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From Alpha to Omega

Page 15

by Cilla B Anthony

  “Been trying to catch you alone for two days,” Jaden growled into his ear. “but that’s okay because it gave me time to research what it takes to make you mine.”

  Brogan struggled against the tight hold the Alpha had on him, but the change in his body made him weaker than the Alpha but that didn’t mean that he was going to give up without a fight.

  “Please don’t do this,” Brogan heard himself do something he’d promised Cade that he’d never do, beg. He didn’t want to lose his dignity, but he also didn’t want to belong to this man. “don’t hurt my baby.”

  “I’ll give you another one, I promise,” Jaden reassured Brogan, “but you will belong to me, but that pup has to go. After seeing you drink at the party you don’t really care about it anyway so don’t pretend otherwise.”

  Brogan’s survival instinct kicked in and he looked around looking for an escape. The trees protected him from passerby’s prying eyes, but when he heard people walking past, Brogan opened his mouth to yell, but before he could make a sound, Jaden slapped him across his mouth knocking him to his knees.

  When Brogan moved to stand up, Jaden placed a hand on his shoulder and held him in place.

  “You don’t move until I give you permission to. I’m not Cade, so don’t think that because your current Alpha is a pussy doesn’t mean that I am. All of this goddamned talk about treating O’s like something precious, but I’ll treat you like the Alpha’s used to, make you walk behind me and lick my fucking boots if I want.”

  All this time he had complained about how badly Cade treated him, what he took, but a few minutes alone with this bastard opened Brogan’s eyes to how well he’d been treated. Jaden reminded him of how his father treated his mother.

  His memories of Carmen Ford were colored by the contempt that he felt for Omegas, but as he stood there with Jaden’s hand on his shoulder, he could clearly see how badly his mother had been treated.

  She had to clean and cook for the family but wasn’t allowed to eat with them and when she was allowed to eat, it was leftovers from their meal. Jason and Nicole would pass up seconds, but not Brogan. He would eat seconds and thirds.

  “Gotta watch the lazy O’s son,” His father would tell him. “That’s why we have to watch what your mom eats, don’t want the lazy bitch getting fat.”

  He cannot believe that he bought into that shit. He’s watched his mom struggle to please his dad, but nothing she did made him happy. He did everything but abuse her physically but as he looked back on her life, he’s sure that that pain would have been much easier to deal with than the verbal shit that his - he and his dad gave her.

  He doesn’t even remember his father ever being loving towards the woman, the only time he let her sleep in his bed was when he wanted sex and now because he was feeling sorry for himself, he let his guard down and now here he was on his knees about to be claimed a second time only this time he’d end up like his mother; a slave to a brutish Alpha who only cared for his comfort and pleasure not his mates.

  The thought of Jaden making him do the very thing he had planned to do made him cry and surprisingly the angry Alpha standing above him reached down and wiped his tears causing Brogan to cry harder. He didn’t want tenderness from this man, he wanted to get back to Cade.

  As Jaden stood up to lord over Brogan, the Omega took advantage and rolled away and scrambled to his feet. As he started to run, it was then he remembered why Jaden was paid millions for his prowess on the football field because the large man was on him in a second, pushing him into a tree.

  He was taller, but Jaden was stronger, faster and more comfortable with his body and soon had Brogan pinned face down underneath him. When Brogan realized that the more, he bucked and fought back, the more Jaden was enjoying it and grew harder with each of Brogan’s movements, Brogan stopped fighting.

  He lay there trying to figure out how he was going to get out of this, because if he didn’t Jaden was going to take him. He wasn’t sure about the mechanics of it all, but he was sure that it was going to take more than one knotting to break his bond with Cade, so he couldn’t complete the turning here but he was going to rape him here.

  To get Brogan to a place where he could complete the claiming, he would have to scent him and the only way to do that would be to take him here. If they got to the lobby of the hotel and Brogan protested, then he would be scented and marked a troublemaker because he wore the scent of the Alpha he was accusing, and the mark on his neck would show that he was mated.

  “Please not here,” he found himself begging again, “if you’re going to do this please make it where no one can discover us.”

  “See how fast my little bitch learns,” Jaden laughed at his request. “since you beg so nicely, I’ll give you the privacy you want, but don’t you dare try to run again or I will fuck you on the path in full view of everyone. I’m beginning to think you like being roughed up, is that what happened to your face, your sweet little Alpha got a little rough? Just know that I can be rougher, do we understand one another?”

  “Yeah, understood.”

  Jaden slowly stood up and allowed Brogan to do the same, but before he could move Brogan had to steady himself on legs that felt like rubber all the while biting back a sob that he could barely contain.

  As he stood there collecting himself, he felt a strong pair of arms encircle his waist in comfort.

  “Shhh,” Jaden whispered, “I know that this is all scary, but once you’re mine everything will be okay.”

  Brogan just nodded his head because if he spoke, he was afraid that he would say the wrong thing and end up back on the ground with Jaden’s dick in his ass.

  They were almost back on the path when Jaden stopped and picked a flower Brogan assumed to give him when he decided to make another break from freedom, but Jaden was soon on him and slammed his face into another tree that was closer to the path.

  Brogan yelped in pain, but before Jaden could make good on his promise, Benji, Paige and Jaime appeared and began to fight off Jaden.

  Jaden knew that he couldn’t fight all three of the Omegas without repercussion, so he gave Brogan a final furious glance that told Brogan that this wasn’t over before taking off.

  “Are you okay,” Benji asked as went into what Brogan called his super Omega mode. However, it was at that moment he realized that Benji took care of all the Omegas under his care and that included his troublemaking Omega as well.

  Without a hint of animosity, Benji kneeled next to Brogan to look at the abrasions on his face, “are you sure you’re not hurt?”

  “Other than my pride, nothing else hurts,” Brogan attempted to joke.

  “It hasn’t gone unnoticed that he has been paying too much attention to you,” Benji told him, “Jaime give me your water.”

  Brogan surprised himself as he lay there and let Benji clean him up while Paige and Jaime looked on.

  “I’ll bet finding me like this made your day, huh Paige?”

  “No, it didn’t Brogan,” she denied. “I’m trying to reconcile who you were with who you are now, but you’re not making it easy.”

  She was right; hell, they were all right, but it was hard facing his old life knowing that he was now an outsider in that world. He had considered Jaden to be a good friend in addition to be a potential client and look how that turned out.

  “I’m sorry Paige,” Brogan apologized. “I know that it doesn’t seem like it, but I’m trying too.” He gave a little smile when she nodded her acceptance of his apology. Things were getting better between the two of them, but had he fooled himself into thinking that he and Cade could make it?

  The sex with Cade was wonderful and just for a minute he thought that the two of them could make it, but now he knew that they couldn’t, and he was going to revert to his original plan with his father, with possibly one more goal in mind, sterilization because no Alpha wanted an Omega who couldn’t give him a child and there was no way he wanted to go through something like this again.

nbsp; “Cade will take care of him for hurting you,” Benji reassured him has he cleaned the last of Brogan’s injuries. There was a small amount of blood, but the damage was mostly abrasions.

  “No, you can’t tell him,” Brogan pleaded as he stopped Benji.

  “Why the hell not?” Benji asked. “That dick tried to… hurt you.”

  “Things are going well between Cade and me, he’s stepped in and taken over a new job and I don’t want to cause him more stress.”

  “He’ll at least pretend to. I’ll tell him the truth once we’re home, but there was a lot of hard work put into this event and I don’t want some knot head ruining it for us all.”

  “What are you going to say happened?” Jaime asked nervously. “I mean you can’t just walk in and Cade not notice your face. You didn’t have the scratches before, so how are you going to explain that.”

  “I’ll tell him that I was clumsy and fell,” Brogan told the young Omega. “This has the potential to go very bad very fast, and I don’t want to see Cade hurt.”

  “I don’t know,” Paige snorted, “you really think that he’ll believe that? The baby…”

  “The baby’s fine,” Brogan assured her. When he reached down and touched his stomach, he knew that he had her. He felt remorseful because the baby wasn’t fine because it was going to lose its barely there life once they were back in Greenville.

  “Okay,” Benji agreed “but you let us walk you back to your room. I don’t trust him not to be lurking around, waiting for another opportunity to finish what he started.”

  Brogan readily agreed to let the Omegas escort him back to his room because the thought of facing Jaden again terrified him. He wasn’t sure if he was ever going to tell Cade what really happened here, but he did not want to face Jaden on his own.

  They walked close together keeping a vigilant eye out for Jaden. He really didn’t think that Jaden would be so brazen as to attack in the open because of the repercussions if he was caught attacking not one but four Omegas. He would lose all his endorsements and be released from his team and end up doing jail time. A part of him was not sure that Jaden wouldn’t attack in the open though, so he walked with the others just to be sure.

  The four of them walked back in silence, all of them thinking about Cade’s reaction. As the elevator doors slid closed, Benji broke the silence, “Remember we’ll back you up today, but you’re going to have to eventually tell Cade the truth. If Jaden catches you alone, he will try again.”

  “I know Benji and I’m not going to ask you - any of you to lie, but I want us gone from Florida before I do and trust me, I will not be alone with Jaden at all.”

  “Okay,” Benji nodded his head.

  Once the doors slid open the group quickly made their way to Brogan’s room and waited until he slid the keycard into the lock and opened the door; however, when they heard Cade’s loud growl, the trio turned and left Brogan to face his Alpha on his own.

  Cade paced the floor as he waited for Benji to bring Brogan back to him. He felt the distress signal that his mate was sending him, and Cade wanted storm downstairs and hurt whatever was causing Brogan anguish, but he wasn’t sure if a rescue would be appreciated.

  The past few days had been wonderful, Brogan finally gave himself to Cade and had even begged as Cade had predicted, but he was still holding something back and Cade didn’t want to set back the progress that they’d made.

  He called Liam and asked his permission to have Benji check on Brogan. Benji, Jaime and Paige were going for their morning run, so they would look out for Brogan. Once they were back in South Carolina he was going to have to do something special for Benji because not only was he doing this, he had checked on Brogan at the party.

  He had been jealous and thought that there was something going on between Brogan and Jaden, but Brogan had stuck with him the rest of the night, being flirty and carefree in a way he hadn’t been since the night they met. Later when they got back to their room, any thoughts of Brogan and Jaden were forgotten the moment he slid his cock inside that tight hole at Brogan’s invitation.

  Things would be so much better if Brogan would just trust him, know that he was only looking out for him and give into their bond. He had to know by now that Cade wanted to protect him, to love him. The way he was begging for Cade last night told Cade that the distrust would soon be a thing of the past.

  He heard the commotion outside the door, and he smelled Brogan’s sweet scent bathed in fear. He was so angry that he couldn’t wait for them to come inside, so he jerked the door open, and growled at the sight before him.

  His beautiful Brogan was covered in scratches and bruises.

  Benji, Paige and Jaime all but ran back to the elevator when they heard Cade’s response to seeing his mate hurt, but they weren’t his concern right now. Never taking his eyes off Brogan, Cade stepped aside as his mate walked past him and Cade caught the faint smell of another Alpha on his mate.

  His anger was pushed aside as he went to Brogan to make sure that he was okay, that Brogan had not been seriously hurt.

  “Are you okay, sweetheart?” he asked in a slightly panicked voice, “what happened?”

  He watched as Brogan blushed and bowed his head, before mumbling, “I tripped over my feet and fell into a tree.”

  Judging by the scratches and some of the bruises Cade would have believed him, but that scent that was clinging to his nostrils told him that something else happened and he needed Brogan to tell him the truth. This morning he woke believing that he had a bright future with his mate, and now a scant hour later, he wasn’t sure what he had.

  He would wait to see if Brogan would tell him the truth, but if he didn’t, he’s not sure what that meant for them.

  “Sit down and let me look at you,” Cade instructed and breathed a sigh of relief when Brogan didn’t put up a fight. Once he was sure that Brogan’s wounds were superficial, he stood up, “I’m going to get a cloth to clean you up, okay.”

  When he came back into the room Brogan had his shirt off and Cade saw bruises on his boy that clearly did not come from a tree.

  “Do you need to see a doctor?” Cade asked worriedly as he stared at the discolorations.

  “No Cade, I’m fine,” and touching his stomach he added, “the baby’s fine.”

  Not convinced, Cade pulled out his phone and said “I’m going to call just in case…”

  “I’m fine!” Brogan snapped. “Just need to clean up and get some rest. Why are you making such a big deal out of this?”

  “Because you smell like another Alpha.”

  Chapter 14

  The easiness that he and Brogan had, felt a little strained now but it wasn’t completely gone. To be honest they hadn’t had it that long, but Cade missed it already. He had so quickly become addicted to the quick smile and the show of dimples, and the puppy dog eyes that when Brogan turned them on him made Cade willing to sell his soul to give Brogan what he wanted.

  This was the last dinner for the tournament, and it was to celebrate the tournament winners. Cade didn’t want to go because Irina had won the women’s trophy and he was afraid of what an interaction between Brogan and Jaden would mean. They had been friends before; would Jaden convince Brogan to leave and more importantly would he help him leave.

  Their relationship was confusing, because he had asked Liam and Tate about the relationship and was told that Brogan had been instrumental in getting someone as high profile as Jaden to look at their small company. He understood business, but this morning Brogan had been hurt and he smelled like Jaden when he came back to the hotel room. He decided to ask Jaden, but the other Alpha was nowhere to be found and Brogan wasn’t talking. Well he was but it was only to repeat the lie about him running into a tree.

  At the dinner Cade smiled and pretended to enjoy himself, but that was hard to do when all he wanted to do was make sure that Brogan and Jaden didn’t spend too much time together. He was comforted by the fact that apparently Brogan wanted the same th
ing because when Jaden came anywhere near him the Omega moved away.

  Cade watched in surprise as Brogan moved away each time the man came near. What was even more surprising was watching Benji, Jaime and even Paige ran interference if Jaden managed to get Brogan on his own. He wished his mate would just talk to him and trust him enough to let him protect him from any threat but instead he had to watch him dance around Jaden.

  Jaden wasn’t the only one to notice the odd behavior between the pair, because Cade spotted Jaden and Irina arguing as she pointed towards Brogan. Neither of them advanced towards Brogan, but Cade gave up all pretense of talking to the guests as he prepared to interfere if Irina or Jaden threatened his mate.

  Instead of taking the argument outside, the couple became so loud that the focus moved from the celebration for the tournament winners to them. It was so bad that Tate asked them to leave and even escorted them out of the venue. Only when the door closed behind them did Cade breathe a little easier.


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