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One Night of Sin

Page 4

by Elle Kennedy

  “I need more,” she choked out.

  Gage lifted his head and licked his glossy lips. “You want me to suck on your clit?”

  The explicit suggestion made her moan. “Yes.”

  “You want my fingers inside you?”

  Her head jerked in a nod. She knew she was broadcasting her need for release loud and clear, but Gage seemed unfazed. He actually had the nerve to grin. An evil, filthy grin that sent her heart rate into overdrive. “Pity. You’re just gonna have to wait.”

  The gentle assault continued. The tiniest licks. The sweetest kisses. The barely there thrust of his tongue as its tip teased her opening. Sweat broke out on her forehead when he parted her folds with his fingers and nuzzled her with his cheek, releasing a groan of pure contentment that vibrated through her body. The man was killing her. Killing her.

  She brought her hands to his head, trying to pull him closer, but his dark hair was too short to grip, and he ducked out of her hold with a smug laugh. She arched her hips next, tried to bring her pussy to his face instead, but that only earned her another burst of laughter, another teasing kiss.

  “Please.” The chord of desperation in her voice startled her. “Please, Gage. Please.”

  “That’s it, bad girl. I just needed to hear you beg.” Growling softly, he wrapped his lips around her clit and pushed two fingers inside her.

  The orgasm swept through her like a flash flood. She cried out and fell back on her elbows, rocking her hips with each pulsing wave of pleasure. When his mouth and fingers abruptly disappeared, she moaned in disappointment, but he didn’t leave her for long. He stood up and stepped into the cradle of her thighs, grinding his pelvis into her throbbing sex as he bent down to kiss her.

  She tasted herself on his lips, which was new and foreign but didn’t stop her from hungrily kissing him back. The mind-blowing release had only heightened her excitement. She wanted more. So much more. Her hands moved between them, fumbling with his belt, somehow managing to unbuckle it and unzip his pants despite her shaky fingers. They both groaned when she reached into his pants and grasped his cock.

  “Fuuuuck.” Gage’s forehead dropped on her shoulder as he thrust into her hand. “That’s it, baby. Keep doing that.”

  She pumped him tentatively, slightly unnerved by his size, his thickness. He was bigger than she was used to, and she couldn’t wait for him to fill her. She stroked his shaft, rubbing the blunt head with her thumb on each upstroke, squeezing and fondling while she studied his expression to find out what he liked. He made a tortured noise when she quickened the pace, his hips driving forward.

  “Hell, that feels fantastic.” He lifted his head, a glint of humor in his eyes. “Do I even want to know how you got so damn good at giving hand jobs?”

  “Practice. I’m a good girl, remember? I’m also a perfectionist. If I don’t know how to do something, I won’t quit until I’ve mastered it.” She batted her eyelashes. “My last boyfriend didn’t mind me practicing on him.”

  Gage choked out a laugh. “I’m sure he didn’t.”

  “Wait until you experience my blow jobs…”

  “Oh Jesus. I’m already close to coming and that’s from your hand. If you bring that sexy mouth anywhere near my dick, I won’t last more than a second.”

  “Hmmm. Right, and you’re thirty, which means you’ll never be able to get it up again. Old men only come once a night, right?”

  More husky laughter escaped his mouth. It sounded almost rusty, like it was a sound he didn’t make often, and she was pleased that she’d managed to get so many laughs out of him.

  “Trust me, I can get it up again. But in case you forgot, we’re in my office and I have a club to run, which means I’m only getting off once tonight.” A cocky grin tugged his lips up. “And it’s gonna be in your pussy.”

  A fresh jolt of arousal shot through her. Gosh, she loved his dirty talk. And the fact that they were in his office only made the whole encounter a million times dirtier. Hotter.

  As anticipation once again gathered in her core, she gave his cock another leisurely stroke and said, “What are you waiting for, then?”


  Gage couldn’t look away from Skyler’s big blue eyes. The woman had hypnotized him. With her beauty, her humor, the way she jacked his cock like a pro.

  Practice, she’d said. Jesus. He would’ve cut off his own arm to be her sexual guinea pig.

  “You sure that’s what you want?” he asked, giving her one last chance to back out. “Me inside you?”

  There was nothing sexier than the coy little smile that lifted her lips. “Condom,” she murmured. “Inner pocket of my purse.”

  Nodding, he went to retrieve her khaki-colored canvas bag, unzipped the inside pocket, and found what he was looking for. As he rolled the condom on, he swept his gaze over Skyler, unable to fathom how she could possibly be real.

  She was like a feast laid out just for him. Dark hair spilling over one shoulder, legs wide open, pussy swollen and glistening from the orgasm he’d just given her. He’d be lucky if he lasted five measly strokes before he shot off like a rocket.

  “Something’s not right,” he mused.

  Confusion filled her eyes. “What do you mean?”

  He strode toward her and tugged on the bodice of her dress to reveal her breasts—and oh sweet Lord, she wasn’t wearing a bra. His mouth turned to dust as he admired her tits. Her gorgeous fucking tits with puckered cherry-red nipples practically screaming to be sucked.

  “There. Everything’s just fine now.” He bent his head and captured one nipple between his lips, sucking hard enough to draw a tortured moan from her throat. He flicked his tongue over the rigid bud before moving to lick the other one, chuckling when her impatient voice echoed in the air.

  “For Pete’s sake, get inside me already.”

  Deciding to have mercy on her, he positioned his cock between her legs and guided it to her opening. He slid inside, just an inch, and black spots promptly swam in his vision when her inner muscles tightened around him. Oh hell. She was tight. Deliciously tight.

  “I haven’t done this in a while,” she confessed.

  Gage smoothed strands of hair out of her face and planted a reassuring kiss on her lips. “I’ll be gentle.”

  The promise got him a glare he didn’t expect. “Where’s the fun in that?”

  Despite her grumbling, he kept going slow, working another inch into her, then another, and another. Heat surrounded his cock, and the grip of her pussy was so unbearably tight he shuddered in pleasure. He was seconds away from coming and he hadn’t even started to move yet.

  “I mean it, Gage, don’t you dare hold back.”

  A curse flew out of his mouth. “I’m not holding back for you, baby. I’m doing it for me.”

  “It’s okay if it’s fast,” she said helpfully. “I don’t usually come from intercourse anyway. Not without extra stimulation.”

  Damned if he didn’t take that as a challenge.

  “Extra stimulation?” he echoed. “You mean like this?” He shoved his hand between her legs and pressed his thumb directly over her clit.

  She gasped so loudly he grinned.

  “Yes. Like that.”

  “Now be a good girl and get close again.” He leaned in and kissed her neck, teasing her feverish flesh with his tongue. “I’m not moving until you’re ready.”


  “One thing you should know about me—I don’t make idle threats.” He nipped the side of her jaw, continuing to strum her clit while his cock stayed lodged inside her.

  Every muscle in his body strained, his brain shouting for him to move. To slide out of her tight channel and plunge back in and ease the agonizing ache in his groin. But he didn’t. He refused to let go until he saw that look of ecstasy flood her eyes again. Until he watched her come apart in his arms and heard her scream his name.

  “You’re just torturing yourself,” she wheezed out. “It will take me longer to come
the second time.”

  “Maybe, but it’ll be worth the wait.” He drew lazy circles over her clit, watching her face as he teased the swollen bud. When her eyelids fluttered closed, he grasped her chin with his free hand. “Look at me, Skyler. Watch me as I get you off.”

  Her eyes popped open, cheeks flushed and lips parted as she focused on him.

  He applied more pressure on her clit, heard her answering moan, and decided he deserved a goddamn medal for his restraint. Any other man might have given in. Thrown control into the wind and screwed her brains out, but he didn’t move an inch. Beads of sweat rose on his forehead, his dick aching so bad it was starting to get seriously painful.

  He suddenly saw stars when Skyler abruptly rocked into him.

  “No,” he commanded, grasping her hip to keep her still. “You don’t move until I tell you to. You’re going to sit there like the good girl you are while I play with you.”

  Her breathing grew more unstable by the moment. “You’re so evil.”

  “You love it, baby.”

  “I do,” she moaned. “I really do.”

  Chuckling, he continued to work her clit with fingers.

  Waited. Watched.

  Gage had no clue how much time passed. Several minutes at least. Long enough that his balls drew up in agony, his cock screaming for release, for friction, for anything.

  “I…oh…I’m almost there.” Desperation creased her face. “Oh, Gage. Now.”

  Thank God.

  His hips shot back like a cannonball, then thrust forward with so much force it knocked the computer keyboard right off the desk. He slammed into her hard, groaning when he felt her pussy spasm around his cock. Every sense came alive, pleasure prickling over his skin, surging through his blood. Three more thrusts and he came as violently as she was, panting for air as the orgasm sizzled through his body in hot, pulsing waves.

  It took a while to crash back to earth. His hands shook as he cupped her face. “You good, baby?”

  She nodded wordlessly, eyes hazy with satisfaction.

  Christ, he wanted to stay inside her forever, and it was with extreme reluctance that he withdrew from her tight sheath. Skyler straightened her dress while he disposed of the condom, and as he zipped up his pants, he noticed the displeased frown marring her lips.

  “I didn’t get to see you naked.” She pouted. “I really wanted to see you naked.”

  He laughed hoarsely. “I’m sorry?”

  She slid off the desk and marched right into his personal space, leaning up to kiss him before speaking in a firm voice. “We’re going to see each other again, by the way.”

  Wariness rose in his throat. “Skyler…”

  “I intended for tonight to be a onetime thing, but I’ve changed my mind. This was way too good not to do again.”

  He couldn’t argue with her there. Hands down, the best sex of his life.

  But it hadn’t changed his mind, either. His life was too screwed up, too damn dark. Skyler, on the other hand…she radiated light and goodness. He refused to drag her down with him.

  Besides, even if he didn’t have a shit-ton of headaches on his plate right now, he still wouldn’t be able to give her what she needed. What every woman needed.

  He’d figured out a long time ago that he sucked at relationships. Too many of his exes had accused him of being a cold bastard, and who could forget his last serious relationship four years ago, when Lisa had burst into tears and wailed about how she wanted him to need her. She’d insisted that he held a part of himself back, refused to lean on her or accept her support, and he supposed there was some truth to that.

  Gage had never been able to rely on a single person in his life, except for his mom, who’d died when he was too damn young. After her death, he’d been truly alone, forced to take care not only of himself, but of his kid brother. At fourteen he’d worked two after-school jobs to pay the rent because his old man spent all their money on alcohol. He’d relied on himself, the only person he trusted to get shit done.

  So yeah, he didn’t need anyone, not when he was perfectly capable of going at it alone, but none of the women he’d dated seemed to understand or accept that.

  Gage opened his mouth, but Skyler silenced him with another fleeting kiss. “Don’t you dare tell me it won’t happen again. Because it will.”

  Indecision flashed through him.

  “Look me in the eye and tell me you don’t want to have sex with me again,” she challenged.

  A groan slipped out. “God. Of course I do. But…”

  “But nothing. You can’t deprive either one of us of something this good. It would be a grave injustice.”

  His lips twitched in a smile, and damn it, but he could feel his resolve crumbling. “If we see each other again—”

  “When we see each other again.”

  “Before we do,” he corrected, “we need to lay down a few ground rules.”

  “What kind of rules?”

  “Actually, there’s only one. This thing between us…it’ll just be sex. That’s all I can give you.”

  “Fine, great, I’ll take six more orgasms.” She blinked. “Wait, that number is too low. I’ll take…twenty?”

  His lips twitched. “I’m being serious. I’m not looking for a relationship—I want to be clear about that right off the bat.”

  “Gotcha. Sex only.” She went back to the desk, found a notepad and pen, and quickly scribbled something down. “That’s my number. I’m leaving it right here on your desk.” She found her purse and promptly pulled out her phone. “What’s yours?”

  Gage hesitated.

  “If you don’t give it to me yourself, I’ll just get it some other way. I’m very resourceful.”

  A sigh escaped. “Yeah, I bet you are,” he said, before reciting his digits.

  She punched the number in with a broad smile. “There. Was that so hard?” She tucked her cell back in her purse. “Okay, I’m going now. You’re at work, and I don’t want to keep you.”

  Before Skyler could move for the door, he grabbed her arm and pulled her toward him, his mouth capturing hers in a kiss that left her wide-eyed and breathless.

  “Do you need me to call you a cab?” he said roughly.

  She looked touched. “No, that’s okay. I drove.” There was a beat. “PS—if I don’t hear from you in a reasonable amount of time, I’m calling you myself. Got it?”

  Gage fought hard not to grin. Shit, he really liked her. The no-nonsense attitude, the confidence.

  God help him, but he really did want to see her again.

  “Got it,” he said dutifully.

  Chapter Four

  “Sex,” Lacey said the next morning, her skeptical tone revealing her exact thoughts on the matter.

  Skyler nodded.

  “Just sex.”

  “Yep. Just sex.” She popped the last bite of fruit salad in her mouth as she awaited a response.

  From the moment she’d gotten home last night, Skyler had been dying to tell her friends about her visit to Gage, but since they were never around, she’d had no choice but to go to them. May was too busy at the museum to sneak away for a chat, but luckily Lacey had been able to squeeze in a quick breakfast in the hospital cafeteria.

  “I give you a week,” Lacey finally said. “Actually, forget that. I give you a weekend.”

  Skyler furrowed her brow. “Before what?”

  “Before you either (a) break it off with him because sex isn’t enough, or (b) convince him to officially date you because sex isn’t enough. Common denominator? Sex won’t be enough.” With a smug look, Lacey sipped her coffee and watched Skyler over the rim of her cup.

  “That’s not necessarily true,” she protested. “I’m really liking this arrangement so far.”

  “You only hooked up once!” Lacey said with a laugh. “Twice if you count that first night. Of course you like it now. It’s new and exciting and who has time for conversations with a guy when you’re too busy sexing him up? But once
the shine wears off and the sex stops being oh-my-God-new, you’ll want to get to know him. Suddenly you’re asking him questions like where did you grow up and what’s your deepest, darkest fear? And before long it’ll be take me to the farmers’ market, Gage, or let’s go on a picnic! And then bam! You’ve fallen for him and now you’re in a relationship.” Lacey’s tone softened. “Or even worse, you fall for him and he breaks your heart.”

  “I don’t think that will happen. I mean, he’s not my usual type at all. I think that’s why it’s so exciting, you know?” Skyler absently traced the edge of her coffee cup with her index finger. “But he’s not someone I picture myself with in the long run.”

  “Right. I forgot. Because you’re more interested in men of the boring and stable variety,” Lacey teased.

  She stuck out her tongue, which was pretty much the only suitable response considering her friend was absolutely right. Skyler had only had two long-term relationships in her life, both with nice, dependable guys who, depressing as it was to admit, really had been kind of boring.

  And yet given the choice, she’d still pick dependable and boring over wild and exciting any day. Wild and exciting didn’t pay the bills, or keep a roof over your head, or raise children with you.

  She couldn’t deny that Gage made her heart pound like no man ever had, but she didn’t know much about him except that he was rough around the edges and owned a nightclub. It was way too premature to think about any sort of future with the guy.

  “We’ll see what happens,” she said with a shrug. “Right now, I’m not thinking past the out-of-this-world sex.” She grinned. “Aren’t you even a teeny bit happy that I’m having fun for a change?”

  “Oh, for sure,” Lacey answered. “I was starting to worry about you. Seriously. It’s not normal for someone as young and hot as you to not have a life.”

  Skyler snickered. She gestured around the cafeteria, then at Lacey’s bright pink scrubs. “Look who’s talking. You practically live at this hospital.”

  “Babe, you’ve seen Grey’s Anatomy—there’s a lot more than medicine and life-saving going on around here.” With a wink, the brunette nodded toward the buffet line. “For example. See that fine-assed man over there?”


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