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The Alora and the Knightlys Trilogy: Books 1-3

Page 54

by A. J. Medina


  “Aye, because. I had a right to know and you kept it from me. You kept it from me the same way you didn’t tell me you were The Apprentice. I was in love with the boy with the violet eyes, who just so happened to be my enemy. Now you tell me that you knew the whole time that Lucah had been commanded to stay away from me and that he didn’t really want to.”

  I lifted his hands off my shoulders, tossed them back at him, and sprinted out of the room and down the passageway. I ran up the stairs on that end higher and higher. I had no idea where I was going—I was possessed by my emotions.

  Somehow I ended up in front of a door. Whose door I wasn’t sure until it opened.

  “Alora, I’m sorry.”

  “Me too.”

  He took me into his arms and pulled me close again. So close I could feel the cold of the outside and the heat from his breath all at once. I closed my eyes and enjoyed his lips like I had so many times before. When his lips pulled away, I let out a moan and whispered his name. “Mmm... Lucah.”

  “Does this mean you changed your mind?” he asked.

  “I need to think—”

  I spun around quickly. “Did you hear something?”

  “Nay,” Lucah said, and then pulled at my chin so that I faced him. “I need an answer.”

  I didn’t know what my answer was. I needed to think, but I didn’t want to think at the moment. I just wanted to get lost in his arms... and in his lips.

  As I was walking back to my chambers after kissing Lucah, I wondered what I was going to do. Maybe going back to my chambers wasn’t such a good idea.

  I mean, how could I lay down next to Silas when I had just been kissing Lucah?

  I was horrid, retched, and a hag for doing that. But how could Silas not tell me? All that time we were in Ly’vera training under the wizard Agbavitor and he knew everything. He knew then why Lucah had acted towards me the way he had.

  He should of told me.

  I walked up the circle staircase leading to our level when I caught the glimpse of a gown flying around the corner of the next level’s entrance. I needed to speak with Neala. Even if she didn’t have any advice to give, it would feel nice to get it off my chest. Her room was on that level. Perhaps that gown was hers.

  “Neala,” I called out. “Neala, wait up.”

  When I exited onto her level, I caught another glimpse of the crimson gown turning the corner. “Neala wait!” I called out again, but she didn’t stop.

  When I finally caught her, I realized why she hadn’t stopped.

  “Oh hello, Davina. I thought you were Neala.”

  “As you can see I’m not. Do you need something?”

  Davina had become much more aggressive than I remembered. She was always the quiet one. Although on our journey to find the dragon wizard, she’d opened up a lot more. And maybe aggressive wasn’t the right word. Maybe couldn’t be bothered by me was more accurate.

  “Am I keeping you?” I asked.

  “I am tired. It’s been a long day and I wish to go to bed.”

  I was going to leave her alone and continue on towards Neala’s chambers, but my taste buds reminded me. “Davina, I just realized I haven’t had any of your delicious tea in a while. Do you think you can make me some tomorrow?”

  “I’m sorry, Alora, but I ran out of the ingredients.”

  “I’m sure we can have someone get them for you. Do you have a list? Give it to me and I’ll take care of it.”

  “Nay. Some of the ingredients will require trips to the towns and the weather is much too terrible for such a thing.”

  “I’m sure someone would still go.”

  “Nay, I won’t be responsible if something happens to the traveler. Maybe when the weather gets better.”

  “But Davina, that could be weeks.”

  “Then you’ll just have to wait.”

  Davina’s never spoken to me that way before. She sounded more like Aednat these days than herself. It was a bit off putting.

  “Is there anything else?” she asked.

  I shook my head and she walked a bit more until she reached her chambers and went in. I stood there watching her. No goodnight, no see you in the morning. Nothing. She was behaving oddly.

  Thankful for the distraction from my own thoughts, at least for a few moments, I continued on to Neala’s. Since catching her and Thomas together, I didn’t just barge in.

  No one answered when I knocked.

  I knocked again and waited.

  Clara opened the door wearing a towel wrapped around her body. “Good evening, Alora. Neala is in the bath. She mentioned you wouldn’t be staying here tonight, but since you’re here would you care to join us?”

  I stepped into the room. “I think I will.”

  I started to squat down to untie and remove my boots, but she beat me to it. After saying the magic word to remove my second skin, I lowered it to the floor and stepped out. Clara hung it up and then led the way into the washroom where Neala stood waiting in the bath.

  “Good evening, Alora.”

  “Good evening, Neala.”

  I climbed the steps and into the bath while Clara retrieved another washcloth.

  She lay the washcloth on the edge of the bath, removed her towel, and climbed in. “We have just begun. I will wash you next.”

  While I waited for my turn, I submerged my entire body and then my head, allowing the water to soak my hair. When I reemerged, Clara was washing Neala’s back.

  I studied the pair of them. Clara with her beauty had her pick of the boys. Neala with her alluring body did as well. Her facial cuts were healing, but not like either of us had hoped. She no longer wore stitches, but the wounds were healing raised and were a dark contrast to her lighter skin. From where I sat they resembled leeches.

  She was my friend and before I had become ill I remembered hoping they wouldn’t heal. I had hoped she would remain ugly. I even wanted to finish what Queen Rosaleen had begun. And Clara. I thought about doing the same thing to her. I was jealous of them both. All the girls filled my heart with jealousy.

  But now those feelings were gone. I didn’t hate any of them that way anymore. In fact, I wanted to heal Neala. I had to find a way.

  The three of us were in the bath and yet since our greeting no one had said another word. There was only one thing I wanted to talk about, but wasn’t sure if I could talk about it in Clara’s presence.

  She might run and spread it to the entire castle and that would be horrible for me. I could see it now. All the citizens whispering as I walked by them. I didn’t want that to happen.

  And what about Lucah? If Silas knew he had kissed me, he might do something to him. Lucah was a captain in his army after all. Silas might give him worse duties or even harm him.

  I couldn’t breathe for a moment thinking about that. Silas was king here, not just a general. If he wanted to he could ask for Lucah’s head. What had I done? I should’ve never kissed him.

  “You’re awfully quiet this evening,” Neala said as she sat down next to me and then lifted her foot so Clara could wash it.

  “I have a lot on my mind.”

  “Really? Then why aren’t you sharing it with me?”

  I signaled with my eyes towards Clara, hoping she would get the message.

  She did and started talking about something else. “Aednat came to see me this evening.”

  “She did? What did she want?” I asked.

  “She was wondering if she could join me in the bath.”

  “And you said nay?”

  “Aye. I wasn’t sure how you would feel about it. I told her I had to ask you first.”

  “I’m fine with it.”

  “Really?” Neala seemed surprised.

  I was too. I didn’t even think about it. I just agreed.

  “Then I will send Clara to invite her the next time.”


  After we were done washing and dried off, Clara asked if there was anythin
g else she could do for us.

  “Try and get Davina to make me some of her delicious tea. She said she ran out of ingredients and refuses to send anyone to fetch some more. Please see if you can convince her. Besides that, I am fine.”

  “I’m fine,” Neala added.

  “Then goodnight my ladies. Pleasant dreams.”

  The two of us slipped into our sleep shirts and slid under the covers. With a flick of my wrist I extinguished the candles in the room. Lit only by the light of the fireplace I waited. As soon as the room door latched, and Clara was gone, the words I had tried hard to keep in flung out. I told Neala all that had happened.

  When I was done, I gasped for air and waited for her advice.

  All she said was, “Do what your heart tells you is right.”

  Ugh... I was doomed.

  Chapter 14

  The next day after her midday meal, Neala was supposed to meet Thomas and was walking towards his chambers when Silas stormed in her direction.

  Neala became confused at what happened next. She wanted to keep walking, but her body didn’t listen to her.

  “Stay still,” she heard a voice in her head say, and her body complied.

  Silas continued charging towards her. She didn’t know what to do. She tried to move but found that she couldn’t.

  What was happening? she wondered.

  “Shut your eyes and kiss him,” the voice said to her as Silas inched closer.

  Why were her eyes closing? Why was she obeying the voice?

  With her eyes shut, hands wrapped around her waist and pulled her close. She could feel his heart pounding. She could feel his warm breath merely an inch away from her own parting lips. This was wrong and she didn’t want it to happen.

  All at once, Neala’s eyes opened, her mouth closed, and then her arms moved. “Nay!” she shouted as she pushed Silas back away from her.

  Neala drew her sword. “You will not have your way with me.”

  Silas’ lips didn’t move, but she heard the voice in her head. “Put away your sword and kiss him.”

  Neala’s fighting stance weakened. She lowered her sword.

  What was happening to me? she thought. Why was I following the voice’s commands?

  Neala shook her head. “Nay!” she shouted, and then lifted her sword again.

  Silas’ lips didn’t move again, but she heard the voice. “Stop this and go into his arms.”

  Neala didn’t move.

  “Neala!” the voice yelled, angry and cold. “Go into his—”

  The voice disappeared.

  Silas stood watching Neala closely. He didn’t make any sudden movements and seemed to be figuring things out.

  “What are you doing?” Neala finally asked him. “You are with Alora.”

  Silas didn’t answer her. He just stood there watching her seeming confused.

  Neala still held her sword pointed at him. She didn’t realize it until her muscles began to burn.

  Silas didn’t seem like a threat any longer. He was quiet, not speaking a word. The voice in her head must have been her imagination. She lowered her sword.

  But was the feeling of his hands wrapped around her waist her imagination as well?

  Nay. She did push him away. He was holding her.

  After a few more moments Silas finally said something. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to... to scare you.”

  Neala sheathed her sword. “Why did you try to kiss me?”

  Silas shook his head. “I didn’t. You had your eyes closed and I was so preoccupied, I didn’t notice you until I was on top of you.”

  He couldn’t be serious. She saw him charging down the passageway directly towards her. Hadn’t she?

  Now she wasn’t so sure. The voice in her head, Silas charging towards her, him trying to kiss her. It all seemed so silly to Neala. She had to be mistaken.

  “Good day, Neala,” Silas said.

  “Good day,” she said as he passed her.

  He seemed upset about something as he stormed by—his boots stomping along. When his footsteps stopped she turned to see what had happened.

  Silas stood frozen with his back still turned to her. Without any noise, quick as a wolf, he turned and was directly in front of her.

  “What are you doing?” Neala asked.

  “I have something to ask you. I know you are loyal to Alora, but I want you to tell me the truth.”

  “The truth about what?”

  “Do you think, or know, if Alora still loves Lucah.”

  Neala didn’t answer.

  Your silence tells me that it’s true.

  He rushed past her again, this time in the direction he had came from. “Lucah!” he yelled.

  Neala chased after him.

  “Silas, what’s wrong?” Neala asked as she followed close behind him.

  He didn’t answer her.

  When they arrived at the practice room, Silas glanced around it.

  “Silas, what do you plan to do?”

  He ignored her and ran past her causing her to chase after him again.

  Where was he running to? she wondered.

  Silas kept running until he made his way to a group of trainees in the square. Lucah stood in the center of the circle giving them all some sort of instruction when Silas walked right up and shoved him.

  Lucah turned around ready to hit whoever had shoved him, that is, until he saw who it was.

  “Silas? Why did you shove me?” Lucah asked.

  “I challenge you to a match. Let’s show these trainees what they will be up against, shall we?”

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea,” Lucah said.

  A deep voice came from behind and startled Neala.

  “I don’t either.”

  General Ugo marched towards Silas and Lucah. He placed his hand on Silas’ shoulder. “It’s not a good idea.”

  Silas shrugged off the general’s hand and summoned his sword.

  “General,” Lucah said, “he’s not ready yet? His strength hasn’t fully returned.”

  Silas didn’t listen. “It has, Lucah. I challenge you.”

  “Silas, you’re not ready.”

  Silas appeared insulted by Lucah’s pity. “Then you should have no trouble defeating me.” Silas’ armor appeared. “On guard,” Silas yelled, and then he slashed at Lucah’s knee.

  Lucah hopped back when he saw Silas attack. Silas slashed over and over, but each time Lucah jumped back, avoiding his strikes. After slashing once more, Silas summoned his shield and then flung it at Lucah. When Lucah side stepped to avoid it, Silas punched him in the face.

  That’s when Lucah switched from defensive to offensive.

  Lucah thrust the tip of his battle axe at Silas’ stomach. Silas dodged it. Lucah brought it up over head and when it came down, Silas rolled to the left.

  The two of them kept at it until Alora strolled into the square and saw them fighting. When Silas noticed her, he sped up his attack on Lucah. And when Lucah noticed her, he did the same.

  As the two of them tried to out do each other, Alora yelled for them to stop, but she was ignored. She soared through the air and yelled, “Stop!” It wasn’t a regular yell either. It was that shrill scream Neala had heard her do before. Silas found himself unable to move. Lucah was frozen in his tracks as well, his battle axe mid-swing and Silas leaning back to avoid it.

  Alora landed right next to them. “You two are behaving like fools.” She addressed Lucah. “Is this the example you want to set for your trainees?”

  By the smile on his face, Silas was happy she was scolding Lucah. That is until she turned to face him.

  “And you. You are the leader here. What are you doing?”

  “Release me,” Silas commanded.


  “Release me,” he said with an agitated tone.

  Alora waved her hand and he was able to move again. He dispersed his armor and sword and stormed off with Alora on his heels. When he had taken a few steps he stop
ped and turned. He walked directly up to Alora.

  “I know what you did,” he told her in front of everyone. He pointed behind her. “I know you kissed him.”

  “I’m sorry...” Alora pleaded. She spread her arms out and rushed to him.

  Silas backed away, threw his hands up and yelled. “Do you love him?”

  Alora pleaded. “Please, let’s talk in private.”

  “I don’t want to,” he said, and then stormed off once more.

  Alora followed him. When his walk turned into a run, she ran to keep up with him.

  — — —

  When Silas told me to release him I didn’t want to and I didn’t expect for him to storm off.

  I called to him. “Silas...” but he kept walking. I was about to follow him when he stopped suddenly and turned back. Stopping right in front of me, his face screamed anger. Why was he so angry?

  “I know what you did,” he said.

  I was about to ask him what he was talking about when he continued.

  “I know you kissed him.”

  He pointed behind me, but I didn’t need to look. There was only one person that he could be pointing to.

  He knew. He knew Lucah had kissed me.

  I didn’t know what to say or do, but I had to say something.

  “I’m sorry,” I said, and then tried to hug him.

  Silas stepped back and brushed my hands away. I could feel my eyes watering. He had never refused my embrace, and he had never looked at me how he was looking at me now—with nothing but hatred.

  Silas yelled, “Do you love him?”

  I wasn’t sure what to say. Lucah had left me, he had ignored me when we were back at King Remi’s castle city. But he told me why. He told me he was commanded to. I didn’t answer, instead saying, “Please, let’s talk in private.”

  “I don’t want to,” he said, and then stormed off again.

  This time I didn’t wait. I followed him. When he heard me behind him, his walk turned into a run. I sped up right behind him.

  I chased him back to our chambers. He slammed the door, but I reached out and stopped it before it could latch shut.

  When I pushed it open and stepped into the room, Silas was opening the window. With a rush of cold air, the door slammed shut behind me.

  “What are you doing? It’s so cold,” I said.


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