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Marrying My Marshal

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by Taylor Rylan

  Marrying My Marshal

  A Sulfur Springs Short Story

  Taylor Rylan

  Copyright © 2019 by Taylor Rylan

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  Published in the United States by Taylor Rylan

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  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, copied, scanned, or transmitted in any format or by any means without the prior written permission from the author, Taylor Rylan. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and events are a product of the author’s imagination. Any similarities to actual persons, living or dead, is pure coincidence. As are any similarities to any businesses, events, or locations.

  All products and brand names mentioned are registered trademarks of their respective holder and or company. I do not own the rights to these, nor do I claim to.



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  About the Author

  Also by Taylor Rylan


  Cover Design by Jay Aheer of Simply Defined Art

  Editing by Sandra Dee of One Love Editing



  * * *

  I loved my sister. I swear, I did. But I groaned as I looked down at the long to-do list she had assigned me for her wedding. When Denver had proposed, I was happy for her. She’d seemed quite smitten with him when she first moved to Wyoming, and after he’d given up the pretense of not being interested, they made a cute couple. Once he finally proposed, Emme couldn’t say yes fast enough. And I was happy for them. Ecstatic.

  But I was asked if I would be willing to help out with a few things for the wedding prep, my idea of a few things was obviously quite different than Emme’s idea. I looked at the list and counted nine items. Nine. It was September and they weren’t getting married until New Year’s Eve. This had me worried.

  Why did people feel they had to run around like chickens with their heads cut off when it came to weddings? I didn’t understand what the big deal was. When my ex-husband, David and I had gotten married, we’d had a small, private ceremony with just a very select few of our closest friends with us. As it was, we had that much because that’s what David wanted. I was just happy that I was able to marry someone.

  Knowing that if I didn’t write the list down onto a piece of paper that I could stick on the refrigerator at home, I would forget to do everything. I rummaged through my desk and found a notepad and jotted the list of tasks down. I couldn’t quite figure out why it was that someone would need so much tulle, but apparently I was picking up several hundred yards of it in a few weeks. I shrugged at that and simply went back to writing down each individual task.

  I was finishing up the last task as Bishop walked down the hallway with a case file in hand. There were only two other people in the office—a glance at the clock in the corner of my monitor told me it was almost five, and that was good enough for me. I logged out of my computer and shut it down, and when I saw Bishop walking back to his desk, I waved to him on my way out of the office.

  Cody had been off work for almost three hours now, and he would be home and waiting for me. It was incredibly nice to have someone to come home to, and the fact that that someone was Cody was even better. I had been immediately drawn to him the first moment I saw him, and even though I’d probably gone about everything the wrong way, in the end things worked out and my persistence paid off. It took a little while, but I finally got Cody to go out with me, and then after a little more time, he finally moved in with me.

  Was I happy? Hell yeah. Did I want more from him? Always, but that didn’t mean I wasn’t happy with what we already had. Every time I had even hinted about marriage, Cody had changed the subject in a hurry. There was a seventeen-, almost eighteen-year age difference between the two of us, and I was sure that was the biggest issue. It always had been.

  Thankfully, it seemed as if we had finally moved past most of the age difference issues. I may have been thirty-nine to his almost twenty-two, but on more than one occasion I had proven that age was simply just a number and it had nothing to do with one’s ability. And since Cody had made it abundantly clear that he wasn’t ready to talk about marriage or even engagement, I’d simply stopped bringing it up. I truly was happy with what we had together, and if that was all we ever had, I would die a happy man.

  I thought about Cody, my sister, as well as everything else going on during my drive home. When I finally pulled into the driveway in my little neighborhood in Sulfur Springs, I smiled when I saw Cody’s truck parked in his stall in the garage. That was certainly a sight I wouldn’t get tired of seeing.

  When I entered the house, it was to the heavenly smell of whatever it was that Cody had cooking as well as fresh-made bread. Yep, it certainly was nice to have someone to come home to. Especially when that someone spoiled me the way Cody did.

  I peeked in the kitchen and didn’t see my guy, so I walked to the bedroom to remove my sidearm and badge. I found my love in our bedroom sitting on the side of the bed staring at his phone. When I entered, he looked up at me with a puzzled look on his face.

  “Everything okay?” I asked as I removed my holster and placed it on top of my dresser.

  “Yeah, I suppose so. Hawke is just being himself I guess. He’s kind of freaking out a bit since the wedding is getting closer. I don’t really get why he’s freaking because he’s been planning his weddings since he was like nine.”

  I couldn’t help myself—I laughed a little at Cody’s confession and the fact that he was rolling his eyes at the same time. I certainly had nothing against Cody’s friend, but he was a bit more high-strung than what I found attractive, and I thought that Trace was somewhat of a saint for what he put up with. There was absolutely no denying the fact that the fire lieutenant was head over heels in love with Hawke.

  “Trust me, I get it. Just this afternoon Emme texted me a list of my newly assigned tasks for her wedding. Apparently being the brother of the bride also means you are regulated to taking care of multiple tasks. Who knew,” I said as I unbuttoned my shirt and tossed it toward the hamper. “By the way, whatever supper is smells amazing.”

  “It’s Stroganoff. I made fresh bread to go with it and tossed together a salad as well,” Cody said as he watched my every move. I smiled a little on the outside, but in reality I was ecstatic and jumping for joy on the inside. It did my self-esteem good to know that someone as young and attractive as Cody found someone my age as attractive as he did. I wasn’t nearly as thin as some men my age, but I was by no means overweight. I was a bit thicker, but I held it well.

  Enjoying the look on Cody’s face, I kicked off my shoes before I undid my slacks and pulled them off. Deciding I was going to get completely comfortable before supper, I pushed my briefs down and then tossed both them and my slacks in the hamper. I pulled my socks off and then strode over to my dresser completely nude. When I turned around after pulling out a pair of sweats from my bottom drawer, it was to Cody staring at my ass. My cock was certainly happy Cody was showing so much interest. When my eyes met Cody’s, his turned from interested to annoyed.

  “You did that on purpose, didn’t you?”

  “What? Most days I change after work. I’m not sure what you’re talking about.” I hoped I was being entirely convincing, but if the look on Cody’s face was any indication, I was failing miserably.

��Uh-huh. If you say so,” Cody said as he rolled his eyes. Truthfully, I did often change once I got home. More often than not I wore the suit to work, and they simply weren’t what I would consider comfortable evening attire.

  I tracked Cody as he shook his head and walked out of our bedroom. Curious to find out if he really was upset or whatnot, I grabbed a T-shirt and quickly pulled it on as I left the bedroom and followed him. I caught up with Cody as he was drying his hands on a paper towel. I walked up behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist as I lightly set my chin on his shoulder

  “Everything okay? I haven’t upset you, have I?”

  “No. I mean, yes, everything’s okay, and no, you haven’t upset me. Supper is ready whenever you’d like to eat, but watching you strip completely naked and knowing you have nothing on underneath those sweatpants has me wanting to drag you back to the bedroom for dessert first.”

  I smiled and turned my head so I could reach Cody’s neck. When I did, I gently kissed him just under his ear, which caused him to shiver. “I certainly wouldn’t complain about dessert first. Although I will say your Stroganoff smells heavenly, and it would be a shame for it to not be enjoyed while hot.”

  Cody turned in my arms, and I opened mine to give him more room. He smiled at me and wrapped his arms around my neck and threaded his fingers into the back of my hair as he pulled my head toward his. The kiss was short and sweet and left me wanting more, but I knew that I had just said we should eat, so I had nobody to blame but myself.

  “Then we will have to make sure we have dessert afterward,” Cody said as he gave my hair a tug and pulled my head up and backward. I groaned when his lips met my neck, but it was all he offered because suddenly he was gone. When I looked ahead, it took a moment for my eyes to focus, but when they did it was see Cody back on the other side of the kitchen, dishing out Stroganoff. Damn.

  I went to the refrigerator and pulled out a pitcher of cold water and then grabbed two glasses on my way to the table. When I went back to the kitchen, I received another glare from Cody, and I had to think really hard about what I could have done now. “What?”

  “Did you wash your hands?”


  “That’s what I thought.” Cody carried both plates to the table, irritated. I quickly washed my hands and was drying them as he carried the sliced bread to the table. I beat him to the salad and gave him a big smile as I carried it to the table, hoping I could somehow get on his good side today.

  By the time we finally sat down to eat, Cody was picking at his food, and I happened to know that this had become one of his favorite meals. “Don’t say ‘nothing,’ because I know it isn’t true…what’s wrong?”

  “You’ll laugh. But really nothing other than the fact that I’m more interested in dessert than I am supper,” Cody told me as he pushed his salad around in his bowl. I smiled at the confession and offered a compromise.

  “I’m more than willing to scrap supper if what you want is to head to the bedroom. Would a blowjob make you feel better in the meantime? That is until we can get to the bedroom later on after everything that needs to be done?”

  Cody gave me a shocked look, but I’m not quite sure why because it certainly wasn’t the first time, nor would it be the last, that I had made such a suggestion.

  “No. Eat up. I know you like this meal, and you worked a full, long day. Besides, the buildup and anticipation always add to it.” I smiled at that because he was one hundred percent correct. But I vowed then and there to surprise him a little later, before bed.

  We ate dinner and then after the kitchen was clean, I suggested a game of pool. It was a good way of relaxing, and I had discovered that it was also something that tended to take Cody’s mind off things.

  More than halfway through the game, I snuck up behind Cody while he was leaned over the table to take a shot. Just as he was taking his shot, I ran my hands down his ass and gave it a good squeeze. Predictably the cue ball went in the opposite direction, and I received the side-eye glare until I gave a mischievous grin and dropped to my knees.

  “What are you doing?” Cody asked as I opened his jeans and quickly gave them a good tug.

  “I would think that would be obvious. I mean, your cock appears to know what is going on,” I said as I stuck my tongue out and licked at the head of his cock.

  Cody moaned above me, and when I grabbed his hips and pulled him toward me, his dick slid into my mouth until the head hit the back of my throat and I swallowed around him.

  “Oh, fuck. You’re so good at that,” Cody said as his fingers gently threaded through my hair. I smiled to myself but focused on the task at hand, and that was giving pleasure to Cody. I pulled my head back, sucking hard as I pulled off his cock. As I wrapped my thumb and index finger around his length, I stroked the same time I sucked his cock back down. Cody moaned louder and reached behind him for the pool table.

  With my free hand, I pushed his jeans down the rest of the way, and when I reached his feet, he lifted one foot, allowing me to pull the jeans off his leg. That gave him the freedom to spread his legs wider so I could massage behind his balls.

  When Cody’s precome taste changed, I looked up at him and the look of pure rapture had me groaning and sucking harder.

  “Adrian, so close. So, so good.”

  I knew what I wanted and that was for Cody to fall apart, so I doubled my efforts, and as I sucked and stroked, I reached around behind him with my free hand and ran a finger up and down his crease. When I reached his opening, I applied slightly more pressure, and that was all it took for me to be rewarded with a mouthful of come.

  “Ungh,” Cody panted before he grunted and I was given another burst of warm salty liquid. I continued sucking and stroking until every last drop was pulled from the slit. When I gave it one last lick, Cody pulled back with a gasp. “Sensitive.”

  “That was the goal, and knowing I’ve achieved it, I feel good,” I said as I carefully stood up. My own throbbing cock was tenting my sweats, and when Cody reached out for it, I took a quick step back and away. “I don’t want to come until you are buried deep in my ass. Race you to the bedroom,” I said as I took off to our bedroom I heard Cody grumbling behind me but knew he would catch up quickly enough. I pulled my shirt off and tossed my sweats onto the floor before I dove for the bed and waited. Luckily for me I didn’t have to wait long because when Cody entered our room a few moments later, he was just as naked as I was.



  * * *

  I wasn’t quite sure what I’d done to deserve the life I’d gotten, but I knew for a fact that I wasn’t going to do anything to screw it up. I was completely in love with Adrian, and nothing would change that. Waking up in his arms was always a wonderful feeling, and after a night of intense passion, it was all the more blissful.

  In our haste to get to the bedroom after the toe-curling blowjob at the pool table last night, we’d forgotten to close the blinds, and judging by the light coming through the bare windows, it was certainly well after sunrise. I groaned at that, but with it being my weekend off, I sighed in relief. I was always up and gone before Adrian even got out of bed, and I relished being able to wake up in his arms and not have to crawl out of bed without him.

  “You’re thinking way too loud for so early in the morning,” Adrian mumbled into my hair. I ran my fingers through the hair on his chest, causing him to moan before he pushed his hard cock into mine.

  “I was just thinking how much I enjoy weekends off. I don’t have to wake up before the sun and rush off to work. I can stay here in bed with you, and that’s nice.”

  “It is. You know, I realize you like your job, but you don’t have to keep it. I won’t ask you to quit outright, but there are other jobs that don’t require you to get up so early.”

  I pushed away from Adrian a little and looked at him. We’d had this discussion before, and at the time, my stance had been that there was no way I was going to let him fully support me. I
still felt that way, but I’d gotten to the point that maybe I might be willing to change positions or jobs. Maybe.

  “I’ll think about it. I like the fact that I’m home every day and can cook supper for you. But I think I’d get bored if I was here all the time. I need to do something, and my job doesn’t get much more part-time really.”

  Adrian nodded at me before his arms wrapped around my waist and he pulled me back to his warm body. That was another thing that made it difficult to get out of bed in the morning. Adrian was a furnace, and I loved it. He was warm and snuggly, and leaving him for the cool room was a drastic change and made me want to just stay put. Adrian pulled me in for a quick kiss before he rolled over and then got out of bed.

  “Stay put. Enjoy being lazy this morning. You work crazy early hours and then come home and cook dinner for me. And I appreciate it, but you deserve a lazy morning,” Adrian said as he walked into the bathroom. I rolled over and flopped into my back and just stared at the ceiling until I heard the toilet flush. I looked over toward the door, and a very naked Adrian came out of the bathroom and sent me a smile.

  “I’m going to go make coffee. All right?”

  I nodded, but I felt bad and threw the covers back, sat up, and watched as my boyfriend pulled on his clothes. He was getting fully dressed, so that told me he was up for the day, so I slid to the side of the bed and got up.

  “You didn’t listen. You’re supposed to be taking it easy,” Adrian said as he pulled his shirt over his head and headed in my direction.


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