From Alpha to Omega

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From Alpha to Omega Page 27

by Cilla B Anthony

  Brogan felt his eyes roll in the back of his head as Cade’s tongue flatten along the underside of his cock and slide from the tip to the root and back again. This is what he’s been wanting, this connection with Cade. As long as he was in that tiny room down the hall, they would never form the bond they needed to, so this was wonderful.

  And it felt great.

  Cade pulled off Brogan and began to pump his dick with his hand while his wicked mouth traveled further down and began to suckle his balls. As he concentrated on his balls his hand slowed down on the hand job until it was almost like a tease, but Brogan wasn’t not sure if he wanted to call attention to it because he loved what Cade’s mouth was doing.

  The teasing stopped as Cade tried to get his head further back behind Brogan’s balls. He was able to get to his perineum, but even with their limited bond, Brogan could feel his mate’s frustration. He tried to spread his legs to give Cade more room, but with a frustrated growl, in one swift motion, Cade stood up and manhandled Brogan until he was on the bed face down and ass up.

  There was barely time to take in the new position as Cade crawled between Brogan’s spread legs, pulled his slick cheeks apart to reveal his prize, that beautiful pink pucker. Before Brogan could catch his breath, Cade’s tongue was breaching the tight muscle wringing a high-pitched whine from his throat.

  The skill of Cade’s tongue had Brogan pushing back trying to get it in deeper, and even though he knew it couldn’t he tried to get it to stroke his prostate. Cade took pity on his mate and added a finger alongside his questing tongue and put Brogan out of his misery.

  Forgetting his long ago claim that he never would, Brogan began to beg, “Fuck me please, Alpha.”

  Suddenly both the finger and the tongue were gone and instead of fucking him as Brogan begged, Cade stepped off the bed, and Brogan whimpered at the loss. Not caring how weak it made him sound, Brogan turned to beg Cade again, but he saw that the man was removing boxers and was soon back on the bed and lining up to Brogan’s hole and sank in until they were skin on skin.

  Had Brogan not been so out of his mind with lust, then he would have appreciated Cade letting his body get used to the intrusion, but he needed him to move. He wanted to feel that delicious friction and the drag of Cade’s cock head against that small bundle of nerves.

  “Please Alpha, move!”

  And he did. It had been so long for them that Brogan wasn’t surprised when after a couple of strokes, he felt Cade’s knot catching on his rim and was soon buried in him. The shallow thrusts had the knot pressed up against his prostate and he knew he wasn’t going to last much longer.

  As his thrusts became slower because of them being tied, Cade leaned forward and covered Brogan’s back. With him being so much shorter that was hard, but he managed to reach the juncture of Brogan neck and shoulder to lick on his claim mark.

  “Come for me Brogan,” Cade whispered and with that command Brogan’s world exploded. Without a touch to his cock he came and clamped down hard on Cade’s who came a few short strokes later. As Cade filled Brogan with his come, he licked the claim mark and bit down until he tasted blood and Brogan’s spent dick twitched and tried to get hard before the aftershocks of his orgasm worked through his body.

  As they lay there spent and tied to one another, Brogan felt Cade pull the covers around them before he drifted off to sleep.

  The next morning it was Cade who initiated their coupling by urging Brogan to ride him and this was one time he didn’t put up a fight. This was one way the pair of them had always gotten along and it was something he could give Cade so when he guided that thick cock up his channel, he could pretend that they were happy.

  The pair spent most of the day in bed, but they were having company, so they eventually had to get up, when suddenly a wave of sadness came over Brogan that it stopped him in his tracks. Scared he turned to Cade who was trying to wipe a tear from his eye unnoticed and he realized what this feeling was.

  Their bond.

  This time Brogan didn’t fight the bond and let it develop and he could feel the sadness coming from Cade and it broke his heart.

  What do you say when you’ve caused someone this much pain? Now he understood why Cade was so angry when Brogan kept saying that he was sorry. Sorry didn’t repair a pain so profound that it threatened to take his breath away.

  The two of them worked together in the kitchen preparing for their guests and Brogan was looking forward to the company. During the entire time they prepared the food, Cade barely spoke to him, but Brogan didn’t expect him too. Well maybe a little, especially after last night.

  When the doorbell rang later that afternoon, Brogan was excited because he missed his friends and he needed to repair the damage he’d caused there as well.

  Cade answered the door and in walked Elias and Simon, Danielle, Jamal and a pretty Omega that a quick sniff told Brogan that she was Jamal’s mate. Even though he’d not met her before her scent smelled familiar. He couldn’t place it, but he knew that it would come to him later. He pushed that aside and waited for his friends to come to the party, but as the night progressed it appeared that they hadn’t been invited.

  As the evening advanced, Brogan saw this for what it was, a threat. Cade’s friends were here not because Cade had wanted to socialize, but because they wanted to warn Brogan not to hurt their friend again. He could understand that he’d do the same for his friends, so he just suffered through the evening.

  To ease Cade’s friends worries Brogan became the Omega his mother was, when Cade’s beer was empty Brogan replaced it. Not once did Cade get his own food because Brogan did everything but feed it to his mate, and at the end of the evening when they sat around talking, Brogan sat at Cade’s feet.

  By the time everyone said their goodbyes Brogan had done his part and convinced Cade’s friends that all was well in the Cooper household.

  Cade must have been pleased with the performance because when the last guest had left, he locked up bent Brogan over the sofa in the den and fucked Brogan hard and fast before taking him to bed and tying them together.

  It was a good night.

  The next few weeks were more of the same, Cade went to work leaving Brogan in the house to entertain himself. The one thing that changed was that Cade talked to him a little more outside of the bed.

  Don’t get him wrong, he loved when Cade’s deep voice went all southern and called him darlin’ and sweetheart, and told him he was doing so good, but it was only in bed. Brogan wanted those compliments and endearments outside the bedroom as well.

  Granted the conversation in the kitchen was pass me this or telling Brogan what temperature something needed to cook on, it was better than the silence from before. Cade talked to him and Brogan counted that as a win.

  Mondays always came too fast, but it started the same as the weekend, Brogan prepared breakfast for Cade and they ate in partial silence. But at least now Cade was telling him goodbye when he left. You’d think that with as much as they fucked the past weekend it would garner him more conversation but apparently, he didn’t.

  He piddled around the house but there was nothing for him to do so he decided to go outside just because he could. He was out on the deck for five minutes when he heard his name being called.

  “Brogan,” Issa called from the fence. “How are you today?”

  “Great,” he replied happy to have someone to talk to.

  “I’m about to take a walk how would you like to come with.”

  Suddenly that seemed like a great idea. It would give him time with someone who hopefully wouldn’t judge him, and it would get him out of the house.

  “I’d love to go for a walk. Let me grab my keys and I’ll join you.”

  The first few minutes of the walk was quiet, but finally Brogan turned to her and said, “Just ask what you want to ask and that way we can get past the awkwardness.”

  Issa blushed at Brogan’s statement.

  “I’m sorry it’s just that… we
ll, you weren’t very nice before you were changed and to be honest, I was surprised that you agreed to go on this walk. I don’t know why you were sent to the Omega Center, but you seemed to have changed. If you need help adjusting or with anything else, then I’ll help you if you’d like.”

  Her words shouldn’t have surprised Brogan, but they did. It seems that he was a grade a dick to every Omega he’d ever crossed paths with, yet they were all willing to forgive him and accept him into their fold. Had his father not skewed his vision of Omegas, then he most likely would be mated to one now, but then he wouldn’t have Cade. He’d rather have Cade.

  The walk was nice, they ended up at the local park. Brogan had run here many times, but he had never taken the time to enjoy the park as he was right now. He and Issa were exchanging cupcake recipes when his phone rang.

  He was surprised when the caller id showed Cade’s name.

  “Where are you?” Cade demanded as a greeting.

  “In - in the park with Issa,” Brogan stuttered as he felt his mates’ anger and fear over the lines. “Why?”

  “You have gone past the mile allowed by the Omega Center and your chip is sending off alarms that you are running!”

  “’M not doing anything wrong, here talk to Issa,” Brogan sniffed before passing the phone over to his friend.

  He listened as she and Cade talked for a few minutes before she grabbed his arm and physically turned Brogan back toward their homes.

  “Wait!” Brogan exclaimed as he pulled free of her and snatched his phone from her ear and yelled, “I’m not doing anything wrong, Cade. We’re just walking in the park.”

  “Well it seems that the park is outside the mile perimeter that was set for you at the Center and if you don’t get back into that perimeter, so I can enter my code to disengage the alarm then there will be someone from the center coming to take you back. It’s your choice Brogan, stand your ground or walk back to safety.”

  “Come on, Brogan,” Issa pleaded trying to guide him back along the path they’d just walked.

  “Okay,” he said to them both.

  “Don’t hang up,” Cade told him. “Stay on the line so I can tell you know when the alarms have stopped.”

  Following his friend's lead Brogan turned and walked back towards home, and as he walked, he could hear that infernal beeping sound, and it seemed the faster he walked the louder it became, but he continued to walk faster. Issa was having trouble keeping up with his long strides and he could hear her huffing in the background, but he couldn’t afford to wait for her.

  If the Omega center caught up with him he went back for God knows how long and she would go as a visitor.

  “Brogan, stop!” Cade barked into his ear and he responded to his Alpha’s command and stopped. “Now I can enter my code. Take note of where you are and know that unless I’m with you can’t go past this point.”

  Pointer and Retriever. Clever, but those were the names of the streets. And would be forever etched into his brain. Just as the annoying beeps stopped in the background a van bearing the marks of the Omega Center drove past him.

  The driver caught his eyes, did a U-turn and drove up to Brogan and Issa.

  “Omega you need to come with me,” the driver ordered. “You’re past your perimeter.”

  “No, I’m not,” Brogan told him as forcefully as he could. “Check your app or whatever it is you need to check.”

  “I have O, and you are going to come with me.”

  “He’s inside the perimeter,” Issa told him tearfully.

  “Quiet or you’ll come too,” the driver told her.

  “Brogan! Brogan!” he heard Cade yelling, so Brogan slowly put the phone to his ear.

  “Let me speak to that son of a bitch!”

  “My Alpha wants to speak to you,” Brogan’s trembling voice matched the trembling in his hands as he gave the driver his phone.

  He’s not sure what Cade said to the man but all he could hear was ‘Yes Alpha, of course Alpha, sorry Alpha’ before giving Brogan his phone back.

  “You need to be careful of your perimeters and make sure you’re within the boundaries. Y’all have a good day,” he stated tersely before getting back into the van and drive away leaving Brogan and Issa standing there in disbelief.

  “Cade?” Brogan asked as he watched the van drive away, a part of him terrified that it will turn around and come back for him.

  “It’s okay, Brogan. The driver was being a dick because he didn’t get to take you back.”

  “Are you sure? He's not coming, back is he?”

  “’M sure, baby he's not going to bother you again. You and Issa go home, and you relax. Don’t worry about dinner, I’ll order in.”

  Ending the phone call Brogan and Issa walked back to their homes, but Issa carried the conversation because all Brogan could think about was the fact that Cade had called him baby.

  Preparing dinner was one of Brogan’s ways to keep busy so he didn’t know what to do with himself as he waited for Cade to come home. He finally settled on reading a book on the deck. There’s where he was, fast asleep when Cade came home.

  “Hey sleepyhead ready to order dinner?” an amused voice woke him.

  Stretching, Brogan smiled back and reached out a hand for Cade to help him up. “Yeah I am. What do you have a taste for?”

  “Beef,” Cade smiled as he looked at Brogan from head to toe.

  They settled on hamburgers after Cade made love - not fucked - honest to goodness made love to Brogan and now they were cuddled up on the sofa watching a movie that both were too sated to follow.

  Things got even better after that - their conversations went past the monotone one syllable answers and even full sentences and during the middle of the week, Brogan received visitors.

  The doorbell rang in the middle of the day, so Brogan thought it was a salesman. He was so bored that he was willing to let the man complete his demonstration before telling him no, but to his surprise it wasn’t a salesman, it was Benji, Jaime and Paige.

  A very pregnant Paige.

  “Hi,” she greeted him shyly before thrusting a cake box at him and asking, “may we come in?”

  “Of course,” he took the box and stepped aside letting the three enter.

  Each of them was bearing gifts. Paige remembering his sweet tooth gave him a Chantilly cake from his favorite bakery, Benji gave him the biggest fruit basket he had ever seen, and Jaime bore an Amazon gift card to purchase books for his e-reader.

  “We waited until Cade said it was okay to come visit,” Benji explained “or we would have been here sooner.”

  “Yeah, you know how Alphas are when they’re being all protective,” Paige seconded as she rubbed her stomach.

  Brogan’s eyes followed her movements and for a moment he swore he felt movement in own belly, but he knew that wasn’t true. He and Paige still weren’t on the best of terms before he left Cade and he wondered if she was here to gloat, but her next words quickly dispelled that notion.

  “If you want, I can leave, Brogan,” she softly told him. “I can’t imagine how it feels to lose your baby and I don’t want to upset you, so if you want, I’ll leave.”

  Before he could stop the tears from flowing or answer her, there was a knock on the door and Benji walked past his immobile body and answered it. It was Tate.

  “Hey buddy,” his old friend greeted. “I know that this was a moment for them to come visit but I couldn’t just leave without speaking and to see how you were doing.”

  “Fine.” Brogan sniffed. “I’m doing just fine. Better now that you’re here. I’ve missed you Tate.”

  “Do you guys mind if I stay?” Tate asked the group.

  “Fuck,” Benji replied. “That’s going to stop our trash talk about Alphas.”

  “What are you doing with yourself all day?” Tate asked “I remember how you couldn’t sit still for like two seconds and now you’ve got all of this time on your hands. How do you keep from going stir crazy?”
  Brogan just shrugged his shoulders. “Some days are better than others, but I have my neighbor and my books I’m okay.” To change the subject Brogan decided that they should eat the cake Paige brought along with her. “Let me get some plates and some coffee and we can tear into this baby.”

  Making his way to the kitchen Brogan focused on what he was doing and reached for the Earl Grey tea. When they asked, he would tell them it was in deference to Paige’s pregnancy, but he knew that it was because he still couldn’t stomach the smell of brewing coffee.

  If Cade was here, he would make Brogan make a cup just for him. Even if he didn’t talk about the baby and apparently didn’t tell their friends what he did, coffee had become Cade’s way of punishing him for killing his child.


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