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Take a Breath (Take 1)

Page 10

by Jaimie Roberts

  I started laughing, “Yes, he asked me the night before to wind up his friend Clive. Apparently he has a crush on me. He told me they are always winding each other up and Matthew wanted to get Clive back for that, so I said I would help. It was never more than a practical joke believe me.” He let out a chuckle.

  “The little shit.”

  I slap his arm gently, “Hey, don’t be too hard on the boy; it was only a bit of fun.” He grabs me by the waist and pulls me to him.

  “No one gets to look and feel and devour this body except for me.”

  He kisses me and I go limp, my breathing quickens as he gently strokes my cheek with his finger.

  “I dread to think what Clive gets up to of a night in his room thinking of you. The poor boys' parents must be washing his bed sheets every day.”

  I gasp in horror as Jake is laughing. I slap him on the arm again, “Hey, enough of that talk.”

  “Well, you can hardly blame the poor kid, but I get to realise those fantasies now whenever I want to. Now eat your toast.”

  I salute him, “Yes Mr Bennett, sir!” He puts his finger up at me as I take another bite of my toast.

  “Don’t you be cheeky with me Miss Sinclair or I will have you over my knee.”

  Just the thought of it sends shivers down my spine. I finish off the rest of my toast in quick succession knowing that he won’t touch me until I do.

  “We are a little eager beaver this morning aren’t we?”

  I take a gulp of my juice and a little spills onto my lip. I take my finger and gently stroke the bottom of my lip pushing my tongue out to lick it. I know exactly what I’m doing and I love getting the reaction I want from him.

  “Ana-Lucia Sinclair, are you trying to seduce me?”

  I drop the sheets from me so he can see my breasts are heaving for his touch. “What do you think Mr Bennett?” He growls and lunges for me causing the breakfast tray to crash on the floor. I’m screaming and giggling underneath him as he pins me down to the bed. I can feel how hard he is beneath his boxer shorts and I’m finding myself purring at the thought. Again I find those blazing green eyes boring into me.

  “What is it with you and that fucking finger of yours that gets me so out of control?”

  I wriggle my hips beneath him and look up into his eyes and lick my lips as seductively as I can. His eyes widen and he plunges his tongue into my mouth. It turns me on how much I can affect him like this. I’ve never wanted to please someone as much as I have wanted to please Jake. He is my world, my song, my dance, my light in the dark. He completes me. I pull my feet up and with my toes, I push under his boxer shorts to push them down.

  “How flexible you are Miss Sinclair.”

  I chuckle, “Only for you Mr Bennett.” He grabs my nipple and squeezes it, I arch my back and let out a moan. He then traces his hand down to my forever wet pussy and he cups me.

  “Only for me, this is mine Ana, mine.”

  He sinks a finger deep inside me and I’m rooted to the bed at the pleasure running through me. “Yours Jake, only yours.”

  Chapter 14

  After a delicious morning filled with sex, we finally decided to get up, shower ourselves and get dressed. Jake was determined to take me out so he can buy me some new panties, as he felt guilty for tearing three lots off me so far. I think he was also focused on tearing off some more. “You know Jake, I can always go commando from now on.” We were sat in his Range Rover and he was about to start it up, when he turned to face me. I couldn’t escape the grin on my face as he cocked his eyebrow up at me.

  “Don’t start this Ana, as I will haul your ass out of the car and drag you upstairs again.”

  I placed my hand on my knee and gently stroked up my thigh. “I may actually be going commando right now.” Whilst staring at my hand on my thigh, I see him tightening the grip on his wheel. I love that I can have this effect on him. It turns me on more than he will know.

  “Ana, you’re fucking killing me.”

  I jump up as I remember something, “That reminds me. How come I can’t swear and yet your Mr Potty mouth all the time? That isn’t fair.” He starts the engine up and presses the button for the garage door to open.

  “Well now, that’s simple. I am a man and you are a lady and ladies don’t swear. Anyway, I’m sure you like it when I swear, it adds to the caveman qualities you’re always nicely pointing out to me all the time.”

  I huff in submission. Why does he have to be so bloody right? What woman wouldn’t love a caveman like Jake? I’ll take him and his domineering self any day of the week, but I wouldn’t let him have the satisfaction of knowing that. I look across at him frowning and he is smiling in satisfaction that he has one over on me.

  “Oh look, Ana-Lucia Sinclair rendered speechless at last. Who would have thought?” I smack his arm.

  “Hey you keep doing that and I may have to report you for domestic violence.”

  I growl, “Oh shut up Jake.” He’s laughing hard now and I can’t help but smile at him. How can I be angry with him for long? He pulls out of the garage and he pushes the button to close the door. We set off and he grabs my hand holding it near enough the whole journey to the mall. He’s taking me to Tyson’s as he knows I like it there.

  We find a parking space after a while of looking. It’s a Saturday afternoon, so of course it’s going to be heaving with people. We climb out and the heat just hits you with more force than ever, especially after being in such a comfortable air conditioned car. I shut my door and I’m catapulted into hard taut muscles of Jake’s chest. He traces his hand from my hair down to my back and squeezes me into him, green eyes like pools of lust burning into my soul.

  “Do you know how damn sexy you look Ana? You’re like a drug; I can’t ever seem to get enough of you. I could easily have you right now over the car.” My breathing hitches up a few notches as he bends down to kiss me. The kiss is fierce like he is staking his claim. He owns me and he knows it. Out of breath I finally manage to utter the words, “Ok, take me now Jake.” He pulls back and laughs.

  “As much as I really want to we can’t do such lewd acts in public and besides, no one gets to see my Ana in the throes of passion other than me. Now come on, let’s get you these panties so I can rip them off you when we get home.”

  I start laughing as he drags me towards the stairs to the mall.

  As predicted it was packed but it was nice to be inside away from the blistering heat. It must be at least ninety Fahrenheit outside and it’s only going to get warmer. We head into a few shops and we manage to find some lace panties that Jake nearly had a heart attack over. He bought them quickly, as I stared at a lovely silk black and red Basque with bows at the end and suspenders attached. We were headed out the shop when I asked Jake to meet me by the frozen yoghurt counter. He smiled as if he knew I was up to something, but headed out anyway. I quickly found a size 6 and rushed to the counter to pay, before Jake could see me. I pay for the item which was $35 but totally worth it to see Jake’s face when I wear it, before heading out the door. I find Jake standing at the frozen yoghurt counter eyebrow hitched at the sight of my bag.

  “What would you like to eat?”

  I look up at him and smile, “Is that a rhetorical question?”

  “Don’t start Ana; I’m already having second thoughts on getting you one, as I’m having a hard time picturing you licking the yoghurt up with that tongue of yours.”

  I start laughing, “Well, in that case Mr Bennett, I will have a wild berries please.” He shakes his head and makes his order. I’m going to enjoy this. He hands me the yoghurt and we find a quiet corner to eat. It would seem Jake has ordered the same thing as me. I take the spoon and place some in my mouth. I close my eyes and moan, “Mmmm, that’s so good.” I open my eyes to find Jake glaring at me open mouthed. He’s about to say something when we hear someone clearing their throat. We both jump and bolt round to find Mike and Alison staring at us. Mike is grinning from ear to ear. He obviously caugh
t the Ana and Jake show.

  “So would you look who we have here Alison, Jake and Ana together eating Yoghurt. I see we’ve been shopping for Lingerie, pick up anything nice?” Alison elbows Mike, “Now stop teasing the two of them Mike and let them be. I must say you two both look radiant. I wonder what has changed since last night. It certainly suits the two of you whatever it is.”

  Mike now startled turns to his wife, “Now who's the one teasing now Alison?”

  I gape at the two of them wondering what to say, “We were just, I mean we were…” It was then I felt his hand come up and lightly touch my cheek, stunning me into silence. I stop, look at Jake and smile. He was telling me he didn’t care. Staring intently into his eyes, I suddenly forgot where I was. This man was so beautiful, mine. I feel like I am under his spell and what a spell to be under. My heart, body, soul you name it is his and only his. I never want this feeling to end.

  I was snapped back into reality when Mike spoke, “Well, we won’t keep you any longer but I must say, it was about time. I’m so happy for you both, I really am.”

  Mike puts his hand out to Jake and he accepts it wholeheartedly.

  “Thanks Mike,” Jake said.

  “You kids take care now.”

  Alison gave her best winning smile and off they went. “You don’t mind that he knows?” He grabs my hand.

  “I told you, I don’t give a shit about it anymore. Mike is a good man; he won’t be spreading this around like gossip. I trust him to see us how we are.”

  I carry on eating my frozen yoghurt transfixed on Jake and wondering just how ‘we are.’ I decide I just want to enjoy these moments and try not to spoil things by reading too deeply into everything.

  “Just looking at you eat that yoghurt’s making me twitch. What are you doing to me Ana?”

  I brandish the most innocent smile I can muster, “Mr Bennett, I don’t think I quite know what you mean.” I dip the spoon in and very lightly trail some of it over my lip. I then seductively with the tip of my tongue, lick around the edges of my lips and moan. Jake grabs the yoghurt pot from my hand and throws both in the bin; he then yanks me from the spot and drags me back towards the car. I start laughing so hard I can’t stop.

  “I’m going to show you just what I mean when we get home.”

  I can feel a certain fire between my legs come to life as my laughter abruptly stops. I can’t get enough of this man; I just want to receive as much as he can give me, take whatever he can throw at me and be damned of any consequences. I’ve been dreaming of this moment for far too long, waiting and hoping and praying that I could get a chance to find my happiness with the man I love, who I’ve always loved. We’re thundering through the hoards of people making our way out of the heat of the day. Jake opens the car door and as always the true gentleman, helps me into the car. He gets in and fastens his seatbelt and starts the car in lightening speed. “Do I not get pounced on when getting into the car then?” I start laughing and he huffs and turns to face me. He looks pissed, “Ana, I’m barely holding on to any remnants of control I have not to take you in the car right now, and stop laughing.”

  He quickly backs out of the parking space and on we go back home. I’m sure he’s breaking some of the speeding limits, but I make a point to keep quiet and not say anything. The mood he seems to be in I best not utter a sound.

  We get home and wait for the garage door to open. I get my key ready and my heart starts pounding in my ears, as the adrenaline spikes. Jake drives in and once I know he’s stopped, I quickly get out unlock the door, lock the door behind me and as quick as I can, turn the alarm off and run upstairs. I can hear Jake bellowing my name and I’m trying so hard not to laugh as I quickly hide under his bed. How childish am I, but oh this is such fun? I hear him running up the stairs and I see his feet walking into the bedroom.

  “Ana, I know you’re here and you better show yourself as I may not be responsible for my actions. Do you really want to have a red butt for the spanking you will receive if you do not come out of your hiding spot right now?”

  I try hard to stop the gasp that escapes my lips but I am super charged on the anticipation. I want this man so much I ache. I can barely contain myself when I’m yanked from underneath the bed, with a force of nature that is Jake. He smacks my bum and the shock sends waves of scorching heat through my veins. He spins me over and a look of thunderous hunger greats me from above. His breathing is erratic as he presses himself into me. I feel how hard he is against me and my eyes widen with expectation.

  “Don’t you ever run away from me Ana. You’re going to see just how angry I am with you right now.”

  My pussy is throbbing with his words as he leans down and kisses me hard. He trails his hand down to my very wet opening and inserts his finger.

  “You were not lying about going commando. You’re always so wet for me Ana.”

  His thumb finds my clit as he moves his finger in and out and relentlessly rubs the tip of my clit over and over. He trails kisses down my neck and moves his hand towards my nipple and squeezes it. His thumb is still rubbing that very sensitive spot he seems to know too well. I’m in blissful agony at the impending orgasm that is going to rip through me at any moment. He senses that I’m close and stops. I’m so out of breath, I can’t take it, “Jake, please.” He unbuttons his jeans and unzips himself and pulls down hard. He seems to be in the same impatient hurry as I am. He pushes in deep and we both let out a gasp. He stays still for a few moments and I’m practically drooling to find my release. I tighten myself around him and he feels me and growls. It spurs him forward.

  “Ana, you feel so tight, so good. I really can’t get enough of you.”

  He presses his lips to mine and starts hammering into me. I’m letting out sounds I can’t seem to control and I don’t want to control. He’s an obsession, my obsession and I don’t want this feeling ever to end. I’m climbing and climbing and my whole body is on fire at the impending orgasm that I know is going to rip me apart at any moment.

  “Ana, can you reach for that star now?”

  I close my eyes, as I feel the sensations tingly through me. “Yes Jake, I’m right there.” He moves more in a circular motion, so I can feel him rubbing against my clit.

  “Now, Ana, grab it now for me.”

  I can no longer hold it, as right on his command again I am falling apart. The orgasm is rippling through me from the hairs on my head to the tips of my toes. I have never felt an orgasm like the ones I have with Jake. They’re intense, magical, beautiful. I’m still feeling the effects of the climax as my sex is tightening around Jake, milking what I can out of him and soon he is making the most guttural noises, as he finds his own release.

  “Fuck, Ana.”

  He hangs over me both trying to catch our breaths at the intensity of such aggressive intense sex. Jake finally gets up off the floor and looks down at me. “See, I can’t even take my time with you enough to undress you and take you to my bed. I see you on the floor and that’s where I have to have you. I can’t seem to control myself. Are you ok, I haven’t hurt you have I?”

  He puts out a hand to me to help me up. “No, Jake and if it’s going to feel like that all the time, then you can take me on top of a garbage dump for all I care.” He laughs a throaty sexy laugh.

  “Well, I think I may draw the line there but I aim to please. At least this time you didn’t have any panties on, or else they would have been ripped from you also.”

  As he grabs my hand and pulls me up, he places me into his waiting arms and wraps them tightly around me. I bury my head in his chest and inhale his scent. It’s the same sexy, beautiful, sweet Jake smell that I know and love so much.

  “You smell so good Ana. You’re mine.”

  I close my eyes and sigh, “All yours.”

  Chapter 15

  After jumping in the shower whilst Jake was downstairs making a late lunch, I walked through to my room to find something else to wear. I’m grinning from ear to ear; I have n
ever been so happy, so content as I am now. I sit on the bed towel drying my hair when I notice something in the corner of my eye. I look round and on my pillow, is a note. Confused I pick it up to read it.

  My beautiful English Rose,

  Soon you will be mine.

  I smile at the note. It’s a bit of a strange thing for Jake to write. I already am his and he knows it, he tells me often enough. I quickly slip into a dress and make my way downstairs with the piece of paper. I stop in my tracks as I see Jake with only a pair of shorts on, cutting into some sandwiches. I’m blown away by the sheer statuesque beauty of this man. I’ve completely forgotten what I was there for. He looks up and smiles.

  “What’s that you got in your hand?”

  My face crinkled at his statement, “As if you don’t already know. What do you mean, soon you will be mine?”

  He froze, “What are you talking about Ana, what is that piece of paper?”

  I was rooted to the spot as he came over to me and whipped it out of my hand. “You didn’t write this?” Jake puts the note down quickly and rushes to the phone.

  “Where did you find this?”

  I’m fixed to the spot, my eyes practically bulging by now.

  “Ana, where did you find this note?”

  My whole body frozen I somehow manage to speak, “It was on my pillow in my bedroom.” He starts frantically dialling a number, his body rigid with anger and I’m trying to gather my thoughts around what the hell is going on. Very soon after I hear him speak.

  “Michael, you need to get your ass down here now with a forensics team. He left Ana a note on her fucking bed. He was in my house.” He paused for a moment and then said, “Yes, I’m fucking sure. You better let Agent Marcos know also, he may want to pay us a visit.” Another pause, “I’ll see you soon.” With that he hung up. He comes bounding over to me where I’m still rooted. I can’t move as some sort of realisation kicks in. Someone has been in our house and left a note on my bed. How the hell did they get in and who was it?


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