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From Alpha to Omega

Page 3

by Cilla B Anthony

A claim mark.

  Any hope he had was gone when he felt the broken skin where Cade’s teeth had sunk into the tender flesh, and what was worse was the fact that he was a little disappointed that he hadn’t been fully awake to feel it.

  “Good morning,” Cade’s whiskey smooth voice interrupted his thoughts.

  “Is it?” Brogan asked. “For you maybe.”

  “It’s a good morning for both… look Brogan we aren’t going to get this settled right now, I’ve drawn you a hot bath to help ease some of the aches you have this morning. Once you’re through, then we can talk.”

  Brogan wanted to argue, but the thought of soaking his aching body in a hot bath sounded wonderful. Not only did it sound wonderful, it would give him some time to think. What was he going to do now? Last night he was a big powerful Alpha, one whom most other Alphas feared, and he was taken down by this tiny little thing who was too pretty to be anything other than an Omega.

  He might be tiny, but he was big enough to put Brogan in his place.

  “Okay, bath it is,” Brogan nodded but when it looked as though Cade was going to assist, he assured the Alpha, “but I’m a big boy, I don’t need your help. I’ve been bathing myself for quite some time now.”

  “I was going to give you your privacy,” Cade held his hands up and backed away. “I need to check something at the front desk anyway.”

  Brogan watched as Cade opened the door to leave. Once it snicked shut, Brogan breathed a sigh of relief and visibly relaxed. The relief was short lived as the door opened and Cade peeked inside, “Don’t try to leave Brogan, it’s only going to be harder on you if you do. You’re an Omega now, and there are new rules that you will have to live by now.”

  Brogan pursed his lips and choked out a weak okay.

  This time when Cade left, Brogan didn’t move in case Cade decided to come back with another order, but he didn’t return. Once he was sure that he was going to be left alone, Brogan made his way to the bathroom to follow his Alpha’s… Cade’s order.

  His face hurt like hell, it was amazing that someone so small could cause so much pain. Stepping in front of the mirror, he couldn’t believe the state of his face as he gently touched his nose to see if it was broken. There was no sound, only pain from Cade’s head and Brogan’s humiliation. He would get some ice later to ease some of the swelling, but for now he wanted to stop the hurting.

  As he eased his aching body into the tub, Brogan felt immediate relief, well to his body. The warm water eased his aching muscles as well as his tender ass, but it was going to take a lot more than that to put his mind at ease.

  Relaxing and letting the water do its work, Brogan thought about what Cade just said. He was now an Omega and that meant a change in the way he lived his life. He was the lowest in the caste system and that meant that everything he owned was now Cade’s.

  He loved his house and he had owned it before Lara moved in, but she has been there for the past year and it was now her home and he’d be damned if he let Cade or anyone else throw her out of it. Today was Saturday and the bank wouldn’t be opened until Monday, but he was sure that Cade had to start looking for jobs since he just graduated from college.

  On Monday when Cade left, he could withdraw his money and transfer it to his family members. Even though they were pissed at him, Brogan was sure that he could convince his partners to sign over his share of the business to them as well. If that little bastard thought that he was going to live a cushy life on Brogan’s hard work, he had another think coming.

  Once he had his plan formulated, Brogan was now actually able to relax and enjoy the bath. If his new owner thought the same as Brogan, then he was going to keep Brogan in the bed all weekend and that distraction was what Brogan needed before he ambushed Cade on Monday.

  Relaxed from the bath, Brogan walked back into the suite to look for his clothes. He guessed, no he knew that when Cade came back to the room that he was going to fuck him. Brogan was resigned to that fact; hell the Omega bitch in him would probably even like it, but in the end he would have the last laugh.

  Brogan felt almost giddy at the thought of Cade learning that he was still going to have to work instead of living off of Brogan’s hard work. He even laughed out loud as he pictured the shock on the man’s face. That would get him through the weekend.

  He thought about saying fuck it and trying to leave, but in the end, he would end up with Cade or another Alpha because he couldn’t hide the fact that he had been changed. As he began to dress Brogan realized that he couldn’t have gone anywhere or called anyone if he wanted too because Cade had taken his keys, phone and wallet making him a prisoner.

  Chapter 4

  Since Cade wanted to play games, Brogan quickly dressed before Cade came back. If he was going to be fucked, then he was not going to make it easy for the man who turned him. Brogan would have his revenge, and no one would say that he had been a lesser Alpha, because even after he’d been turned, he was still more Alpha than the bitch who’d turned him.

  The bath had been warm but once he was dressed, Brogan became warmer and as the minutes he waited ticked by turned into an hour, Brogan became warmer until the warmth could only be described as hot. The air conditioner had been turned up, but he was still burning up and suddenly he couldn’t take it anymore.

  His plan to force Cade to undress him was tossed aside as he pulled at his clothes and began to undress. He wasn’t sure what was wrong with him until he was down to his boxer briefs and felt the wet spot spreading on the back of them.

  Oh, fuck he was in heat!

  Thanks to years of disgustingly cataloging the symptoms in Benji, Brogan recognized the signs of heat as they presented themselves. There were the hot flashes, the itchy too tight skin and the one he hated the most- the dripping ass. As if that wasn’t enough, there was the smell, rich, ripe and musky that would attract other Alphas in the vicinity. Brogan couldn’t think about how any of that disgusted him right now because what he needed most was getting his ass full. He wanted his Alpha’s cock and his fingers were the only thing at his disposal.

  While he had never fucked an Omega, that didn’t mean that Brogan didn’t know his way around a man’s body. Brogan had found that male Betas were just as satisfying as females, and sometimes more fun. He could be as rough as he liked and there was no awkward morning after.

  Half of the fun with men was fingering them open and watching them fall apart as he made room for his cock. While the thought of bottoming never occurred to Brogan before, now it was all he could think about. He wanted to be filled and pounded into the mattress.

  Perhaps that’s what happened last night. The tiny terror didn’t knock him out with his fist but his dick instead and if that was the case then Brogan wanted some more of that. Now!

  The bed was still a wreck from last night, but Brogan shucked off his underwear and climbed back on because he was only going to make another mess. Lying flat on his back, the fire that was coursing through his veins didn’t allow for finesse, so he quickly lifted his hips and placed one of the extra pillows under his back and worked a finger inside. If he wasn’t so out of his mind with lust, being the Alpha, he still thought himself to be, he would have been a little more concerned about sticking something up his ass.

  That Alpha was long gone, and a quivering needy Omega was left in its place silently begging for his mate to put him out of his misery. He needed the pain to stop and now he was pleading aloud for Cade’s help.

  Just as he made the realization that he needed Cade, the door to the suite opened and his Alpha was standing there scenting him. The tiny man was breathing heavily, and the front of his pants were tenting. Had Brogan been an observer instead of a participant in this situation, he would have laughed but now all he could do was beg.

  “Cade please,” He begged without a hint of shame that he’s experienced earlier.

  “Christ, I could smell you from the elevator,” Cade growled as he placed the papers he was holding on the nearest
flat surface and kicking the door closed. With his eyes focused on Brogan, Cade made his way to the bed and watched as Brogan fingered himself open. Brogan noted with pride that his Alpha was hard in his jeans and he took pride in the fact that he made his mate want him that much, so he put on a show.

  Canting his hips, Brogan slid a second finger in next to the first one and with his other hand he tried to work his cock, “Don’t touch yourself,” Cade demanded huskily. “Finger yourself open so that you can take my knot again. Of course, as much as I fucked you last night you shouldn’t need to open yourself up but watching you do that has to be the prettiest thing I’ve ever seen.”

  Brogan preened at the compliment.

  “Pretty enough for you to fuck?” Brogan asked as he removed his fingers from his leaking hole.

  “Most definitely,” Cade agreed as he moved closer to Brogan shedding the rest of his clothes along the way.

  Brogan watched under hooded lids as Cade undressed. He missed this part last night, getting to admire Cade’s body. He had made jokes about the man being small in stature, but he was all man.

  Last night in the car Brogan had been focused on Cade’s beauty - the gold flecked green eyes, the plush lips and cute freckles, but his body was a goddamned work of art. He had thick muscular arms, a well sculpted chest and a six pack that Brogan wanted to lick until he got to that large, thick, heavy cock. All of that would come later, but right now he needed Cade inside of him.

  Because Cade wasn’t moving fast enough Brogan spread his legs and held his hand out in invitation. That seemed to spark a reaction, because soon Cade was on the bed and crawling between Brogan’s legs. Brogan thought that he was going to fuck him, but instead he placed those sinful lips on Brogan’s cock making him moan with pleasure at the contact.

  Even though the roles are a little different, when he saw those beautiful lips, this was what Brogan had pictured happening when Cade slid into the car last night, and it felt better than Brogan had imagined.

  When cade decided to leave the hotel, Brogan was still in a haze. His heat was gone, but everything still felt surreal to him. Cade was directing and he was following. He wanted to fight Cades commands, but he was unable to voice his feelings or complain that this wasn’t his home.

  The next morning when Brogan woke in a strange bed well rested, he was able to protest. At first, he had to figure out where he was, then he remembered. He was at Cade’s. He’d be the first to admit that he was surprised that Cade hadn’t tried to go to his place, especially since it was bigger and well, better.

  From what he remembered from talking to Cade’s friends in the parking lot at Henry’s, Cade lived with roommates-roommates he had postured in front of and now he was going to have to face them this morning knowing that he was now an Omega and not the Alpha who’d confronted them last night.

  He was going to have to face them though, because he needed to get to the bank, so he carefully rolled off the side of the bed so that he didn’t wake Cade. This was another thing Benji had lied about, his heat was gone after a couple of days, not the five that Benji usually took.

  The slacker took extra time on the company’s dime. He and Benji would discuss that at a later time, right now he was happy that his heat was gone, and he could now think clearly. He needed to get to the bank and to the office to stop Cade from getting his hands on everything that he’d worked so hard for.

  When he entered the kitchen, it seemed that no one else was around. He wasn’t sure if the others were asleep, but he sure as hell didn’t want to wake them. The keys to his car were on the kitchen counter where Cade had thrown them before bending Brogan over it and fucking him silly.

  Once the door to the car closed, Brogan knew that the first thing he was going to do when he got home was take a bath because he stunk like sex and something on the back of his hand itched like hell and perhaps, he could make his face look presentable.

  Luck was on his side when he got to his house because Lara was gone, and he didn’t have to answer any awkward questions from her. When he did talk to her, he wanted it to be with the reassurance that she was not going to have to leave her home.

  Janie, Lara’s dog, greeted him when he walked into the kitchen, but then the greeting changed to a growl as though he was an intruder, and then he realized why she was treating him with suspicion. He smelled different.

  As an Omega he no longer had the musky smell that testosterone filled Alpha’s emitted. Now he smelled sweet from estrogen that was mixed with Cade’s scent and the dog noticed. He’s had silly names for the dog since Lara moved in that only he used, so Brogan called her one of his silly names to gain her trust.

  When she cocked her head to the side in confusion, he knew that she was beginning to understand that even if he didn’t smell the same, he was still her master and was soon running to him and covering him with kisses.

  Brogan would have liked to have taken more time to play, but he had to stick to his plan, so he hurriedly watered and fed Janie before letting her out in the yard and taking an overdue shower.

  The hot shower and the body jets made him feel a little more like himself if not a little tired, but he didn’t have time to rest he had to get to the bank and follow through with his plans. A glance in the mirror told him that he was going to save time by not having to shave, but a beard would have helped today as his face was bruised. Realizing that he wasn’t going to be able to do anything about the bruises, he next went to the closet and chose his favorite power suit.

  It was black and he paired it with a crisp white dress shirt and the blood red tie Lara chose for him when they took a trip to London last spring. After putting on the shirt and pants, Brogan noticed that both were a little loose on him, and he made a mental note to add more reps to his free weight’s routine.

  He wanted to make sure that he kept his bulk in case someone wanted to fuck with him since he was now an O. Just because he now got fucked didn’t mean that he was a pussy.

  Brogan didn’t check his clothes again once he was dressed. The suit looked good on him and he knew it. He wasn’t vain, but if he wasn’t in a relationship with Lara, he could have had a different Beta in his bed every night had he been so inclined. With an absent scratch of his hand Brogan was behind the wheel of his car.

  Before going to the bank, Brogan made a quick stop to the local drugstore to purchase an Alpha scent. They were sold over the counter for single Omegas to spray in their homes so unmated Alphas would think they had an Alpha, but Brogan had something different in mind. He sprayed it on his pulse points to try to mask his obvious Omega smell long enough to take care of his business.

  The closer he got to the bank the more his hand itched and now it looked red in places, scratching his hand one last time Brogan willed himself to ignore the itching. He’s famous for working through discomfort. He once had to do a pitch to a company after he’d been in a fender bender minutes before the meeting. He’d signed the client, but later was rushed to the hospital when a broken rib punctured his lung, so a little itching was nothing.

  When it was his turn in line Brogan was pleased to see that the teller was his favorite, a Beta named Yvonne. He flirted with her each time he came into the bank and today he was going to have to lay it on extra thick.

  “Hi sweetheart,” He smiled at her making sure that his dimples were out on display, “you’re looking prettier than usual today,” and she was but the sight of her didn’t go to his dick as it normally did. The reason was because Brogan was now mated with interest in his mate only.

  “Are you okay?

  “I’m fine, my buddies were a little rough playing a little touch football,” He embellished.

  “I’m glad it’s nothing serious. How can I help you Mr. Ford?” She asked breathlessly.

  “You’d get fired for how I really wanted you to help me,” He teased, “so how about I get you to help me transfer some money instead?” He grinned at her.

  “I’ll be more than happy to assist yo
u, Mr. Ford.”

  “Brogan,” he interrupted her, “Mr. Ford is my father.”

  “I’ll be more than happy to help you… Brogan. I need your ID and your account information, and we can get started.”

  This was going much smoother than Brogan had anticipated he thought as he retrieved the items she requested from his wallet. Or at least it was until she shot him a nervous look after reading her computer screen.

  Maybe he misread her look because she sent him another smile and said, “I’m sorry this is taking so long, but our system seems to be down and I’m going to have to go to my manager and see if he can get it working again.”

  Breathing a sigh of relief, Brogan nodded his head and smiled at her as she walked towards her boss’s office, “hopefully he can get it working soon.”

  He began to get a little nervous because the longer he stayed in the bank, the greater the chance of something going wrong.

  Brogan watched as Yvonne and the branch manager looked at the screen and typed something on the keyboard trying to repair whatever the problem was. It seemed as though it was hours, but ten minutes later he was being summoned into the glass sided cubicle by the manager who gave him an apologetic smile.


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