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The Alora and the Knightlys Trilogy: Books 1-3

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by A. J. Medina


  Alora and the Knightlys


  (Books 1-3)

  A.J. Medina

  The Alora and the Knightlys Trilogy (Books 1-3)

  Copyright © 2016 A.J. Medina All Rights Reserved

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  The author and publisher assume no responsibility for errors, omissions or interpretation of the information herein. All names, locations and events are fiction or used fictitiously and any similarities are completely coincidental. (1.0)

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  Table of Contents

  Alora and the Knightlys Book 1

  Alora and the Dragon Wizard Book 2

  Alora and the Three Kingdoms Book 3

  Alora and the Knightlys

  Book 1

  A.J. Medina

  Chapter 1

  It all started with a crumpled piece of paper...

  When I slapped the boys fingers with the stick, he cried out protesting, “That’s cheating!”

  “No it’s called winning,” I said waving my stick at him. “If this was a real sword you wouldn’t have any fingers left.”

  “Well, it’s not a real sword. Stop cheating.”

  “Stop whining.”

  “Fine. Again. On guard!”

  He didn’t give me much time to get ready. Now who was cheating? It didn’t matter because he swung high, in a futile attempt to decapitate me. I ducked and stepped into him. I placed my leg behind his and in one quick motion, leaned in and forced him to the ground. While the boy lay there looking up at me, I used my stick to gently tap him on the head. We both knew what that meant — game over.

  “I’m telling my mother.”

  Ugh... boys.... “Want to try again?” I asked, and then held out my hand to help him up.

  He stared at my hand and then slapped it away. He got back to his feet and patted his arms and legs. As the dirt fell off he said, “I’m not playing with you anymore,” and then marched off towards the hill. He called out for Joshua, the other smaller boy who stood there staring at me with awe in his eyes. When he finally moved, he ran to me and held out his hand. I smiled and handed him back his stick.

  “Wow! You should go audition,” the smaller boy said.

  “What are you talking about?” I asked.

  “Didn’t you hear? The king is calling for volunteers for his army.”

  “I can’t join.”

  “Aye, you can. See...” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a horribly folded and wrinkled piece of paper. “Here take it.”

  I began to unfold it, when he took off running after his big brother.

  “Alora,” my mother called. “Stop playing with those boys. You haven’t finished your chores.”

  I lowered my head and dropped my shoulders. “Aye, Mother.” I refolded the paper and put it in my pocket. It would have to wait. I walked back to the side of the house where I left the two buckets of water I was in the middle of fetching before the boys had caught my attention. Squatting down, I grabbed the handles and then stood. “Lift from your legs not your back,” my mother always said.

  The buckets felt heavier since I had wasted so much of my energy fighting. What did he say? There’s no way a girl can beat me. He’ll never learn. I had warned him before we began. Even his little brother knew about me.

  All the boys nearby would challenge me and I quickly created a reputation for myself as the girl who could out sword any of the children in the village. Well, out sword them with sticks anyway.

  The boys usually protested when I did anything they didn’t approve of, as if during battle a knight could say, “That’s not fair. Let’s start again.”

  Arriving at the door to my cottage, I heard my name being called. I turned around to see Lucah running in my direction. “Are you almost done with your chores?” he asked.

  “Nay. I still need to milk the goats.”

  “If I help you, you’ll be done sooner.”

  “And what price shall I pay for your help?” I said, my eyes narrowing into small slits.

  “I bumped into Joshua and his older brother Joseph. He said you did some new move on him. Teach it to me.”

  I thought for a moment. I liked practicing with Lucah, but didn’t want to teach him everything I knew. If I did, then he would be just as good as me and I needed to keep some techniques to myself.

  But he didn’t specify which move he wanted to be taught. He said some new move. I could pick from any number of moves I performed earlier. “Deal.”

  Lucah snatched one of the water pails from me and headed into the cottage. My mother was washing the dishes and getting started on the evening meal. “Hello Lucah. Helping out as usual? Your mother must be so proud to have such a helpful young man. You could learn something from him, Alora.”

  I rolled my eyes and Lucah waved at Mother, playing up his shy routine again.

  “After the goats, is that all for today?” I asked her.

  “Aye, dear. Then you and Lucah can enjoy the rest of the afternoon.”

  My mother offered him some water and since I wasn’t thirsty, I walked outside and waited for Lucah to follow. I took out the paper and unfolded it. It read...

  King Remi of Ly’vera is calling for male and female volunteers between the ages of 15 and 17 seasons for his army.

  To qualify, all volunteers must be in good health and capable of fighting in battle. There will be an audition held on the final day of the week. After the audition, all volunteers will be informed if they are accepted.

  A carriage will be waiting for all volunteers from the Village of Kingsley at the bridge crossing by Lanivers river. It will arrive as the sun rises. It will not wait for long.

  I couldn’t believe it. Male and female volunteers were being called for the king’s army. The final day of the week? Why that’s tomorrow. I folded the paper and shoved it back in my pocket.

  After finishing with the goats, Lucah and I returned to my cottage with the milk. “Me and Lucah are going up to the hill.”

  “What was that child?”

  “My apologies. Mother, may I go with Lucah up to the hill?”

  “That’s better. Aye, you may.”

  I rushed to my room and snatched up my father’s wooden practice sword. I looked at the stick figure drawings of him holding my hand, like I always did whenever I held it. I dashed past Mother, waved goodbye to her, and pulled Lucah with me outside. Once we were far enough away that she couldn’t hear us, Lucah commented on my mother’s choice of words.

  “Wow, for a farmer your mother sure tries to sound like she’s royal.”

  “She’s always doing that. It’s annoying. I think she’s trying to get me to sound more like a lady so that she can marry me off.”

  “You? Somebody’s wife?”

  “What is that supposed to mean

  “Nothing. I just can’t picture you at home cooking for your husband. Oh wait, I can. I see him now. He’s complaining about the food you just served him and then you smack him on the back of his head.”

  I stopped walking, let out a fake laugh, “Ha, ha,” and slapped Lucah on the back of his head.

  He rubbed the area where I hit him. “Aye, just like that.”

  I balanced myself by holding onto his shoulder, removed my shoes and took off sprinting in the direction of the hill where we liked to practice. I enjoyed being chased sometimes even more than being the chaser, but I would never admit that to anyone.

  Glancing over my shoulder, Lucah was in pursuit. His legs were longer than mine so it was only a moment before he caught up. He slapped me on the back, “Caught you.” I didn’t stop running. The grass was cool under my bare feet and I loved the way the ground felt—my toes digging into the dirt. Shoes are just so uncomfortable. I wish I could be barefoot all day long.

  I kept going until we reached the top of the hill. Once there I collapsed on the ground, my chest heaving. Lucah stood over me. “You know I caught you, right?”

  “Did you? I didn’t feel a tap on my back.”

  “I know you felt it and I know you heard me.”

  I laughed and sat up. “Aye, Lucah. You’re the fastest, but when I catch my breath, I’ll show you whose the best at swords.”

  Lucah was impressed with the new move I showed him even though he refused to try it on me. He didn’t want to hurt me. I on the other hand had no reservations of hurting him. He could take it.

  I did my trip move on him, but he was able to resist. We fell to the ground with a loud thump and lay there, him on top of me. He hovered over me, neither of us saying anything. The silence was uncomfortable so I broke it with a long, dragging word. “Umm...”

  “Oh sorry,” he said, snapping to his feet and then helping me up.

  I lifted my sword. “On guard!”

  We practiced for hours until the sun began to set. I gathered my shoes and walked along the tree line down the other side of the hill to the large meadow. The meadow was my favorite place to watch the sky turn green as the sun turned in for the evening. The leaves were all a bright green and sunflowers lined the perimeter, acting as sort of a gate keeper.

  The tree leaves would begin to turn colors soon and fall to the ground. I liked the red and amber colors they turned, but hated what that represented. It meant the rains would be on their way and it would only be a few months before the weather turned cold. No more running through the grass barefoot until winter passed and I despised covering up, trying my hardest not to freeze to death.

  So far Lucah hadn’t brought up the subject I’ve been dying to talk about. He had to know. “So... do you know about the king’s call?” I curled my lip and waited for his answer.

  “When did you find out about that?” Lucah answered, obviously surprised that I knew.

  “Just after dueling with the boys earlier.”

  He paused to think. “Just this morning,” he answered while avoiding eye contact.

  Why did I get the feeling he was lying to me? “Don’t you think I would’ve wanted to audition?”

  “Aye… but it’s dangerous. I don’t understand why you would want to risk death.”

  “We’re all going to die. I rather choose how it’s going to happen than let someone choose for me.”

  “And do you think your mother’s going to allow you to go?”

  “Perhaps,” I answered in a whisper. Honestly, I didn’t know. She never approved of my father’s knighthood. My real father. I don’t remember much about him except that we used to play swords in this very same meadow. I would interrupt his practice and run up to him. He would swoop me up towards the sky, release me and for a split second I felt weightless before he caught me again.

  It was difficult to see him in my head these days, the image of his face had faded over the years. We had a family portrait, but when the word of him falling in battle reached us, Mother ripped it to shreds. All I can remember now is his emerald eyes and his fiery hair.

  Mother never liked him teaching me sword play. She would yell out to him to stop teaching me that nonsense. I didn’t think it was nonsense then and I still don’t. I couldn’t wait to hear what she was going to say.

  Chapter 2

  I entered my cottage and was assaulted by the smell of our evening meal. I hadn’t eaten much, since eating always made me slow. Instead, I liked to keep my energy levels up by eating fruits and berries throughout the day and then eat as much as I could once I returned home. My stomach grumbled in rebellion at the familiar aroma.

  “So how was your play date?” Mother asked.

  “We weren’t playing. We were practicing,” I said, aggravated by her tone.

  “Oh Alora, I wish you would stop that.”

  “I wish you would stop wishing I would stop.” I passed the dining table and went into my room. I gently leaned my practice sword against the wall by my bed and went back out to deal with her. I sat down at the table.

  “It’s just that...”

  “I know Mother.”

  She placed a bowl of stew in front of me. There was beef, broth and a mixture of carrots and potatoes. “It’s just that I miss your father. And seeing you fight with the other boys always reminds me of how he used to play with you and teach you how to fight.”

  “I’m good at it Mother,” I said before nearly attacking the bowl.

  “I know.”

  “Better than all the boys.”

  “I know that too. I hear the other ladies talking about you and how you should be fighting for a husband, not with swords.”

  “A husband? I don’t want to be at home cooking and cleaning—playing house.” Mother turned and peered. “Sorry, Mother. It’s just not for me. I want more.”

  “I know.”

  “Mother, there’s news from the king.”

  “From the king?”

  I could tell she didn’t expect those words to come out of my mouth. “Aye. The king is asking for volunteers for his army. He has called for male and female volunteers. I would like to—”



  “I forbid you to join the king’s army.”

  “But Mother—”

  “That’s the end of it. No daughter of mine is going to be a knight.”

  “But Mother—”

  “Enough! Go to your room until your father comes home.” She removed my empty bowl and handed me a piece of bread to take with me to my room, or rather my dungeon.

  I rose, slid my chair under the table and then stormed off slamming my door behind me. I threw myself onto my bed and stared at the ceiling until I heard the front door open and shut.

  “Alora. The horse please.”

  Ugh. Do the chores ever stop? I got up and went to greet my step father. After he returned home from trying to sell the blueberries and potatoes that we grew, it was my job to take the horse into the stable.

  “There you are. Mata is waiting for you outside. Treat her good, she worked hard today.”

  “Aye, Biron.”

  “Alora!” My mother yelled.

  “Aye, Father.”

  I took Mata into the stable and uncinched her saddle and removed her saddle pad. I stroked her softly between her eyes to make her relax and when she lowered her head, I removed her bridle and hung it up. I filled her trough with water and placed some oats and chopped carrots into her pail.

  Her grooming brush was at the other end of the two horse stable where I left it yesterday. I retrieved it and went to work. She was a good horse and never really caused much trouble. In fact, I think she enjoyed our time together at the end of the day. Even though it was a chore, I had to admit, I enjoyed taking care of her. I imagined when I fed her and she snorted, it was her way of saying thank you.

  After finishing taking care of Mata I went back into the cottage and Mother had already told Biron.

>   “Alora. Your mother tells me you heard about the king’s call.”

  “Don’t rile her up, Biron. Please...” Mother pleaded.

  “What could it hurt if she auditioned? Maybe she’s not as good as she thinks she is,” he suggested.

  That last one was probably more for me than for her. “But what if I am?”

  “Then I guess we shall call you Lady Alora from now on.” He slapped his knee, laughing up a storm.

  “Stop encouraging her Biron. I already told her she wasn’t going.”

  I wondered why she was acting this way. I have so much fun when I’m fighting the boys. I didn’t care what she said. I had already made up my mind.

  “Why don’t you become a sweet young lady? Any man would be happy to have you as a bride,” Biron added.

  “I don’t want to be a bride. I don’t want to clean up after him and take care of him. I can do more than that.”

  And then I saw it. My mother looked down. “I’m sorry Mother.” I had hurt her feelings. She had married my father and had done those things for him and she also did them for Biron.

  “Mother? Didn’t you ever wish for something more when you were my age?”

  “Well, I did imagine myself married to the king. Having all those servants taking care of me. I thought that must be nice.”

  “And what stopped you?” I asked.

  “Don’t be foolish. I couldn’t possibly have married the king.”

  Could it be? As I stood there arguing with my mother, or rather pleading, did she think the king wouldn’t want her? He himself was of humble origins. And my mother with her sandy, long, flowing hair, beautiful blue eyes, and shapely body was just as pretty, if not more so, than the queen.

  “Mother, what if you could go back? What if you could change your stars and get the king’s attention, would you?”

  “I suppose, but that’s silly.”


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