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The Realm of Realism

Page 12

by R M Gauthier

  “Let her go,” he demands.

  Mazereth glares at him. “I said back to work,” he raises his voice slightly.

  “Let her go, or I’m out of here.” Aaron squares his shoulders attempting to appear threatening, but it’s not having the effect he hoped for.

  Mazereth laughs, a huge belly filled laugh that has him swiping under his eyes for the tears that are leaking through.

  Caleb laughs along with him.

  Aaron’s face turns red with anger, but Nevaeh on the hand, recognizes her chance to escape, not that she couldn’t before. It would be easy to shimmer out of here, but she wants something first and that’s the boy currently staring at her across the opening.

  As Aaron comes closer, Nevaeh knows this is her chance. She takes a deep breath, shimmers out of Caleb’s embrace quickly reappearing in front of Aaron. She grabs Aaron’s wrist and shimmers them both out before either of them can blink.

  Not registering for a moment what really happened, both Caleb and Mazereth stop laughing at the same time and glance at each other.

  “Damn,” Mazereth says, under his breath.

  Caleb scans the vicinity, then lifts his arms in the air.

  “What now?” He turns his glare on Mazereth.

  “Are you kidding? You’re the one who let her go,” Mazereth replies.

  “Me?” Caleb jerks his thumb at himself. “What were you doing? Nothing at all.”

  “There’s no time for this. We have to get them back. Let’s go,” Mazereth declares.


  “The one place I know she’d bring the boy,” Mazereth responds, then turns and walks through the opening into the forest.

  “This would’ve been easier with our wings,” Caleb whines, as he follows.


  Nevaeh and Aaron appear next to the glass bubble holding the twin angels. The two brothers are standing in the center of the bubble with their eyes closed and heads tilted toward the top of the enclosure. The concentration on display is evident by their dual scrunched-up faces.

  Nevaeh drops Aaron’s wrist and steps towards the glass, holding one hand out near the bubble.

  “What are you doing?” Nevaeh inquires.

  The twins snap their heads in her direction simultaneously, but it’s Fallen who answers.

  “Trying to break the spell,” he says, annoyed. “Obviously, it’s not working.”

  He wanders to the barrier and peers at Aaron.

  “Can you bring this down?” he inquires, waving his hand at the case.

  Aaron glances up, down and around the barrier. “I don’t see how,” he responds.

  “Easy, use your magic,” Azrael instructs, as he comes over to stand beside his brother.

  Aaron rolls his eyes and resumes checking out the bubble. He wanders around the entire perimeter inspecting the entire globe. The other three watch him closely anxiously waiting for him to come up with an answer. Unfortunately, Aaron never got this far in his training.

  “What happens if I free you?” Aaron deadpans.

  The confusion on the twin’s expression says everything.

  “If I free you, what happens to me?” he inquires, stepping closer to the barrier. “You wanted me to help you end the world. Is that still your goal?” He directs his glare at Azrael.

  “No.” Azrael snaps. “Just get me out of here,”

  “Somehow, I don’t believe you,” Aaron counters.

  “I’m on your side, Aaron,” Fallen intercepts. “You need to free me.”

  “Look,” Nevaeh says. “We’ve got bigger problems than your incarceration. Caleb and Mazereth are plotting. You need to fess up,” she demands, wagging her forefinger at Azrael. “What’s going on?”

  “Share information? Like you would share with me, right?” Azrael counters.

  “Azrael? They betrayed you. Locked you in this contraption and are moving forward with your plan,” Nevaeh enlightens him. “Whatever that is, we need to know, before it’s too late.”

  Fallen turns toward his brother. “Spill,” he snaps.

  “Get me out of here and I’ll take care of those two,” Azrael offers, holding out one hand and inspecting his nail.

  “I’m with Aaron. You’re lying.” Nevaeh glares at him.

  “Then, I can’t help you.” Azrael steps back and continues to examine his fingernails.

  “They cut their wings off,” she blurts out.

  Azrael’s head snaps to attention. “They what?” he inquires.

  “You heard me, they cut off their wings. Why would they do that, Azrael?” she questions.

  Azrael drops to the ground and he goes quiet.

  Nevaeh glances at Fallen, but he’s staring at his brother anger simmering ready to boil. Nevaeh returns her attention to Azrael just in time to see his head snap up, his glare flashing to Aaron.

  “You. Come closer,” he calls out.

  Aaron stares at Azrael but remains still.

  “Now!” Azrael demands.

  “What do you want with him?” Nevaeh probes.

  “To get me out of here,” Azrael snaps.

  Nevaeh glares at him for a moment, then shifts her gaze to Aaron giving him a reassuring nod.

  Aaron pauses uncomfortable going near the dark angel.

  “It’s okay, Aaron. We’re right here. Nothing will happen,” she vows, her hand waves between her and Fallen.

  Still hesitant, Aaron’s gaze shifts to Fallen.

  He nods at Aaron before flicking his glare at his brother.

  “No games, Azrael,” Fallen warns.

  “What am I going to do?” Azrael casts a hand toward the structure pointing out their current predicament.

  Aaron steps forward, getting as close to the barrier as possible without touching it. His eyes meet Azrael’s.

  “What do I have to do?” he inquires.

  “Remember what I taught you?” Azrael also steps forward stopping just short of touching the glass like barrier. “Just concentrate on bringing down the barrier. That’s all.”

  Aaron nods his head, squeezes his eyes shut tight, and then reaches his arms out, his palms almost touching the structure. He focuses on deflating the bubble, but after a few minutes pass, his eyes spring open and nothing has changed.

  He sighs, defeated.

  “You’re not concentrating hard enough,” Azrael roars.

  “Calm down,” Nevaeh snaps at Azrael, then moves to stand next to Aaron. “Take a deep breath.”

  Her hand runs up and down his back in a soothing motion. It instantly settles Aaron’s nerves. He does as requested and takes a deep breath in, then exhales, repeating the process a few more times. His gaze shifts to Nevaeh and with an encouraging nod from her, he closes his eyes again. He lifts his hands in front of himself, concentration settling into his features as he begins mumbling under his breath.

  Nevaeh and Fallen exchange concerned glances before shifting their focus to Aaron, praying whatever he does will work.

  Azrael raises his hand to mirror Aaron’s. His eyes also closed in concentration, as words fall from his lips, matching the ones spoken by Aaron.

  The other angels watch them closely.

  Suddenly, the earth begins to shake, causing Nevaeh and Fallen to shift off balance, barely catching themselves before falling. A loud rumbling noise begins at their feet, below the earth and spreads across the entire structure.

  Aaron and Azrael haven’t moved a muscle, but both sets of hands shake, and their mumbled words come swiftly. A ripping noise tears through the rumbling at the top of the top of the barrier, like paper tearing only a thousand times louder.

  Nevaeh and Fallen glance up and watch astonished, as the structure begins to literally rip across the top, creating an X shape. Four pieces separate leaving the top wide open. Each portion falls to the ground rapidly, causing the forest floor to shake and rattle. Nevaeh fights to keep her balance, as does Fallen, but the other two remain still.

  Fallen peeks up and watches the s
tructure fall around his feet. He’s free, but before he can take a step outside the barrier, he spots two figures marching down the pathway. He glances at his brother who is still in some sort of a trance with Aaron.

  Nevaeh moves next to Aaron and begins running her hand up and down his back in a calming gesture as she whispers in his ear.

  “Open your eyes, Aaron,” she says. “Snap out of it.”

  She feels Fallen’s heavy stare and peeks over at him.

  His gaze quickly shifts from hers to the forest and back, his eyes indicating trouble.

  Nevaeh glances down the pathway, spotting Caleb and Mazereth striding toward them.

  “Nevaeh,” Fallen barks, his gaze remains locked on the approaching threat. “Take Aaron somewhere safe.”

  “No.” Azrael moves quickly next to Aaron grasping his arm tight. “He’s not going anywhere.”

  “Let him go, Azrael. We have bigger issues,” Fallen commands, his fierce glare leveling his brother.

  “No, you have bigger issues,” Azrael illuminates, his grip tightening on Aaron. “We have other plans.”

  Aaron struggles but there’s no way to break Azrael’s hold.

  Nevaeh throws a hand out grasping onto Aaron, just as Azrael shimmers, she tightens her hold and shimmers too.

  “Damn it, Nevaeh,” Fallen mumbles under his breath, then returns his focus to the former angels approaching. “What were you thinking, Mazereth?” Fallen calls out as the two enter the space.

  “We’re setting things right, Fallen,” Mazereth replies.

  “This isn’t the way to do it. Do you know what you’ve done?” Fallen stresses.

  “Step one in the plan to right our existence,” Mazereth smiles.

  “You cut off your wings. You know what that means, right?” Fallen inquires.

  “It means we can reset everything,” Caleb pipes up.

  Fallen turns his attention to Caleb.

  “Are you crazy?” he shouts. “Have you both lost your minds?”

  “No, Fallen. Everything is clear now,” Mazereth counters.

  “You’ve lost everything. I hope it was worth it,” Fallen responds. “Now you get to live in the world you’ve been envious of all this time.”

  Fallen shimmers out of the space.

  “Now what?” Caleb glances at Mazereth.

  “Step two,” Mazereth responds.

  Mazereth spins around and stalks out of the clearing back down the path through the forest.

  Caleb jogs to catch up and falling into step beside him.


  Aaron and Nevaeh shimmer into the theatre that is home to Aaron’s show. Aaron’s gaze shifts around coming to the realization that they are standing in the middle of the stage. The place is deserted, but everything remains the same. The curtain is closed leaving the auditorium not visible, but he remembers how it appears.

  “What are we doing here?” Aaron glances at Nevaeh.

  “Finding Azrael,” Nevaeh reveals, then wanders off the stage and down the hall.

  Aaron follows as they end up in the hallway that houses the dressing rooms.

  When Nevaeh arrives at Aaron’s dressing room, she stops and listens at the door. Aaron’s right on her heels. She reaches out and places her hand on the doorknob. She quickly glances back at Aaron, then turns the doorknob and swings it open.

  Azrael is sitting casually in the makeup chair staring at himself in the mirror. His gaze shifts to Nevaeh standing in the doorway, her glare peering back at him.

  “I knew you’d come,” he announces.

  “What are you doing, Azrael?” she implores, as she steps into the room, her eyes not leaving him for a moment.

  “Waiting,” he reveals, then smirks. “Patiently.”

  Nevaeh’s eyes sweep the room trying to decipher his plan.

  “You know, Nevaeh. I miss the old days when we used to be friends,” he shares.

  “We’ve never been friends,” she scoffs.

  “Once upon on a time, you didn’t despise me. In fact, you stood up for me when things went sour.” He raises his eyebrow at her. “Even my own brother didn’t do that.”

  “What are you doing, Azrael?” she whispers.

  Aaron lingers in the doorway watching the scene unfold.

  “I told you.” He glares at her, forehead scrunched up and eyebrows narrowed. “I’m going home.”

  “You keep saying that, but you’ve failed to explain how?” Nevaeh raises an eyebrow at him. “I think you’re full of it.”

  Azrael holds her gaze in the mirror, but otherwise doesn’t move, his expression unfazed by her latest statement. Finally, his gaze drifts to Aaron and a huge grin spreads across his face.

  Aaron shifts uncomfortably in the doorway. He struggles to hold Azrael’s gaze for as long as he can but eventually it shifts to the floor under his feet.

  “Aaron?” Azrael calls out. “Shouldn’t you be getting ready for your show?”

  Aaron’s gaze flickers back to Azrael.


  “It’s almost showtime, Buddy.” Azrael gets up from the chair and spins it around to face Aaron. “Come. Sit and get ready.”

  “Aaron, stay where you are,” Nevaeh warns.

  Azrael turns his gaze to Nevaeh.

  “What’s your problem? The boy has a show. He’ll want to be ready,” Azrael explains.

  “Stop the games, Azrael. We have to deal with your friends who are planning to end the world?” she stresses.

  “Those two buffoons couldn’t execute a plan on their best day.” Azrael shrugs a shoulder.

  “Then why are they your partners?” she solicits, confused by his admission.

  Azrael only smiles at her, then returns his focus to Aaron. He pats the makeup chair. “Come. Sit down, Aaron.”

  “Aaron, stay where you are,” Nevaeh commands.

  Aaron watches the battle of wills between the two angels, make no attempt to get between them.

  Suddenly, Fallen shimmers into the room. He quickly zeros in on his brother, eyebrows narrowed, and a razor-sharp glare shooting daggers at Azrael.

  “Time’s up, Azrael.” Fallen takes a step in Azrael’s direction.

  “Glad you could join us, Fallen. I’ve missed you. We should be together for these events. Everything is as it should be, which makes me happy.” Azrael’s grin turns sinister.

  “Azrael, please,” Fallen takes another step. “Don’t do this. Let’s go see—”

  “Forget it, Fallen. He had his chance and he blew it,” Azrael barks.

  “Then perhaps you could come—”

  “No. Nevaeh, she can’t help either. Look, I know you two don’t see it yet, but you will. When I’m done and everything returns to the way it should be, you’ll thank me.” Azrael’s gaze shifts from Nevaeh to Fallen, then finally lands on Aaron. “You’re up,” he announces.

  He shimmers out of existence and reappears in the doorway behind Aaron. He places a hand on Aaron’s shoulder, then leans down and whispers in his ear.

  “Thank you, Aaron.”

  The two disappear from the room.

  “Thanks, Fallen. I had this under control,” Nevaeh chastises him.

  “It sure appears as if you did,” he doubts.

  “We have to stop him.” She gives him a concerned glance. “What happened with the other two?”

  “Nothing. They took off.”

  “And you just let them walk away?” she bids, bewildered.

  “They have no power now.” Fallen shrugs a shoulder.

  “Still, they shouldn’t be out there wandering around,” she counters.

  “Then call your cleanup crew,” he dares her.

  “I will.” Nevaeh walks into the hallway, away from Fallen’s prying gaze.

  “Headquarters?” Nevaeh calls out, as she peers down the hallway in one direction, then the other. After a moment, she tries again. “Headquarters?”

  Fallen joins her, his gaze also flickering from one end to the other, then fin
ally settling on hers. “What are they saying?” he questions.

  “Headquarters?” she repeats, a concerned expression overtaking her features.

  “They’re not answering?” Fallen stresses, surprised.

  Nevaeh glares at him but doesn’t respond.

  “How long has it been since you’ve been in touch with them?” he inquires.

  “Since before you were free,” she responds, as she strides down the hallway away from him. “Headquarters?”

  Fallen follows. “Why aren’t they answering?” he questions.

  “Mind your business, Fallen,” she reprimands.

  “This is my business. What’s going on, Nevaeh? They never leave their assets out here alone. Why now?”

  Nevaeh sighs. “Because I defied an order,” Nevaeh explains.

  “You did what?” he shrieks, then reaches out and grabs her arm, spinning her around to face him.

  “Orders came down not to help you. I chose not to listen. As you know,” she explains.

  “Nevaeh,” he whispers.

  “Don’t.” She turns and walks the rest of the hallway. “Let’s just find them,” she calls over her shoulder.

  Fallen follows while contemplating this new information. It’s very rare that Headquarters ceases communications leaving Fallen with a pit in his stomach. He’s blown away that Nevaeh would do something so extreme.

  “What were you thinking?” he spits out, no longer able to hold back.

  “Drop it, Fallen,” she pleads.

  “No. Tell me why?” he insists.

  She spins around to face him, anger rolling off her in waves.

  “Because I love you,” she yells, then gasps covering her mouth with one of her hands. She stares at Fallen for a moment before swiftly spinning around and hightails it toward the stage.

  Fallen freezes on the spot staring at her retreating form.


  Fallen snaps back to reality and quickly moves down the hallway in the direction Nevaeh disappeared. He’s processing what she revealed, putting herself on the line—for him—after all this time. He was certain she gave up on him—them. Apparently, he was wrong.

  Without any forgone conclusions, he decides to handle one situation at a time and the pressing matter is Azrael. This game is annoying, and the time has come to put a stop to him, one way or another. He’s been playing these games for far too long.


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