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Gender Swapped Volume One

Page 22

by Sophie Pert

  I was a bit confused, “Pineapples?”

  “Yep,” he said, chuckling slightly to himself, “Pineapples everywhere.”

  There was a pause while I tried to process what he said, then I felt compelled to ask, “What? Why?”

  “Well the professor in charge of the study really likes pineapples, and they’re not something that anyone ever really thinks about so if they show up it’ll stand out. And they will stand out because they’ll probably be the primary feature of your dream. You’ll be in a world made of pineapples or you’ll eating a pineapple or you’ll even be a pineapple. Pineapples.”

  He turned into a room on the left side of the hall and I followed him in.

  The whole room was filled with equipment, wires and speakers running all along the walls. Conspicuously absent were any sort of lights, aside from the overhead lights which seemed to be normal industrial fluorescents the machinery on the walls had a lack of any of the sort of lighting you would normally see on equipment like this. No blinking leds or anything like that. Just wiring and electronics.

  In the centre of the room there was a bed, the kind of bed you would normally see in a doctors office but slightly more comfortable looking. At least this one had a pillow that seemed to be comfy enough to lay your head on and the whole thing was missing that paper sheet they generally drape over it.

  The lab tech gestured towards the bed and I walked over and laid down on it.

  He worked on me, attaching all sorts of monitors to me as he went, long wires leading from the sensors attached on my body to a nondescript grey box on the wall. As he worked he explained, “Okay so you’ll just lie here and I’ll hook up these monitors. They’re just to check your vitals. Don’t worry all of this is perfectly safe.”

  “So,” he said, stepping back as he finished, “You’ll be out for 8 hours, and when you wake up it’ll be just like you’ve had a full night's sleep. In fact I find I feel more rested after a night in here than I do on a normal night. Now how long it’ll feel in the dream can vary. I’ve had nights that felt like months and nights that felt like minutes. It really comes down to whether you’re enjoying or not enjoying yourself. Your body will speed up or slow down time accordingly. So that’s about it. Are you ready?”

  I nodded, “Yeah.”

  “Okay, I’m going to leave the room and the lights will shut off. You’ll hear some audio, beeps and clicks and the like, and then that’ll slowly start to fade out as the dream starts. Just try to relax and enjoy yourself and I’ll see you in the morning.”

  Then he turned and left the room.

  There was a momentary where I was alone in the room with just myself looking around at all the stationary machinery. Then the lights shut off and I was plunged into complete darkness.

  I heard the sounds start slowly at first. Completely disconnected from anything it felt like they were coming from objects somewhere far off in the distance. Each sound was unique, and each one came from a unique place in the room. They seemed to start to bounce around me, bouncing off of unseen objects like a ping pong ball. Darting around the room like the noises had mass.

  They grew in intensity and frequency, moving and making me dizzy trying to track them.

  I didn’t know when it happened but I lost track of the bed. I know that sounds weird to say but it’s not like I didn’t know where it was, it was more like I reached for it and it just wasn’t there anymore. I was floating in a dark sea of noise. It was disconcerting and disorienting and discordant, but somehow panic never seemed to set in. It always seemed to be just at the edge of my consciousness, but never enough to make my heart beat too fast.

  Just as quickly as my bed had disappeared so too did any sense of self. I couldn’t feel my body anymore. It wasn’t sudden though, it’s just like it had faded away. The most curious sensation, as if I still had fingers and form, but it was dispersed into a dark fog that was slowly drifting apart.

  There was a warmth and it suffused itself throughout me, making me feel comfortable and at peace as the sounds faded away and I slipped into nothingness.

  Into darkness.

  And there in darkness I lay in wait, in wait for something to happen.

  I felt like I was lying there forever, only the darkness to keep me company.

  Then I realized my eyes were closed, and so shaking my head a bit about how silly I had been I opened them.

  Blinking in the light my first thought was that this didn’t look like pineapples.

  It actually looked a lot, a hell of a lot, like a regular dorm room. Like my dorm room, but not quite.

  There was something wrong, this definitely couldn’t be right. There was definitely a conspicuous lack of pineapples.

  So here we go then, I’m so unlucky that even a simple sleep test couldn’t go right for me. I guess I get to have the incredibly exciting dream of living yet another day in college. Compared to that even being a pineapple sounded fantastic.

  I rolled out of bed and looked at the room properly. It honestly looked super weird. It was almost a carbon copy of my dorm room but it was just slightly different in the most unsettling way. It was like it was close to being familiar that that just made the differences stand out all the more. I shook my head.

  It wasn’t just the room itself, though the very dimensions of it didn’t seem right. It was the decor too. There wasn’t anything particularly wrong with the room. The decorations were actually quite nice. All lovely abstract paintings, nothing too garish or stand out to make it seem wrong. But that was just it, the paintings were unsettling almost precisely because they were so nondescript. And something about them… Something about the angles and the brush strokes bugged me.

  I wasn’t one for art in general, but I appreciated a good painting. Still this stuff, I would never in a million years pick this out. It just wasn’t me.

  There were aspects of this room that were better than my real one though. Apparently dream me wasn’t enough of a masochist to conjure up a dream roommate. One bed, which was good. Having to live another day in college in my dreams was bad enough I don’t know what I would do if I wound up having to deal with my roommate as well.

  So that was positive.

  The room smelled nice too, which was weird because I’m not sure if I ever remembered smell being a part of dreams before. Maybe that's a side effect of the whole beeping hypnosis thing? Not going to complain though, because the room smelled good. Like flowers. Which is why this had to be a dream because I had never been in a dorm room that smelled like flowers.

  The desk was covered too. Covered with boxes and tiny little shelves made up of drawers. Actually those type of drawers would be perfect for holding paints for my models. I hope they’re not just a figment of my imagination, I’ll have to get some for myself when I wake up.

  In the meantime I figured I might as well enjoy this dream.

  I stood and stretched, letting my limbs move lightly. My dream body was light and flexible, it felt really realistic too. It honestly felt like I was in a completely different body from my regular one. All lithe and light and smooth. I felt like I could make this body do almost anything, it was so much looser and somehow firmer than my real one.

  Stifling a slight yawn I walked over to the mirror, idly wondering what my idealized dream self would look like. I had this vision in my mind, myself but a better version of myself. I would have muscles, for one, and a square defined jaw. I would have neatly combed hair and smooth skin. I would be attractive, but still me. Still recognizable.

  The face that greeted me in the mirror was not that.

  It was someone different.

  Definitely someone different.

  I was a girl.

  I was a girl?

  The face staring back at me was definitely feminine. She was pretty and petite and decidedly not a guy.

  Her blonde hair was long and sleek, it fell on either side of her face with bouncy body, almost like ringlets. Her pale blue eyes were so light that they seemed to
sparkle slightly, the normally harsh lighting of the dorm room twinkling in them and making them difficult to look away from. Her nose was a tiny nub, cute and petite with a slight upturn at the end. Her lips were plump and irrepressibly kissable.

  She wore frumpy looking clothes, a loose sweater and long pants that hid her body beneath them. I grasped the bottom of the sweater with delicate and slender fingers, drawing it up slightly to reveal feminine hips and a flat belly.

  I felt light headed, stumbling backwards I had to sit on the bed to keep from fainting.

  The room seemed to spin around me, the flowers in the air smelling sickly sweet as I tried to get some grip on reality.

  This was definitely the weirdest thing that had ever happened to me.

  I was far away from being a pineapple.

  Still though, it was just a dream.

  The lab tech had said that the dream would just keep going on and on until I woke up. So all I had to do was wait it out. I mean whatever, as weird as this was it was still better than my regular room. And at least I didn’t have to spend the night lying in bed awake pretending my roommate wasn’t having sex on the other side of the room.

  I was stuck here for a while, so I might as well enjoy myself, it was just a dream afterall.

  Standing up I crossed the room and took a look at myself in the mirror again. WIth a devilish smile I decided to take full advantage of the situation.

  I grasped the sweater and pulled it over my head. Then without a break I pushed my pants to the ground.

  Looking at myself again in the mirror I saw that this dream body was fully naked, and thankfully this wasn’t any sort of dream where the unexpected happens. What I saw in the mirror was exactly what I was hoping for.

  My reflection was naked, and absolutely beautiful. She had long legs and a smooth body. Her breasts were small and perky, perfect handfuls that sat high and proud up on her chest. Her skin was flawless, not a blemish on it, and her ass was tight and firm. She was thin, but not overly skinny. She looked healthy, but definitely not plump.

  If anything I would describe her as looking like a runway model, but she lacked the sort of emaciation that seemed so common to them. She looked more sporty than skinny, and flexing her arms I could tell they held a lot of strength in them.

  She was immeasurably attractive, the sort of woman who would obviously attract plenty of attention wherever she went.

  I smiled and I saw her smile in response in the mirror. It was still weird having a reflection that was so clearly not me respond to my movements, but I gradually got the hang of it. I lifted my right hand, and so did she. I gave a little wave, she waved back. I started to sway from side to side, and I watched her dance in the mirror.

  Her body moved on its own and I watched it like a passive audience. I watched as she swayed to a silent tune, her body twirling as she moved. Her hands played in the air, spinning around each other in graceful circles. They traced imaginary lines down as they came closer and closer to her body, eventually coming to rest on her trim and tone belly.

  Soft fingertips atop delicate fingers. They pressed and felt the firmness of her body. They drew patterns on her, touring the contours of her form as she continued to sway in the room. They danced upwards, towards her pert breasts capped with perky pink nipples. They touched the skin of her breasts, eliciting a soft moan from her.

  It was the first time I’d heard her voice, and it was beautiful. Slightly breathy and ephemeral, it was like a songbirds note dancing in the air. I saw her smile unconsciously with pleasure.

  Her hands continued to move, playing over the smooth skin of her body and dancing lightly atop it. Wherever it touched it seemed to leave behind a trail of buzzing, like the skin that it touched was instantly put to fuzzy sleep. She ran a hand down her stomach, over the smooth ridges of her abdomen. Her other hand played up from her breasts, to her neck, to her face. It felt the bone under the taut skin of her cheek, felt the flush of the heated skin as she began to blush. Felt the tension in her face when she gasped as her other hand slipped between her legs.

  Her slender legs moved her backwards, making her touch the side of the bed and tumble into the sheets. She lay there, feeling waves wash over herself as her fingers explored the folds of her sex.

  I felt the taut tension of her outer lips, the skin smooth and hairless. I played a finger over the nub at the peak of her mound, making her whole body tense as her back arched. I dipped the tip of a finger inside, making her other hand reach down and grasp her breast fully in hand.

  The combination of it, the sensation of her hand on my breast and my finger inside of her sex, made my whole body contract and release like a rubber band. It made me buck my hips, sending my finger deeper inside of me.

  I closed my eyes and pictured this body. I saw it writhing on the bed and pictured my self, my real self, standing at the edge of the bed looking down at her. I moved onto the bed to be with her, kissing her lightly on the lips. Kissing her soft skin and slowly working my way all over her body, kissing her everywhere, tasting the sweet salt of her arousal. As I kissed I saw her whole body before me, writhing under my touch.

  In my fantasy my real self closed his eyes and relished the feeling of kissing this soft body.

  I felt those kisses, the feeling of the lips against my soft skin. The feeling of the hard body of a strong man pressing against my own.

  In my fantasy I opened my eyes and saw the man above me. I was her again, and I was waiting for him to take me. To fulfill my needs.

  I felt him enter me, stretching my sex and filling me up completely. I felt the pressure between my legs and the weight of his hard masculine form atop my delicate feminine body.

  I felt him take me, and felt myself melt into it.

  The feeling was unlike anything that I had ever experienced before. It was like a gentle warmth built up everywhere in my body and then continued to build until there was an uncontrollable wildfire burning me up from the inside. My skin felt like it was pricked by a thousand needles as my body tightened and a cry ripped loose from my throat.

  Then the tension melted away and the warmth returned and I settled into a gentle and easy relaxed satisfaction.

  Oh wow, was the first and only thought that came to mind for a very long time.

  The experiences, the sensations that a woman had. They were so much more than I had ever had as a man. So very different. It was so unlike anything I had ever felt before.

  And it left me so very hungry.

  A grumble in my belly stood as definitive proof of that and with a giggle I bounced out of bed.

  I was hungry, which was weird because I never really realized that you could feel hungry in a dream. Then again I’d never really realized you could feel so very satisfied in a dream either, so I guess I was learning new things every day.

  Walking over to the closet I threw open the doors in good spirits. The choices were overwhelming, but luckily it seemed like my body knew what it was doing, so I just relaxed and let it work automatically.

  It seemed to have some sort of muscle memory, reaching out for hanging items and pulling things off of shelves that I would have had no idea about. Then it even dressed automatically, pulling clothes onto the body and sitting down at the desk. It sorted through that collection of little drawers and boxes, which were apparently full of makeup, to find exactly what was required. Continuing to work automatically it applied a variety of things to my face while I just let my mind go blank and try not to think about the various pointy looking objects coming awfully close to my eyes.

  Once it was all done I headed over to the door, taking a moment to look at myself in the full length mirror on the back of it.

  Apparently muscle memory had gone for a natural, dressed down sort of look. The makeup subtly highlighted the natural beauty of this body, eschewing any sort of gaudy or over the top look in favour of natural colours that made it look like I wasn’t really wearing any makeup at all. It chose a pair of jeans, plain panties, a
sports bra and a loose white tank top. I was dressed down but it still pretty clearly showed off all of my natural beauty.

  With a nod of satisfaction I threw on some shoes and headed out the door.

  As soon as I got out of the dorm building I was instantly in a familiar place. There was no doubt in my mind now, I was absolutely in my school.

  At this point I guessed that whatever had meant to happen with the pineapples and such just hadn’t happened. With nothing to draw from, my mind had searched for the most familiar settings and automatically filled them in from my subconscious. Where this woman I was currently occupying came from I had no idea, but I wasn’t about to complain.

  At least being in a familiar school meant that I wasn’t about to get lost. Also it meant that I knew exactly where the food was, which was honestly my primary concern at this point.

  I headed off towards the cafeteria attached to my own dorm room, making a beeline through some empty fields to get there as quickly as possible. My dorm was on the opposite side of campus from where I currently was, so I would need to make my way through the central common hub in order to get there. Luckily it was a nice day out, nice and warm, so I didn’t have to worry about rushing to get someplace indoors.

  As I walked, though, I noticed something odd. It seemed like everywhere I went, people were staring at me. Guys and girls. All of them watching me pass. It was unsettling, and I wasn’t used to it at all.

  In the real world I could get pretty much anywhere without drawing any attention. I was the sort of nondescript person that no one gave a second glance.

  This was odd though, and it wasn’t until I finally put my finger on it that I felt better about the whole thing.

  It wasn’t until I realized that they were checking me out, that I started to relax.

  Once that was clear, once the strange look in their eyes was confirmed to be firmly based in carnal interest, I started to have some fun with it.

  My stride became a bit bouncier, I let myself get a bit taken away with the whole thing. I let my body flaunt its beauty, and reveled in the looks that I was getting.


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