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Bewitched (Fated #1)

Page 16

by Kelly Moran

  Back at the lighthouse, when they’d had what he’d loosely called their first kiss, it was like the universe had been trying to tell him something. That this was the right path. He hadn’t built up the bond to her only in his head. That the dreams were merely a precursor for what was to come. Informative, and yet with an expressive sliver to erase lingering doubt.

  But this? Right now? It was a physical quake that infused every atom in his body and sent tremors swimming through his bloodstream. Adding to the holy crap were emotional aftershocks the likes of which he’d never known. Couldn’t put a name to if he had a dictionary or thesaurus narrating this chunk of time.

  Groaning, he rolled her under him and tilted his head for a tighter fit. Going deeper. Sinking into her. Damn, she was so soft, so pliant. The skin of her cheek under his fingertips, the strands of her hair clenched in his fist, her breasts against his pecs as he lowered himself. Everywhere, soft.

  Her distinctive scent wove around him and she tasted just as decadent. Earthy and elemental. He’d half expected fire and brimstone, but got refreshing springs and a savage undercurrent instead. A floating, drifting euphoria that left him dizzy.

  Unrushed, she met his exploration with breathy moans and a hum of acceptance. She stretched under him, aligning their bodies and rubbing against every inch of him. His nerves sizzled as a result, hot and alive. Her nails raked his scalp and he involuntarily thrust against her pelvis, seeking relief to the glorious ache in his shaft. But that only made his heart jack harder.

  They had to slow down. Regardless of the years between them, they were moving too fast. The last thing he wanted was to add more conflict in her life. As he was about to ease away, offer a breather, she...

  Shoved her hands under his shirt. Deft, warm fingers slid up his back, around to his abs, and brushed his nipples. And he lost his grip on sanity altogether. Common sense was overrated anyway.

  Brow tight, eyes pinched shut, he panted into her mouth. “Kaida, where are you going with this? What do you want?”

  They’d both been plowed flat with the equivalent of a battering ram this evening, and she might be going after him for the sole purpose of trying to forget. Not that he minded. He was totally, irrevocably onboard. Hell, he’d willingly be her brain’s eraser. But not at the risk of losing what they had or if she’d regret it in a couple hours.

  In answer, she jerked his tee over his head.

  Uhn. “Okay, sweetheart. If you’re sure.” He dove right back into a kiss that had reason taking a backseat to utter need. Pressing her into the mattress, he gripped her restlessly undulating hips and groaned.

  No matter what, he wasn’t making love to her tonight. Someone had to keep them reined. But he could and would take the edge off.

  He dipped his head and ran his tongue up her neck, over her erratic pulse. Apparently, that was her hot button because she shivered, then her hands were everywhere. His shoulders, his waist, his ass. Breathy whispers skated past her lips as she threw her head back. He moved to the other side of her neck and repeated the process while cupping her breast. The pink silk material of her pajamas was petal soft against his palm and her nipple beaded in response.

  Straddling her, he closed his mouth over the pebbled peak, sucking it through her shirt, and grazed his knuckles over the taut skin of her exposed belly. She drove her hands in his hair and arched against him, sending his pulse to a hyperactive state. Moving to her other breast, he worked his hand under the waistband of her shorts and cupped her heat.

  Holy Jesus. She was so damn wet for him. Coating his fingers with her slickness, he spread her folds and flicked his thumb over her nub.

  “Brady.” She clenched her thighs, trapping his hand right where she obviously wanted him. “Yes.”

  He peeked at her from over her chest, and nearly came unglued. Cheeks crimson and lips parted, her expression twisted into a heavenly pleasure/pain combo he could spend an eternity replicating. Watching her, he eased two fingers inside her, thumb circling her clit, and her walls gripped him in a vise.

  But then she turned the tables on him. While he was utterly lost in her response, she shoved her hand in his pants and...wrapped her fingers around his throbbing shaft. Her firm grip stole the air from his lungs. One stroke. Two. Base to tip. His tendons locked around bone, and he set his free hand by her head to bear his weight or he would’ve collapsed on her.

  Her lashes fluttered and she met his gaze through heavy lids. “Don’t stop.”

  Not if his life depended on it.

  Kissing her, he swallowed her moans and tormenting sexy little sounds while she brought him closer and closer to meltdown. Faster, harder she stroked him as he thrust his fingers inside her giving, supple flesh. Over and over. Until his back tingled in warning.

  Reaching over, he snatched his tee she’d tossed by her pillow and covered himself so he wouldn’t make a mess of her. He swelled in her grasp, skin on fire, and she trembled under him. He rocked into her hand. She ground against his. His muscles shook with restraint as desperation claimed them both. After a few beats, her quiet, shocked cry sent him spiraling.

  And they came undone together with his forehead pressed to hers.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Kaida shivered in the chilly early morning air and glanced around the meadow speckled with sunlight. Dew clung to buttercups and violets. Fog gravitated toward the edges of the cliffs and a brisk breeze blew in off the Atlantic. The scent of damp soil mingled with saltwater as she took a deep breath.

  “I look frumpy.” Fiona set her hands on her hips. “If training requires me to wear this getup, then I’m out.”

  Sighing, Kaida eyed the outfit in question. Both her and her sisters were in yoga pants and a sweatshirt. The guys wore loose sweats and tees. She wasn’t a gym-junkie, but it seemed like appropriate gear to her. They were bound to get sweaty and needed to be able to move freely.

  Then again, aside from her first day on the island, she had yet to see Fiona in anything other than a come-hither dress and heels.

  Ceara patted Fiona’s back, placating. “We’ll buy something more suited to you first thing on Monday. Feel better?”

  “Not really. I’m embarrassed to be in the same zip code as this monstrosity. What if someone sees me?”

  Huffing, Tristan pinched the bridge of his nose. “No one’s going to see you but us. Can we continue now or are we painting each other’s nails next? The point of being out here is to help you learn to defend yourself.”

  Fiona tilted her head. “You’d let me polish your nails? What color?”

  “God save me. Riley, grab her by the throat.”

  “Gladly,” Riley growled, baring teeth. Erasing the short distance, he loosely set his hands on Fiona’s neck. “Can I strangle her for real? I’m over the demonstration part.”

  A bored expression, and Fiona lifted her palm between them. A blast of wind whipped Riley’s hair from his face, and he flew backward several feet, landing prone with a grunt.

  “She’s not supposed to use magick.” Sprawled on the grass with his limbs spread, he lifted his head, glaring at her. “You’re not supposed to use magick!”

  “My bad.”

  “I think they need a time-out,” Brady offered.

  “Fine. Kaida, Brady, assume position.” Once they were in place, his fingers gently on her throat, Tristan moved behind her. Brady winked playfully at her and she grinned. “Now bring your arms up between his. Good. Knock his away while dropping to a crouch. Bam, bam. Fast.”

  Kaida did as instructed, and when she was out of Brady’s hold, she swiftly crawled away behind him.

  “Excellent. You think fast on your feet.” Tristan waved Ceara over. “You’re next. Do what I taught you and get away from me.”

  In a blink, Ceara brought her arms up, elbowed his, and was standing several paces from him before Kaida could wipe sweat from her brow.

  “Awesome. You’re light-footed and quick to boot.” Tristan nodded his approval and turned to
Fiona as Riley brushed dirt from his rearend. “You two. Try again.”

  Looking like he’d rather be anywhere else, Riley assumed position.

  Instead of following instructions, Fiona stepped closer to Riley, skimming a red fingernail down his abs. “I think maybe I’ll go nude for our next session.”

  Choking, his eyes bugged from his skull.

  She elbowed him, causing him to wheeze, and moved to stand beside him as if she doubted he was a viable threat. “Done.”

  He clenched his fists. “Again with the cheating.”

  Tristan’s rough laugh coasted on the breeze. “Use whatever you’ve got to maneuver out of a dangerous situation. Nice distraction.” He glanced at Kaida and her sisters. “I can work with this. You all have viable skills to build upon.”

  Smug, Fiona side-glanced Riley. “Neener, neener.”

  Nostrils flared, he besought Ceara. “Pray to all that’s holy we’re the ones paired next. If it’s up to me and her, we’re royally screwed.”

  Ceara smiled and offered a slight bow. “It would be my privilege. Unfortunately, I don’t think we have a choice.”

  Jaw tense, Tristan watched her a beat as if not caring for her response in the slightest, then tilted his face toward the sky. “The weather’s not always going to work in our favor and we need a strict training regimen if we’re to stay on the ball. There’s a home gym at the mansion. Mats, weights, equipment. I suggest we do this there from now on.”

  “And you’re okay with that?” Fiona’s brows rose. “Galloways in your territory?”

  “You’re coming over tomorrow for Easter. Why not?” He shrugged. “It’s no different than us being here at your place.”

  Kaida lost track of the conversation as a sudden humming buzzed in her ears. Dots spotted her peripheral and her vision grayed. Closing her eyes, she grabbed her stomach while nausea swirled, and she teetered.

  Partial images blinked behind her closed lids. Too fast to gain a decent view of what they were and the flashes had her equilibrium off-kilter. Her knees smacked grass.

  The others called her name, touched her arms, but she couldn’t respond. Moisture pooled in her mouth while she fought against losing her stomach contents. The buzzing amplified, a thousand bees in her ears, and she slapped her hands over them to drown out the noise.

  Feet standing on wooden planks. That was the image which finally formed. Men’s feet inside a pair of designer loafers. She could only catch him from the knees down, but his pants appeared to be neatly pressed gray wool.

  “Something’s happening,” she whispered.

  Brady frantically called her name, but Ceara’s calming voice rang louder in Kaida’s head. “What’s happening?”

  “I...see someone.” A sharp pang seared through her skull, and she screamed.

  Ceara’s hand settled on Kaida’s shoulder. “I think she’s having a premonition. Don’t fight it, sister. That’s why it hurts. You’re fighting it. Breathe deep. Let it come.”

  Another lash inside her head. Like a flaming whip snapping at her brain. She wailed, hunching over, unable to take the pain.

  Suddenly, arms were around her and she was pulled onto someone’s lap. Held against a chest. Rocking, rocking. A warm embrace with a familiar scent. Safety.


  “Come on, sweetheart. Do what she says. Snap out of it.” The rocking intensified, and she realized she wasn’t the only one shaking.

  Forcing air into her lungs, she attempted to focus on the one image flickering behind her lids. The picture zoomed out, panning wider. Feet became legs and legs became a torso. A white button-down shirt, sleeves rolled to the elbows. A railing beside him, painted white. The image bobbed as if...

  “A man,” she grated. “A man on the deck of a boat.” She tried, but she couldn’t get to his face. The scent of seawater filled her nose and the cry of gulls muted the nagging buzzing. “He’s moving.”

  “Who, sweetheart?”

  “I don’t know.” Pinching her lids tighter, she struggled to control the picture, keep him in sight. He strode over a ramp and onto a dock. Clunk-clunking of his shoes echoed. As if in slow motion, he made his way toward... What? “Land. He’s standing on a...walkway. There’s pebbles and crushed shells.”

  Familiarity bumped against her mind. White-capped waves lapped at the shore. Roaring. Retreating. Behind him, piers and fishing boats were a blurry mass. An overwhelming sense of dread pummeled her, seized her airway. The skin on her arms prickled as ice crystallized in her veins.

  “He’s got...bad intentions.” Rage and hate poured from him in a sickly red aura.

  Methodically, like he knew he was being watched, he turned to the side, revealing a ship. White with orange trim. Lifesavers mounted to the starboard dipped and rose with the tide. Distorted blue letters were printed on the rear stern, but she couldn’t read them through the haze.

  Channeling her energy, she centered her attention on the boat alone, ignoring the slithers of warning telling her she had to get away from the man. She had no clue how she knew, but he was very, very dangerous. The letters swirled, shifted, then came into focus.

  Six Fates Island Ferry.

  Her eyes flew open and she heaved air, bowing. Sunlight blinded her, scorched her retinas, and she tried to block it with her hand, but the arms banding her clenched. She fought their hold and got nowhere.

  “Shh, I’ve got you.” Lips pressed against her temple. “I’ve got you, sweetheart. Calm down.”

  “Brady,” she panted. Thank God.

  She gave herself a moment, then carefully re-opened her eyes. Fiona and Ceara knelt beside her, a distraught Tristan and Riley standing behind them. Brady cupped her cheek and turned her face toward his. Tension tightened his forehead and mouth. Taking stock, she realized he sat in the damp grass with her wedged between his thighs.

  “What was that?” Burying her face in his neck, Kaida trembled. “That sucked. It was awful.”

  “I concur.” Tristan moved in front of her and squatted, his concerned gaze skimming her from head to toe. “Are you all right?”

  “I think so.”

  “You had a premonition.” Ceara looked into Kaida’s eyes, and calm washed over her so quickly, she slumped in Brady’s arms. “What do you remember?”

  Pausing, she gathered her thoughts, then told them everything.

  Tristan frowned. “Was it the same man from the hotel room?”

  “No.” She brushed the hair from her face and eased out of Brady’s hold to sit beside him. “I couldn’t see his face, but it wasn’t him. This guy wasn’t as husky or solid. His frame was slimmer. Except...” She was unsure how to explain it to them and have it make sense. “He gave off the same vibe, though. Vengeance. Purpose.”

  “Her premonitions are rooted in the present.” Fiona rose to her feet and sighed. “Which means this person is on the island right this second.” She looked at Kaida. “Did you get the impression he was after us?”

  “Not necessarily. He’s definitely dangerous and I sensed he was arriving for a reason, but it didn’t seem specific to us or anything.”

  Ceara’s gaze drifted as if she were thinking. “We can assume if you got a vision of him it has to pertain to us in some way. How is the question. You projected into that hotel room and got the premonition just now for a reason. Yet if it’s not the same man, I’m not connecting the dots.”

  “Is he a hunter?” Brady’s mossy eyes met Kaida’s, then looked at her sisters. “Is that the relevance? You said there was more than one Venatores. Perhaps they’re working together.”

  “I have no idea,” Kaida said, frustrated. Leave it to her to get an omen no one could figure out. “He didn’t have any distinguishing marks or tattoos that I could see. And he was alone, so if he is a hunter and working with someone, they weren’t together.”

  “But we don’t know for sure.” Brady’s jaw ticked. “Should we get her somewhere safe?”

  Ceara shook her head. “We can’t hide.
This is our path. We must follow it.” She let out a quiet breath and straightened to stand beside Fiona. “We have wards up around the grounds and protection spells in place. It’ll take a lot of counter-magick to get through them.”

  “Let’s leave it be for the moment,” Fiona said. “We have Eostara to prepare. We can talk more later.”

  “Well, I’ll give you this.” Riley held his hand out for Kaida and tugged her to her feet. “You have clever ways of getting out of training. I’m going to head back and clean up. You want us here in a couple hours, right?”

  Ceara nodded and slung an arm around Kaida’s shoulders. “Come on. You can rest a bit before celebrations.”

  Brady studied Kaida, his expression still wrought with apprehension. “Are you okay if I run home and shower?”

  “Yes, thanks.” She rose on her toes and gave him a quick kiss. “See you soon.”

  Once she’d had a good soak in the tub and popped a few aspirin for a lingering headache, Kaida felt better. Her knotted muscles had loosened and the frigid grip of anxiety was a distant memory. She supposed Fiona’s tea had a big effect on her mood, too.

  Kaida followed the sound of voices into the kitchen. The Meaths had returned and were gathered around the small table with Fiona. The scent of roasted lamb hung in the air. Ceara was fiddling with something that looked like dough at the island.

  “Whatcha making?” Kaida went into the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water.

  Ceara smiled, kneading. “Hot crossed buns.”

  “Not gonna joke, not gonna joke,” Riley muttered. “Okay, I am. Your buns are quite hot. Crossed or not.”

  Tilting her head back, Ceara laughed. A smooth, sultry sound and completely unbidden. “Thank you for the compliment. I think.”

  Riley glanced at Tristan and did a double-take at his scowl. “What? Stating the obvious, is all.”

  Kaida sighed dreamily as a peace settled over her. This was what she’d been hoping for by inviting the Meaths. Their two families may never be the best of friends, per se, and she figured they probably wouldn’t get along all the time, yet they were trying. Making an effort. Even more than that, acceptance was gaining ground.


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