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Prime Deliverance (Katieran Prime Series (Book Five))

Page 14

by K. D. Jones

AriELa reached over to him and touched his cheek gently. He leaned into the caress as if he hadn’t been touched with gentleness in years. “When our mother was breeding with you, she had narrowed down the name choices for you to three. One was ConELan after our father.”

  The boy shook his head at that emphatically. “No.”

  It saddened her that they were estranged from their father. “I understand. I didn’t really like that one either.”

  “What are the other two names?”

  “MarEL after our mother and then TorEL.”


  “It was the name of a mighty warrior that was part of our family. The stories passed down generation after generation say that TorEL survived an attack by the enemy and then saved his entire people by leading the enemy away from their home world.”

  “I like the name TorEL.”

  She had hoped that he might choose the name that was after their mother, but it made sense for him to pick something that was totally his own. “I like it. TorEL, Tor for short when we are speaking in private.”

  He nodded his head. “TorEL is my name.”

  “Actually, you are Prime TorEL. Son of Prime ConEL and Prima MariELa and beloved brother of Prima AriELa.”

  Chapter Twenty

  “The water is truly green,” TorEL said in awe as he watched their approach to Katiera from inside the shuttle.

  AriELa sat beside him. She saw Katiera though his eyes and found herself amazed at the planet’s beauty. “Yes. Our laws protect our resources so the water is fresh and clean.”

  She couldn’t stop herself from looking over at her father. He sat with one of the Lieutenants guarding him. Her cousin, KydEL, acted as pilot and Jaxon was in the co-pilot’s seat. TarAK was behind her sitting next to Lucy.

  Her father was staring at the viewing screen. He tried to act like he didn’t care what was going on, but she thought she saw a flicker of emotion pass over his face. He still kept himself at an emotional distance. It hurt, but she had a brother that needed her. He was her priority. Well, he and TarAK were her priorities.

  When they landed, TorEL hesitated leaving the shuttle. He couldn’t hide the fact that he was scared. AriELa reached out her hand and he grasped onto her as if she were his lifeline. It was up to her to take care of TorEL. It was a big responsibility to care for a young. She hoped she would not let him down. TarAK placed his hand on TorEL’s shoulder as a sign of support. AriELa gave him a look of gratefulness and love.

  Aunt SandELa stood impatiently on the landing field along with RendEL, Cassie, SydEL, Kat, and Aunt SandELa’s new mate, Leo. The moment she saw AriELa, she let go of Leo’s hand and came running for her with open arms. AriELa let go of TorEL’s hand and ran into her aunt’s loving arms. They both cried.

  “Oh my dear sweet, AriELa. I was beside myself with worry. Are you alright?” She pulled back to check over AriELa for any signs of abuse.

  “I am fine thanks to Second Lieutenant Daniels and TarAK. They both protected me.”

  “You are never leaving Katiera again,” SandELa stated shaking her head.

  AriELa laughed. “I don’t think you have to worry about that. There is nowhere else I want to be.” She pulled away and signaled for TarAK to bring TorEL forward.

  “Aunt SandELa, this is my brother, TorEL.”

  SandELa looked down at the young with big green eyes, just like AriELa’s mother’s eyes. His eyes were beautiful but filled with both fear and longing. It melted her heart.

  “I am your Aunt SandELa.” She opened her arms and waited.

  TorEL looked between AriELa and the beautiful older woman. She reminded him of his mother before she died. He hesitated only a moment before he went into her arms.

  Seeing her brother being embraced by her aunt made AriELa tear up again. She felt a presence to her side. She turned and found herself being enveloped into her cousin, Prime Leader RendEL’s arms.

  “I do not think I could take it if something happened to you. You are more than just my cousin, you have been my little sister,” he said to her with emotion in his voice.

  “I feel the same way about you, Kyd, and Syd.”

  At the mention of his name, Prime Medic SydEL stepped forward and took her into his arms. “Are you injured in any way? Kat and I have fought over who should examine you. It is still not settled.”

  AriELa laughed. “I am fine, truly. However, if it will ease your minds, both of you can examine me later.”

  A growl from behind reminded her that TarAK was standing there. “Stop growling at my family.”

  “The males do not need to hold you so close.”

  AriELa shook her head as she released her cousins and then hugged each of their mates. She teased TarAK. “Am I allowed to hug their mates?”

  He nodded his head. “Hugging females is acceptable.”

  AriELa laughed as did Cassie, Kat, and Jaxon. RendEL and SydEL introduced themselves to their new little cousin, TorEL. It warmed AriELa’s heart to see her family embrace her brother so quickly.

  Everyone grew silent as ConEL was escorted out of the shuttle. He stood there looking at them with no emotion showing at all. SandELa gasped at the sight of him and reached out her hand to her mate, Leo, while rubbing her slightly swollen belly. Her mate was there to hold her up.

  “ConEL?” He didn’t look the same at all. His dark hair had gray streaks throughout. He was still tall, but he was so thin.

  He didn’t answer her, just looked away. AriELa thought she saw him gulp back a response, but he remained stoic. She sighed. He was rescued, but it looked like he was still enslaved back on the Morin Transport.

  “Take him to the Medic Wing and keep him under house arrest until further notice,” KydEL told his Lieutenants.

  “Yes, sir,” the Lieutenants said in unison and led ConEL away.

  “Well, let’s take this gathering back to my suite. My babysitter is probably growing antsy by now.” Cassie took RendEL’s hand in hers and led the way.

  AriELa took TarAK’s offered hand and followed her family to the Prime Building. TorEL followed closely behind her. It was good to be home.


  The Next Day

  Second Lieutenant Daniels stood before her Captain. Though she no longer held that position with Earth World Government, Lucy would always think of Jaxon Malone as her commanding officer.

  The Prime family was spending time in Prime Commander KydEL’s suite. Lucy asked for permission to come and speak with them in private about ConEL’s state of mind. She was worried that he would try to take his own life. She suggested he receive some kind of grief counseling.

  “I think it’s a good idea.” Jaxon agreed.

  KydEL shook his head in doubt. “I don’t know…males do not usually speak about their feelings except with their mates.”

  Jaxon looked at him in frustration. “It’s important that he talk about what happened to him with someone. He’s not going to do that with family. A stranger is sometimes the best person to talk to about difficult subjects.”

  “I had a similar situation and talking to a counselor really helped me,” Lucy offered.

  Kyd looked at AriELa, who was sitting on the couch in his suite.

  “If it will help him at all, I think we have to give it a try,” AriELa said.

  “Alright then. I’ll have Syd look through the roster of all Earth females that have come to Katiera to see if he can find any who were counselors back on Earth.”

  “It would be good to have the counselor offer sessions to help the women we recovered from the Morin Transport. It is going to take more than nanos to help them deal with everything that they were put through. Some of them are in really bad shape,” Lucy added.

  “It will be done,” RendEL agreed as he took his mate into his arms.

  AriELa hoped this counseling would help her father. She yawned. Her brother had woke her up in the middle of the night. He had a nightmare. Nothing she said helped coax him back to sleep. So she sat up
with him showing some of the family albums. She worried about whether he would be able to move forward with his life.

  “Perhaps TorEL and I could speak with the counselor as well,” AriELa suggested softly.

  Her cousins gave her a sympathetic look. She turned away from their stares. Her attention was snagged when she heard TarAK’s voice making gibberish talk. She watched him as he played with Cassie’s little girls. He was really good with the young.

  Her brother took to him as well. TorEL was standing by his side also making funny faces at the babies to make them laugh. Lindsey’s little sister, Lisa, was beside TorEL. TorEL was shocked when he first met Lisa. He had never seen other young before. It took them about an hour before they felt comfortable around each other enough to play. Now it looked like they were going to be inseparable.

  She couldn’t help but notice how attentive her brother was to Lisa. He played whatever game she chose. He never argued with her as most young would do. It warmed her heart that he had a friend. She felt that maybe there was hope for them after all.

  Her aunt came to stand by her side and whispered, “TarAK is so good with the young. He will make an excellent father.” Then she walked back to where her mate, Leo, sat.

  AriELa felt her heart tighten. She agreed with her aunt, TarAK would make a great father. But what if she couldn’t have young? Most Katieran women had a hard time conceiving. She was afraid she too would suffer the same problems. She pulled Kat to the side.

  “I need to be examined.”

  “Are you hurt?” Kat looked her up and down.

  “No, I want to see if I would be able to breed.”

  “Well, I’m not a fertility expert, but I can definitely give you a physical. Come by the Medic Wing tomorrow morning at nine thirty.”

  “Thanks. Could you not say anything to Syd or TarAK? I don’t want them to know yet.”

  “Okay, I won’t. Not until we do the physical and discuss options. Then we will need to include TarAK because this will affect him, too.”

  She nodded her agreement and quickly changed the subject as TarAK made his way over to her carrying one of the twins in his arms. He deserved to be a father.

  “What are the two of you talking about?” he asked, handing her the wiggling IsabELa.

  AriELa was happy to take the beautiful, blond-haired baby girl. They were getting so big. It seemed like they grew six inches since she was gone. She was determined not to miss any more time with her family.


  TarAK and AriELa put TorEL to bed for the night. The three of them now took over the suite that she had shared briefly with Jaxon and Kat. She and TarAK stopped outside of the third bedroom, which was empty. She looked at it with longing.

  “He’ll come around.” TarAK took her in his arms and held her close.

  TarAK knew that she had wanted to ask her father to move in with them, but she didn’t for fear of being rejected by him again. He wanted to hit the male again for causing his mate to fear anything. She should be rejoicing, not suffering.

  “He has been through a lot. Things have been done to him and people he loved taken away. He will need time to adjust to being free.”

  AriELa just wanted to forget everything for a while. She knew the best way to do that. She pressed her body against his, rubbing her hardened nipples into his chest.

  TarAK growled, “What are you doing, mate?”

  “You promised we would pick up where we left off once we reached Katiera. However, you haven’t touched me yet. I want your hands on me.”

  He growled again. He lifted her into his arms carrying her to their bedroom. He closed the door and locked it. “I was waiting until you were ready.”

  She was busy trying to unhook his warrior’s uniform. “I’m ready. I’m so ready.”

  He stopped halfway across the room and looked down at her. The need on her face made him even more aroused. “Wrap your legs around my waist.”

  She quickly did as he asked. She had worn a simple white one shoulder strap dress. He used one hand, ripped it from her body, and threw it to the floor. Her arousal sparked higher. No male had ever made her feel as desirable as he did. She felt him reach between their bodies to unhook his pants. She was so turned on.

  “Now, TarAK!”

  He didn’t waste any time. He thrust upward deep into her welcoming warmth. They both moaned with pleasure. Nothing felt as good as being inside AriELa. She was his mate in every way. His very heart. He began pumping into her as he held her steady with his large hands.

  She used her feet and pressed them against the back of his thighs helping her move against him. She felt the wall behind her back as he pressed her against it. He was then able to get further inside.

  “Harder, TarAK!”

  He bit down gently on her shoulder as he hammered her with everything he had. His seed shot up inside her, coating her. Her inner walls spasmed as she had her release. They both slid down to the floor, still connected physically.

  He held her close to his heart. She snuggled into him loving that he was still semi-hard inside her. She arrived back to Katiera yesterday, but she finally felt like she was home. He was her home.

  “I love you, TarAK.”

  “I love you, my Prima.”


  AriELa stood beside her brother, aunt, cousins, and TarAK as they watched the large viewing screen setup in the banquet room. Many Katierans came to witness the televised mating ceremony of the Kiljorn Prime Leader KadEN with the newly made Prima Lindsey.

  “I wish I could have gone with Leo. Lindsey deserves to have all her family there for support,” SandELa said with tears.

  “It’s not safe right now for you to travel. The Morins have not been caught. TorEL says there’s at least three other Morin Transports out there cloaked from our detection.” AriELa took her aunt’s hand and squeezed it.

  AriELa smiled as she watched Lindsey’s father escort Lindsey over to KadEN. The love on their faces was truly inspiring. The Kiljorn High Priestess was there residing over the ceremony.

  She felt TarAK come up behind her and wrap his arms around her pulling her to his chest. “We are next, mate.”

  “We could have a small ceremony like Kat and Syd. Just family and a few friends.” AriELa snuggled back against him.

  “No way. I want the entire galaxy to witness our ceremony. Every male from here to Earth will know that you are my mate.”

  “They already know that.”

  Applause rang out as the couple on the viewing screen finished their ceremonial exchanging of words. Then they kissed and kissed. She heard her brother make a remark about it being gross or something. She smiled at his youthful comment.

  “Do you want to tell me now about the visit you had in the Medic Wing?” TarAK asked, pulling her to the balcony where they could talk alone.

  She had visited Kat last week for the physical. There were decisions that needed to be made, but AriELa wanted a little time to think on them before she told TarAK. She supposed now was as good a time as any.

  “I went to get examined to see if I would be able to breed.”

  He sucked in his breath, completely caught off guard. He looked down at her with concern. “What did Kat say?”

  “I’m healthy, but…I do not ovulate regularly.”


  “It’s when my eggs are released and can be fertilized.”

  “I love you, AriELa. Whether you can breed or not. It would not change anything.” He meant it and wanted her to know that.

  “Thank you. I love you as well. It’s not that I cannot conceive, it’s that it will be difficult since I do not ovulate often.”

  “Is there anything that can be done?”

  She nodded her head. “Kat says that I can take fertility medications that will help with the ovulation.”

  “Then let’s do that.”

  “We have to wait. Kat doesn’t have the medications needed yet and she wants a fertility expert here to hel
p in case there are problems.”

  “Where is this expert?”

  “Kat has given JadEN the name of two fertility specialists that she knows of and requested that he personally escorts them back to Katiera. So it may be a few months before I can start taking the medications.”

  “Well then, we better get our mating ceremony taken care of and enjoy our time alone. I plan to fill our home with many young.”

  “How many are we talking about?”

  “Many, many, many young.” He teased her as he kissed her lips.

  She melted in his arms. “We can start practicing on making those many, many, many young.”

  He growled and lifted her into his arms. “I will want lots of practice.”

  “We may need a bigger place.”

  “As long as I am with you, I am home.”


  On board the Morin Transport ship, two Star Systems away, Leader Krosis paced the Control Center. He had been so close to luring ConEL back to him. He would have had the male if it had not been for the dark Earth female. A female warrior, ridiculous.

  “Sir, we have been monitoring communications between the Katierans, the Kiljorns, and the Colony. We believe that there may be another transport bringing more Earth females through one of the wormholes.”

  “Find out which one and when the transport is supposed to arrive.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  If they could find the correct wormhole, they could follow the link back to Earth itself. From what his prisoners told him after many hours of interrogation, Earth is overrun with breeding specimens ripe for the picking. Earth’s planet was dying, so taking control over the planet would be useless, but he had his eye on another planet to make as the new Morin Home Planet. They still needed the specimens though.

  “Let me know when you have the final plans made.” He couldn’t wait.

  Books by KD Jones

  Katieran Series

  Katieran Prime

  Prime Commander


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