking me in the eye, he reached down and pulled his shirt off.

  I gave a little yelp and spun in place so I was facing away from him. I heard a soft chuckle from behind me and he softly said, “Thanks for the privacy.”

  It only took me a moment to realize he had no privacy at all.

  There was a mirror, over beside my bed. From the angle I was at I had a perfect view of his whole side of the room, and that included him.

  I didn’t recall ever seeing his with his shirt off before, at least not in the bright light. If I had I think I would have remembered because my god he was stunning.

  I don’t know that he had any fat on him at all, and if he did it must have been minimal because I could count every single muscle in his torso. His abs were hard and defined and they did that dip down to the waistband of his pants that only happens when you’re really fit. You know, those V lines that seem to point like an arrow directly towards what hangs between a man's legs.

  But the real treat was his upper body, his pecs were flat and wide and seemed to twitch slightly as he moved. He had strong shoulders that bulged with sinewy muscle, and big round biceps that flexed as he moved. His forearms too, they were strong and sinewy and seemed to ripple with barely contained strength. I couldn’t believe how strong he looked.

  I felt myself gulp unconsciously, and wet my lips slightly with my tongue.

  My mouth felt dry and I heard my heartbeat pulsing in my ears.

  I began to have thoughts, slight wonderings of what it would feel like if he grabbed me up in those strong arms. Grabbed me with one of his hands and drew me close to his body. Drew me close and held me tight against his chest.

  I wondered what the skin of his pecs would feel like. What the fine dusting of hair over his chest would feel like. How unrelenting he could feel.

  I felt all that and at the same time I felt incredible guilt.

  Guilt because I’m a man. Deep down I’m still a man. Men don’t feel this way.

  Then he unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans, hooked his thumbs into the waistband and dragged his pants and underwear off in a single swift pull.

  Oh my god.

  He was massive.

  Even soft his cock must have been as thick as my fist and long, something like six inches just dangling between his legs. He was uncut, his foreskin capping off the end of his thick member, perfectly natural. It was completely blemish free, and there was a lightly trimmed bush right around the base. The t
rimming seemed to continue down and under and over his balls, two large plum-sized orbs that hung slightly down and just looked oh so heavy and full.

  He wasn’t just gigantic, he was gorgeous and in an instant I knew why all of the girls must have fallen for him.

  I knew why I would.

  Rich sat on his bed and sighed, “That feels better. So good to get all those clothes off.”

  He shuffled back so he was sitting up against the wall that ran along one side of his bed. He placed a pillow behind his back to prop him up and put his arms behind his head. Glancing in the mirror he made eye contact with me and raised one eyebrow with a cocky smile playing across his face.

  I knew I’d been found out.

  What he did next though, was quite the surprise.

  His right hand slipped out from behind his head and slid down, down his body. It seemed to move excruciatingly slow and I was transfixed by its progress until it came to a stop between his legs. He slowly and firmly gripped his thick cock.

  I took a deep breath, and placed my hand palm flat on my chest just above the swell of my breasts.

  Slowly, so very slowly, he started to move his hand up and down. I could see his fist changing, the pressure of his grip increasing and decreasing and he jerked himself right there in front of me.

  Part of me was disgusted and kept yelling to get out, to walk out and slam the door behind me and demand a new room. That part of me kept crying out, reminding me of all the things he’d done, all the hell he’d put me through.

  The other part was transfixed.

  He started to grow, bit by bit getting bigger and bigger until his cock started to jut out from his groin. His hand was massive but even it seemed to become dwarfed as his cock grew and grew. Veins started to bulge as his head pushed out of his foreskin, the pink skin underneath standing out against the darker skin surrounding it. It looked almost like a beacon to me, calling to me from across the room.

  Still that part inside of me cried out for me to do something.

  But I couldn’t. I just stood transfixed as I watched him continue to touch himself, as I felt my breath continue to catch in my throat.


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