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The Resilient One: A Billionaire Bride Pact Romance

Page 14

by Checketts, Cami

  Beck studied her for a minute. “I’d like to talk to Alyssa.” He wasn’t sure what he’d say to her, but he couldn’t keep living like this with the doubts and the questions and the hope that maybe, just maybe she was innocent and maybe, just maybe she missed him as much as he missed her.

  Anna exhaled slowly but nodded. “I don’t want her to have the chance to hurt you again.”

  “I’m a big boy.”

  “Yeah, unfortunately you grew up and don’t want to listen to your sister anymore.”

  “Did I ever listen?”


  Alyssa’s heart thumped so loud she was sure everybody could hear it as she, Granny, and Maryn walked out the elevator and through the swinging glass doors with a beautiful emblem of Jordan’s Buds stenciled on one door and Taylor Enterprises on the other. No one had answered at Beck’s house. She’d almost stopped her search when she saw how ostentatious his home was. Had he been playing a role in Maui? Was he really the man she thought he was? Luckily, Granny and Maryn were there to remind her Beck was nothing like her father and he’d inherited the house from his parents. It wasn’t like he’d designed a mansion just for himself, he probably had a lot of memories tied up in all that square footage.

  In the lobby of Beck’s offices, a beautiful woman smiled a welcome from a huge mahogany wood desk. Her black hair was short and spiky and her slanted eyes gave her an exotic look. “May I help you?”

  Alyssa stepped forward, but Granny pre-empted her. “We need to talk to Beck and we’re not taking no for an answer.”

  The woman’s eyes narrowed, she glanced from Alyssa to Granny. “Mr. Taylor is not in the office today. Can I take a message for you?”

  Alyssa’s rapidly beating heart sank. She’d been thinking through all the things she would say to Beck and how he would react, but he wasn’t at his house and he wasn’t here. Had he already left the country on a humanitarian trip? How was she going to find him? Would he call her back if she left a message? Doubtful. The first dozen messages hadn’t gotten any response after all.

  “I don’t think you understand,” Granny said. “We’re very good friends of Beck’s. He’ll be unhappy if we don’t get to see him.”

  The woman’s smile thinned. “If you are very good friends of Beck’s, you should be able to call him on his cell phone.”

  “I’ve tried,” Alyssa burst out. “He hasn’t returned my calls. I’m worried something’s wrong.” The something that was wrong was Beck didn’t want to talk to her.

  The woman studied Alyssa and she held her gaze. “You didn’t hear about the accident?”

  Alyssa wobbled and would’ve fallen, but Maryn wrapped an arm around her waist.

  “No,” she whispered.

  A man walked out of a back office and nodded politely to them before focusing on the secretary. “Is everything okay, Linli?”

  She gestured to them. “These ladies claim to be Beck’s friends. They haven’t been able to get a hold of him since the accident.”

  He turned to them, compassion radiating from his dark eyes as he focused in on Alyssa. “I’m sorry.” Then his eyes widened and he said, “Oh, you’re…”

  “Is Beck okay?” Alyssa asked, preempting him turning them away.

  The man swallowed and nodded. “He’s improving. I really think you should go now.” He gestured toward the door.

  “Please,” Alyssa took a step forward. “I just need to know if he’s all right.”

  The man’s eyes softened a bit. “He’ll recover.”

  “W-what happened?” The words squeaked past her dry throat.

  “Motorcycle accident.”

  A wave of darkness swept over Alyssa. She heard Maryn and Granny screaming but couldn’t respond as the floor came rushing up to meet her.

  Alyssa came around quickly. The man escorted her to a leather couch and then he and Linli listened as Granny and Maryn explained the entire story. Silence descended on the group for a few seconds after Maryn ran out of arguments for Alyssa’s innocence. Finally, the man cleared his throat and said, “I’m Peter, Beck’s brother-in-law.”

  Alyssa sat up. “Anna’s husband?”

  He nodded, focusing on her for several uncomfortable seconds. “Beck fell hard for you.”

  Her entire world lit up. “He did?”

  Peter sighed. “From the look on your face and the way you responded to his accident, either you’re the most fabulous actress I’ve ever met, or you fell for him too.”

  “I love him, Peter.” She held his gaze, begging him to believe her.

  He pursed his lips and studied her as the seconds ticked by, finally he shook his head. Alyssa about cried out. He wasn’t going to help them. How was she ever going to find Beck? She’d have to start by canvassing the hospitals in the area.

  “My wife is going to skin me for this,” Peter interrupted her thoughts, “but I’m going to take you to Beck.”

  Alyssa released all her breath. Too weak to cheer, she blinked at the moisture building behind her eyes. Her throat was tight, but she managed to whisper, “Thank you.”

  He shrugged. “I hope it all works out for you, Alyssa, but you should know that Beck and his sisters are going to be much harder to convince than me.”

  Granny grinned at him. “You’re just a sappy sucker, aren’t you?”

  Peter laughed. “I think we’ll sic you on Anna and let Alyssa convince Beck.”

  Granny rubbed her hands together and licked her lips. “I just love being part of a good cat fight.”

  Maryn cackled. “This is why I miss you so much, Granny.”

  The tears Alyssa had been fighting streamed out. Maryn didn’t know about Granny’s impending death.

  “Be nice to my wife,” Peter admonished.

  “Okay, take all my fun away.” Granny winked at Peter.

  The drive to the hospital was less than twenty minutes but it felt like two hours. Alyssa rode with Peter while Maryn and Granny followed in Maryn’s car. Peter explained Beck had a concussion, broken arm, and numerous scrapes and abrasions. It made her sick to think of Beck being in pain. She wondered how he was dealing with the accident emotionally. Was he mourning his brother and parents all over again? She wanted to comfort him, but didn’t know if he would even want to see her. Would he forgive her? She could only picture the anger in his blue eyes when she last saw him.

  They parked at the UC Irvine Medical Center and walked for what felt like another two hours through the nicely-landscaped walkways, past security, and then down hallway after hallway. Even Granny was silent as if she understood the seriousness of the upcoming interchange.

  Peter talked to the nurse and then she buzzed them through the double doors. “This is his room,” he said a few seconds later.

  Alyssa took a deep breath and faced everyone. “I’d like to talk to him alone.”

  “But what if he doesn’t believe you?” Maryn asked. “I have all the proof.”

  Alyssa gnawed at her cheek. “If he doesn’t believe me, the proof doesn’t matter.”

  Peter nodded. “It’s between you two.” He gave her arm a squeeze. “Good luck.”

  Alyssa smiled up at him, wishing that things were different and she could enjoy getting to know Beck’s family with Beck by her side, instead of him being on the other side of that door and probably hating her.

  The door creaked open and a beautiful dark-haired woman exited, closing it behind her. “Peter!” She went straight into his arms and gave him a quick kiss. “I didn’t know you were going to come visit. Who has the boys?”

  “My mom took them to a movie, so I went in to work for a bit.”

  “Oh, that woman’s a saint.”

  Peter laughed and then turned her to face all of them. “Sweetheart, this is Alyssa, Maryn, and Granny Ellie.”

  As soon as her gaze connected with Alyssa’s, her smile turned to a scowl. “You? How dare you come here?”

  Peter tightened his grip on Anna’s arms and pulled her close.
“Alyssa had no part in that article. You need to listen to Maryn’s side of the story while Alyssa talks to Beck.”

  “You think I’m going to let that paparazzi be alone with my brother!”

  “Don’t you dare call my grandbaby paparazzi.” Granny thrust her face in front of Anna’s. “She is an angel who has done nothing wrong and furthermore, she’s in love with your brother and you’re just going to have to deal with that!”

  Anna’s eyes spit fire. She edged toward the doorway, blocking Alyssa from entering. “This woman has hurt my brother more than anything besides the deaths of our parents and brother. You have no right to ask any of us to deal with that.”

  Pain rushed through Alyssa. Her chest tightened. She’d hurt Beck that horribly?

  “Oh, love.” Peter hugged his wife close. “The reason it hurt Beck so badly is because he loves her, but he’s going to forgive her for the same reason.”

  A powerfully-built woman with spiky gray hair rushed toward the group. “You all need to keep it down or take it outside.”

  “We’ll go outside,” Peter said. He kept Anna in his embrace and started moving toward the elevator.

  Maryn and Granny followed.

  Peter looked back at Alyssa and gestured with his chin toward Beck’s hospital door. “Go,” he mouthed.

  Alyssa didn’t need to be told twice. While the nurses shepherded the group away, she slipped into Beck’s hospital room, but someone was already there. Belle leaned over Beck’s bed. Alyssa couldn’t see much other than Belle’s backside in her usual tight attire, this time a business suit of some sort, but she could hear—Belle moaning softly and the unmistakable sound of kissing.

  She pivoted and raced from the room. Tears streamed down her face as she waited for the elevator and ran down the hallways and then into the parking lot. Granny and Maryn were up ahead. Alyssa didn’t know how to face Beck’s family. His brother-in-law had been so kind. Alyssa still wanted a chance to talk to Beck, but not with that woman there. The hope drained from her as she thought of Belle kissing him so… loudly. It made her want to gag.

  She hurried away from the group toward a water feature, wanting nothing more than to hide and cry her eyes out. Maybe Beck had always planned on getting back together with Belle and Hawaii was just a fling for him, or maybe Belle had swooped back in when Alyssa had broken Beck’s heart with her betrayal. Some part of her knew she deserved this, but she didn’t know how she’d survive it.


  Crap, Maryn had seen her. She turned and forced herself to wait as the group caught up to her.

  “Is everything okay?” It was Beck’s sister, Anna.

  The softly-spoken question was Alyssa’s undoing. Tears poured now and she couldn’t keep up with the flow as she dashed them off her cheeks. “No. Yes. It’s fine. Please tell Beck I’m sorry and I wish him and Belle the best.”

  Anna’s eyes narrowed and she opened her mouth to speak but Alyssa couldn’t take any more. She whirled on her heel and sprinted toward Maryn’s car.

  Beck felt the pressure of lips on his. “Alyssa,” he murmured, but then he realized the smell and feel was all wrong. The perfume was too strong and the lips were hard and demanding. He pushed the woman away with his right arm and forced his gritty lids to open. “Belle! What are you doing with your tongue in my mouth?” Gross. He needed mouthwash.

  “Oh, poor baby.” She leaned down and he had to look at the monitors to avoid seeing everything that expensive surgery had blessed her with. “I came as soon as I heard. Can I get you anything?”

  “No.” Beck shook his head and closed his eyes. “I’m just really tired.”

  “Go ahead and rest. I told Anna I’d watch over you while she grabbed some food.”

  Aw, crap. How was he going to get rid of her? He heard her settle into the chair by his bed and finally opened his eyes, focusing on her face as he already knew too well what her body looked like in the form-fitting outfits she always wore. “I really appreciate you coming, but I’m not very good company right now.”

  “You’re always good company for me,” she said. Her eyes got that wicked gleam they used to get when she’d talk him into doing something neither of their parents wanted them to. Before she turned into such a brat, they used to be friends. “I’m sorry about that gold digger. Alyssa, was it?”

  Beck swallowed. “She’s not a gold digger.”

  Belle stroked his arm. “Beck. You’re too good. Always being so kind about everyone.” She pressed her firm chest against his arm. “I’m here for you, baby. We can be together again. You know I don’t have any agenda but wanting to be with you.”

  Beck pulled his arm away. “It didn’t work for us five years ago and it’s not going to work now.” He’d always tried to keep a good relationship with Belle and her family, but he really wasn’t up for her games today. He wanted a real woman who cared about his causes and cared about people. He’d seen the way Belle treated anyone she thought was beneath her. The thought of taking her on a humanitarian trip almost made him laugh out loud. Taking Alyssa anywhere was like a dream come true. Belle didn’t hold a candle to Alyssa’s beauty, compassion, talent, or the desire Beck had for her. As soon as he got out of this hospital bed, he needed to find Alyssa. He knew those stories sensationalized the truth. It was time to get over his hurt feelings and find out what Alyssa was really about.

  “Give us a chance again?” Belle begged, her bottom lip jutting out. The look was cute on his three-year old niece.

  “No.” Beck said. He sat up, feeling stronger than he had since the accident. “You and I are not a couple and we never will be, but thanks for coming by.”

  Belle’s mouth dropped open. She closed it, narrowed her eyes, and stood. “Don’t expect any more contributions from Daddy.”

  “I hope your father doesn’t base his charity on what his spoiled daughter wants, but if that’s the way it’s going to be, I can live with that.”

  Belle whirled and stomped from the room. Beck closed his eyes, relief pouring through him. He didn’t have to tread lightly around her anymore. He hoped he hadn’t just lost a major contributor as that wasn’t fair to the children, but the money he received from selling all of his motorcycles would fund most of those programs for a few years. If he had to, he’d sell some of his investment rentals, not build some of the commercial buildings they had scheduled, or pull some money out of stocks.

  He took a sip of water and paged the nurse. “Do you have any gum?”

  “Gum?” she asked.

  “Breath mints? Mouth wash? I’ve got a nasty taste in my mouth I want to get rid of.” He wanted to be done with anything that reminded him of Belle and the fake relationship they used to have. Then maybe he could fall asleep and dream of Alyssa again.

  “I’ll see what I can find.”

  Beck relaxed against the stiff pillows and smiled. The sooner he got the taste of Belle off of him the better. Now if only he could have a taste of Alyssa. That would cure every ache and pain.

  Alyssa only made it halfway across the parking lot. Her stupid foot wasn’t supporting her very well today. Anna caught her and latched onto her arm. Her blue eyes were filled with fire. “If you care about my brother, why are you running away?”

  “Belle,” she managed to get out before sniffling like an idiot. She pressed the back of her hand to her nose and blinked quickly.

  “In all the commotion I forgot about her. What was she doing?” Anna asked.

  “In the hospital room kissing Beck.”

  Anna shook her head and nodded to her husband as the group caught up with them. “Belle’s taking advantage of the situation as usual. She acted all nice, said she’d sit with Beck while I ran to get something to eat. That woman makes my skin crawl.”

  “I know what I saw,” Alyssa insisted.

  “A comatose man being kissed by a predator?” Anna asked. Her lip curled in derision. Alyssa hoped it was for Belle and not her.

  “Beck was asleep when I l
eft him,” Anna continued. “And I can promise you he has no interest in Belle. Our dads always tried to push them together, and Belle tried every trick she had, but Beck was never interested in Miss Fake and Tight.”


  Anna shook her head, her eyes filling with compassion. “He tried to date her for Dad’s sake, but he knew she wasn’t the one for him, knew it years before he met you.”

  “Do you think I am the…” Alyssa couldn’t finish the question.

  “Even when I tried to talk poorly about you, Beck didn’t listen. You should see the look in his eyes when he talks about you.”

  Alyssa couldn’t hide a smile.

  “You should see how sappy they are together,” Granny inserted.

  Alyssa was amazed Granny had stayed quiet this long. Oh, she loved her Granny Ellie.

  Anna tugged on Alyssa’s arm. “How about you go see Beck and you two talk this out?”

  “Okay,” she whispered. She didn’t know if she was brave enough to go back into that hospital room, but she and Beck at least deserved a chance to work through it. The walk back to the hospital and wait for the elevator were the longest she could remember. The entire group kept nudging and smiling. She would’ve faltered without the support. Finally, she was standing outside his door then a push from behind propelled her through it. Granny or Anna, she wasn’t sure.

  Beck sat up on the bed. His eyes widened. “Alyssa.” He swallowed and then whispered, “You came.”

  Alyssa wanted to rush to his side and put a kiss on each of his bruises, but the somber look on his face held her in place. “Oh, Beck. I’m so sorry you got hurt.”

  He gave her a ghost of a smile. “I’ll be fine.”

  “Will you?”

  He inhaled and then released the breath slowly. “Someday.”

  The slight catch in his voice prompted her to take a tentative step forward. “What if… what if I won’t be fine?”

  He studied her face. “Did you get hurt?”

  “Yes,” she whispered.

  “How?” His brow furrowed and for just an instant he was that guy again, the guy who protected her from the druggie, kissed her until she forgot the world, and would right her every wrong.


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