Gender Swapped Volume One

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Gender Swapped Volume One Page 11

by Sophie Pert

  I wondered why I thought that just then.


  I just kept walking. I was trying to find something to do, just staring off into space thinking about nothing in particular. All of a sudden another guy stops directly in front of me.

  This guy is wearing kinda torn jeans and big boots, a leather jacket. He’s got beard stubble and looks like he could kick the crap out of me if he wanted and all I could think was that I’m going to get robbed.

  Then he gets this stupid grin on my face and I’m like goddammit what is going on?

  Sure enough he asks, “Do you want to grab something to eat? I know a great little Italian place around the corner. Real romantic.”

  I just gave him a look and stepped around him and kept on walking.

  I don’t know what it was today? Was it my tank top or something? I mean it did make my breasts look especially perky but I can’t imagine that would mean so many guys just hitting on me for some reason. Am I giving off some sort of a signal right now that I’m not a straight dude? Cause I am. 100% straight and 100% man.

  This has got to be the weirdest day.

  I was starting to feel more and more out of sorts, about to just call the whole thing and go home to get ready for tonight. I was planning on hitting the newest club and I know I had just the cutest little black dress at home for me. I would look so hot wearing that the ladies wouldn’t be able to resist me.

  So I was walking past this construction site when a bunch of the workers start catcalling me. You know the phrases, the usual sort of stuff they shout at hot women who walk past. I just could not understand it. Did I do my makeup some different way today? I mean I think I just look as normal as can be and yet somehow these louts think that I am something other than a straight man? Maybe it’s my shoes? These heels do make my legs look fantastic and they do make my ass look really perky. Maybe I shouldn’t wear them out anymore.

  I needed a drink.

  Luckily there happened to be a bar right there so I ducked inside.

  It was a nice enough little place, leather seats and dark wood panelling. The only problem was not a single woman was inside. It was filled with all manner of men, from middle aged desk jockeys to construction workers to attractive young fit guys. All sorts, but not a single lady.

  Oh well, you can’t win them all.

  I sat down at the bar and the bartender was immediately there asking me what I wanted. Okay so one thing this place had going for it at least the service was fantastic.

  I ordered a beer and he placed it in front of me with a, “There you go sweetheart.”

  I don’t know what that was about but I just shrugged it off.

  I sat there in silence, steadily drinking my beer. They had the game on so I tried to concentrate on that but I found it so hard because as soon as I had stepped into the bar literally all of the conversation seemed to dim. I glanced around and noticed that more than a few eyes were turned my way.

  What was going on today?

  Discreetly I checked out my outfit, convinced I had sat in wet paint or something but nope, same skirt and tank top I left the house in this morning and just as clean as ever. At least as far as I could tell.

  This was such a weird day.

  I polished off my beer and decided to head to the bathroom. If there was something weird on me maybe I could find it in the mirror. So I slid off my stool and headed into the mens.

  So I opened the door and stepped in and up to the mirror. I looked up to check and make sure I hadn’t smudged my makeup or anything like that when it hit me all at once.

  You see instead of my handsome male face staring back at me I was looking directly into the eyes of a woman.

  She had shoulder length straight brown hair, a perky nose, pouty lips and deep brown eyes. There was a speckling of freckles across the bridge of her nose and her cheekbones that gave her a sort of playful kind of look to her.

  She was pretty small, petite in a good way with small shoulders and a tiny waist. Her legs were accentuated by the short flowy skirt she was wearing. Her smooth firm thighs were on full display. Possibly her best feature was her breasts. They were high and perky and full, the kind you could just tell would stand proudly out from her chest when she took off her shirt, the kind you could tell she didn’t need a bra for.

  Damn she was hot.

  And I was pretty sure she was me.

  I did that mirror game, the one where you raise a hand. My reflection raised her hand too.

  What the hell was going on? When did I become a woman?

  I heard the door start to open and I realized all of a sudden that I was in the mens room. A woman in the mens room.

  Oh dear.

  I rushed for the stall and got in just in time to lock it before the main door opened.

  Sitting down on the seat I tried to compose myself. Thankfully this place was a little more upscale than the usual clubs I frequented so at least the bathroom was clean.

  This was beyond weird.

  I had turned into a woman.

  What the hell was going on?

  Okay, I reasoned to myself, this can’t be what it looks like. People don’t just change gender all of a sudden. That just doesn’t happen. It can’t happen.

  So something logical then.

  I was hypnotized.

  It’s the only thing that makes sense. Someone hypnotized me and made me change my clothes and look for all the world like I was a lady. But underneath these clothes I’m still a man.

  Of course.

  With my heart in my throat I grasped the bottom of my tank top and pulled up. The abs that came into view were toned and fit. They were the abs of a woman who knew what she was doing in the gym. She was gorgeous and moreover she didn’t have a hint of the hair or muscles that my masculine form had. The breasts that came into view were even more different.

  I was right about one thing. This woman didn’t need a bra. Her breasts were perfect orbs, bouncy and pert and full they had just the right amount of weight to them and the tips of each were capped with beautiful perky pink nipples. They were the breasts of any man’s fantasy, and the most beautiful pair I had ever seen.

  They were mine.

  I gulped and left my shirt pulled up above my breasts, turning my attention to the skirt I was wearing I pulled it up.

  The thighs on display were so stunning I knew they had to belong to a gorgeous woman. They were perfectly smooth and firm and toned. Even just seeing them I started to get turned on, started to breathe faster. When I pulled them up to my hips I saw the pair of black panties beneath.

  I knew logically what was contained within that plain pair of panties. I knew they fit too snug. Too perfectly hugging those feminine hips and slipping down between those perfect thighs. There was no space for it, not in a million years, but I had to know for sure. I hooked my fingers into the waistband of my panties and tugged them down.

  I was completely shaved, everything was on display. It was beautiful. Puffy lips and not a hint of stubble, a slit that was just barely showing its inner moisture and a blush of red heat touching across the skin. Beautiful. The most beautiful pussy I had ever seen.

  I leaned back and closed my eyes. There was no denying it now. I was a woman through and through.

  Taking a deep breath I tried to process this. First of all it explained all of the attention I had been getting of late. All those men weren’t going crazy, they were hitting on an attractive woman.

  A very attractive woman.

  I was a very attractive woman.

  This was weird, but it was absolutely true. I opened my eyes and glanced down at my body again. I was hot!

  Biting my lip slightly I cupped one breast and squeezed. It was an amazing feeling, and I’m not just talking about the feel of it in my hand. There was this sensation that shot through my body, like squeezing my breast had a direct line to my libido. I made me squeeze my thighs together.

  That set off another spark within me. The two sensation
s settling in my belly and spreading warmth through my body. Damn when this body gets started it gets heated fast.

  Reaching out with my thumb and forefinger I pinched my nipple and my eyes flew wide as it sent a jolt through my system. I had to clasp my other hand over my mouth to keep from crying out with pleasure.

  I was going to have to be careful with this body.

  Slowly I took stock of the situation. I removed my hand from my mouth and my hand from my breast. I took a deep breath. Then I spread my legs.

  I reached a tentative finger down between my thighs and ran it from the bottom to the top of my slit. I was wet, dipping a finger in past the lips and drawing it out left behind a shiny slick of wetness on the outside of my lips.

  At this point I wasn’t exactly unfamiliar with the female anatomy, but I’d never seen it from this angle, experienced it quite this way.

  I was excited to find out what it was like.

  After all, this was all about finding out how to improve my skills.

  I dove a finger inside.

  Fuck I was tight, my slender finger felt enormous inside of me. The feel of it pushing inside of me, it was like nothing I’d ever experienced before.

  Sliding my finger in and out I let out a little moan, just a breathy voice on the air that I hoped and prayed wouldn’t be heard past my ears. I needed too, couldn’t help it. This was all so much all at once.

  I felt my hips start to move on their own, bucking into my hand as it slid between my thighs. One particularly forceful bump let my hand make contact with my clit.

  The effect was immediate and noticeable. I slouched in my seat as the waves rocked over my body. It was so much more powerful than anything I had ever experienced as a man.

  I had to experience it again.

  So I removed my finger from inside of me and ran the slick digit over my nub of a clit. Rubbing, faster and harder as the waves rocked through my body. My second hand flew to my breasts to play with them each in turn, grabbing them and pinching my nipples as it bubbled over.

  The explosion rocked me to the very core. I had to slam my hand out against the wall of the stall to keep from slumping to the floor. It wracked through my body again and again and again as I took in deep shuddering breaths to keep from crying out, to keep as quiet as I possibly could.

  I felt my jaw tremble and then still as I regained my composure.

  An unbidden smile came to my lips.

  Fuck that was intense. Maybe this whole girl thing wasn’t that bad after all.

  I still need to find a way to change back though.

  While I made myself presentable, replacing my panties and tidying my skirt and shirt, I went back through everything I had done today to try to find out what moment had led to me turning into a woman. Starting at the beginning of the day I tried to remember the last time I remembered being a man, and what sort of things I had done since then to possibly change me.

  I was so preoccupied with all of this that I walked right out of the stall and up to the sink without even checking to make sure the coast was clear. I was halfway through washing my hands when I realized the person next to me wasn’t moving.

  I looked over.

  It was a man, a rather handsome man too.

  Oh right, this is the mens bathroom.

  I started giggling uncontrollably and my mouth spoke faster than my mind could react so I heard myself say, “Oh silly me I’m so sorry I must have wound up in the wrong bathroom.”

  I quickly finished washing up my hands and left.

  Back to the bar I flagged the bartender down and ordered another drink. Just as it arrived I had company join me on the stool next to mine.

  It was the man from the bathroom.

  He was handsome in a broadly attractive sort of way. Not leading man handsome but definitely B-list actor, you know the ones you always see on TV and say, ‘Hey I know that guy, he was in that thing.’

  He had a square jaw, short cropped brown hair and brilliant blue eyes. No facial hair, a clean shaven gentleman. His shoulders were broad and while he wasn’t over muscular you could tell from the way he held himself and the fit of his clothes that he had a good build underneath that fabric. His clothes were neat and fashionable, a button up shirt tucked into snug jeans. The sleeves of his shirt were rolled up to show off his strong forearms.

  He leaned over to me and said, “You look pretty, shame about your haircut.”

  Oh great, I thought, this guy is trying to neg me.

  “Oh?” I replied, feeling at the edges of my hair.

  “Yeah,” he said, “I assume that the stylist messed it up since it looks so bad.”

  Wow, that is a bad line.

  I decided to play into it, after all there is always room to learn and this is an interesting turn of events, “That’s too bad. I had no idea she messed it up. Oh my I feel awful.”

  “That’s okay,” he continued, “You look pretty attractive aside from that but you could definitely look better.”

  “Really?” I leaned in closer and placed my hand on his on the bar, “Could you give me some advice?”

  Batting my big brown eyes I looked up at him and watched him gulp deep, “Umm… Uhhh... “

  His stuttering was actually kind of cute, I giggled and squeezed his hand and he replied, “Just the hair really, and maybe ummm a different colour shirt that matches your pretty eyes.”

  Turning back to the bar he took a deep sip of his drink and then nervously glanced back at me. I decided to stop teasing him and let go of his hand, I too turned to my drink and we sat there in silence for a while.

  I watched him the whole time through the mirror behind the bar. It was a technique he evidently hadn’t mastered since he kept sneaking sideways glances at me.

  I could track exactly what he was looking at, my face, my breasts, my thighs. I squeezed my legs together as I felt that familiar pressure start to build inside of me.

  This body was like a race car, just tap the gas and it would jump off the line.

  He was handsome though.

  I recognized the problem, I was going to get myself in trouble if I stayed here. The combination of the sideways glances and the drink I was having was going to make me do something I regretted.

  Something like pulling this guy into the bathroom and riding on his cock until I exploded and he exploded as well.

  I reached for my wallet to pay and the guy next to me intervened, saying, “Oh no, I want to pay for your drinks.”

  He smiled at me and I smiled at him, blushing a little and saying, “Thanks.” before slipping out the door. Maybe there are a few advantages to being a woman.

  As my feet hit the pavement I realized how much more the drink had affected me then I had thought. It wasn’t just that I was tipsy, it was my subconscious thoughts that were most concerning. If that guy had offered I’m pretty sure I would have jumped him in a moment. It was like my body was compelling me, like the quick start nature of it made me insatiable. I needed to fuck.

  I needed to fix this, to become a man again.

  So I decided to retrace my steps, walking back down the road in the direction when I had come.

  It hit me like a ton of bricks. Of course, it was the only possible explanation.

  I knew exactly how this had happened to me.

  That weird shop, the rock. The woman. This had happened because of that damn wishing rock, it had misinterpreted the wish. Isn’t that always the way this sort of thing goes.

  I needed to fix this and she was going to help me.

  With renewed purpose I set off back to the store.

  My heels were click clacking on the pavement, a staccato rhythm that seemed to drown out everything else. I didn’t notice the catcalls once again, didn’t notice the stares and attention from men on the street. I focused on the noise of my steps and the path in front of me.

  Which is probably both why I noticed the footfalls behind me and also why it took so long for me to notice them.

ce I did, though, they were difficult to ignore. I was being followed.

  Well this can’t be good.

  As soon as I had the opportunity to glance over my shoulder without drawing attention I did so, just a momentary glance but that was all it took. I recognized my pursuer immediately.

  It was the handsome man from the bar.

  This was definitely not good. The alleyway to the shop was coming up and going into it would mean that I was stuck in a back alley. Once he followed me in there I would be vulnerable, and the alley was so long that just making a run for the shop would probably result in failure. I still wasn’t confident I could run in these heels. Knowing my luck today I would probably trip and fall and be in a worse situation in the end.

  I had only one option, I had to confront him out here in the street where the somewhat sparse foot traffic would at least provide me some safety.

  So I did. I slowed until he got closer and then, at the mouth of the alley I whirled and confronted him.

  “Stop right there!” I shouted, then realized I didn’t have a follow up so I just stood there with one hand up like a failed crossing guard.

  He stopped short, putting his hands up like I was pointing a gun at him and looking genuinely scared, “Wuh- What?”

  “Why are you following me?” I spat out, then followed it up with a boldfaced lie, “I have mace.”

  “Okay,” he took a step back, “I wasn’t following you.”

  I got angry now, “Bullshit. I know guys like you, all upset that you couldn’t manage to pick up the girl at the bar so you decide to follow her and wait for your opportunity.”

  “No,” he pleaded, “That’s not it at all.”

  “Of course it is. You with your horrible lines and attempt to pick me up. Negging? Really? You expect that to work. Plus you’re bad at it. Oh the things I could teach you.

  “But you don’t need to be taught how to neg. You need to be taught how to talk to a woman like she is a person. If you knew how to do that you would be able to pick them up without having to resort to cheap tricks.”


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