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by Richard Holmes

Gwyn, John: Military Memoirs, 125

  Gwynn-Vaughan, Helen, 350–2

  Gwynne, Llewellyn Henry, Bishop of Khartoum, 255

  Hackett, General Sir John, 497

  Haig, Dorothy, Countess (née Vivian), 593

  Haig, Field Marshal Douglas, 1st Earl, 76, 470, 532, 593

  hair: length and style, 465–9, 471

  halberds, 58

  Haldane, Richard Burdon, Viscount, 108, 112, 173, 383; Committee (1923), 208

  Haldimand, Frederick, 323

  Hale, Alfred M., 319, 463

  Hales, Sir Edward, 133

  half-pikes, 58

  Halkett, Major General Sir Colin, 336, 338

  Hall, WO2 Mike, 486

  Hamilton, Alexander Hanilton Douglas, 10th Duke of, 39

  Hamilton, Major General Hubert, 85

  Hamilton, General Sir Ian, 196

  Hamilton, Colonel Richard, 136

  Hamley, General Edward, 447

  Hamm, Johann Valentin: ‘Milanollo’ (march), 481

  Hammond, Drummer John, 277

  Hammond, T.J., 298

  Hanbury-Sparrow, Lieut. Colonel Alan, 256, 413

  Handcock, Henry, 163, 164

  Hanover, 336, 338

  Harcomb, John, 307

  Harding, Sir Alan (‘John’), 108–9

  Hardinge, Field Marshal Henry, 1st Viscount, 536

  Hardy, Revd E.J., 250, 258

  Hardy, Private (of 73rd Foot), 304

  Hardy, Theodore Bayley, VC, 257

  Hare, Francis, Bishop of Chichester, 237

  Harford, Captain Charles, 445

  Harris, Abraham (born Bevistein), 280–1

  Harris, Rifleman Benjamin, xxiv, 178, 270, 293–4, 299

  Harrison, Sergeant Robert, 96

  Harry, Prince, 15–16

  Hart, Major General Arthur FitzRoy, 170

  Hart, Sir Basil Liddell, 45

  Hart, Henry George, 170

  Hart, Mary (née Synnot), 170

  Hart-Synnot, Major Arthur Henry Seton, 170

  Hart’s Army List, 170

  Hastings, Sir Max, 47

  Havelock, Major General Sir Henry, 545

  Hawksmoor, Nicholas, 54, 501, 521

  Hawley, Lieut. General Henry (‘Hangman’), 11

  Hawthorne, Bugler Robert, VC, 484

  Hay, Colonel Richardson Drummond see Drummond Hay, Colonel Richardson

  Hay, Lord John, 349

  Haydn, Joseph, 477

  Healey, Denis, Baron, 32

  Hearts of Midlothian Football Club, 190

  Heath, Edward, 32

  Heber Percy see Percy, Lieut. Colonel A.G.W.

  Heber Help for Heroes (charity), xxvii, 602

  Hemmington, Sergeant (30th Foot), 583

  Henderson, Arthur, 29

  Henderson, James, 152

  Hennell, George, 152

  Henry VIII, King, 54

  Hepburn-Stuart-Forbes-Trefusis, Brigadier-General John, 28

  Heptune, Captain (of 49th Regiment), 151

  Herbert, Sir A.P., 392

  Herbert, Colonel (of 75th Foot), 489

  Hermon, Lieut. Colonel Edward, 202, 204–5

  Hervilly, Comte d’, 329

  Heseltine, Michael, 33

  Hesse-Kassell: soldiers from (Hessians), 321–2

  Hibbert, Staff Sergeant Susan, 356

  Hibernian Society, 275

  Higgins, Thomas, 270

  Hill, Major John, 403

  Hill, Lieut. Colonel (of 32nd Foot), 308

  Hill, Lieut. (of 58th Regiment), 445

  Hill, General Rowland, 1st Viscount, 41

  Hillbrook, Dr Wallace, 187

  Hills, Stuart, 216–18

  Hindustani language: borrowed words, 457–60

  Hitchbone, Lieut. Thomas, 177

  Hodge, Lieut. Colonel Edward Cooper, 149

  Hodges, Corporal Fred, 319, 387

  Hodgson, Thomas, 295

  Hogan, George, 65

  Hogarth, Corporal ‘H’., 90

  Holland, John, 277

  Holles, Denzil, 50

  Hollins, Colonel, 84

  Hollis, Sergeant Major Stan, VC, 587

  Holmes, Dame Kelly, 582

  Holmes, Private Percy, 386

  Holmes, Major General William, 109

  Holms, John, 511

  Home, Lieut. Duncan, VC, 484

  homosexuality, 176, 588–92

  Honeywood, General Philip, 364

  Honourable Artillery Company, 51

  Hoon, Geoff, 435

  Hopton, Sir Ralph, 93–4

  Hore-Belisha, Leslie (later Baron), 210

  Horner, Edward, 200

  Horse Guards, Whitehall: as army’s HQ, 22

  horses: for officers, 558–9

  Houlding, John A., 168, 170, 304

  housing and billeting, 499–502, 504, 508, 512–13

  Houx de Vioménil, Comte Charles du, 329

  Howard, Michael Francis, 48

  Howard, Captain Sir Philip, 129

  Howard, Lieutenant General Thomas, 365

  Howe, Brigadier General George Augustus, 3rd Viscount, 466

  Howe, General William, 5th Viscount, 36–7, 148, 151, 168–9

  Huffer, Donald Breeze Mendham, 162

  Hughes, Revd Frederick Llewellyn: The Chaplains in the Grand Assault, 259

  Huguenots, 133, 168, 324–7

  Humières, Marshal Louis de Crevant, duc d’, 136

  Hunt, Henry (‘Orator’), 103

  Hunter, Charles, 105

  Hunter, Private William, 281–2

  Hunter-Weston, Lieut. General Sir Aylmer, 30

  hussars, 370

  Hutchison, Lieut. Colonel Graham Seton, 202

  Illustrated London News, 3

  Imjin River, Korea, 412, 452

  Imperial General Staff: instituted, 184

  impressment, 302–8; see also Press Acts

  Inchiquin, William O’Brien, 2nd Earl of, 127

  India: barracks and cantonments, 520; borrowed words, 458–60; drinking in, 537; freemasonry in, 580; and hot-weather shootings, 308; regiments serve in, 376–7; women and sex in, 584–6; see also East India Company

  Indian Army, 324

  Indian Mutiny (1857–8): and troop shortage, 376

  infantry: battalion composition, 59–60; fighting quality of soldiers, 391–3; given regional titles, 291; proposed corps of, 390; ranks and designations, 80; and rebadging (reallocation of men), 387–9, 393–4, 410; recruitment falls, 391; see also Army units: INFANTRY

  Infantry Reinforcements Training Depot, 405

  Infantry Training Centre, Catterick, 426, 487

  Ingle, Lieut. Colonel (of Middlesex Regiment), 281

  Ingolby, Lieut. Roger, 187

  Inkster, Marjorie, 354

  Inns of Court, 191, 195–6

  Iraq: invasion (2003), 44; reserve forces in, 89

  Ireland: army role in, 42–3; Catholic serving soldiers, 243–7; Civil War (1649–53), 5; in East India Company forces, 246; and Home Rule, 42; House of Commons, 39; James II in, 136; landed society, 160; memorial park near Messines, 389–90; numbers serving, 375–6; officers from, 121–4; regimental establishment, 121; regiments disbanded (1922), 390; service in foreign armies, 126; soldiers’ behaviour, 246–7; union with England (1800), 121

  Irish Peace Park, near Messines, 389

  Irish Republican Army (IRA), xxviii

  Irwin, Lieut. General Sir Alistair, 432–6

  Irwin, Lieut. Colonel A.P.B., 401

  Isabella, Queen of Spain, 40

  Isandlwana, battle of (1879), 445, 484

  Jack, Brigadier General James, 196, 202, 401, 580

  Jack Tar (sailor’s name), 4

  Jackson, John, 66–7

  Jackson, General Sir Mike, 223, 228, 431–2, 436

  Jackson, Sergeant Thomas, 290

  Jacob, General Sir Claude, 53

  Jacobite invasions (1715, 1745), 100

  jäger units, 323

  James II, King (earlier Duke of Yo
rk): admires Louis XIV, 54; and Arabella Churchill, 8; army appointments, 136; Catholicism, 132–4; and commanders of brigades, 52; and control of army, 20; defection of army, 21, 135; deposed, 135; fights in Civil War, 11; in Ireland, 136; and legislature’s connection with army, 24–5; and Piercy Kirke, 132; size of army, 94, 137

  Janvrin, Robin, 19

  Jary, Sidney, 220–1

  Jeffrey, Keith, 122

  Jeffreys, Major ‘Ma’, 271

  Jeffries, Marine Colonel John, 171

  Jena-Auerstadt, battle of (1806), 335

  Jenkins, Gwyn Harries, 25

  Jensen, Louise, 308

  Jesser-Davis, Captain C.E., 316

  Jews: army service, 254; chaplains, 254; in Pioneer Corps, 346; in yeomanry, 107

  Joass, Captain Alexander, 144

  John IV, King of Portugal, 7

  John, King, 54

  Johnston, Brian, 363

  Jonas, Private William, 315

  Jones, Major Charles: The Regimental Companion, 81

  Jones, Charles, 72

  Jones, David: In Parenthesis, 590

  Jones, Ensign (31st Regiment), 445

  Jones, Lieut. Col. H., VC, xvii

  Jones, Private (of 16th Lancers), xxi

  Jones, Private (of KOSB), 391–2

  Joyce, Major Eric, 45–7

  Joynson-Hicks, William (later 1st Viscount Brentford; ‘Jix’), 314

  junior leaders units, 283

  Jupe, Sergeant Adolphus (‘Dolph’), xvi, 384

  Kander, Francis, 331

  Karno, Fred, 457

  Keegan, Sir John, 226

  Keenan, Private (of 95th Foot), 448

  Keep, Lieut. William Thornton, 331

  Keir, Lieut. General Sir John, 49, 207–8

  Kellett, Lieut. Colonel Orlando Edward (‘Flash’), 29–30, 217

  Kelly, Father (chaplain), 241

  Kelly, Lieut. (of 40th Regiment), 247

  Kempt, General Sir James, 161, 400

  Kendall, Kenneth, 363

  Kennedy, Lieut. Colonel, 203

  Kennedy, Geoffrey Studdert (‘Woodbine Willie’), 257

  Kennedy, Captain Lord Hugh, 213

  Kennedy, J.R., 209–10

  Kenny, Lieut. Henry, 150

  Kent, Field Marshal Prince Edward Augustus, Duke of, 12, 468–9

  Kenyon, David, 371

  Kerby, William, 290

  Kerr, Major General Lord Mark, 269

  Kersh, Guardsman Gerald, xvii, 213–14

  Key, Revd Thomas Milward, 236

  Kidston, Lieut. Colonel George, 417

  king see monarch

  King, Rifleman Bernard Wiliam, 256

  King, Captain Richard, 56

  Kinglake, Alexander William, 499

  King’s Mountain, battle of (1780), 408

  Kingsley, Quartermaster John Foster, 72

  kingsman (rank), 69

  Kinloch, Lieut. Charles, 147

  Kipling, John (Rudyard’s son), 193

  Kipling, Rudyard: xix, 378, 580, 598; The Absent Minded Beggar, 107; Barrack Room Ballads, 3; Danny Deever, 537; ‘The Drums of the Fore and Aft’ (story), 482

  Kirke, Charles, 283, 582

  Kirke, Lieut. General Percy (or Piercy), 131–2, 136–8, 376

  Kirke, Lieut. General Percy (son), 138

  Kirkland, Colour Sergeant (of 80th Regiment), 447

  Kirkland, Sergeant Major (of 39th Regiment), 154

  Kitchener, Field Marshal Horatio Herbert, 1st Earl: Churchill criticises, 44–5; freemasonry, 580; instructions to Sir John French, 319; and no-prisoners policy in Boer War, 342; and Prince of Wales’s army service, 14; raises New Armies in First World War, 188, 312; and reducing venereal disease, 586

  Kleinstuber, Sergeant-Major W.G. (of Cameronians), 489

  Kneller Hall see Royal Military School of Music

  Knight, Ian, 484

  Knollys, Francis, 1st Viscount, 18

  Knott, Lieut. Colonel Thomas, 187

  Korean War (1950–3), 222, 262, 412, 452

  Krauel von Zizkaberg, David, 159

  La Boissanade, Samuel de Pechels, Seigneur de, 326

  Lacy, Franz Moritz, Graf von, 126

  Laidlaw, Piper Daniel, VC, 485

  Laing’s Neck, battle of (1881), 444

  Lambert, Lieut. George, 177–8

  lance corporals, 68

  lance sergeants, 68

  lancers, 370–1

  landed gentry, 160–1

  Landon, Major General J.H.S., 271

  language, military, 454–65

  Lanier, John, 137

  Lascelles, Sir Alan (‘Tommy’), 19

  Lascelles, Lieut. Colonel (Worcesters), 85

  ‘Last Post’ (bugle call), 491, 494, 528

  Lawrence, Sergeant William, 240, 444

  Layton, Leslie, 202

  Leake, John, 540

  Leaney, A.R.C., 260

  Le Cateau, battle of (1914), 84

  Lechmere, Edmund, 98

  Lechmere, Colonel Nicholas, 97–8

  Lee, Lieut. Herbert, 185

  Leeds, Drummer John, 484

  Leete, Alfred, 312

  Leighton, Frederic, Baron, 188

  Le Marchant, Major General John Gaspard, 157–8

  Lennox, Colonel Charles (later 4th Duke of Richmond), 564

  Lennox, Lieut. Colonel Lord George, 138, 364

  Leon, Cornet Baron, 370

  Lernon, Désiré, 331

  L’Estrange, Lieut. Colonel Guy, 103–4

  Le Vesconte, Milly, 355

  Lewis, Drummer (30th Foot), 583

  Lewis, Dr Julian, 34

  Lewis, Captain Rowland, 150

  Liardet, Major General Claude, 110

  Lichfield, Patrick Anson, 5th Earl of, 363

  Liddell Hart, Basil see Hart, Sir Basil

  Liddell lieutenant generals, 51

  lieutenants, 50

  light companies (infantry), 59–60

  light dragoons, 370

  light infantry, 367

  Ligonier, Edward, 2nd Earl, 327

  Ligonier, Field Marsh al Louis Jean, 1st Earl, 12, 326

  Lillie, Major Frederick, 187

  Lindam, Major Ole, 339

  Lindsay, Martin, 391, 398, 402

  Linklater, Private Eric, 206

  Linsingen, Colonel von, 338–9

  Liu Dien Chen, First Class Ganger, 345

  Lively, RSM Bernard, 486

  Livermore, Bernard, 411

  Liverpool Pals (1914), 93

  Llewellen-Palmer, Tim, 415

  Llewellyn, Ensign (of KGL), 339

  Lloyd, Captain Thomas, 563

  Lloyd-Jones, Captain John, 188

  logistics: and quartermasters, 75–6

  London: Trained bands, 91–2; volunteer units, 101

  London Gazette, 510–11

  Longbon, Drummer Philip, 510

  Longford, Brigadier General Thomas Pakenham, 5th Earl of, 108

  Longmoor Military Railway, 512

  Longmore, Colonel John, 394

  Lord, Sergeant Major Jackie, 224

  Lords, House of: members serve in World Wars, 28

  lords lieutenant, 112–13

  Losson, Private, xix

  Lough, Colonel (of Whittington Baracks, Lichfield), 573

  Louis XIV, King of France, 54, 133–5

  Lovat, Simon Fraser, 17th Baron, 485

  ‘Love farewell’ (song), 493

  Lowry, Robert William, 10

  loyalty: to comrades, 406–13

  Lucas, William, 597

  Lucknow: siege and relief of (1857), 274–5, 367–8

  Lucy, Corporal Denis, 197, 297

  Lucy, Lieut. John, 197, 201, 297, 401, 515, 531

  Luddites, 103

  Lukowiak, Ken, xvii–xviii, 33

  Lumley, Lieut. General Henry, 237

  Lumley, Joanna, 347

  Lyttelton, Humphrey, 363

  Maastricht, siege of (1673), 131

  Mabbott, Regimental Sergeant Major (12th
Lancers), 416

  Manningham, Colonel Coote: Regulations for the Rifle Corps, xxiv, 308, 414

  Manton, Joe, 564

  Manual of Military Law: on billeting, 501; on discipline, 21; on officer behaviour, 175; on quartermasters, 73

  Margesson, David, 390

  Markham, Francis, 473

  Marlborough, dukes of, 105

  Marlborough, George Spencer, 4th Duke of, 35

  Marlborough, John Churchill, 1st Duke of: at Sedgemoor, 132; behaviour in battle, 237; on brevet promotions, 84; and chaplains, 237; commissioned in 1st Guards, 8, 130; commissions officers, 22; and development of army, xxiii, 244; earldom, 136; employs foreign troops, 324; and engineers, 56; and fall of James II, 134; impregnates Barbara Villiers, 131; losses at the Schellenberg, 410; professionalism, 131; promotes Rowe, 52; rise to prominence, 137

  Marlborough Lines, near Andover, 71

  Marlborough, Sarah, Duchess of, 134, 464

  marriage, 583, 593–600; breakdowns, 262

  Marsden-Smedley, George, 186

  Marsh, Corporal Steve, 90

  Marshall, Second Lieut. Douglas, 189

  Marshall-Cornwall, James, 311

  Martin, Lieut. Charles, 478

  Martin, Private (of Essex Regiment), 281

  Martini-Henry rifle, 58

  Mary II (Stuart), Queen, 11, 21, 134–5

  Mary (of Teck), Queen of George V, 14

  Massey, Lieut. William Glynne, 163

  Masters, John, 397–8

  Masterson, Sergeant Patrick, 245

  Matania, Fortunino: The Last Absolution of the Munsters (painting), 234

  Mates, Michael, 33

  Mawhood, William, 166–7

  Mawhood, Lieut. William (son), 166–7

  Maxwell, General Ronald, 76

  May, Major Tim, 105

  Mayhew, Henry: London Labour and the London Poor, 584

  Maynard, Lieut. Alfred, 187

  Mays, Spike, xxii, xxvi, 210, 278, 415, 491, 516, 535, 536, 542, 547

  Meadows-Taylor, Captain Philip, 593

  Melvill, Lieut. Teignmouth, 445

  Memoirs of a Sergeant (anon.), 300

  McAlister, Colour Sergeant, 311

  Macartney, Major General George, 364

  McBean, Major General William, VC, 173

  McCabe, Captain Bernard, 173, 178, 445–6

  McCracken, Brigadier General (7th Infantry Brigade), 85

  McCrae, Sir George, 190

  McCreery, Lieut. Colonel Dick, 415–17

  Macdonald, Major General Sir Hector (‘Fighting Mac’), 174–6

  Macdonnell, Major General Archibald, 110

  Macdonnell, General Sir James, 80–1

  McFadden, CSM Richard, 315

  McFie, Dugald, 421

  McGill, Sergeant Willie, 297

  McGrigor, Sir James, 518

  McGuire, Ensign (of 100th Foot), 564

  MacInnes, Colin, xvi

  Macintosh, Charles, 104

  Mackay, Hugh, 137


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