Gender Swapped Volume One

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Gender Swapped Volume One Page 10

by Sophie Pert

How powerful.

  How wonderful.

  I went on, sliding just a bit more of him out of me. Each time going just a bit further, just a bit faster.

  My hands pressed against his chest as I felt his hips tense, felt his cock seem to grow inside of me. I knew he was close.

  His hands slid up, up my thighs and felt and kneaded at the soft skin there, up my abdomen and up to my breasts. He held my breasts in his hands and felt them and squeezed.

  I cried out to the open air, throwing my head back and letting my hair cascade over my shoulders.

  I felt him tense one last time.

  My head snapped forward, locking in the distance.

  In the sight of it.

  The sun setting over the endless ocean, a fiery blaze of brilliant orange and red and yellow. Setting the world alight.

  His tension released.

  I felt it travel up, from his hips through his shaft and finally out his head. It bubbled into me spurting with heat. He filled me up with his hot seed and my legs began to tremble one more time.

  His climax burned in my womb and seemed to spread through my veins. It was like molten steel pumping through my body and cooling instantly, hardening as my whole body tensed on his spurting, spasming cock.

  I couldn’t make a sound this time, the feeling was so overwhelming all I could do was lock eyes with him as he moved up to meet me, to close my eyes and kiss them, to let his lips find mine and his arms wrap around me. To hold me as I melted into him.

  There, in the arms of my lover at the top of paradise, I feel into a restful sleep.


  My eyes fluttered open, taking in the flagstone of the plaza. The rushing roar of the water behind me filled the air and shocked me out of my reverie.

  What in the world had just happened?

  I glanced around, then down at my watch. It was still the same time, not a moment had passed.

  I cleared my throat, hearing the baritone of my old voice.

  Tentatively, glancing around to make sure no one was watching, I pressed against my chest and found it was missing my pert breasts. I snuck a hand inside my pocket and felt the softness of my cock between my legs.

  I was back.

  Back in my old body and back in my old life?

  Had it all been a dream? It couldn’t have been real.

  I felt my phone buzz, I checked it and found yet another message from my wife.

  Driven by some strange compulsion, this time I checked it. It just said, I’m so sorry, please just talk to me.

  Working on autopilot I wrote back a simple Hello.

  The responses came in a flurry, apologies and explanations and statements of regret. I confess I couldn’t concentrate on all of them at once, most of my thoughts were turned to the island and what had just transpired.

  In the end it came to me with clarity, a focused line of thinking. I had never before understood what it was to be with someone, to truly live in the moment with them in a physical way. I had never really understood that to have a true connection with someone that connection had to be at least part physical. That your bodies had to know each other and know how to respond to each other.

  In the end it didn’t matter whether the island was real or just a pleasant dream, what mattered was the awareness it gave me, the knowledge of how deep a physical relationship could go, of why that physical connection was so important.

  I loved my wife, with every fibre of my being I loved her and thought I was not worthy of her. I didn’t know the half of it.

  My flaws and shortcomings didn’t have anything to do with the conventional. It wasn’t my job, my looks, my age. It was the fact that I was so caught up in those things that I forgot to be present with her. Forgot to experience her. Forgot to trust in her.

  I knew what to do.

  I knew what came next.

  I wrote back to her, I know why you did what you did. I know that I wasn’t there for you. What you did hurt me, but I know why you did it.

  I continued, I love you, and I love being with you and I want to work on what we have. I know this will be difficult for us going forward, but if you’re committed to making this relationship work then I am committed as well. In all aspects.

  If you are willing to work with me then we can explore each other, physically, emotionally and mentally. If we do all that I think we just might have a chance.

  I knew what came next, what came next was me pulling the trigger and doing what I should have done when we were first married. What comes next is quitting my job and being with my wife, living our lives to the fullest.

  Her simple reply ensured this. All she said was, Come home to me.

  Life on the Other Side: The Ladies Man Becomes The Lady

  So I don’t like to brag, but when it comes to the ladies I am a hit.

  You see I don’t know if you know, but any girl can be picked up if you just know the right way. Every single one is vulnerable to some sort of pick up, you just need to figure out what works for them and then play that card.

  Now this isn’t easy you need to practice, which is why I spend so much of my time out at bars trying my moves out on the ladies. I’m always trying to improve my routine, to speed up my pick ups so I can get them from the bar to my bed as quickly as possible.

  That means two things.

  First of all it means I do strike out a lot. That’s expected when you put yourself on the line as much as I do and you do miss 100% of the shots you don’t take so at least I’m taking shots and not missing the opportunities.

  Anyways second means that you always have to be improving your game.

  What do you mean, I hear you ask, what does improving your game entail?

  Well it means learning new methods. You see the ladies are crafty and they’ve got all sorts of communications going on behind the scenes and all of this means that they tend to catch on real quick when you try a game they’re familiar with and then it’s game over for you. They’re not going home with you.

  So you have to be on the cutting edge in order to get the girl. This means going to all of those conferences by the experts, watching the lectures, even reading books of all things.

  I do all that. I keep up with the times. I’m on the bleeding edge of pick up techniques.

  Take last weekend for an example.

  Now I’m going to be fair and honest here, I’d had a few failed attempts that night. More than a couple ladies had turned this guy down but did I give up? No I just kept on swinging for the fences.

  That’s when it happened.

  This girl, she must have been so impressed with the moves I tried to pull on someone else because she came onto me! I mean I must have just turned away from my last attempt when this girl practically jumped in my lap and put her tongue down my throat.

  Normally I like being the forward one of the two of us, but she was so into me I couldn’t help but get excited.

  She was excited too, didn’t waste any time either and when she managed to stop making out with me she was all, “Let's go to the bathroom.”

  What else am I supposed to do? I followed her.

  The second we were in the bathroom it was like a she had switched into overdrive. She grabbed me and practically threw me into a stall. Her hands flew to my belt and then my pants were around my ankles and my cock was in her mouth.

  She took my whole cock in her mouth, bottoming out and choking a bit on it. That didn’t slow her down one bit though, she just kept bobbing on it like she was desperate for me to fill her up.

  I think she really was, because next thing I knew she was bent over in the stall screaming for me to fuck her hard and all I could do was be the gentleman I am and oblige her. I filled up her tight slit with my cock and started pounding away.

  Man she loved it, she was crazy hot too. She had a tight body with a tiny waist and nice firm breasts. She was wearing this clingy little dress that barely covered her ass and didn’t once I rolled it up. Oh god her ass, it was these two pe
rfect orbs that were round and pert. My only regret was that I didn’t get to see more of her body. Damn I would have killed to see her breasts bouncing around as I fucked her.

  Instead the door to the stall got slammed in and before I know it some big meathead was screaming at me about fucking his girl. Then she’s screaming at him about how that’s what he ignores her and then the boyfriend just goes red and starts lashing out at me. As if it’s my fault.

  I took a few hits before I could get out of the room and then I booked it out of the bar as quickly as I could.

  Sure not the best end to the night but in the end I got laid. Had to take a couple punches to get there but that’s the price you pay for being in the game sometimes.

  You see the game is always evolving and you always have to improve yourself. Sometimes that means learning from the masters, sometimes it means self improvement like going to the gym. Sometimes it means thinking outside the box.

  That’s why I go looking for new methods in the weird places, the places no one would expect. I mean think about it, all sorts of the best pick up techniques are from some of the weirdest places. Hell that karma sutra thing was from like japan or something. Japan is really far away and from what I hear the karma sutra is fantastic when it comes to advice for picking up the ladies.

  Anyways it’s that drive to look in the unusual places that leads me to places like this weird little shop I found. It was down an alley in a part of town I rarely go to. This part of town is mostly under construction and so it’s the bars here are usually filled with guys. What girls there are, well they aren’t exactly in my league.

  But this shop… I don’t even know how I found this shop.

  It’s tucked away down a back alley, not a sign in the main street to bring me down here. I was just wandering and I found it.

  The shop is filled with all sorts of weird eastern stuff. Wind chimes and candles and stuff like that. You know the sort of mystical stuff you would normally find in a shop like this.

  I don’t know why exactly, but I had a good feeling about this place.

  Well at least I did when I walked in the door. Now I’m not so sure, I’ve been walking through this place for a while and honestly I haven’t found a single thing that could help me with my pick up game. Maybe I could at least find something to make my apartment seem more worldly and cultured and stuff.

  It was just when I started to give up that I noticed the woman behind the counter.


  There are beautiful women and there are gorgeous women and she definitely fell into the gorgeous end of the spectrum. She was the type of girl that made even the most attractive woman look plain in comparison.

  I had to take a deep breath and try to keep myself from making a fool just looking at her.

  There are times when it is easy to pick up women and times when it is hard. A time like this is difficult. We’re not in a bar type situation, she’s doesn’t have a drink in her, she’s at work, all of these make it nearly impossible for an ordinary man to pick up a woman. Not me though, I’m an expert.

  If I played my cards right I could have her eating out of the palm of my hand in minutes.

  So I walked up to her and laid my best line on her, “So, come here often?”

  You see that line is perfect in this situation. It’s disarmingly funny and obviously she comes here often because she works here. Plus it’s so obvious that she can’t help but notice that I’m interested in her.

  She was reading a book or something, I wasn’t really paying attention but she looked up at me like she was staring at something distasteful. Don’t know what her problem was.

  “Yes,” she said, “I own this store.”

  “Oh, well it’s a great place. I like the stuff that you have for sale. Of course all of this stuff looks pretty old. You should think about getting some new stuff in here.”

  This is important. You see that move there? That is key.

  You see first I showed her that I was interested in her, but then I followed it up by suggesting an improvement. She’s going to absorb that subconsciously and realize that she was disappointing me. Then she’ll realize she wants to make me happy and that she’ll do anything to accomplish that.

  That’s when you seal the deal.

  “It’s an antique shop, we kind of specialize in old things.”

  “What else do you specialize in?” I asked, leaning on the counter.

  Innuendo. You see here I was subtly implying sex, or really anything on the sex spectrum. I wasn’t suggesting that she sells sex mind you. I was more implying that sex is in her store… because she’s sexy.

  She looked up at me for the first time, raising an eyebrow, “Tea. Would you like a cup?”

  “Absolutely. Tea is fantastic.”

  Okay I was pretty sure that innuendo went over her head. I may not be dealing with the brightest bulb here but I regroup and launch back on the offensive. Here I showed that I have an interest in her interests, and that makes me interesting to her.

  She poured me a cup of tea and I sipped it. It was piping hot, bitter, and tasted like old socks but after the initial sip I just gulped the rest of it down in a single go. This demonstrates to her that I am a strong man who is willing to undergo trials in order to accomplish his goals. My ability to take the pain of the hot tea really establishes me as an alpha.

  “So,” she asked, “What is it you’re looking for?”

  Struck by a sudden bout of honesty I just laid it out for her, “Well I’m looking to get something to improve my game. You know, the pick up game. I want something to help me pick up the ladies.”

  She smiled, a gorgeous perfect white smile, “I have just the thing for you.”

  Reaching under the desk she pulled out a single rock. It was smooth and flat an plain.

  “This is a wishing stone,” she said, “You just think of a wish in your head, rub the rock counterclockwise twice, and then your wish comes true. Fifty dollars.”

  “Shit,” I scratched my head, my hair was really itching my scalp for some reason, “Fifty bucks is a lot. I’ll buy it if I can get your number too.”

  “No,” her reply was flat and even.

  My chest started to feel tight and I started to feel a little dizzy so I just decided to get this over with.

  “Okay,” I said, “I’ll buy it anyways.”

  You see ordinarily I would walk out of here without the dumb rock but I had this sudden realization, a genius idea. So I forked over the cash and made my way out of the store.

  Standing out front of the shop I took the rock in my hand and thought of my wish.

  I wish that everyone of the opposite sex would want me all of the time

  Then I rubbed the rock counterclockwise twice and headed straight back indoors.

  You see it was a stroke of genius. If the rock really was a wishing stone then she would totally want me. If it wasn’t I would have my definitive proof.

  So I walked straight back up to the counter and leaned on it. Somehow in the few seconds I was gone the counter seemed to jump up a couple inches, but I just brushed it aside and said to her, “Hi baby. How about we grab a coffee? Or we could just skip the coffee and go back to my place?”

  She just looked at me like I was stupid.

  I decided to just go for gold, “Do you want to have sex with me?”

  There was a long pause before she responded with a short and flat, “No.”

  “Aha,” I exclaimed, wagging my slender finger in her face, “I knew this rock was a crock! I made a wish outside that all of the ladies would want me all of the time and you don’t want me. This rock is a fake!”

  “What exactly did you wish for?” She asked, “The exact words.”

  “I wished that everyone of the opposite sex would want me all of the time. Now here is the deal. Either you admit the rock is a fake and give me my money back, or you admit that it’s real and that you want to have sex with me. Your call.”

br />   She shrugged, “I don’t want to have sex with you. Here is your money back.”

  She held out the cash but when I reached for it she pulled it away.

  “You can have your money back,” she said, “But just so you know if you ever want this rock back again you’re going to need to pay far more for it. Are you sure you want your money back?”

  I laughed in her face, “Of course I do.”

  Then I snatched the money, slammed down the rock and walked out of the store.

  As I hit the door the crazy broad said, “Goodbye miss.”

  Can’t even get my gender right.

  Whatever, she doesn’t know how much of a man she’s missing out on.

  I walked out of the shop and made my way right out of the alleyway. The street I was on was nice, this whole area was going to be real nice once all of the construction was done but for now it was mostly empty. What shops there were usually were half abandoned, bored retail staff standing behind counters waiting for someone to come in.

  I started to walk down the street, keeping an eye out for any promising shops, when all of a sudden I was approached by a random guy.

  “Hi,” he said, stopping right in front of me, “I’d love to grab a coffee with you if you’re not busy.”

  The dude was one of those far too fashionable try hard types with the skinny jeans, dark rimmed glasses, t-shirt and a scarf. Like come on bro, if it’s cold enough to need a scarf it’s probably cold enough that you need more than a t-shirt.

  If you want to impress the ladies you have to dress like me. My pretty little skirt is the perfect length to show off my smooth legs. You have to know how to play to your strengths right?

  Anyways this guy was looking at me with this big smile on his face, almost sheepish like so I know he was asking me out on a date. I don’t know what he was thinking.

  “Sorry bro,” I said, stepping around him, “Thanks for the compliment but I’m straight.”

  I kept walking down the road and behind me I heard him mutter to himself in a confused voice, “What?”

  Not my problem he can’t read the signs right, I glanced back and saw him looking at me with a puzzled look on his face. I don’t know what it was exactly, maybe it was the light or something but he looked super cute when he looked all confused like that.


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