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The Alora and the Knightlys Trilogy: Books 1-3

Page 28

by A. J. Medina

  And why did life have to be so complicated?

  I found myself wishing for the simpler times back on my farm. Where life may have been boring, but at least it made sense. I knew what to expect everyday, but now each day seemed to throw another surprise at me. Since I couldn’t change the events that had led up to this point, I closed my eyes and waited for Silas’ kiss.

  It would be the last kiss I received for... I wasn’t sure for how long. Possibly a week, if that’s how long it took to find the dragon wizard. And hopefully he would agree to train me. If not, the whole journey would be for naught.

  Silas’s lips pulled away from mine. “Safe journey,” Silas said, and then released my body.

  “I’ll be back before you know it,” I said.

  I turned to leave, but then stopped. What if this was indeed the last time I saw Silas? What if the king removed his head while I was gone just so he wouldn’t have to deal with me?

  I wanted to hug Silas. To feel his arms wrapped around me and to be lost in his embrace. I raised my hand and placed it on the cell door’s lock. I thought really hard and imagined the lock opening and my wish was answered. When I heard the click, I pulled the cell door open and threw myself into Silas’ arms.

  He pulled me tight against him with as much strength as he could muster. His embrace was weaker than it used to be. It only took a handful of days of starvation to make someone weak and he had been in the dungeon much longer than that.

  “I love you,” I whispered.

  “And I you,” Silas responded.

  We stayed locked in our embrace and I would’ve been happy to stay in his arms for eternity. His violent eyes stared deep into my blue ones. I pulled him tighter and planted a farewell kiss and slid back out of the cell, gently closing its door behind me.

  I touched the lock again and wished it closed and it clicked shut. I pushed and pulled on it, making sure it was indeed locked and wondered what would’ve happened if Silas had tried to escape. I looked at him with fear in my eyes.

  “I wasn’t going to try anything,” he said.

  Did my thoughts betray me? First the wizard seemed to be able to read my mind, and now Silas.

  “I would never risk getting you into so much trouble. I wouldn’t be able to live with myself,” he finished.

  My fear disappeared and I smiled.

  I leaned in towards his cell and closed my eyes for a truly last kiss, drank the potion of deceit and left the dungeon disguised as Neala once again...

  Another snort came from the guest in my bed. Neala turned over, snuggling up against my side—her foot rubbing against my leg before she lay still.

  I rubbed my finger across my lips remembering Silas’. Our last kiss tasted of bread and dirt. I hoped I would be able to see him again when I returned. If not, this would be my last memory of him.

  As the light of the rising sun cast into my room, I shifted my thoughts to the adventure that lay ahead. It was time to go.

  Chapter 11

  “Why are you letting Alora go on this journey?” Queen Rosaleen asked.

  King Remi lay in bed at her side. He had just awoken when the queen started with her questions.

  “Husband, why?” she pestered.

  He knew if he continued to ignore her, she would ask and ask until he finally answered her. He decided to save himself the torture and answer her sooner rather than later.

  “She feels it is something she must do,” he said.

  “But why are you allowing her to go? You are the king. She must obey your command. Why not deny her?”

  King Remi could try and make the queen understand, but would she? Sometimes he felt he was wasting his breath trying to get his wife to understand his decisions. She thought she knew how to rule, but if he ruled her way, he wouldn’t be king for very long—the citizens would revolt.

  King Remi knew he had to let Alora go on her journey. To deny her this quest could cost him her loyalty. Plus it stopped her from asking about the man who had her horse and wooden sword. Besides, loyalty is about more than just titles. Alora is not a slave. She is a powerful wizard and knight. Cross her and she might become his next enemy. She is much more valuable at his side than fighting against him. The queen didn’t understand that. She never did.

  He came up with an answer. “She is my first knight. It is winter. No one will challenge us during this time so the kingdom will not be defenseless. She can become more powerful if the dragon wizard shares his knowledge with her. And that will make me... us more powerful.”

  Queen Rosaleen slid her finger from the king’s collarbone to his belly. “But you are king. You don’t need her at your side.”

  As usual, the queen didn’t understand him. She thought just because he was king, and if he instilled fear into the citizens, people would follow him. He, on the other hand, knew better.

  The wizard’s last words to Alora were, ‘find the dragon wizard.’

  It was something she needed to do. And then there was The Apprentice, Silas.

  She made her concerns known when they played chess the night neither of them could sleep. She loved Silas and if King Remi sentenced him to death, what would that do to her? Would Alora turn against him? Would she try to assassinate the king?

  The only way he could guarantee her loyalty was to let her go on this journey and keep Silas alive. At least for the time being.

  “What are you thinking about?” the queen asked, interrupting his thoughts.

  He wanted to tell her the truth, that she had no idea how to rule a kingdom, but bit his tongue instead. “I was thinking about how beautiful you are.”

  The queen slapped the king. “Liar!” she yelled. “You don’t think I’m beautiful. If you did, then you wouldn’t call Neala to your chambers.”

  Not this again, the king thought.

  King Remi tossed the furs off his body and planted his feet on the rug. He scrunched his toes through the fluffiness, trying to maintain his composure. When he finally spoke, his voice was cold and hard. “I’ve warned you before. Slap me again and it’ll be the last thing you do.”

  The queen gasped and lowered her head. “Forgive me, My Lord.”

  King Remi went to his wardrobe closet and started getting dressed. He wanted to bid farewell to Alora and her companions at the stables.

  When he looked upon the queen again, she was crying. The king had enough of her low self esteem. Everyone in the castle city, if not the realm, knew Rosaleen was beautiful. If only she believed it, things would be so much easier. Perhaps as easy as they were with Neala.

  However, Neala was a servant. The two of them could never be. He would appear a fool if he made a servant his queen. Who would follow him then?

  “Do you still desire her?” Queen Rosaleen asked.

  King Remi threw his fur lined, royal cloak on and thought about his answer. He rubbed the cheek where he had been slapped.

  “Of course I do. What man wouldn’t?”

  He turned to leave, his words still hanging in the air. He knew they stung, but didn’t care. That was the last time she would ever slap him.

  — — —

  We were outside the castle city walls standing around the carriage as our supplies were loaded on top of it. We would be able to rest for half a day, but once we made it to Caskars Bridge we would be on foot from then on and those satchels loaded on top of the carriage would end up on our backs.

  The satchels contained one set of supplies for each person. Water and enough food for a few days, but we should be able to supplement it with food in the forest and we are stopping in at Lucah’s house on the way. His family will feed us and put us up for the night.

  From then on we are on our own.

  “What are we waiting for?” Aednat asked, interrupting my thoughts.

  “For them to finish loading our—” I hadn’t noticed the servants had already finished loading our carriage.

  “Exactly,” Aednat said pointing at the carriage. “We’re ready to go.”

  “Not quite, m’lady,” our carriage driver said. “The king wishes to bid you farewell. We are waiting for him.”

  Aednat stayed silent.

  “Thank you, ser,” I said.

  While we waited, Thomas squatted down into a resting squat and chewed on an apple. Davina leaned on the carriage with her foot crossed over one ankle and Neala waited at my side. I’m sure she wasn’t happy about the king coming to say goodbye.

  And of course, Aednat walked around mumbling under her breath complaining and kicking at small rocks on the ground.

  After enough quiet, Aednat asked, “Why is Neala coming along?”

  “Neala will be useful to us,” I said. “She knows how to cook. Right, Neala?”

  “Aye. I can prepare our meals.”

  “I think you’ve become too soft, Alora. I think you like having someone wait on your every need. Is she going to wash you out here too?”

  “Shut it, Aednat. That’s enough,” I said.

  Aednat let out a huff and kicked at the rocks again.

  “Why does she hate me so much?” Neala asked.

  “She hates everyone. You’ll get used to it. I did.”

  “Maybe I should stay—”

  “Nay. You’re coming.”

  Not only was she coming along because I didn’t want to leave her behind, but the wizard said we needed a total five people. If she didn’t come along, I would need a fifth and I didn’t know who to choose.

  When I was about to explain to Neala about the whole five people thing, the king appeared almost out of no where. How did he keep doing that?

  “Alora, my knightlys, and Neala...” Remi walked over to Neala and took her hand in his. He lifted it up to his lips and kissed the back of it. “You will be missed in the palace,” he told her.

  Even though Neala was wearing a brown tunic and pants under her winter cloak, she bowed her head and curtsied.

  King Remi released her hand and then gripped me by my shoulders. “My first knight, I wait for your return. I look forward to seeing what you have learned and the stories you will tell.”

  I tapped my fist to my chest in salute.

  King Remi nodded and released his grip. “My knightlys. Farewell and may your journey be a successful and safe one. I look forward to all of your return.”

  The knightlys all saluted the king.

  King Remi waved goodbye and returned to the safety of the castle city walls.

  “Now we are ready,” our carriage driver said. “All on board!” he yelled.

  “Finally,” Aednat huffed.

  She was first to board the carriage, followed by Davina, Thomas who was now eating a piece of bread, and then Neala. I stepped up and held onto the door to the carriage and looked back at the castle city. I was leaving my home in search of more knowledge, in search of the dragon wizard, in search of... something. I wasn’t exactly sure what I was really searching for, but I felt guilty about leaving Silas behind. I almost stepped off the carriage and ran to the dungeon to see him one last time, but that would be silly. They wouldn’t let me in. Not as myself anyway.

  Instead, I climbed into the carriage and the driver shut the door behind me.

  The long ride toward Caskars Bridge was cold and quiet. Even Aednat, with her usual complaints, was silent most of the way. Everyone, including me, just sat there alone with their thoughts.

  My thoughts were focused on Lucah at the moment. How would he act towards me when I walked into his home? Would he be mean to me? Or would he be kind? Or would he ignore me entirely? If I had a choice between him being mean towards me or ignoring me, I think I would prefer him being mean. At least that way he would be showing me some attention.

  What a silly thought. Why would I want him to be mean to me?

  I shook my head at that stupid thought.

  Neala whispered at my side. “Why are you shaking your head?”

  “Just trying to wipe a stupid thought from my head.”

  “Do you need some help?” Aednat chimed in.

  “Shut it, Aednat!” I shouted.

  As usual, Aednat fell silent and returned to her own thoughts.

  Why she always had something to say, I could never guess. She had to know how I would respond and since I was her commander she could get in trouble. And yet she still did it. I didn’t understand why.

  I stared at her for a while trying to figure her out. Almost every word out of her mouth was either a complaint or an insult, but never a compliment.

  How Ryanne and Davina were her friends was also a mystery.

  After half a days travel, the carriage began to slow and came to a stop. The carriage rocked as the driver climbed off his perch. He opened the door. “Here we are. This is as far as I go.”

  I was the first one off the carriage and admired Caskars Bridge. It felt like ages since me and Lucah crossed it on our way to our new lives.

  We all helped the driver unload our satchels from the carriage and bid him farewell.

  “This way,” I said, and then led the way over the bridge and through the forest towards Lucah’s home.

  After a quick march through the woods, it was right in front of us. Lucah’s home. Upon seeing it, I stopped walking and just studied it.

  When I knocked would Lucah answer the door?

  I couldn’t move. I was stuck.

  Only the sound of someone knocking brought me out of my stupor.

  Aednat was knocking on the door.

  My feet were under my command again and I ordered them to hurry over to her side. Just as I reached her, Joselyn opened the door.

  “Alora!” Lucah’s mother greeted, and then threw her arms around me. It felt nice to be hugged by a mother again. There was no other feeling like it.

  I felt safe, protected, and cared for all at once. And that made me sad. My mother would never hug me again.

  Joselyn pushed me back, holding my arms, and said, “Look at you. Such a fancy cloak. It suits you.”

  “Thank you, Joselyn,” I said.

  “And who’s your friend? Oh, my mistake. Your friends?”

  “This is Aednat, Thomas, Davina, and Neala.”

  “Please come in.” Joselyn gestured with her hand rushing us in and then shut the door. “It’s getting colder by the minute out there. Winter is truly upon us. Hang your cloaks. Alora, you know where,” she said as she pointed to the hooks anyway. “I was just getting some sweet bread ready for you all.”

  As we set down our satchels and hung up our cloaks, she continued talking. “I was so happy to receive the message that you were coming, I just had to make some sweet bread for you.”

  “Is that the famous sweet bread we heard so much about?” Thomas asked.

  “You’ve been talking about my sweet bread, Alora?”

  “Aye, I have.”

  “She has,” Neala added. “And her meadow.”

  “Alora and her meadow. She and Lucah would go out playing and spend so much time in her meadow.”

  Neala and the rest of my group turned and stared at me.

  I couldn’t bring myself to ask it and was somewhat grateful that I didn’t have to.

  “And where is Lucah?” Aednat asked.

  Even though I was glad she asked the question, Davina mustn’t have thought it was proper because she shoved Aednat.

  “What? We’re all thinking it. Aren’t we?” Aednat said while shrugging her shoulders.

  Joselyn placed plates full of sweet bread on the table. “Please, sit,” she said while wiping her hands on the towel that was draped over her shoulder.

  When she finally looked up, she noticed the four of us in our second skins and stopped mid wipe to admire us.

  She dropped her hands. “Oh Alora. You all look so lovely.”

  She hadn’t answered the question.

  I asked it this time. “Joselyn, where’s Lucah?”

  “I’m not sure.”

  I walked right up to her. This time I grabbed her shoulders and forced her to look at
me. “Not sure? Where is he?”

  “He was home. And then he wasn’t.”

  “What does that even mean?” I asked.

  Joselyn writhed at my grip on her shoulders.

  “Alora, please. You’re starting to hurt me.”

  I quickly relaxed my grip and let go of her. She rubbed her shoulder where I had squeezed too hard.

  “We all went to bed and the next morning, he was gone. We haven’t heard from him since.”

  “How long ago was this?” Aednat asked.

  “Soon after he returned from training. Oh, he was heart broken. He spoke ill of the king and we had to hush him.”

  We all turned when we heard the grunting coming from Thomas. With a mouth full of bread he mumbled, “This sure is the best sweet bread.”

  “Thank you,” Joselyn said, and then sat down at the table. “Please, sit. All of you.”

  I didn’t understand. Where did Lucah disappear to? Why would he leave?

  “Have you searched for him?” I asked.

  “Tybus and the boys went looking, but no one has seen him. Tybus said he was grown and could handle himself and that he would return when he saw fit. But I worry that he is injured or perhaps even... dead. I worry he has been killed by The Apprentice’s men. I worry every night and hope for his return.”

  I rubbed her back trying to comfort her. “Don’t worry. The Apprentice has been captured and his men aren’t under those types of orders.”

  I knew my rubbing her back wasn’t really helping. Her son had disappeared and she had no idea to where.

  Once she mentioned Lucah’s father and his brothers, it occurred to me. “Where are Tybus and Lucah’s brothers?” I asked.

  “They went hunting. They won’t be back until tomorrow afternoon.”

  “They left you alone? What if someone came by and tried to hurt you?”

  “I can protect myself. I’m a Kingsley girl, remember? Plus, you’re here now.”

  Aednat laughed at her comment. I glared at her and she mumbled something as she bit into her sweet bread.

  After eating sweet bread and relaxing, Neala asked if I could show her my meadow and I agreed. The rest of the knightlys chose to stay at Lucah’s and relax. They wanted to stay warm, knowing that we might not have such great accommodations for a while.


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