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Gender Swapped Volume One

Page 13

by Sophie Pert

  Something sounded familiar.

  I snuck out under the bed and shimmied my way along the floor. Thankfully the door was just open enough that I could slip out without alerting them.

  I looked back.

  I don’t know why I looked back.

  It was him, my old companion in his new body. He was naked and fucking her from behind.

  She was moaning, bent over on the bed with her head turned on a pillow and facing away from me. I watched her breasts jiggle with each one of his thrusts. Heard her moan out loudly to the room. Saw her hands grip the sheets. Saw her legs trembling.

  Her head was turned but I could tell in an instant who she was. I could tell from her body, from her trim figure, from her long dark hair.

  Of all the women at this party he had to choose her.


  He saw me too, saw me standing there silhouetted in the light of the door. He smiled with a smile like a jackal and in that instant I knew this wasn’t an accident. He had chosen this room, had chosen his partner. He had done it to humiliate me.

  I left the room and left the party and within a week I had dropped out of school too.

  I know how to ruin him you know. I know how to reverse the changes easily, have it worked down to a single prick from a very specific pin. A last minute safety measure that will instantly make the body snap back to what it was, like releasing a rubber band. It would be painful too.

  I kept it on me always, right there by my side. Occasionally I would take it out and look at it, knowing that I held the key to his happiness in my hand. Knowing I could take everything away from him in an instant.

  But I didn’t do that.

  Instead I dropped out of school and drifted away from all of my friends.

  All except one that is. His name was Douglas and he was actually the first guy who had introduced me around. Doug was one of those kind of people who was generous and magnanimous and just generally easy to be around. I don’t know what he saw in me, but whatever it was he kept trying to bring it out.

  Even after things went bad and I dropped out and all he kept inviting me to parties, trying to include me. Kept trying to get me back in school.

  I didn’t need it.

  Don’t get me wrong I’m not a gigantic loser. It wasn’t just because of what happened with Michael that I dropped out.

  Truth was I realized that all of that work on that machinery was incredibly valuable, far more than anything else that the college could teach me. So I dropped out, got my tuition reimbursed and set to work patenting everything. Then I found people and organizations that could use my work and loaned them pieces of it for a quite high fee.

  The truth is, within six months of dropping out I had enough money to never work a day in my life.

  This is why you shouldn’t judge a book by it’s cover. The old building on the edge of town? I own it. The constant dirt and grim? I’m always working. The bad clothes? Why wear something nice when it’s just going to be ruined.

  I was happy now, far happier than I ever was in school. Work kept me busy and kept me happy.

  I didn’t tell anybody because I didn’t want them to wonder why someone who had more money than everyone they knew put together would live in such a messy place. I didn’t want to have to explain that this was just how I worked best and if you have a good thing going why try and change it?

  So I avoided the situation.

  Still Doug tried and tried to get me out, to get me connecting with the people I used to know.

  I had a plan, I wasn’t going to avoid him forever. I cared too much about him to do that to him.

  I will go back, but I’ll go back on my own terms and I’ll show everyone there how much I succeeded without them. I’ll show them that I didn’t need their acceptance to be the best version of myself. I show them that I was better off on my own.

  I’ve got the clothes, I’ve got the car, I’ve got the money. I’m missing the date.

  Now I’d given up a long time ago on finding someone who could want to be with me. That died the moment I saw the girl I loved being fucked by that asshole who did it just to piss me off.

  If I was going to show everyone up I wouldn’t need any ordinary woman. I’d need a woman so far beyond ordinary that she could only exist in fantasy.

  I was close, by using baseline genetic material and inserting the template of my ideal partner I wouldn’t have to find the perfect woman, I could build the perfect woman. Build her with all of my memories and a personality specifically tailored to be my better half.

  The perfect woman.

  My perfect woman.

  Everything was set up here. The gel bath was prepped and the needle insertion apparatus was hovering over it. The code was uploaded and ready to go. All I needed to do was start the program and dip the needle in the gel bath and then it would begin.

  At long last I would meet her.

  I walked over to the computer and double checked the program one last time, then I clicked the button and listened to the machines start to whurr and work.

  My phone beeped and I grabbed it from it’s place next to the keyboard. Switching the screen on I read it while I walked over to the gel bath.

  It was a message from Doug, there was a party tonight at the frat house and he wasn’t going to take no for an answer. He was heading over now and I better be ready to go.

  This time I’d be ready.

  I opened the texting app on my phone and started one handedly typing a reply.

  I shouldn’t have done that. I certainly shouldn’t have tried to insert the needle into the gel bath at the same time.

  It pricked the tip of my index finger and the full gravity of that didn’t really hit me at first. Not until I tried to pull my hand back and found that I couldn’t. I looked over at my hand, saw it was pricked by the needle insertion apparatus. I looked over at the computer, saw the words SEQUENCE INITIATING flashing on the screen.

  I dropped my phone and knew exactly what came next.

  The machine uses available genetic material to craft the body. That is what the gel bath is there for.

  This time I was the gel bath.

  It was using me.

  As the heat of the machine working spread from my fingertip to my hand I tried to scream but nothing came out. By the time it reached my forearm it was overwhelmingly painful and I blacked out.


  I had a terrible dream, what could only be described as a nightmare.

  In this nightmare I was me and yet somehow not me. I was running down a series of endless corridors and surrounding me, lining the walls, were all of my former friends.

  They were taunting me, laughing at me, pointing at me.

  Behind me, chasing me, was Michael. In this dream he was a monster of a man, gigantic and muscular and bearing down on me with such an immense speed.

  I made turn after turn but I kept being caught up, kept tripping on these unfamiliar clothes.

  They were like robes, long and billowing and blowing around me, keeping me from being able to move with sure purpose.

  My body felt unfamiliar, like it as mine and somehow not mine, somehow foreign.

  I kept up my pace, moving as quickly as I could but still he gained on me, still I couldn’t be free.

  Until the voices changed, all around me my friends were no longer laughing, no longer pointing, no longer taunting. They were cheering me on.

  I grew more confident, more assured, more capable in my body as my strides became surefooted and strong.

  The clothes no longer billowed around me, they clung to me, accentuating my curvy and capable form.

  I outstripped Michael, leaving him behind as he bellowed with rage.

  And in the distance a figure stood, shrouded in darkness. I ran towards them unafraid, and fell into their open embrace as they held me in their strong and secure arms.


  I woke in a pile on the floor and the first thing that I noticed was that my body wasn
’t sore. The best way to describe it would be that my body was perfectly relaxed, like I’d just had a fantastic massage that ended with me collapsing in a lump on the floor.

  The second thing I noticed was my clothes. I was positively swimming in them. They were big for me before, but after what had happened they were just way too big for me.

  I knew exactly what had happened, the only thing that could have happened given the circumstances.

  When the machine had connected itself to me it recognized the wealth of genetic material available to it, specifically my body, and had utilized that to build the woman of my dreams. Using my body.

  I was just grateful that I designed the whole thing to maintain my memories, or that would have been it and I would have been completely lost. Instead I’m still me, just me in a different body.

  I knew all of this rationally, could recognize and realize the whole of the situation.

  That doesn’t mean that my irrational mind wanted to really recognize it. My irrational mind was screaming at the top of it’s lungs EVERYTHING IS FINE NOTHING HAS HAPPENED YOU ARE STILL YOUR SAME OLD SELF.

  My irrational mind was a jackass.

  The thing is everything was fine. There was nothing to be concerned about. One of the first steps to building out all of this stuff was to make a record of myself as I was. My entire body mapped out. All of my research was built on the ground work of my own body, plus it had the additional benefit of being a backup just in case precisely this happened.

  So I was fine.

  But I was also a scientist, and a scientist never lets an opportunity for study go unexplored.

  I got to my feet, excitedly realizing that I wasn’t unsteady or unfamiliar. This body knew exactly how to move, it was already familiar with itself there was no period of ‘getting used to things’ to worry about.

  I stretched my arms out in front of me and looked at my hands. One by one I moved each finger, wiggling and bending it to watch it work. Good manual dexterity, fine fluid movements. This is very promising.

  Next I felt myself through the clothing. Interesting, the sensation was perfect. It was like this had been my body the whole time. I pressed against my stomach, feeling the tight flesh and hard abdomen beneath the loose folds of clothing. I pinched at my side, feeling the involuntary pain response. Fascinating.

  My hands reached up, cupping each breast. This was very interesting. The sensation was obviously foreign, I didn’t have breasts in my previous body so there was nothing to compare it to. Perhaps that was why when I squeezed them it sent a rush through my body and made me gasp? Maybe it was just unfamiliarity with this sensation that made it feel so strange and fantastic? Or was this body somehow more sensitive? I would have to examine this further with some sort of familiar sensation like taste or smell to truly determine it.

  Pressing on I let my hands touch my thighs, feeling the firm muscle there. Then I realized something. I wouldn’t have to go so far as to find something to taste to determine whether this body was hypersensitive. I could just make do with something much more familiar.

  With a slight grin on my face I slipped my new and slender hand through the waistband of my pants. I was lucky I was so skinny in my previous body, if I hadn’t been skinny then or if the hips of this body hadn’t been quite so generous these pants would already be in a pile on the floor. As it was they were barely hanging on.

  I felt my hand slide down, past the tiny patch of hair and down to the slit below.

  Everything felt perfectly in order, all of the parts in the right place.

  I couldn’t concentrate on any of that though.

  If masturbating as a woman was anything comparable to masturbating as a man than this body had to be so much more sensitive than my male body.

  The sensation, the feel of my slim fingers plunging in and out of my slit, drawing my wetness from inside of me out and coating my lips with it. Playing over my clit with slight flicks and brushes. Sliding from the bottom of my slit up to the top. All of it made my jaw shake and my knees wobble. It almost made me collapse from it.

  With each thrust of my fingers I felt something building up inside of me, a heat welling up inside of me and building pressure in me. Like a steam pipe about to burst.

  My other hand flew to my chest, at first only to support me but then almost immediately it found my breasts. It played with them, feeling the weight of them and their firmness. It pinched my nipples, sending shockwaves that struck the pressure inside of me and made it vibrate and roll through my body.

  Then I heard the door opening and realized I was about to not be alone anymore.

  Doug had a key, of course I had forgotten this but he had a key and he mentioned he was coming over.

  I quickly composed myself, pulling my hand out of my pants and placing both hands on the surface of my computer desk. I took deep breaths and tried to still my pounding heart, tried to make it so that I looked like I hadn’t just been masturbating. With a pain of regret I felt the pressure let itself out slowly and dissipate.

  Doug pushed open the door and walked in. He was everything I wasn’t before, and definitely everything I wasn’t now.

  Doug was on the football team, he was handsome and fit and smart. He had that sort of All-American look to him that you picture when you picture college football player. You know, broad shoulders and big arms. Muscular and square-jawed. Handsome in the sort of broadly appealing way that meant that if he smiled at any woman they would melt a little inside.

  He walked in the door and looked at me standing there. I hadn’t looked at myself in the mirror but if everything had gone correctly, and it would have, he would see a beautifully stunning woman dressed in dirty baggy clothes. Judging from the look on his face I think that is exactly what he saw.

  “Oh,” he said, taken aback, “I’m sorry I’m here for my friend Alexander. I didn’t know he had anybody over.”

  I smiled and sighed a little and looked at him, “Hi Doug, yeah I don’t have anybody over. Listen why don’t you have a seat this is going to take a while to explain.”

  He declined the seat but still I told him everything. All of it right from the beginning.

  I told him about Michael’s request. About the initial machine. About changing Michael. About him sleeping with Mary. My dropping out, my patents, my success. All of it.

  Then I told him about my plan, to create the perfect woman and use her to make everyone jealous. I think he may have gotten a bit too much of a kick out of that bit but he had the courtesy not to laugh in my face.

  I told him about the accident, about pricking my finger and about being the genetic pool for this new body.

  He sat in rapt attention the whole time, a look on his face like he was absolutely fascinated and intrigued by it. Doug had always loved science, had said more than a few times that he wished he was smart enough to do just a bit of the stuff that I did. This was like catnip for him. He loved it.

  When I finished he had a big dumb grin on his face, so excited about what all of this meant.

  “This is awesome,” he said, walking up to me and taking a look at me from all sides, “So you’re like a real woman now? But your mind is still you? The same person in a different body!”

  “Yeah,” I said, “The genetic material used for this body was my old body. I can turn it back but right now I’m 100% different.”

  “So are you all woman then? Like all of the bits of you? You’re so much smaller,” he walked behind me and grabbed me by the ribs, lifting me up. The shock of it made me go stiff as a board and my legs shot straight out to find ground, which had the effect of making my pants slide off my hips and down to the ground.

  “Oh damn!” he shouted, dropping me to my feet. I bent as quickly as I could to grab my pants but he’d already seen everything.

  Blushing I pulled my pants back on and looked at him, “Yes I am 100% a woman.”

  “Sorry bro,” he mumbled, then he perked up immediately, “But hey I have the perfect idea,
you should come to the party tonight anyways. No one will know it’s you and you can see just how much fun it is. You can see what you’ve been missing. It’s perfect!”

  “No,” I said insistently, “I have to stay here and fix this.”

  “Wait, wait hear me out. It’s the perfect plan. You can experience the joys of a college party without any of the baggage that has been weighing you down. You can see everyone again and see who they really are. See their real personalities.”

  It would mean that I could do that, I could even take the opportunity to get close and ask about myself and see what people thought of me. It was tempting.

  I sighed deeply, realizing just what I was getting myself into, “I’ll do it.”

  He cheered and I started to walk away.

  “Where are you going?” he asked.

  “To get ready,” I replied.

  As I opened the door to my bedroom he shouted after me, “Okay but hurry up we don’t want to be too late.”

  I had been planning what was now my original plan for quite some time. I had gone out and bought clothing and makeup and everything. So luckily I already had all of my supplies.

  Also luckily, when this body had been made all of the dirt and grime of my old body had been erased. So that meant no need for a shower, all I had to do was get dressed and do my makeup. So this shouldn’t take too long.

  I stepped into the bedroom and closed the door behind myself, locking it for good measure. The benefit of being a workaholic who lived in his own lab was that I rarely if ever slept in my bedroom, instead choosing the comfort of the grimy couch in my lab most nights. If that doesn’t sound like a benefit to you then you should remember that I am a filthy slob. By not sleeping in my bedroom, hell by not even stepping foot in my bedroom most days, it meant that this was the neatest room in the house.

  Almost unconsciously I slipped off my shirt and slid my pants to the ground, daintily stepping out of them. Fully naked I strode across the room to the closet and removed the box from the back that I had specifically set out. It included everything I would need for the night, the dress, the makeup, the shoes, the underwear. I took it out and set it on the bed, flipping open the lid to take a look at everything inside.


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