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Suddenly Spellbound

Page 3

by Erica Lucke Dean

  “Well, I guess it was a little more than that.” Cici let out a dramatic sigh. “I stabbed her with the heel of her own stiletto.”

  My mouth fell open with a pop, and I immediately shut it for fear of all the germs I might inadvertently inhale. “You killed her with a shoe?” That sealed it. Shoes were the ultimate downfall for women the world over.

  “Oh, no.” She chuckled again. “That didn’t kill her.”

  I blew out a breath, my racing heart slowing somewhat. “That’s… good?”

  “Oh, hell no. A damn heel wasn’t enough to do more than slow her down. But once I had her laid out on the floor, I hit her over the head with the toaster until she stopped moving.”

  I gasped. “You killed her with the toaster?”

  Cici’s chest rattled as she laughed. “Naw. Didn’t kill her with the toaster, neither.”

  My body leaned away from her, but I couldn’t manage to wriggle completely out of her grasp.

  “I finally had to shoot the sorry bitch.”

  I sprang off the bench as if launched from a catapult, ripping myself from Cici’s side. A wicked case of the heebie-jeebies invaded my being. I jumped and wiggled to shake it off, clenching and unclenching my fists in an attempt to fire up a spark of magic. If it came down to her or me, I’d be ready. She’d make a nice gerbil—something small enough to step on without completely ruining my shoes.

  “Ivie McKie?” The short, squat policeman called out my name in the nick of time.

  Hallelujah. I hurried to the door, anxious to escape. “That’s me! I’m Ivie McKie.”

  “You made bail.”

  Thank you, Jack!

  Chapter 3

  After I signed a release form—in triplicate—and collected my belongings, the officer led me through the maze of hallways to where my fiancé paced like a caged lion in the lobby. I’d called Jack hours ago—as soon as they’d processed me and allowed me my one phone call—and by the looks of him, he’d been here waiting the whole time.

  I stumbled through the door, and Jack’s head jerked up to take in my appearance. I hadn’t seen my reflection, but I undoubtedly looked a mess. Being in an explosion would do that to a girl, not to mention the hours I spent living through an episode of Snapped! His expression shifted from relief to annoyance in a heartbeat as his eyes reached my tangled mass of red-tinged hair. I still would’ve rather taken on his worst mood than spend another minute in a holding cell with the haggard, drugged-out murderess.

  He parted his lips, pulling in a breath, then pressed them together in a hard line, exhaling through his nose.

  I fought off an onslaught of tears and flung myself into his open arms, clinging to him as if my life depended on it. Despite my silent pleas, he didn’t wrap his arms around me in return, and after several tense moments, he pried my hands from around his neck.

  I untangled myself from his limbs and took a step back, willing my racing heart to slow. “I can explain.”

  “And I’d really like to hear that explanation.” His features twisted into a deep scowl. “Later.”

  Definitely angry.

  “I know you’re mad at me, and I don’t blame you.” I wrung the hem of my favorite turtleneck in my hands. So much for the black Ann Taylor. I’d never look at her the same way again. “But thank you for bailing me out.”

  He pushed an unsteady hand into his hair as the muscle in his jaw twitched. He looked as if his fragile control was about to shatter. “I didn’t bail you out.”

  “You didn’t?” With a mighty whoosh, my stomach dropped to my toes. “Then I don’t understand. Who…?” My mind raced with the possibilities as I gaped at Jack’s dark yet unreadable expression. Liam’s last words to me ran through my head like an old newsreel, and the zing of anticipation almost brought me to my knees.

  Jack shifted his attention to the tall figure in the corner watching us with an annoyed countenance of his own. Somehow, I’d sensed his presence in the room. The now-familiar tingle skipped over my skin like stones across still water.

  Jack nodded in Liam’s direction. “He did.”

  “Liam?” I took a hesitant step toward my father’s apprentice.

  Liam’s lips quirked with the beginnings of a smile as he strode toward me, sending an unwelcome surge of euphoria through me. “I told you I’d come back for you.” He took my hand in his and raised it to kiss my knuckles.

  Before I could stop myself, I’d clasped his hand and lowered my voice to a whisper. “How did you…? You were there and then—I’ve never seen anything like that before.”

  “Ivie?” Jack’s voice broke through the connection I shared with the Scottish hottie, and I spun around to face my fiancé’s jealous rage. Anger rippled off Jack in tidal waves. He dragged me against him in an uncomfortable hug, my hand still gripped tightly in Liam’s. “Who the hell is this? And why did he bail you out?”

  “Uh… Jack, this is Liam, my father’s new apprentice.” I emphasized the last word then turned to Liam. “This is Jack, my—”

  Jack squeezed me harder. “Her fiancé.”

  They stared at each other like a pair of mountain goats ready to lock horns over the female in heat—me. A jolt of desire took me by surprise. My overactive hormones couldn’t decide which man to focus on.

  “Ah, yes, the fiancé. I’ve heard so much about you. It’s nice to finally make your acquaintance.” Liam reached a hand toward Jack, but Jack just stared at it, a low growl rolling up his throat.

  “Jack!” I elbowed him in the ribs.

  Jack forced a smile, his jaw clenching and unclenching as he shook Liam’s hand. I half expected to hear bones cracking. “I’m afraid I’ve heard nothing about you.”

  “Well, I haven’t been in town long. And Angus… rather, Professor McKie, has been fairly busy with other things.” Liam winked at me, making my mouth fall open.

  Jack’s eyes narrowed at Liam, and I could practically see the gears turning as he tried to puzzle together my father’s motives. “It would seem you’re correct about that. He’s definitely been busy lately.”

  The testosterone flying between them was hot enough to set my skin on fire. I squeezed my thighs together to stave off the inconvenient cravings and tugged on Jack to leave before I dragged them both down onto the floor and had my wicked way with them. “Well, we’d better get going.”

  “Ivie?” Jack stood cemented in place. His eyebrows arched toward his hairline.


  He nodded toward my fingers, still linked with Liam’s. “You need to let go.”

  “Oh.” I blinked. “Right.” I wrenched myself free and immediately noted the loss of warmth.

  Why did holding his hand feel so perfect?

  Jack slammed the door, rattling the windows… and my nerves. Without a word, he stalked into the living room, chucking his phone and his keys onto the coffee table. He’d been eerily quiet on the ride home, but clearly, his anger bubbled just below the surface, and he was about to blow.

  He paced over the carpet, hands weaving in and out of his hair, making it stand on end. With his mouth hanging open, Jack came to an abrupt halt in front of me. For a long moment, he stood wordlessly then closed his mouth and began pacing again. He completed the circuit a few more times before he finally decided to speak. “Please tell me how my fiancée manages to get arrested for destruction of private property, unlawful use of pyrotechnics, and what the hell was that last charge?”

  I shrank away from his wrath, but my body hummed with pent-up sexual energy. “Trespassing?”

  Jack barked out a hollow laugh. “How could I forget? Please tell me how you were arrested for trespassing… among other things?”

  “Um…” My voice—not to mention my confidence—wavered. “My dad never actually got his university authorization reinstat

  “Right. Your dad, the wizard—”

  I frowned and crossed my arms. That went over the line. “Sorcerer.”

  He shook his head, letting out a humorless chuckle as he continued to pace. “Your dad, the sorcerer, has been doing unsanctioned experiments. Magic, I’m guessing?”

  I winced and nodded.

  “In a lab he doesn’t have permission to use?” Jack’s nostrils flared. He’d twisted his hair into a tangled mess. His perfect jaw spasmed with each muscle contraction.

  I nodded again, biting back a grin. He looked positively delicious in a display of anger so impressive I couldn’t help being a little—okay, a lot—turned on by it.

  “And he dragged you into his illegal activities under the guise of what, exactly?” He stopped pacing to reach out and take a lock of my hair between his fingers. His touch sent a shock through me. “I’m guessing by this brilliant shade of red, you weren’t just there for moral support.”

  My guilt resurfaced. It sounded so bad when he said it that way. “He needed my help?”

  “Ivie, we talked about this.” Jack sighed and gave my hair a gentle tug before releasing it. “You promised.”

  “I know, I know. I’m sorry. He’s just… he’s my dad.” I perched on the arm of the sofa to pull off my boots and tossed each one aside. “He gave me the guilt trip. Then he told me his new apprentice had a spell he needed help with, and I’ll admit the idea intrigued me. Dad called it a simple training spell. Apparently, they needed to channel my energy.” I had no intention of sharing my suspicions about the mysterious nature of the spell—or the lasting impression it had left on me.

  His eyes flashed at the mention of Liam. “And what happened after that? You looked awfully chummy with this so-called apprentice.”

  I gasped. “What exactly are you accusing me of?”

  “I’m not accusing you of anything, but I know all too well what happens when you work magic.” Jack went back to pacing and mangling his hair in his hands. “And the way he looked at you… I don’t like it.”

  “Nothing happened, Jack.” I stood and crossed the room to place a hand on each of his shoulders. “The police came within minutes of the windows blowing in. And even if they hadn’t come, nothing would have happened. I’m engaged to you. I love you. Liam is nothing to me.” Even as the words came out of my mouth, I knew they were lies. I didn’t know what Liam meant to me, but whether I liked it or not, he meant something.

  Jack wrapped his arms around me, and I melted into his warmth. “The thought of him touching you makes me crazy.”

  I shook off the unwelcome thought. “He didn’t touch me.”

  “I saw you holding hands, Ivie. Your fingers were laced together.” Jack leaned back far enough to stare into my eyes. “What am I supposed to think about that?”

  The memory of Liam’s hand in mine flashed unbidden into my mind, and a shudder ran through me. “You’re supposed to trust me.”

  “I do trust you.” He pulled me against his chest, resting his chin on the top of my head. “I don’t trust your dad. Things have been strange since…” He didn’t say it, but I knew what he meant. Since you turned him back.

  Nestling into the crook of his shoulder, I breathed in his unique scent—a cross between soap, hay, and the outdoors. “It’s just the wedding. I’m sure he’s worried about the details. As the father of the bride, he feels obligated to pay for at least part of it, and I know he and Mom haven’t been in a good way financially since he reappeared. Mom’s been getting calls from the insurance company that paid out when Dad died. She’s afraid they’ll want their money back now that he’s risen from the grave.”

  Jack sighed, his fingers drawing lazy circles on the back of my neck. “Your dad hates me. I sense it every time he looks at me.”

  My head snapped up. “He doesn’t hate you. Remember how attached to you he was as a cat?” Memories of Karma curled up in Jack’s lap caught me off guard. I missed that cat.

  “No.” He smirked down at me. “But I’m starting to remember all the times I defiled his daughter in his presence without knowing it.”

  A loud burst of laughter bubbled out of me, reopening the delicious floodgates I’d fought to suppress. I squeezed my thighs together as a fresh shiver of need worked its way under my skin. “I’m pretty sure he left the room every time.”

  Jack chuckled. “He would’ve had to leave the neighborhood to escape the sounds we made.”

  “Mmm. That reminds me.” I bit my lip and snaked a hand between us to stroke the zipper of his jeans, making him groan. “I did work a little magic today.”

  “So you did.” His nose nuzzled along the length of my neck before he scooped me up and lifted me off the floor. “Shall we head to the bedroom? Or is my little witch feeling like a bathroom romp?”

  I squirmed in his arms, a dull ache throbbing between my legs. “I think we’re due for—” Heavy pounding on the front door cut off my thought. “Who the hell—” The shrill ring of Jack’s cell phone cut me off again, and I dropped my head to his shoulder with a growl. “You answer your phone. I’ll see who’s at the door.”

  Jack put me down with a nod and reached for his phone where he’d thrown it when we came in. “Get rid of whoever it is, and meet me in the bedroom in five.” He flashed a wicked grin my way. “Make it four.”

  I giggled. “Deal.” The pounding continued as I hurried to the door. “Hang on. I’m coming,” I shouted as I twisted the deadbolt. Before I’d finished turning the knob, my father shoved me aside as he and Liam barged in.

  “Ivie!” My father panted. “Are you all right? We’ve been worried sick!”

  “Dad?” His disheveled appearance shocked me. A wild tangle knotted his hair. His clothes were rumpled, the buttons misaligned, and on his feet were a pair of mismatched shoes with no socks. “What are you doing here?” I turned to Liam, a sudden flash of anger and attraction clouding my vision. “And you! What do you want? You’ve both put me in a very bad position.”

  “Has he harmed you?” Liam stepped around my father, molding his hot hand around mine.

  My heart skipped a beat. “Has who harmed me? What are you talking about?”

  Liam stroked the pulse point in my wrist with his thumb, and I suppressed the urge to purr. “The magician.”

  I tore my eyes from our joined hands and swallowed against the knot in my throat. “Jack? He’s not a magician. He’s a veterinarian. And of course he hasn’t harmed me. He’s pretty pissed off, but understandably so. I did promise to not work any magic.”

  My father shot a serious glance at Liam. “See? What did I tell you?”

  Liam nodded. “It’s worse than I thought.”

  Worse than he thought? What could be worse than finding myself inexplicably drawn to a man I barely know while the man I love waits for me—probably naked—in our bedroom? I daresay nothing.

  “Ivie, you need to come with us.” My father wrapped an arm around my shoulder, guiding me toward the door as Liam continued to caress my hand.

  I tugged free, ducking under my father’s arm, and took a few steps back. “I’m not going anywhere.”

  Faster than I could say “Sexy Scot on a stick,” Liam spun me around. His fingers splayed over my stomach as he pressed into me from behind. “It’s not safe here, lass.” His lips whispered against my ear, making my already-racing heart flutter and my knees go weak. “Listen to your father. Come with us.”

  “Hey, sweetheart, who was at the—” Jack stepped into the foyer and froze midstride. “What the hell?”

  My instincts told me to run—just bolt from the whole scene. I was young. Surely, I could lock myself in the bathroom before someone caught up to me. I attempted to wriggle free from Liam’s gravitational pull, but if the expression on Jack’s face was any indication, I’d fa
iled. Miserably.

  “This isn’t what you think.” My voice cracked. With each exhale, the heat of Liam’s delicious breath fanned across my neck. He leaned into me—his lips all but touching my skin and his erection poking me in the back. I felt my self-control dangling by a thread.

  “Get. Your. Hands. Off. My. Fiancée.” Jack ground out the words, his fists balled at his sides, the vein in his forehead throbbing.

  My already-thundering pulse jumped. His anger did delicious things to my insides.

  “Now, Jack.” My father draped an arm over Jack’s shoulder. “We don’t want any trouble here. I simply need my little girl to come with me for a bit. Her mother’s been asking for her, and—”

  Jack wrenched himself away and darted a glare between Dad and Liam. “Rose is welcome to come here to see Ivie. But she’s not a little girl, and she’s not leaving with you.” His eyes locked with mine, and he reached a hand toward me. “Sweetheart, come here.”

  “Jack…” A soft whimper caught in my throat as Liam’s long, agile fingers pressed into the soft flesh of my hips. A heady mix of confusion, indecision, and arousal muddled my thoughts. I’d never loved anyone the way I loved Jack, never wanted anyone as much as I wanted him. But Liam had somehow worked his way under my skin, quickly whittling away at my self-restraint.

  “Leave with me, Ivie.” Liam’s lilting voice startled me out of his spell, and I pushed away from him, rushing into Jack’s outstretched arms. My heart thrummed like a frightened bird.

  “Go home, Daddy.” I spat the words as I struggled to catch my breath.

  My father exhaled a heavy sigh. “If that’s really what you want.”

  I gave him a curt nod. “It is.”

  “So be it. But remember, I’m only a phone call away.” He leaned in to hug me, but I melted deeper into Jack’s embrace. “Now is that any way to say goodbye to your father?”


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