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The Realm of Realism

Page 10

by R M Gauthier

“I’m not trying to trick or con you. I just need your help—we all need your help.”

  Aaron halts his steps and turns to Caleb.

  “I can’t help you.” Aaron turns and begins walking again.

  Caleb grabs his arm and holds him back.

  “Yes, you can,” he responds. “In fact, only you can.”

  Aaron glares at Caleb’s hand around his arm.

  Caleb lets go and steps back with his hands up.

  “I don’t want to hurt you. I’m not here to force you to do anything,” he assures. “I’m here to ask and to offer you something in return.”

  “Offer me what?” Aaron probes, full of doubt.

  “To be the most powerful magician on the planet. Don’t you want to be the best?” Caleb bids.

  “Of course, but I’m not willing to do your bidding in order for that to happen.” Aaron raises an eyebrow at Caleb. “Besides, you don’t exist.” He waves his hand toward Caleb and Azrael, who has been standing off to the side. “None of this is real.” Aaron huffs, throws his hands up into the air, then lets them drop before glancing around.

  “I’m afraid we’re real and all of this is very real, too” Caleb explains. “There’s going to be a revolution, now’s the time to figure out what side you—”

  “Caleb,” Azrael intercedes. “That’s enough.”

  Azrael steps in between the two and faces Aaron.

  “What’s he talking about?” Aaron questions, his eyebrows pinched together as his eyes narrow.

  “Nothing. It’s not important. Do you want to learn to use your full talent?” Azrael inquires.

  Aaron remains quiet as his gaze shifts from Azrael to Caleb and back. He’s thinking about the offer but isn’t quite convinced. This is the first he’s heard about a revolution and wonders what exactly that means. He’s curious If they’re referring to another battle among angels—and, if they are—what would that mean for him and the rest of mere mortals on earth?

  Then, he remembers none of this is real. That he’s crazy, and well on his way to total insanity. He closes his eyes, shakes his head, then prays to wake up in his bed, safe and sound with no angels anywhere. How he’ll do that, he doesn’t know. Somehow, he will. Or, at the very least he hopes.

  He stands still, eyes closed tight, hands balled into fists as he continues praying.

  Azrael glances at Caleb who shrugs a shoulder before walking a couple of steps to stand in front of Aaron. He reaches out, placing his hand on Aaron’s shoulder and squeezes it.

  “Look, Buddy. I know how you feel.” Caleb nods his head as he speaks.

  “You have no idea what I’m feeling,” Aaron informs. “Just tell me what’s going on. What do you guys want? And when can I go home?”

  “Aaron.” Azrael steps forward. “We do know how you feel and all we’re asking is that you help us return home. Then, we’ll send you back.”

  “What does that entail?” Aaron enquires. “Are you talking an angel war, cause if that’s what you’re planning, I can’t be a part of that.”

  “No.” Azrael rushes to appease his fear. “It won’t come to that.”

  “I wouldn’t be so sure about that, Azrael,” Fallen scoffs.

  All heads snap to the dark angel who is standing off to the side. He’s completely dominating, his black wings with red tips spread out behind him. A red glow surrounds his entire aura. His expression is cold and callous. Fallen resembles a brutish entity from hell.

  Aaron shrinks back at his sheer presence.

  Caleb stands back, completely shocked, as he stares at Fallen.

  Azrael, on the other hand, lets a smile spread across his features as he stares at the exact replica of himself.

  “Brother. Good of you to join us,” he offers.

  “Join you. Never, Azrael,” Fallen says through clenched teeth.

  Azrael clears the space between them with two long strides stopping when he’s face-to-face with his brother.

  “Why are you always so disappointed with me?” Azrael probes, then smirks.

  “You would think being banished for so long, you’d be on your best behavior when you finally got out. Guess some things never change,” Fallen counters.

  Both angels square their shoulders, growing to their full height, appearing as if they’ll break out in a fight at any moment.


  A bright light bursts fills the space blinding Aaron and causing Caleb to take a step back, and shield his eyes with his hand. Azrael and Fallen, on the other hand, stare directly at the brightness knowing exactly who is arriving.

  Nevaeh shimmers into the space just to the right of the twins, her face displaying her annoyance at having to deal with the two brothers.

  “Why is he still here?’ Her attention directed at Fallen.

  “I’m working on it,” Fallen retorts.

  “What’s the problem?” Nevaeh inquires.

  “The problem is you talking about me as if I’m not standing right here,” Azrael responds.

  Nevaeh rolls her eyes at Azrael, then turns her attention to Fallen.

  “What are you waiting for?” Nevaeh questions him.

  “Do you really believe it’s going to be that easy?” Azrael probes with a smirk in place.

  “Nobody is speaking to you.” Nevaeh’s head snaps to Azrael, her expression cold and hard.

  “No, only about me,” Azrael responds. “Just so we’re clear. I’m. Never. Going. Back. Capiche?” He vows.

  “Believe what you will,” Nevaeh counters.

  “Enough,” Fallen yells.

  Azrael and Nevaeh stare at him in shock.

  “You.” He points to Nevaeh. “I’ve got this covered, so you can go now.” He turns his attention to his brother. “And you are definitely going back.” His index finger jabs Azrael in the chest.

  “How can you be so cold. I’m your brother. Your twin. Do you not feel anything for me?” Azrael implores.

  Fallen’s features soften slightly as he stares into Azrael’s eyes, a mirror of his own. There was a time when they got along. A time when they were the best of friends, but not anymore. They grew apart, had different opinions, different beliefs, and too many differences to have a relationship with each other. It was very painful for Fallen to accept what Azrael had become, but he did it and he won’t let his guard down. He refuses to experience that pain again. His face hardens as he stares back at Azrael.

  “You are no longer my brother. My brother wouldn’t have done what you did. My brother would have stood by me no matter what. He never would have abandoned me,” Fallen argues.

  “You. Left. Me.” Azrael counterattacks. “I was still there. I was fighting for my life and you left me there, by myself for—”

  “No. I didn’t. That’s not what happened, and you know it,” Fallen yells as he throws his hands in the air in defeat. They drop back to his sides as he waits for a response.

  “What are you two arguing about?” Nevaeh interrupts.

  The brothers turn their heads in Nevaeh’s direction.

  “Nothing,” Fallen replies quickly.

  “So, you didn’t tell her?” Azrael smiles.

  “Shut up, Azrael.”

  “Why? Afraid of the truth, Fallen? Afraid your little girlfriend will find out what really happened?” Azrael sneers.

  “What truth?” Nevaeh demands.

  “Nothing.” Fallen’s eyes never leave Azrael. “Take Aaron home. I’ll deal with this.” The way he’s staring at his brother makes Nevaeh want to ask more questions, find out what’s really going on between these two. However, she knows when to push Fallen and when not to. This is not the time.

  She gives them both one more glance before walking over to Aaron, touching his arm. The two disappear into a bright light.

  Caleb stares at the light watching it disappear before his attention returns to the brothers. He wants to say something. He wants to help them work out their problems and bring them back together. All he’s ever wanted was to create harmon
y between them. To have the family back together again. It was great when the entire clan got along, worked together, but this—the anger, resentment, and turmoil is not working for him anymore.

  However, the more he stares at the twins, the more he realizes the wounds run deep—deeper than his ability to solve their issues. Especially, standing in a forest with no one to support him. Caleb sighs before he takes three quick strides to bring him closer to the brothers.

  “What can I do to bring you two together again?” Caleb bids.

  The brothers never break eye contact and neither one answers.

  “I hate this. I want things back to normal. We’ve been this way too long. It’s time this…” He waves a hand between the two of them. “…comes to an end.”

  The brothers stare at him as if he’s lost his mind.

  “You two are going to work this out. Here and now. Got it?” Caleb stresses.

  “It’s not that simple,” Fallen states.

  “No,” Azrael responds.

  “Yes, it is that simple.” Caleb’s head swings back and forth between the two. “And, you’ve left me no alternative.”

  Caleb takes a step back and spreads his arms out.

  “Caleb? What are you doing?” Fallen enquires as he takes a step forward.

  “Fixing this problem,” Caleb responds.

  His hands spark as he moves them up and down toward the brothers. A yellow circular glow erupts from his fingertips and surrounds the brothers.

  “Caleb. Stop it,” Azrael yells as he steps forward, bouncing off the yellow glow and stumbling backwards.

  “I’m sorry, Azrael, but you have to work this out. Enough is enough,” Caleb scolds.

  “Did you just trap us in here?” Fallen questions, glaring at Caleb.

  “You’ve left me no choice,” Caleb answers. “Work this out and I’ll release both of you. Until then—” He takes two steps back. “Work this out.”

  Caleb gives both brothers an entreating glance before he disappears into a puff of yellow smoke.

  Azrael slams his hands against the barrier, stumbling backwards from the shock he receives.

  Fallen just stares at the leftover smoke.

  This is not how either of them expected to be left.


  Aaron falls to his hands and knees, dry heaving as his head spins. This is a feeling he could live without experiencing ever again. His stomach settles and the head spins come to a stop. He peers around to find he’s back in his room. He’s thankful for that, until he spots Nevaeh across the room. He gathers himself and scrambles to his feet.

  “You’re not real,” he says, as he turns and walks to his bed sitting down on the edge. “Go away.” He places his head in his hands and closes his eyes.

  “It’s all real, Aaron. However, I’ll abide by your wishes,” Nevaeh speaks in a soft soothing manner. In a streak of white light she disappears.

  Aaron stares at the spot she vacated, before lying back on the bed and allowing his eyes to slip closed. He’s never felt this exhausted in his entire life. He needs sleep. Just a short nap will perk him right up, and then it’ll be time to leave for Dr. Swanson’s office.

  His eyes snap open when he remembers how uninformed his mother is of their plan. He peeks over at his alarm clock, noting the time and realizing it’s too late for that conversation. Even though the idea of springing all of this on her in the morning is dreadful, causing his stomach to churn, there’s no way around it now. Speculating her reaction overwhelms his thoughts. Although he knows she’s been worried about him since the incident, she was also happy when he began therapy. However, this is different. Entering a center to evaluate his mental stability is a completely different ball game and he’s concerned she won’t understand.

  Nevaeh remains hidden in the shadows of Aaron’s room watching him sort through his thoughts and wishing she could explain their reasoning for being here. To make him see the importance of returning Azrael to the realm of lost souls would be too much for a mere human to shoulder. It’s tough enough for her and she’s an angel, a spiritual being. A human could never handle the implications of something this huge. He’d crumble for certain. Her job, now, is to make certain Aaron doesn’t get convinced to help Azrael with his plan, whatever that may be. Hopefully, with Fallen’s help, they’ll figure out that plan before it’s too late.

  This isn’t her first run-in with Azrael and his scheming ways. This time she’s not about to let anything sneak past her, unlike his last escape. She’s been dealing with Azrael for forever and believes she knows him too well. He’s not acting alone. Somebody is helping him, that’s for certain. Her team is working double-time, investigating who may be giving him support. However, until they learn more, Nevaeh’s assignment is to watch Aaron and not let him out of her sight. She’s determined not to let her down—this time.

  So, remaining here, watching Aaron sleep is what she’ll do.

  Aaron finally closes his eyes and drifts off to slumber.

  A bright light explodes in the room, startling Nevaeh. She watches as Caleb shimmers into existence. She quickly moves coming face-to-face with him, and crosses her arms over her chest as she confronts him.

  “What are you doing here?”

  “We have a problem,” he counters.

  “Does Headquarters know you’re here?” she inquires.

  “Who do you think dispatched me?” He stares at her for a moment. “You need to go now. I’m taking over here.”

  “I don’t think so,” Nevaeh reproves. “Headquarters,” she calls out.

  After a second with no response she tries again.

  “Headquarters,” she says slightly louder.

  “Fallen is in trouble,” Caleb reports, his expression full of concern. “He needs your help.”

  “Where is he?” Nevaeh jabs her forefinger into his chest as she demands answers.

  “In the Forest of Lost Time,” Caleb explains, while rubbing the spot she had jabbed. “Headquarters told me to relieve you. You’re to go now.”

  Nevaeh swings her head to glance at Aaron’s sleeping form, then quickly looks back at Caleb giving him a stern look.

  “Don’t let him out of your sight,” she demands.

  “I won’t. Don’t worry.” He glances at Aaron, then back at Nevaeh. “Get going.”

  Nevaeh shimmers out of existence.

  Caleb returns his attention to the slumbering man, a smile spreading across his features.

  A bright red light fills the room as Mazereth shimmers into the space.

  “Well, that was easier than I expected,” he says, once he fully materialized.

  “I thought so too,” Caleb agrees as he turns his attention to Mazereth.

  “You ready?” Mazereth solicits.

  “Absolutely.” Caleb smiles. “Let’s do this.”

  The angels move to the side of Aaron’s bed, looming over him.

  “This is really going to work this time,” Mazereth whispers.

  “I believe it is,” Caleb responds, his gaze focused on Aaron. “I never thought we’d find one powerful enough.”

  “I was beginning to have doubts, too,” Mazereth explains. “But here he is.”

  “And, you’re sure he can do it?” Caleb probes.

  “I’ve not seen one with inner strength this powerful. So yes, he’s the one.”

  “Wow.” Caleb takes a step back. “I never thought this would happen.”

  “I know.” Mazereth glances at Caleb. “Now, it’s up to us. You ready for this?”

  “I’ve been ready forever. Are you?” Caleb bids.

  “Absolutely,” Mazereth says confidently.

  Both angels return their attention to the sleeper.

  Aaron hasn’t stirred the entire time. He remains undisturbed, unaware of what is happening around him.

  The angels move closer to him. Mazereth extends his hand towards Aaron’s head. He brushes the hair away from Aaron’s forehead, as he leans down and speaks in Aaron’s

  “Everything will be okay,” he whispers, as he stares at Aaron’s face. “I promise.”


  Nevaeh shimmers into existence in the Forest of Lost Time and quickly scans the region only to find it empty. She tunes her senses stronger and takes another look around, slower this time. Although she doesn’t spot anything, she can hear voices. They’re faint, but she can hear them.

  She quickly begins walking in the direction of the sound, her strides becoming quicker the closer she gets. She breaks through the treed coming up short when the space becomes open. Settled in the middle of this forest is a clearing, with a beam of light from the sun acting as a spotlight. Nevaeh’s eyes widen when she spots the bubble in the middle and more importantly, who’s in the bubble-like structure.

  She runs over next to it noting its similarities to a glass. Trapped inside are the twin brothers. Nevaeh reaches out her hands, about to touch the bubble, when Fallen calls out.

  “Don’t touch it,” he shouts.

  Both brothers turn to face her.

  Nevaeh drops her hands immediately and stares at Fallen.

  “What happened?” she questions.

  Fallen glares at her. “Caleb,” he declares.

  “He did this to you?” she inquires.

  “Yes,” Azrael answers. “Get us out of here.”

  “What is it?” Nevaeh takes a step back scanning the bubble.

  “How should I know?” Azrael barks at her.

  “Stop with the attitude. It’s not helping.” Fallen responds, anger evident in his tenor.

  “Don’t tell me what to do,” Azrael spins around and glares at Fallen.

  “I’m not telling.” Fallen squares off with Azrael. “I’m warning.”

  “And what are you going to do?” Azrael snaps.

  “Stop it,” Nevaeh shouts. “We don’t have time for this. I have to get back to Aaron.”

  Azrael spins to face her quickly.

  “You can’t leave.” He steps forward, raising his hands and pressing them against the bubble.

  He’s immediately thrown back several feet, landing with a loud thud on the ground and convulsing in pain.


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