From Alpha to Omega

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From Alpha to Omega Page 26

by Cilla B Anthony

  “It doesn’t make me sick, coffee please,” Cade asked in a tone that brooked no argument.

  Hoping that Cade would change his mind Brogan sat there for a moment, but as the Alpha continued to eat not once looking at Brogan. Slowly he pushed away from the table and started the brew. When the smell of the coffee wafted into his nose, Brogan’s stomach began to protest, and he began to heave.

  There was no reason for the coffee to make him ill and he thought that it was sense memory from when he was pregnant, and it will eventually go away, but if he were being honest, he would call it what it really was, guilt.

  Swallowing the bile, Brogan prepared the coffee and when he placed a steaming cup next to Cade, Brogan felt as though he’d accomplished a miracle that he did it without throwing up. He’d also expected Cade to say thank you for the beverage, but the Alpha didn’t look up from his meal.

  The silence was broken when Cade stood to leave and only then to give the same order as the night before order, “I’ll be home around six, so have dinner ready.”

  And then he was gone.

  Brogan wasn’t sure what he was supposed to do with himself, especially after he’d spent his days working at the Omega Center’s farm. The house was clean and there was nothing for him to do. Instead of spending it indoors, Brogan grabbed a book and went out onto the deck to enjoy the sunny day.

  At four he went inside to prepare dinner to have it ready at six, but today was no different and once again Cade didn’t arrive on time. This time he came in even later, around eleven smelling like beer and another Omega.

  What was he supposed to make of that?

  He wanted to ask who you were with because the scent was not from any Omega that Brogan knew and it scared him. Was Cade going to bring in another Omega or just get rid of him? Bringing in another Omega wasn’t as popular as it had been twenty years ago, but it still wasn’t unheard of.

  He’d been back a day and he was already being replaced.

  Cade’s friend Simon didn’t bite his tongue when he came to visit him while he was in the Center. He didn’t yell or scream but he did make it known that he wished Cade would choose another Omega, now Brogan wondered if he had introduced Cade to his replacement.

  As Cade climbed the stairs to his room, Brogan watched in horror thinking that he wasn’t even given a chance to make things right.

  Keeping in mind that Cade was going to be hung over, Brogan quietly made his way into the master suite and placed a couple of aspirin and a glass of water to help with the hangover.

  While Cade slept off the night before Brogan cleaned an already clean house and prepared a breakfast that was more than he could eat, and when Cade finally stumbled down the stairs a little after one, Brogan was making sandwiches for the two of them.

  It was another meal eaten in silence.

  After wolfing down the meal, Cade spoke, “We need to talk.”

  Brogan agreed they did need to talk but after smelling another Omega on his mate last night, Brogan was afraid of what the talk would mean for him; replaced or pushed aside either would hurt. So instead of asking Cade what he wanted to discuss, Brogan took his time clearing away the dishes from lunch.

  “If you wipe that spot any longer, you’re going to rub a hole in the counter,” Cade’s amused voice cut through the tension filled silence.

  A smile ghosted across Brogan’s lips at Cade’s joke. He knew that it was just an aberration, but it was nice to hear. Placing the sponge in the sink he walked back over to his seat across from Cade to wait out his fate.

  Cade was no longer smiling when Brogan sat down nor, did he speak, so Brogan asked timidly, “What are we going to talk about?”

  “The new roles that you’ve forced upon us, but before we do, I have to ask Brogan why did you agree to come back when you knew that I was going to be angry with you?”

  “While I was away, I learned that I was a shitty son and an even worse Omega,” Brogan told Cade. At seeing the confusion on his mate’s face, he explained further. “I learned that my mother was a soulmate to another Alpha, but my father stole her. Instead of doing the right thing and giving her back to her soulmate, he made her life miserable and taught me to show her and all Omegas disrespect as well. My mother killed herself because she was unhappy, and if I had mated with Jackson or stayed with my father, I would have suffered the same fate.”

  “Self-preservation,” Cade oversimplified.

  “It’s more than that,” Brogan shook his head and tried to make him understand. “That last night in Florida, I wanted us to make this work, I was going to stop fighting. But then Jaden happened.”

  “If you had told me what Jaden was doing in Florida, he wouldn’t have gotten within a foot of you here, but you had no faith in me as your Alpha. Instead of calling me when he attacked you here you ran and killed my child.”

  “I’m sorry,” Brogan ducked his head and whispered.

  “I don’t want to hear that you’re sorry!” Cade exploded in a rage. “I talked to that doctor and I know that this was what you chose not something your father forced on you especially since you asked him to sterilize you. I would have taken my child and you could have gone to hell as far as I’m concerned.”

  “So where do we go from here?” Brogan asked.

  “We’re going to cement this bond and you’re not going to fight it because if you do anything that even seems like you’re fighting what I want, then Amanda can have you.”

  That made Brogan tremble because he knew that that meant sex. While he wanted Cade, he wasn’t sure if he wanted him while he was still this angry with him. His head was fighting but his Omega wanted to please his Alpha and stop him from being angry and being sent away.

  Without thinking Brogan got up from his seat and knelt at Cade’s side showing his neck in submission. When Cade didn’t respond, Brogan whined a plea to have his Alpha acknowledge his offer. He was about to beg again when he was suddenly pulled forward and Cade licked a stripe down Brogan's neck before suckling, letting his tongue slide across the mark from their mating.

  “Please,” Brogan begged with words this time. He wanted Cade to bite him again, to claim him with his permission and knowledge, but he was pushed away.

  Not sure why Cade wouldn’t bite him, all Brogan felt was rejection and he remembered the smell of an unfamiliar Omega on his Alpha and there was no way that Brogan was going to let Cade go without a fight, so when he was pushed down on his knees, he settled between Cade’s spread legs and pressed his cheek into Cade’s crotch.

  He’d been so caught up in being rejected that Brogan missed the overwhelming scent of pheromones Cade was releasing.

  His Alpha might be entertaining the idea of a new Omega, but he wanted Brogan.

  Lowering his head Brogan mouthed the outline of Cade’s hard cock through his pants. When Cade’s hands grasped Brogan’s shoulders, Brogan thought that he was going to push him away, but he was holding on. Encouraged, Brogan sat up a little to gain access to the zipper, but Cade held him in place.

  “’S okay,” Brogan reassured Cade “Wanna taste you.”

  “No,” Cade pushed him aside and stood up.

  “No?” Brogan choked out.

  That confused him. He could scent that Cade wanted him and his hard cock told him that Cade wanted him so why was he pushing him away.

  “You are not going to use sex as a way to get out of this conversation,” Cade said breathing heavily. “I need to tell you what I expect of you, and yes that will include sex whether or not you are in heat.”

  Brogan’s face burned with embarrassment and he could feel the heat in his ears.

  “I thought that was what you wanted,” Brogan muttered. “You said that we needed to cement our bond…”

  “We are but I didn’t mean right at this moment and to be honest I thought that you would put up more of a fight.”

  Brogan had to response to Cade’s statement, because if he were the Alpha, he’d feel the same way, so he went b
ack to his chair and waited for Cade to speak.

  “You’re not going back to work,” was Cade’s first edict.

  “Why not?” Brogan asked. “I was good at my job. It’s a far cry from what I wanted but it kept me from going crazy.”

  “Because I don’t think you deserve to work. The Omegas who are working there put a lot of effort into showing that Omegas should be allowed to work, but your actions jeopardized that. We were labeled as the company with the emotional Omegas and lost a lot of business. We are still trying to live down our association with you, so we have to think of everyone, not just you. So, you’ll have to find another way to preserve your sanity.”

  Brogan wanted to scream that it wasn’t fair, that Jaden attacked him, but had he still been an Alpha he would have blamed the Omega as well. He would have been the loudest, telling anyone who would listen that the Omega probably flaunted his body sending out pheromones to drive an Alpha mad.

  He was going to suck it up because he didn’t want to be the reason Sports Minded had to close their doors because there were a lot of people who depended on the company to support their families, so he bit his tongue and listened to what Cade had to say.

  “You shouldn’t worry about working because you’ll be too busy with a baby.”

  Brogan sat back dumbstruck, that was what his life was going to be now, a broodmare? Surely Cade understood that he needed more in his life than being stuck in a house with babies.

  “Will I… eventually be able to go back to work?” Brogan asked hesitantly.

  “I don’t know,” Cade shrugged his shoulders but didn’t elaborate.

  The look in Cade’s eyes prevented him from questioning the decision, this was something he was going to have to earn. Until Cade mentioned the effect his running had on the business, Brogan realized that he hadn’t thought about anyone but himself. Their little company had been growing, but Lindsay and others like him could take all their clients causing his friends to lose everything they’d worked for.

  Had he subconsciously tried to do that? Ruin the business that he could no longer be a part of. He had known that the incident with Jaden would be big news, but had he not run there would have not been anything to hurt his reputation or the business.

  “I’m.” Brogan started but remembering how angry Cade the last time was he apologized, he stopped the apology before the words slipped from his mouth.

  Sorry wasn’t going to make things better between them but that was all he had to offer. He was going to have to find a way to make things up to Cade but right now he would take any punishment that Cade was going to mete out.

  “Your friends want to make sure that you’re okay, so we’ll have them over tomorrow, just the guys from work and Jamal and Danielle. We’ll go shopping this afternoon and oh,” Cade disappeared down the hall to the little office and while he was gone, he looked around the room until he settled to the refrigerator.

  While Cade changed everything in the house, he didn’t change the appliances, but why would he. Brogan wasn’t there to tell him how Jaden bent him over the counter next to the unit and attempted to rape him. Before he could hyperventilate, Cade was back with something in his hand.

  “This is your new phone,” he told Brogan as he slid the device across the table towards him. “All the numbers you need are already programmed in. Amanda said that you’d become close to an Omega called Eric. His Alpha gave permission for you to contact him if you wish.”

  “Thank you,” Brogan choked out past the lump in his throat.

  As Cade had promised, they went shopping but the rest of the day they spent around the house watching movies. He knew that Cade didn’t want to be there, a fact made evident by the way his fucking mate put space between them as he sat on the other end of the sofa.

  At the end of the second movie, Cade called it a night, but Brogan didn’t want to go into that small bedroom by himself, so he stayed up a little longer under the guise of watching another movie. That didn’t last long so finally giving up, Brogan turned off the television and slowly made his way to bed.

  He walked into that small room at the end of the hall sat on the bed to remove his shoes and socks and sat there looking around the room and thought that this was not where he wanted to be, he didn’t want to humiliate himself to end up sleeping alone, so making up his mind, Brogan stood up and walked down the hall to the master suite.

  Gathering his nerves, Brogan knocked on the door and waited.

  “Yes Brogan,” was Cade’s exasperated greeting. He was standing there dressed in boxer briefs and the sight made Brogan’s throat go dry. Cade was a small man, but he had a beautiful body that made Brogan want to reach out and run his fingers down the six pack and find his favorite freckle at the corner of Cade’s right hip.

  “May I come in?” He asked softly, scared that he was going to be turned down but then he caught Cade’s slight scent of arousal and it made him bolder.

  “If you come in my room Brogan, there’s only one way for it to end,” Cade promised.

  “I know.”

  Stepping aside Cade opened the door and let Brogan enter.

  Once Brogan was inside the room Cade turned and faced his Omega, “Why are you here Brogan?” he asked in a bored voice.

  The uninterested tone of Cade’s voice made Brogan lose some of the bravado he’d gained and now he wasn’t so sure that he could go through with his seduction. He was used to Cade barely being able to keep his hands to himself, but this disinterested man who stood before him now rattled him.

  “Well?” Cade asked when Brogan fidgeted a little too long.

  “I was on suppressants while I was at the Center, but I’m not any longer. I don’t know when my heat will start, but I want to come to you of my own free will not because I’m delirious with want. I want you to know that I’m with you because I want to be not because my body forces me to see you out.”

  Nodding his head Cade walked past Brogan and walked to the bed and sat down, “This is your show, make me believe that you want me.”

  Watching as Cade sat on the bed waiting for him to do something, Brogan panicked unsure of what to do, but then he placed himself in Cade’s position and remembered what girls did for him and he remembered what a turn on a striptease was for him.

  With fingers that trembled Brogan began to unbutton his shirt and sent a silent thank you to Lara because he never appreciated how hard this was for a person to do. Especially when their lover was staring at you with a look of utter boredom on his face.

  Finally! The buttons were all undone, but he might seriously write the shirt manufacture and suggest less buttons on a button down. To lighten the mood, Brogan threw the shirt at Cade and it landed on his face and he quickly tossed it aside.

  Closing his eyes and dancing to music in his head, Brogan next teased with the wife beater he wore. He lifted it up on one side giving Cade a peek at his stomach before pulling it down and repeating the moves with the other side of the shirt. Holding his breath, Brogan reached for the hem and pulled the t-shirt over his head and opened his eyes in surprise when he heard a gasp from Cade.

  This time when he looked at Cade gone was the bored uninterested man, now his green eyes were dark and hooded. Just to be sure that he wasn’t mistaken Brogan sniffed and the scents that hit his nose spurred him on. Cade wanted him and that was enough for now.

  Really making a show of it, Brogan caught Cade’s eyes and stared at his Alpha as he slowly unbuttoned his jeans and pulled them over his hips. He thought about pulling his boxers down, but he wanted to work Cade up some more.

  He didn’t realize how awkward it was to remove pants and still look sexy, but he must have achieved it because Cade was now visibly trying to restrain himself and not move from the bed. Part of the problem was Brogan was having a hard time as well. He wanted to put an end to the farce of a striptease and jump Cade.

  He was hard and leaking slick and wanted nothing more than to walk over to the bed and ride his mate, an
d then he realized that he could do exactly that. Quickly divesting himself of his boxers Brogan walked to the bed and stood in front of Cade the tension between them making him unsure of his next move.

  As he was trying to figure out his next move, Cade reached out and helped him, leaning forward and ran his tongue over the swollen mushroom head. The feel of Cade’s tongue sent a heatwave through Brogan’s body making him weak, to steady himself Brogan placed his hands-on Cade’s shoulders. Seeing how Brogan reacted Cade took Brogan’s cock into his mouth and swallowed him down to the root.

  Since the change, Brogan’s body has changed as well. The thick muscles were now smaller leaving him with less body mass, but other things shrank as well. Like his cock and balls, but right now it didn’t matter. Nothing mattered but the way Cade was worshiping his dick made him feel like the most beautiful person alive.


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