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The Dare: Sterling U: Book 1

Page 15

by Amanda Ray

  After some mindless conversation around the table and a lot of biting my tongue, the auction finally goes into full swing. But the whole time I could feel everyone's eyes on us. Watching every movement Letty and I made and it did nothing to settle my nerves. Ky and Serena kept glancing over with smirks on their face while Nate and I glanced at each other while simultaneously trying to watch Ky be a fucking creep. What the fuck is he up to? I don't have time to find out though before our tables being called up to the stage to get bid on.

  When the announcer calls my name I hear screams all around me. I look over to see my girl standing and clapping, whistling up a storm and yelling out dollar amounts. I couldn't help but laugh and my heart did a little flutter at how happy she makes me. Damn. I'm turning into a pansy. I watched as Savvy went over to every other girl who yelled out a price and laughed harder. They were making sure no one else would bid. In the end Letty was the victor and the auctioneer told her to claim her prize -me- at the end of the night. She might have rigged it but I'm not complaining. When it was Nate's turn the same thing happened, screams, excitement, bids and threats before Savvy ended up buying him.

  We were all making our way off the stage when Coach Jones came over to introduce us to some head Coaches and scouts for the NHL. My excitement was through the roof and my vision became tunneled, focused on my hockey future in front of me. I grew up around hockey players, my dad being one of the best forwards in the last two decades of the NHL, but nothing compares to the attention and praise you get for your hard work and not because they know your parents. I didn't have a plan to go pro, that was Nates dream, but I sure as hell wouldn't not consider it if I got offered something. I was barely paying attention to anyone else in the room, so when the scouts left it took me a minute to remember where I was and who I was with. Letty.

  I began to scan the room unable to find her, terror running through my veins and anxiety seeping through me. I hit Nate's chest, "Dude, you seen Letty? I was so focused on the scouts I lost track of her."

  "No, man. Shit. I was focused, too. I'm sorry!" Nate and I started to scan the crowd, both of us looking for the girls. "There they are!" Nate pointed over toward the bar, relief hitting both of us. Letty and Savvy were standing talking to someone who was hidden, both with drinks in their hands.

  "Thank, God. Who're they talking to?" I tried to squint, starting to walk toward them. "Not a clue, B. I can't see who it is." We were a few feet away when Ky walked over laughing, "Damn, B. I think it's time for you to pay up. Which consequence is it gonna be?"

  "What the fuck are you talking about, Ky? I brought her here. We're done." I narrowed my eyes at his smiling face. Smug bastard. "Yeah, dude. Letty's fucking here. She's obviously completely gone for Brooks, he won. He doesn't have to do any fucking consequence."

  "Nah, man. You had to prove she was in love with you by tonight and from the looks of things I don't see that happening any time soon." Nate and I look back over to the girls. Confused as shit, I glance back at Kyle, "What the fuck are you talking about, 'from the looks of things?'" Ky chuckles again, slapping my back, "All I'm saying is, is I doubt miss Scarlett is going to admit to being in love with you after what she's just heard." Nate looks between me and Ky, confusion clear on his face. Good. At least I'm not fucking alone. "What the fuck are you talking about, Ky?" Nate's tone is just as annoyed as I feel.

  "Oh. I didn't tell you? Serena knows all about the dare. And you know how girls talk, don't you boys?" Nate and I look at each other, then at Ky before it clicks. We both shoot our eyes over to the girls and just then the third figure comes into view.


  Clear as day.

  Talking to Savvy and Letty.

  My heart drops to the floor and I feel my knees buckle. I want to move. I want to run over there and stop whatever it is that she's saying, but before I can take a step Letty turns toward me. Tears in her eyes and she's looking at me with such disgust, and I know.

  I just know.

  That I've lost her for good.

  Chapter 30


  This day was going to be perfect. It was supposed to be perfect. Until it wasn't. I looked around frantic, trying to hold myself together and hold back the tears. Savvy squeezed my arm and I took in a deep breath. I closed my eyes thinking about this afternoon. About how amazing everything was going to be - supposed to be. How did it get to this?

  Savvy had teased me when we were in the uber over to Brooks' apartment earlier. "You know he's going to want to rip that dress right off of you the minute he sees it, right?" I chuckled, giving her the side eye. "Oh, like Nate's not going to want to do the same thing to you?" She gasped and it made me want to call her out on her bullshit. I laughed at her reaction, I always did. Her face would turn the slightest bit of pink anytime I would mention her and Nate as anything more than platonic. We've all been hanging out for months and there was no denying that there was something between them, whether they wanted to admit it or not. Sav turned to me, looking me straight in the eye, "It''s not like that with him and me. We're not....we're not you and Brooks. We're -"

  I cut her off, "Friends. Yes, we know." Her eyes rolled and she turned back to look out the window. I exhaled my frustration but mostly I was just nervous. Fidgeting and slightly sweating because I knew that by the end of the night everything was going to change.

  I had everything planned. I made reservations at a hotel, packed supplies for a nice dinner in the park and even managed to get a copy of a picture of Brooks and his twin to bring with us. I wanted Brooks to feel like Braiden was there with us every step of the way when I took him to their favorite spot as kids. I wanted to show him how much I loved him with actions, not just my words.

  In such a short amount of time he's become so much to me, I didn't even know it was possible to care about someone this much. I lean on him in a way I never have with anyone else. He listens to my every word - problems, past, excitements, dreams - and never, not once, has he judged me for anything. I felt the warmth fill my heart and my body when he opened the door and looked at me in my red gown. I knew the shopping trip with Savannah had paid off.

  His eyes flashed with heat the minute he saw me. Lust and desire pouring out of them but it was more than that. It was... yearning for something more. Love? I saw it in those deep emeralds of his and it took everything in me not to blurt out my feelings right then and there in front of everyone.

  In the car ride to the auction we couldn't keep our hands to ourselves. It was like Brooks thought I was going to slip through his fingers. His grip on me was different than usual. It was possessive yet caring, like he wanted to protect me but cherish and hold me until the end of time. I just thought that he was nervous to introduce me to his entire team, but the look on his face when we arrived was something that made my stomach drop. He looked almost haunted. Afraid.

  He hid it well, his arm draped around my shoulders or waist most of the night, not leaving my side. His demeanor was fun and playful to someone who didn't truly know him, but I felt him constantly on the edge of his seat. Like at any moment, with one slight movement, the entire world would collapse around him. Brooks kept constantly looking around and at one point I noticed Nate had a similar look, especially when their friends and Serena showed up at our table.

  The boys bantered as Savvy and I rolled our eyes. We were here for a good time. Who wouldn't be with hot guys, free booze and food? At one point after the excitement of bidding and winning on our hockey players, we decided to go enjoy ourselves at the bar while they mingled. "What's up with them tonight?" Savvy asked, handing me a glass of wine. "You noticed it too?" My eyes went wide. So I wasn't going crazy! Something was up with them!

  "Yeah. Since the moment we got here there was just something off and then little miss redhead and her date showed up at the table and they've been on edge ever since. It's weird. It's like they're trying to be normal but failing miserably. At least to me."

  "Yes!" I cooed, "Brooks is try
ing so hard to be his usual self but he's I don't know what it is but I'll ask him about it later. I don't want anything to ruin tonight." I smiled down into my glass taking a long swig and looking out at the crowd. People were mingling, there were players from the football, hockey, and lacrosse team here with dates and friends. Scouts, teachers and coaches were scattered throughout everyone too and I hoped that they had some interest in Brooks and Nate. They've been playing amazingly well this season, the team has won every game so far, but although Brooks shows limited interest in going pro, Nate's mentioned how he would love to be a professional athlete if he could.

  "You got everything ready and set for plan 'I'm madly in love with you?'" Sav used air quotes for the unofficial name of my plan, I couldn't help but laugh. She looked over at me, laughing into her drink before ordering us two more. We were on our fourth drink, having switched over to jack and coke, when someone approached. I looked over and groaned a little, my laughter instantly seizing. Savvy looked up, seeing the little fox - as we now called her- and rolled her eyes. We didn't know Serena all that well but there was something about her that just rubbed both of us the wrong way. Plus, she made out with my boyfriend and hit on almost anything wearing a jersey. Trust your gut I told myself and I should have.

  When Serena approached us she gave me a smirk, looking me up and down in a condescending way before opening her mouth, "Hmm, looks like you two losers have more pull than I thought. How did you get invited to this anyway?" Savvy went to go reply with a nasty remark no doubt but I cut her off, "We know someone. Clearly, you do too, since you seem to show up around anything sports related."

  "Or around anyone with a jersey on," Savvy said under her breath. Serena smirked, giving me one more once over before turning to the bartender and ordering a drink. I looked over at Savvy who was scowling and nodded my head for us to leave. She nodded, but right as we were about to make our escape Serena spoke up, "Oh, that's right. You're dating one of the hockey players, right?" Her voice dripped with venom but the way she said the word dating was almost...mocking. "And this one," Serena gestured to Savvy, "is just wrapped around the other one's finger. Nate is it? That hot, brooding one with the wolffish grin and those gorgeous gray eyes? You're nothing but a beard, sweetheart, you do know that, right?"

  We turned around to face her, both Savvy and I letting out a low growl and I swear I saw the bartenders eyes widen in my peripheral. Serena laughed, "It's sad really." I rolled my eyes, not wanting to play a role in her game any longer but Savvy couldn't help herself, "What is? That you're so pathetic you hop from one athlete to another because no one wants you? I know," she let out a fake sigh, shaking her head sympathetically, "maybe it's time for you to give up and go find someone who actually likes you. Although, I doubt there's many who do." It might have been harsh, what Savvy said to Serena but it was pretty honest. No one liked her and from where we were standing, she only wanted an athlete because she wanted the fame that came along with them if they were to go pro.

  Serena's eyes widened as I let out a small laugh. I couldn't help it, but watching the girl with the giant ego fall a little actually made me feel a bit good. "I wouldn't be laughing too much, trailer trash." I looked up at her, dead in the eye, my heart beat picking up and anger coloring my face. What did she just call me? "Excuse me?" Serena smirked at me before moving in closer, "It's all over campus already. You're just too stupid to listen." I felt Savvy look over at me and then drift her eyes to Serena, confusion laced in her eyes. "What's all over campus?" she asked the bitchy redhead. Serena took a long sip of her drink, smirking at us like she was about to win something. "Oh, you know. Just that you aren't really dating Brooks."

  "What the fuck does that mean?" Savvy raised her voice before I could even ask the question. What the hell is she talking about? "Yes, I am. He's my boyfriend, you idiot. Why else would I be here?" I protested, feeling the anger bubble up inside me but with every smirk and small laugh she gave me I felt my demeanor fall little by little. My stomach started to knot and my mind began to race. Did he cheat on me? Is that why he's been acting weird since we got here? No. He said he didn’t. But he said he needed to tell me something.

  I looked over at Brooks seeing him watch us and my heart sank. The color on his face had drained and I knew that there had to be some truth in what Serena was saying if he looked so terrified that she was talking to us. Tears filled my eyes and I turned back, attempting to grab Savvy and get the hell out of here before I heard the rest of the story but Serena's wicked laugh echoed, "Oh, sweetie. You didn't think it was real did you?" She smiled at me as I looked over my shoulder at her, tears brimming my eyes, making my vision blurry. "It was a dare. You know that game all the athletes play? Well, you're it. Brooks had to get you to fall in love with him. Bringing you here tonight was going to be his proof that you did." Serena laughed and I felt the floor opening beneath me. Bile rose in my throat and I felt my stomach tighten. I just wanted to fall to my knees, curl in a ball and disappear. But no, I wouldn't let them know it got to me. I couldn't.

  Savvy looked at her, fury written all over her face like she wanted to murder the girl, but the minute she turned to me I saw tears in her eyes too. This hurt her just as much as me. Brooks had become my boyfriend but he became her friend and with him came Nate. And if they were as close as we thought they were then Nate knew about this too which meant he not only hurt me by not saying anything but he hurt Savvy, too. I stood up straight, cracking my neck and swallowing the lump in my throat. I lost everything once, what's one more thing? I looked at Serena, giving her an evil smile and watching her falter, "Thanks for telling me." I turned to Savvy, her eyes sad but her face angry. Then I turned around looking straight at Brooks before flipping him off and walking out of the doors and out of his life.

  Chapter 31


  She left.

  She fucking left.

  I watched as Letty stomped her way out of the banquet hall where the auction was being held before watching Savvy shake her head at me and Nate, then follow Letty out. It took me two seconds, looking over at Nate and then back at the girls, before I stormed after her. I left Scouts, coaches and teachers trying to talk to us dumbfounded with their mouths dropped open as I ran away toward the exit. They probably thought I was crazy but at this point I didn't care. I knew. I just knew that Serena had told her and I needed her to hear me out. I needed her to listen. She was halfway through the parking lot when I spotted Savvy running up next her.

  "Letty!" I yelled, running after them but she just picked up her pace. "Letty! Please! Just let me explain!" Her hurried pace turned into light jogging and I knew I was losing her. Shit! "Scarlett Rose Jenkins! Stop fucking walking!" I bellowed, both the girls instantly stopping short. I ran up to her, hearing Nate behind me. Yeah. That’s right. I used the middle name too, which I had asked her about on Christmas.

  The minute I got within a few feet she turned around, tears running down her cheeks but pure, terrifying hatred glistened in her eyes. My heart clenched and a sob almost escaped my lips. No. "What the fuck do you want?" Letty's calm tone threw me off kilter and I took a step back. I felt like she’d slapped me. Savvy stood up taller by her side, staring directly at Nate with a venomous look and I felt him shudder. His breathing turning ragged as he tried to hold back his pleas. "Letty, please. Can we just go somewhere and talk? Please! Five minutes. That's all I'm asking." She let out a breathy chuckle, shaking her head and looking me square in the eyes, "And why would I want to hear another word out of your mouth? It was all lies, right?"

  "No! No. None of it was a lie," I pleaded. How could she not know how I felt?

  "None of it was a lie?" She looked over at Savvy, who hadn't wavered from staring at Nate, before turning to look back at me. "Everything was a lie! Everything! I was a fucking dare, Brooks! A game! A joke! And you're going to stand there and lie straight to my face? Again!" A heaviness hit my chest, tears brimming my eyes. God, dammit. I'm about to ball my eye
s out for this girl. This isn't happening.

  "What do you want me to do? You want me to spill everything right here, right now, for everyone and their mother to hear?" I widened my arms, swinging around at the once empty parking lot that now hosted half of the campus that was inside the banquet hall. "Yes. It started out as a dare. A game. Hell, I was cocky as shit and told everyone that anyone could fall in love with me in the blink of an eye. It was the truth, okay? And when they dared me to make you fall for me I didn't really think twice. We hated each other, Letty. You fucking know that." I began to step closer to her, my voice shaking but her face just became harder, angrier, with every word I spoke.

  "I never thought that things would shift between us. Did I want to win the dare? Yes. Abso-fucking-lutely and you can fault me for that. Fine. I own that. But I know you felt it when things started to change between us. They changed the night we had sex. Hell, they changed the moment I saw you eating popcorn on that damn couch in the library. Something about you being so relaxed and calm, you got under my skin. And then when you told me about your past, about your family. You became more to me then I ever thought was possible, Letty." She took in a shaky breath and I stepped closer, putting my hand on her cheek.

  Wiping away a few tears, I looked in her eyes continuing, "You became more to me then this dare. Do I want to do these consequences that could fuck up my life? No. But I don't want to lose you! I care about you too much. I care about you more then this stupid dare." I leaned my forehead to hers, whispering so only she could hear, "I love you Scarlett Rose Jenkins. Please, don't let this be the end of us."


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