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The Dare: Sterling U: Book 1

Page 10

by Amanda Ray

  But why?

  She wasn't mine. Letty made damn sure I knew that. Hell, we didn't even like each other....according to her. Mostly.

  "Um. I'm gonna go get a drink," Letty's eyes went wide as she looked toward her friend.

  "Yeah. Yeah," Savvy coughed, trying to hide her shock at the situation, "Let's go get some more to drink. My buzz is wearing off." Savvy grabbed Letty's hand and they walked off toward the kitchen. Presumably to get a drink but who-the-fuck knows at this point!

  Nate, Ky and I stood there in a stare down. Nate by my side, giving Ky the look of death while I was staring at him with a bleak expression. Poker face, man. Can't let him know how much this shit pissed me off but in reality I'm playing out all the ways I could kill him and get away with it in my head.

  "Yoooo. That girl can kiss, B! I think you're gonna have a run for your money-so to speak- because if she was kissing me like that-" he whistled for effect, "-I don't think she has any interest in you. Which is a fucking great thing for me. One, because then you lose and have to pick your punishment and damn I can't wait for that shit. But two, because if she can kiss like that I can't even imagine how she's gonna be to fuck."

  I almost lost it. I went to go lunge at him. I wanted my hands around his throat, his body wilting to the ground as I watched his words choke in his mouth but before I could even take a step forward Nate grabbed my shoulder. A low growl rumbled out of not only my mouth but Nates as well. Damn, I truly loved that dude. "Ky, you need to shut the fuck up right now!" Nate’s bellow almost silenced the party and I felt, rather than saw, some of my teammates walk over to the scene we were making.

  "Why? I'm just stating fucking facts. That girl's pussy is probably golden. Have you kissed her yet, Nate? Cause maaaaaan you're missing out if you haven't! Sorry, B but I'm gonna make your task ten times harder." Ky gives Nate and I an evil smirk before walking off toward the kitchen. I see Mason and Drew in my periphery. They pat Nate’s shoulder, eyeing me cautiously, “You guys good over here?” Nate nods to them absentmindedly, watching me carefully.

  I shut my eyes, biting my inner cheek until I taste the metallic taste of blood before I open them again. I'm met with Nate's intense stare, "B, don't let him fucking get to you. He's just trying to get you to fail. You know he wants your spot, not only on the team but in life. He wants to be the BMOC. Ky, can be a real dick sometimes- well most times- but if you want to win....or more importantly if you want Letty, then suck up the bullshit and go get back in there!" My eyes widened a bit at Nates words and I felt like a fucking idiot. He's right. Just like on the ice I deal with assholes everywhere in my life so what makes Ky or this situation any different? If I want Letty, if I want to win, I need to get focused. Get straight. And fucking get in the game! I'm not taking no for an answer-well I mean if she literally does mean no then of course no means no, I'm not that kind of asshole, but I digress.

  I give Nate a tight nod before stomping my way over to the kitchen where I see Ky talking to Letty and Savvy who are both standing up against the kitchen counter drinking what looks like Jungle Punch. I walk right up to Letty, who's in the middle of a conversation with Ky, grab her drink, hand it to Savvy-all while wide eyes are on me- and throw Letty over my shoulder. Her squeal invades my ears and I almost wince at the sound. I grab her drink back from Savvy before walking off with Letty dangling from my shoulder. I pass Nate on my way to the stairs who's just laughing hysterically as Savvy walks over to his side. Letty's fighting me, punching at my back and screaming for me to let her go as I make my way upstairs and into Nate's room-which lets be honest, he barely fucking uses because he's usually at my place.

  Slamming the door behind me I place Letty down roughly, trapping her body between me and the door. Her back hits the door and my hands come up next to her face, I smirk devilishly down at her before slowly handing her back her drink. Letty blows her hair out of her face before taking her punch, chugging it and hands me back the cup. I laugh, shaking my head.

  This girl.

  "Was that really necessary?" Her angry voice asks and for the life of me I can't help but smirk. I enjoy pissing her off way too much. "Yes, actually it was."

  "For freaking what? For you to bring me into a random room like a creep? You've got two seconds to explain before I knee you in the balls and scream at the top of my lungs!"

  My smile hits my eyes and I lean forward. Our chests touch, I hear Letty gasp lightly. Leaning in closer, our mouth mere inches from touching I say, "Oh but baby, that's the whole reason I brought you in here. I want to make you scream. Scream my name while I make you come." Her eyes shoot up to mine as she lets out a little breath of air and I eat it up. The smell of liquor and fruit punch invade my nose and my dick twitches. I shrug, “Plus, you looked a little bored.” I hear her chuckle a little, I smile at the sound, inching closer.

  My lips touch hers. Not a kiss. They just simply lay on top of hers while I continue, "That girl tasted nothing like you, Letty. I want your taste on my tongue and I want to be the last taste on yours. Not Ky. You thought you were getting back at me? Baby, I'm going to make you see stars. You're not going to be able to walk, stand, or even move without thinking of me. Kyle will be so far gone from your memories-"

  Letty cuts me off with a snicker. She shakes her head and I feel her lips graze against mine as she moves. I want to bite those full kissable lips until she's begging for more but I give her a quizzical look instead. My eyebrow shoots up in question. "What"?

  "You're jealous, that's what. Wow. I never thought that Mr. I-can-get-anyone-I-want would be jealous of me kissing another guy." She laughs and I scowl. What the fuck?

  "Pshh. I'm not jealous. I'm just trying to remind you of how fucking good it felt when I was inside of you the other night."

  "Mhmm. Sure."

  I pull back slightly to look at her. Her eyes are glassy but she's not slurring her words, she's definitely drunk but she's not completely gone yet. "You said before that you were here to forget about me. Why?" Letty's cheeks turn bright red and she turns her face to avert her eyes. I grab her chin between my thumb and forefinger, turning her head to face me again. "Scarlett. Why are you getting drunk to forget what we did?"

  "Why can't you fucking call me Letty! How fucking hard is that!"

  "Why can't you fucking answer my damn question!"

  "Because maybe I don't want to! Did you ever think of that, asshole?!"

  "Jesus!" I slam my hands against the door by her head. Letty doesn't even flinch but her eyes go wide, they're seeping with emotion but it's not fear. It's desire. Lust. I see it there and my thoughts are confirmed when my gaze travels down to her lips. Her bottom lip trapped between her teeth, a low groan escapes my lips as I slowly move closer to her, "You don't have to," I whisper before my lips crash to hers.

  She tastes like cherries and vodka. Sweet and utterly delicious. Our tongues fight, battling against each other for more. When Letty lets out an edible moan, my hands dive to her ass, squeezing I lift her up wrapping her legs around my waist while her hands wrap around my neck and pull at my hair. She grinds down onto my already growing erection and I moan fiercely into her mouth. Her heels dig into my back as I lay her down on the bed and I instinctively thrust into her, both of us letting out a small cry.

  Fuck that felt good and we still have all of our damn clothes on! At this rate I'm going to cum in my jeans. I pulled back, panting like I just fucking ran a 5k, "Not here, baby. Let me take you back to my place. I want your screams for my ears only." Letty's eyes opened wide. Silence fills the room as she bites her lip. I give her a minute before quietly asking, "Please." She folds and nods her head.

  Fuck. Yes.

  I need this girl to fall for me to win this dare but if I'm being honest with myself, I've never wanted a girl so much in my life. I don't know what it is about her. Does she have a euphoric fucking vagina? Who the hell knows, it sure as shit feels that way when she's riding me. Is she some sort of witch putting a spell on me? Maybe. But
honestly I don't fucking care. All I want to do right now is take Letty back to my place and show her all the reasons for her to want me too. Starting with me inside her.

  Chapter 19


  My hands are shaking, my breath is shallow and I can feel sweat dripping down my back as Brooks leads me hand and hand out of the party in a rush. I sent Savvy a quick text letting her know I was okay and with Brooks. Her response was a smirk emoji followed by don't forget a condom. I couldn't help but laugh. Brooks looked over at me, his eyebrow hitched, "What's so funny, baby? I for damn sure know it's not the bulge in my pants you're laughing at." I gasped, stealing a glance at his hard-on. I hadn't even fully registered how turned on he was and by the state of his pants, he didn't seem to care that he was sporting a full on tent, visible for every party goer to see. Several girls noticed, biting their lips, eyeing him up and down and then finally acknowledging me with a scowl. I cleared my throat and showed Brooks the text that Savvy had sent. He threw his head back and laughed before leaning down to whisper in my ear, "Oh my little chai latte, don't you worry. I've got a whole damn box for us to use." Brooks leaned back just enough to show me his eyes and smirked.

  I raised my eyebrow, "Chai latte?" He shrugged, "You always smell like cinnamon or cherry's for some reason. Would you prefer cherry? Maybe cherry blossoms? Oh no wait! CC. Yeah, I think I like that. CC." Brooks laughed to himself and I felt even more confused than I was before. "What? What does CC stand for then?"

  "Oh, baby," he shook his head tsking, "Keep up Letty, babe, it's for cinnamon and cherry. Duh!" I couldn't help but laugh. He's ridiculous. Who says that? Just as I was about to say that to his face he shut me up with a kiss. A sweltering kiss that I could feel all the way down to my toes. I felt them curl and my knees go weak. I guess Brooks could feel it too because he grabbed onto me so tight and pulled me closer so I wouldn't fall. We broke apart slowly, my eyes fluttered opened and when I looked into his there was something different. "God, I love your laugh,” he gave me a light kiss as my face burned a bright red. “I guess I’ll try to stick to Letty. Yeah, Scar-Scar?” He laughed before kissing me again. How could someone get me so worked up that I want to punch the lights out of them but then kiss me in the same instant and my body melts for them?

  Brooks grabbed my hand again pulling me out of the party. He opened the passenger door to his jeep and I climbed in, my nerves still shot. The sparks from the kiss, still hot on my lips.

  We drove to his place in silence but the tension could have been cut with a knife. Brooks' leg wouldn't stop shaking, his fingers drummed on the steering wheel so much that he was making me fidget with anticipation. I couldn't help it. He was getting me worked up, I was feeding off of his energy and the short drive felt like hours. The minute we pulled into his driveway he flew out of the car before it was even fully in park and grabbed me out, throwing me over his shoulder. I wanted to punch him, kick him, but all I did was laugh. I never had someone want me so bad that they had to throw me over their shoulder to hurry us into the house. My heart was racing a mile a minute.

  Brooks placed me down slowly on my feet just outside of his bedroom door. Trapping me between him and the door, he grabbed my face in his hands peppering kisses all over my face, "I know you said you didn't want to be in my room last time and I won't force you, but I'd really like to have you in my bed. What do you say?" I looked into the eyes of the arrogant, annoying, self-entitled prick I once knew and saw something different. His glistening green eyes were so bright they almost looked like emeralds. His dark almost black hair was tousled back, a slight shadow of stubble was on his chin and I watched his Adam's apple bob as he swallowed waiting for me to answer.

  I stared at him, taking him all in. Memorizing every tiny piece of him. The veins in Brooks' arm that throbbed as he held my head. The slight scar on his right eyebrow. The bow of his pink plump lips. The silver chain he wore around his neck that I had never noticed before. His thumb traced my bottom lip and I brought my eyes up to his. I gave him the slightest nod but that was all he needed. Brooks opened the door to his bedroom, kissing me hard and walking me backward into his room until my knees hit his bed. A giant king sized bed with dark grey bedding that looked so comfortable I knew it was going to feel like a cloud. The walls were a light grey, the one behind his bed a white marble brick backsplash. His curtains were black, keeping out every ounce of light. I felt a soft, fuzzy rug under my feet-light grey against his black tiled floor. "Your room is really nice. Very...manly."

  Brooks laughed, still kissing me, "Thanks. Now stop talking, I've got other plans for us then you admiring my bedroom." He shut me up by sealing our lips together. His tongue slipping into my mouth, possessive but delicate. With just his mouth he was telling me he owned me but at the same time asking me if I wanted to be owned.


  God, Yes!

  The voice in my head yelled. I ran my hands up his arms, over his shoulders and around his neck. Grabbing the nape of his neck and running my fingers through his soft hair, pulling and tugging. I couldn't get enough. I could stay here all night just kissing him. The way his soft lips fit mine, the way they felt over my skin and gave me chills. I couldn't take it! I spun us around and pushed Brooks onto the bed. He chuckled, "Someone's impatient." I shrugged, hopping on the bed to straddle his lap. His hands grabbed my waist, I tossed my hair over one shoulder as I leaned down to kiss him, "Only a little," I whispered just before my mouth crashed onto his.

  The way his hands slowly slid up from my hips to my back gave me goosebumps on my skin and butterflies in my stomach. It was like he was cherishing the feel of my body. Brooks slowly peeled off my mesh shirt, our lips only breaking contact for a second. The minute it was off he found the hook to my bra and freed my breasts, sighing as he cupped them in his hands. "Hello friends." I let out a small laugh as he talked to my breasts, kneading them before taking one in his mouth. My moan filled the room and Brooks bit down on my pinkish-brown nipple just enough for me to squirm against him. His eyes looked up at me as my hands tangled in his hair. A devilish look passed through them before he moved to my other breast and repeated the same process. Kneading, sucking, biting.

  Our eyes remained on each other. Soaking one another in as his hands descended down to my shorts, releasing the button slowly before digging his thick fingers inside the material. His hands lazily grazing my panties, he groaned in my mouth, "Always so damn wet for me." My heart picked up pace and I felt light headed at his touch. This was different from before. His touch was tender, wanting, craving. He was soaking in my body as I was his. His hands pushed away the lace material and thumbed my pulsing clit. I swirled my hips wanting, aching, for more. One finger slid inside of my center, slowly, delicately. As if I might break if he went too fast.

  This was so foreign. So unfamiliar. I didn't know what to do. How to handle it. Before he was aggressive, in charge, demanding. He didn't care if it was too rough. Brooks could tell I liked it rough. I wanted to detach myself, I didn't want to cherish the moment with him. But now. Now it was as if he couldn't get enough. He was telling me with every touch that he wanted me to feel him. To cherish him. To not regret him. This was him. This was me. This was us.

  Every touch. Every kiss. Every torturous thrust and feel. This is what it would be like and I'd be damned if I said I didn't want this.

  All of it.

  All the time.

  I grab his hair tighter, lifting my body in an attempt to ride his fingers. The material of my jeans and panties making it difficult to do anything but surrender to him. "Not yet, baby. I want to take my time." Brooks' sultry voice almost made me come right then, but I held back instead biting his lip. He moans, plunging another finger into me. I whimper, "More. More. Please, baby." His fingers stopped. My breath was shallow, hitching and I pulled back slightly to see his face. Panting, I muster up some strength to ask, "What's wrong? Why'd you stop?" Brooks shakes his head, keeping quiet he lets out a small laugh kissing me hard.r />
  His fingers speed up rapidly, plunging deep. Hard, rough and fast. With a curve of his thick, miraculous fingers he sends me overboard. Shaking, trembling, on the verge of tears as I scream out his name. Brooks bites down lightly on my lip, his fingers still moving inside me, slowly bringing me down from my high. He places me on my back slowly, effortlessly. Peels off my shorts and takes a step back. Staring down at me, I bit my lip hard, feeling the flush rise in my cheeks. Waiting for him to hurry up. Waiting for him to take me because God, how I want him to take me.

  Chapter 20


  She called me, baby! Holy shit. I didn't expect it. I didn't realize how much I wanted it. But man, when she said it, it was like I couldn't breathe. Time stopped. She gave me something and I don't know what but I liked it. I never thought that a single word could make me feel warm. Wanted. Needed.

  I looked down at her. Her soft, milky skin calling my name. Begging to be touched. Her chocolate waves cascading down her shoulders and onto my bed. She looks delicious. The pang of my dick has me clenching my teeth. God, I can't wait to be inside of her again. Letty's looking at me with so much lust, so much want and just a little bit of anger - probably because I'm taking so damn long, but can you really blame me? She looks beautiful. I want to cherish it. Her.

  Slowly lowering myself back onto the bed, hovering over her, I inch my knee between her legs. The slight touch of my knee to her throbbing clit makes her cry out in a little whimper and holy-mother-of-all-things because I need to clench my ass so I don't cum right here and now.

  Letty's not having it. She grabs my pants and throws them off my body, my hard cock springing free, hitting my stomach. Her low "mmm" almost makes me break. I want to take my time, go slow, treasure every inch and feel of her but when she makes noises like that I just want to plunge so deep into her that she feels every inch of me for days. Weeks. Months, on end.


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