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by Richard Holmes

  Richardson, General Sir George, 42

  Richbell, Colonel Edward, 142

  Richmond, Charles Lennox, 3rd Duke of, 143

  Rickard, Lieut. Colonel V.G.H., 234

  Rifkind, Sir Malcolm, 33

  rifle ranges, 518–19

  rifleman (rank), 69

  Riley, Private Harold, 449

  riots (civil): military intervention, 503–4

  Ritchie, Drummer Walter, VC, 484

  Riversdale, Colonel Lord, 98

  Roberts, Freddie (Field Marshal’s son): killed, 595

  Roberts, Field Marshal Frederick Sleigh, VC, 1st Earl: as C. in C., 41–2, 179; ambitions, 179–80; at relief of Lucknow, 274; brevet rank, 82; daughter inherits title, 159, 595; death of children, 584–5; death in First World War, 28, 82; on drink and crime, 537; and Hector Macdonald, 175; officer promotions, 179, 183; peerage, 167; and promotion from ranks, 176

  Robertson, Corporal, 512

  Robertson, Ensign F. von, 339

  Robertson, Lieut. General James, 171

  Robertson, Field-Marshal Sir William: on barrack room life, xx–xxi; as BEF chief of staff (1915), 76; on bullying, 550; and cavalry troops, 60; on church parades, 252; on deserting, 511; on Duke of Cambridge, 10; on incorrigibles, 307; near-desertion from brawling barrack room, 548; promoted from ranks, xx; as quartermaster-general, 75; as troop sergeant major, 307; on unpopularity of army, 3

  Rocroi, battle of (1643), 51

  Roe, Edward, 379

  Rogers, Sergeant, 62

  Rogers, William, 95

  Rogerson, Sidney, 401; Twelve Days, 202–3

  Romaignac, Colonel Chalant de, 327

  Roman Catholics see Catholicism

  Rorke’s Drift, battle of (1879), 479

  Roscoe, Sergeant (Grenadier Guards), 472

  Rose, General Sir Hugh, 176

  Ross, Drummer, 275

  Ross, Ralph Gore, 1st Earl of, 169

  Ross, Revd Mr (of 42nd Regiment), 253

  Ross, General Robert, 123

  Rothschild family, 107

  Rowe, Colonel Archibald, 52

  Rowe, Private James, 308

  Royal Air Force (RAF): strength, 210

  Royal Army Temperance Association, 537

  Royal Commission on Military Punishmemt (1836), xxi

  Royal Commission (on Army, 1857), 154

  Royal Commission on Recruiting (1859), xxvi

  royal family: army connections, 18–19; as military commanders and serving officers, 11–18

  Royal Hibernian Military School, Dublin (later Shorncliffe), 275–6

  Royal Military Academy Sandhurst (earlier College): building, 521; in First World War, 194–5; formed (1947), 223; founded, 157–8; intake and training, 223–4, 226–30; as OCTU in Second World War, 217; organisation and methods, 223; Princes William and Harry train at, 15; and public school entrants, 201; restored (1875), 155; reverts to fee-paying after First World War, 207

  Royal Military Academy, Woolwich: amalgamated with Sandhurst, 223; in First World War, 194; founded, 157–8; reverts to fee-paying after First World War, 207

  Royal Military Asylum, Chelsea, 275

  Royal Military College Sandhurst see Royal Military Academy Sandhurst

  Royal Military School of Music, Kneller Hall, 274, 477

  royalists: and army, 6–8; pensions, 8

  Royle, Trevor: The Best Years of their Lives, xvii, 175

  Russell, John, 7

  Russell, Colonel John, 292

  Russell, Quartermaster Robert, 510

  Russell, Theodore, 135

  Russell, Sir William Howard, 249

  Rutherford, Lieut. John, 151

  Ruvigny, Marquis de see Galway, Viscount

  Ryder, Corporal John, 308

  Sackville, Lieut. General Lord George (later 1st Viscount), 11, 140

  St Andrew’s Day, 450

  St Clair, Lieut. Thomas, 584

  St Clair, William, 63

  St David’s Day, 450–2

  St George’s Day, 452–3

  St Patrick’s Day, 449–50, 453

  saints’ days (national): celebrated, 449–51

  Salamanca, battle of (1912), 245, 337

  Salisbury, James Brownlow Gascoyne-Cecil, 2nd Marquess of (1852), 99

  Salisbury Plain: as army training area, 519

  Salkeld, Lieut. Philip, VC, 484

  Salmond, Alex, 436

  Saltoun, Lieut. Colonel Alexander Fraser, 17th Baron, 80

  Salvation Army, 538

  Samaritans, The (organisation), 539

  Samuels, Private Troy McNeill, 347

  Sandes, Elise: temperance homes, 537–8

  Sandhurst see Royal Military Academy

  Sandys, Captain (of Blues), 134

  Sandys, Duncan (later Baron Duncan-Sandys), 44

  Santocolumbo, Pietro, 331

  sappers, 55; see also Army units: Royal Engineers

  Sarsfield, Lieut. Patrick, 135

  Sassoon, Siegfried, 188, 206; Sherston’s Progress, 74

  Sauer (bandmaster), 477

  Sausmarez, Major Christopher de, 162

  Savill, Lieut. Colonel Kate, 417

  Schaefli, Robin, 212, 400

  Schellenberg, the, Donauwörth, 410

  Schomberg, Frederick Herman, Duke of, 129–30, 325

  Schramm, Bandmaster (Queen’s Dragoon Guards), 478

  Schwoerer, Lois G., 6

  Scobie, Sergeant Andrew, 395

  Scotland: barracks, 501; Civil War (1640/50s), 5; militia, 97; officers from, 121–2; Presbyterian soldiers, 243–4; recruitment in, xxv; regiments, 381, 435–7; service in foreign armies, 126; union with England (1707), 121

  Scotland, RSM Peter, 67

  Scott, Captain John, 238

  Scott, Sir Walter, 122

  Scouller, R.E.: The Armies of Queen Anne, 500

  second lieutenants, 56

  secretary at war: office of, 22

  Sedgemoor, battle of (1685), 16, 21, 132

  Seed, John, 160

  Seeley, John Robert: The Expansion of England, 312

  Seely, Frank, 29

  Seely, Jack (later 1st Baron Mottistone), 29, 43

  Selway, CSM Tom, 492

  Sengennydd, Wales, 317

  sentries: challenge officers, 178–9

  Seresniack, Private Casimir, 332

  sergeant majors, 58–9

  sergeants, 58–9; messes, 576–9

  Servais, Antoine, 331

  servicemen’s clubs, 539

  Seta, Private Ends, 276

  Seven Years War (1756–63), 137, 323

  Sewell, Colonel Matthew, 142–3

  sex, 498, 583–6, 594

  Shakespeare, William, 50, 498

  Shand, Bruce, 415–17

  Sharpe, Tom, 547–4

  Shawyer, Sergeant (of Rifle Brigade), 492

  Sheldrake’s Aldershot Military Gazette, 555

  Shephard, Lieut. Ernest, 56, 61–2, 196–7, 201

  Shephard, Sergeant Major (Dorsets), 387–9

  Sherriff, Captain R.C.: Journey’s End, 186

  Sherrin, Ned, 548

  Shipp, Lieut. John, 172, 299, 483–4, 547

  shoeing (punishment), 552–3

  Shore, Captain (of Cheshires), 448

  Shortis, Major General Colin, 486

  Shybell, Private Conrad, 332

  Sidney, Henry, 128

  Sikh War (1849), 38

  Sikorsky, General Wladyslaw, 29

  Simmoneit, J.: Wehrpsychologie, 214

  Simmons, Lieut. Colonel George, 100

  Simmons, Major George, 488

  Simmons, Private, xix

  Simonds, George Blackall: The Maiwand Lion (sculpture), 375

  Simpson, Keith, 46

  Sitwell, Sir Osbert, 497

  Skinner, Revd Leslie, 260

  Skippon, Sergeant Major General Philip, 92

  Skirth, Bombardier Ronald: The Reluctant Tommy, xvi, 57, 60

  Slack, Cecil Moorhouse, 191–2

slang, 456–7, 461–2

  Slanning, Sir Nicholas, 92–3

  Slater, General (formerly Private), 49

  Slim, Field Marshal William, 1st Viscount, 396–7, 465

  Smith, Major General Arthur, 394–5

  Smith, Troop Sergeant Major George Loy, 70, 598–9

  Smith, Brigadier Greg, 116

  Smith, Harry, 333

  Smith, Bishop John Taylor, 250, 255

  Smith, Lieut. Mike, 114

  smoking and tobacco, 532–3

  Smyth, Major Rowland, 310

  Snape, Michael, 261

  Snell, Hannah, 349

  Sobraon, battle of (1846), 445–8

  sodomy, 588–9

  Soldier’s Pocket Book (1815), 3

  Solebay, battle of (1672), 130

  Somerville, Alexander, 300, 547

  Song of Tiadatha (parody), 66

  Souter, E., 276

  South Africa: German legionaries settle in, 341–2

  Southampton, Thomas Wriothesley, 4th Earl of, 7

  Spain: military ranks, 51; recruits in British army, 333

  Spanish Succession, War of the (1701–1714), 325–6

  Special Forces Support Group, 434

  Special Reserve, 284, 383, 390

  Spencer, Major Giles, 563

  Spender, Captain W.B., 42

  Spielberg, Steven, 498

  Spiers, Sir Edward, 158

  Spirit of the Glen: Journey (record album), 487

  sport, 580–2

  squadron sergeant majors (SSMs), 60, 63–4

  staff sergeants, 59

  Stainton, Adam, 211, 214–15

  Stair, John Dalrymple, 2nd Earl of, 51

  Stamfordham, Arthur Bigge, 1st Baron, 18

  Standard, battle of the (1138), 91

  standing army: resisted, 5–6

  Stanford, Norfolk, 521

  Stanway, Lieut. Colonel W.H., 195

  Steenkirk, battle of (1692), 137

  Steevens, George Warrington, 174

  Sterne, Laurence: Tristram Shandy, 455

  Stewart, Lieut. Alexander, 193–4

  Stewart, William, 414

  Stirrup, Air Chief Marshal Sir Jock, 47

  Stracey, Captain (of Scots Guards), 555

  Stradling, Captain Thomas, 128

  Strange, Lieut. John Stanley, 189

  Strategic Defence Review, 112

  Strauss, Johann, 478

  Strauss, Richard, 481

  Strudwick, Rifleman Valentine Joe, 278

  Stuart, Sir John, 321

  Stutterheim, Baron Richard von, 341–2

  sub-lieutenants, 155

  Sugden, Gunner Alan, 470

  suicides, 307

  Sulzbach, Herbert, 346

  Summs, James, 349

  Surtees, William, 292

  Sussex, Henry Yelverton, 3rd Earl of, 96

  Sutherland, Cromartie Sutherland-Leveson-Gower, 4th Duke of, 163

  Swanton Morley, near Dereham, Norfolk, 521

  swearing, 462–5

  Sweeney, Donald Spence, 274

  Sweeney, Robert William, 274

  Sweeney, Terence, 274

  Sweeney, William, 274

  Sweetenham, Lieut., 177

  Swing, Captain: riots, 27, 103

  Swiss Legion, 340

  swords: carried by officers, 562–3

  syphilis, 586

  Tait, Private James, 279

  Talbot House see Toc H

  Tangerines (officers’ association), 134

  Tangier, garrison in, 7–8, 16, 127–8, 130–1, 478

  Tasker, Regimental Sergeant Major (Queen’s Royal Regiment), 400

  tattoo, 528

  Taunton Commission (1868), 156

  Tawney, Richard Henry, 312

  Taylor, Olive, 352

  Technical Foundation College, Winchester, 283

  temperance, 537–8

  Temple, William, Archbishop of Canterbury, 157

  Templer, Field Marshal Sir Gerald, 124

  Territorial Army (TA): absorbed into regular army in Second World War, 109–10; development, 89–91; and freemasonry, 579; liaison with employers, 115; and new regimental structures, 434; numbers at beginning of Second World War, 210; officers, 109–11, 113–14; post-1945 reconstitution and reforms, 111–12; present under-strength, 116; reorganised (1964–5), 104, 111; role and active service, 114–16; service in Iraq, 89–90; in two World Wars, 390; underfunding, 110–11

  Territorial and Army Volunteer Reserve (T&AVR), 111

  Territorial Force (TF): in action, 108–9; established (1908), 108

  Test Act (1673), 133

  Teviot, Andrew Rutherford, 1st Earl of, 127

  Thatcher, Margaret, Baroness, 33

  Thetcher, Private Thomas, 499

  Thomas, Lieut. Alan, 205

  Thomas, Corporal Edward, 489–90

  Thomas, Lieut. F.G.S., 207

  Thomas Lobster (soldiers’ name), 4

  Thorne, General Sir Andrew (‘Bulgy’), 18

  Thorne, Sir Neil, 34

  Thorneloe, Lieut. Col. Rupert, xxiv

  Thornton, James, 567

  Thornton, R.K.R., 205

  Thorp, Nicholas, 475

  Tidworth, Wiltshire, 512, 519, 595

  Tidy, Col. Francis Skelly, 9

  Times, The, xxvi, 45

  ‘Toc H’ (Talbot House), 257–8, 538–9

  Todd, Corporal Matthew, 269, 288–90, 302, 502, 576

  Todd, Corporal William, 61, 504–7, 509

  Tollemache, Lieut. General Thomas, 137

  Tommy Atkins: as soldiers’ name, 3–4

  Torrance, Duncan Leitch, 214

  Torrens, Major General Sir Henry, 52, 71, 83; Regulations for the Exercise and Field Movements of the Infantry of the Army, 71

  Trafford, Major Sir Thomas, 104

  Trained Bands, 91–2

  training, 526–7

  Trapman, Captain A.H: ‘Straight tips for Subs’, 196

  Treason Club, 134

  Trelawney, Charles, 136

  Trevannion, Colonel John, 92–3

  Trevelyan, Sir Charles, 154

  Trevelyan, Raleigh, 404, 406–7

  Tritton, Lieut. (of 31st Regiment), 445

  troop quartermasters, 59

  troop sergeant major, 59

  trooper (rank), 69

  Truell, Lieut. George, 452

  Trumpet and Bugle Sounds for the Army, 65, 528–9, 557

  trumpeters, 476

  Tuckett, Captain Harvey, 564

  Tulikens, Lieut. Colonel (45th Foot), 84

  Tull, Second Lieut. Walter, 314, 385

  Tullibardine, John George Stewart-Murray, Earl of (later 8th Duke of Atholl), 177

  Tumbledown Mountain, Falklands, 412

  Turenne, Marshal Henri de la Tour d’Auvergne, vicomte de, 132

  Turner, Brigadier A.J.D., 220–1, 418

  Turnham Green, battle of (1642), 92

  Tyrconnel, Richard Talbot, Earl and titular Duke of, 133

  Ulster (Northern Ireland): and Home Rule for Ireland, 42–3

  Ulster Volunteer Force, 42

  uniforms: cavalry, 370; colours, 439–41; infantry, 384; jäger, 323; officers’, 558; and recruiting, 292–3, 300; see also dress

  Union flag, 441

  United States of America: status of army, 6

  universities: and OTC, 184

  Unknown Soldier, The, 258, 343

  Urban, Mark, 168

  Values and Standards (army pamphlet), 358, 591

  Varah, Revd Chad, 539

  Vataas, Revd Peter, 232

  venereal disease, 585–8

  Venn, Captain Thomas, 441, 473

  Venner, Thomas, 7

  Vezey, Major General Theodore, 325

  Victoria Cross: posthumous awards, 163

  Victoria, Queen: interest in military matters, 13; message to troops in South Africa, 311; signs commissions, 10–11

  Vigny, Alfred de, 497

  Villettes, Captain Henry Clinton, 327

>   Villettes, General James, 327

  Villettes, William, 328

  Villiers, Brigadier Edward, 131

  violence: and discipline, xxi–xxii; see also beasting; bullying; flogging

  Vis, Rudi, 34

  Volunteer Act (1804), 102

  volunteer units, 100–3, 107

  Waddesdon Manor, Buckinghamshire, 107

  Wade, General George, 238

  Wade, James, 277

  Wagner, Richard, 482

  Walcheren expedition (1809), 399

  Waldeck, Georg Friedrich, Prince of, 136

  Walker, Revd James Rowland, 250

  Wall, Captain Walter, 189

  Walpole, Horace, 236, 563

  Walpole, Sir Robert, 4, 36

  Walsh, Lieut. Colonel Cecil Vincent, 275–6

  Walton, Private John, 38

  War Office: established, 23

  War Officer Selection Boards (WOSBs), 214–15, 222

  Ward Committee (1906), 184

  Ward, Ned, 232

  Ward, Robert: Animadversions of Warre, 92

  warrant officers (and warrants), 63–6, 380

  Washington, George, 139

  Waterfield, George, 598

  Waterfield, Robert, 308

  Waterloo, battle of (1815): 27th Regiment losses, 245; Brunswickers at, 334–5; cavalry at, 499–500; drummers at, 484; Guards at, 80–1; King’s German Legion at, 337–8

  Watkins, Sergeant Major Henry, 96

  Watson, Major General David, 110

  Watson, Revd George, 243

  Watts, Colonel William, 189

  Watts, William, 95

  Watts, Colonel William, 189

  Watts, William (mason), 95

  Wavell, Field Marshal Archibald, 1st Earl, 371, 394

  Weatherall, Lieut. General Sir George, xxv

  Webb, Major General James, 35

  Webb, Corporal Matthew, 235

  Webb, Captain Thomas, 238

  Webb-Carter, Major-General Sir Evelyn, 19

  Webster, Colonel James, 425

  Webster, Captain William, 172

  Weekly Political Register (Cobbett’s), 26–7

  Welbeck Abbey, Nottinghamshire, 225

  welfare organisations, 538–9

  Wellesley, Revd Gerald, 167

  Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of: attends Captain Cocks’s funeral, 469; and chaplains, 238–40; on chargeable wives, 598; chefs and entertaining, 567; and C.J. Napier, 38; on colonelcies, 364; on commissions and promotions, 41, 137; on composition of army, xxii, xxvi, 298; duel with Winchelsea, 564; foreign troops under, 330, 332, 334; on freemasonry, 579; grants pardons, 242; and Highland regiments, 381; interests and promotions, 146–7, 158; Irish origins, 122–3; and Lieutenant Kelly‘s marriage, 247; marriage, 39, 167; mistresses, 594; as MP, 39; and name ‘Tommy Atkins’, 3; opposes Methodism, 239; and provost service, 543; and Quartermaster Kingsley, 72; at Queen’s birthday parade, 490; on rankers not making good officers, 176; and Revd Mr Blunt, 233; Salamanca victory (1812), 245, 337; and Scottish officers, 122; title, 159; Waterloo victory, 334–5


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