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It Started With a Whisper

Page 4

by Dawn Brower

  “Whatever for?” Priscilla asked.

  Tabitha glanced back at the still shaking bush. “I wish to discover what is in that shrub.” She pointed toward the rustling then started strolling across the lush grass to her query.

  Priscilla caught up and together the sisters peered into the foliage. Priscilla gasped just as Tabitha caught sight of the furry brown mass tangled within the branches.

  “The poor thing looks terrified,” Priscilla said.

  Tabitha dropped to her knees, studying the rabbit. “We must help it.”

  “Help what?” Colin asked from behind.

  Tabitha turned her head to meet his stare. “It’s a rabbit. He’s become entangled in the branches.”

  “Let me have a look.” Colin bent down beside her and peered into the bush. “It is a mere babe.” He pulled the branches apart causing them to loosen their hold on the critter but it made no attempts to get away.

  “It must be too frightened to move,” Tabitha said.

  “The poor thing is more likely injured.” Colin attempted to reach in and grab the rabbit but as soon as he released the branch in his left hand it regained its grip on the rabbit. He pulled it away once more and called for Lord Lovell, “Reginald, I need your help.”

  Tabitha stood, making room for Lord Lovell to join Colin. She nibbled on her lower lip as she watched the men and prayed the rabbit would be well once it was free. In a moment both men stood. When they turned, Colin was cradling the rabbit against his chest.

  Applause rang out from behind and Tabitha pivoted around to find that a crowd had gathered. Several, young ladies accompanied by a few older ones and one gentleman. Behind them stood several footmen and what she assumed to be a maid.

  “Can we see it?” One of the ladies asked, strolling over to Colin.

  Another soon joined her. “I want to pet it.”

  “Good heavens, child. Do not touch that creature,” One of the older ladies said.

  Before Tabitha could reach Colin, he was surrounded. She turned her attention to Priscilla and Lord Lovell, who had returned to her side the moment Colin retrieved the rabbit. “Should we assist him?”

  “We could, but I find this far more fun.” Lord Lovell grinned as he watched Colin attempting to free himself from the crowd.

  “What a mean thing to say.” Priscilla swatted at his arm, laughing. “You must extract him at once.”

  “As you wish, pet.” Lord Lovell yelled, his voice booming through the park, “Lord Harcourt, we need you at once.”

  Colin said something to the group surrounding him, nodded his head a few times, then began backing away with the rabbit still cradled against him.

  Tabitha rushed to his side. “Is he alright?”

  “I don’t think so.” Colin met her gaze for a moment before returning his attention to the critter. He stroked its fuzzy nose before running his fingers up it ears. The rabbit gave a half-hearted kick but soon ceased its struggle.

  “Perhaps it is paralyzed with fear, or simply wore down from the struggle it endured,” Lord Lovell said.

  Colin nodded as he continued to rub his hand over the rabbit’s body. He paused near its ribs when the rabbit gave a snorting hiss and resumed kicking. “It’s injured.” Colin held it out far enough to get a better view of the area.

  Tabitha leaned in to examine the wound. The rabbit's fur was plumped with dry blood and several holes punctured its flesh. “It looks like talon marks.”

  “A hawk or something likely tried to carry the poor thing off,” Colin said.

  Priscilla frowned, drawing closer. “Will it survive?”

  “Of course it will.” Tabitha held out her hands for the rabbit. “Give him to me.”

  Colin turned it over to her before shrugging out of his coat. “We can wrap him in this.”

  “And then what?” Priscilla asked.

  “I am taking it home. I’ll nurse it back to health and then we can release it on the property.”

  Lord Lovell gave a sympathetic half grin. “It may be more kind to put it out of its misery.”

  Priscilla shook her head and Tabitha gasped. “No.”

  “You can see that he is suffering and scared.” Lord Lovell tried to persuade her.

  “He deserves a chance to recover.” Tabitha held the bundle closer to her and looked to Colin for support.

  He came to stand beside her, placing his hand on the small of her back. “Of course he does. Let us return to the carriage so that we can get you home to settle him.” Colin guided her toward the waiting barouche with Reginald and Priscilla following behind.

  “I fear it may also have a broken leg. You will want to settle it in an area that restricts it from kicking over much and keeps it warm.” Colin advised. “Perhaps your father’s gaming master can provide some assistance as well.”

  Tabitha nodded, nibbling at her lower lip. His concern for the rabbit as well as the way he had championed her warmed her heart. He had proven to be very much the opposite of what she’d previously believed. He was kind, loyal, and honorable. Humorous and giving too. She was thankful that Priscilla had forced her to grant him the opportunity to win her affections—and win them he had.

  It seemed she was a lucky lady for not only had she found a friend in her betrothed, but she’d found passion too. Tabitha now found herself looking forward to the union she’d dreaded not so long ago. She glanced back at Priscilla and Lord Lovell, smiling. Perhaps they could have a double wedding.

  Reaching the carriage, Colin assisted Tabitha up then stepped back to allow Reginald to help Priscilla. Tabitha seated herself, the rabbit bundled on her lap, before opening her parasol to shade herself from the bright sun. What a splendid day, she thought, grinning to herself.

  “Lord Harcourt…Colin, wait,” a woman Tabitha did not recognize ran toward them clutching her dark blue skirts in one hand as she continued to yell.

  “Perhaps you should take the ladies for a ride around the park,” Colin said to Lord Lovell.

  “No, I would rather stay here,” Tabitha said never taking her gaze from the fast approaching woman.

  As Lord Lovell jumped into the barouche, Colin rounded to face her. “And I would prefer you go.”

  “Do not turn your back on me, Colin. This is important. I must speak with you,” The woman called out as she drew nearer.

  “Go,” Colin said, his tone firm.

  “No.” Tabitha shook her head, the ribbons from her bonnet tickling her chest. “Who is that woman?”

  Colin glanced back at the approaching lady for a second. “I’ll explain later. Now go.”

  Before Tabitha could argue further, the woman reached them. She flung herself into Colin’s arms. “Oh thank heavens. I have been trying to reach you for days.”

  Lord Lovell turned to the driver. “Take us for a ride on rotten row.”

  “Do not dare. I wish to remain in place,” she ordered. Much to her delight, the driver heeded her words and refrained from setting the borough in motion. She should be grateful that father insisted on them taking his carriage on their outing.

  Colin untangled the lady from his person and took a step back. “This is not a good time.”

  “Perhaps you should have answered my letters. If you had I would not have been forced to chase you.” The woman placed one hand on her belly and the other on her hip. “I have news.”

  Colin glanced back at Tabitha and she scowled. Who the devil was this woman and what in heavens was she going on about? Tabitha snuggled the rabbit closer as she broke her connection with Colin to study the woman.

  He returned his attention to the woman. “Can we not discuss this later, Lady Wentworth?”

  “We are well beyond formality.” She pressed her lips into a tight line and peered at him. “I am expecting your child, Colin.”

  Colin paled, his face draining of all blood.

  Tabitha’s heart shattered, her dreams of wedded bliss scattering on the wind. The woman was his lover—the mother of his child. �
��Drive,” she said, her voice shaking as she fought the tears pricking at her eyes.

  “Tabitha, wait.” Colin strode toward the carriage.

  “Drive at once. Take us home,” she ordered the driver in a tone that brokered no argument. She did not wish to look at Colin let alone speak with him.

  The barouche jerked as the driver set the horses in motion, leaving Colin calling after her. Tabitha swallowed back the rising lump in her throat as Priscilla laid a comforting hand upon hers.

  Lord Lovell had the good sense to remain silent with his gaze averted.

  “I am sorry,” Priscilla said.

  Tabitha took a deep breath, trying to ignore the pain in her broken heart as she notched her chin and forced a smile. “Don’t be. Now I have what I need to release myself from this farce of a betrothal.”

  Chapter 8

  Rumors abound that Lady Priscilla and Lord Lovell will soon announce their engagement. Meanwhile, trouble seems to be brewing for London’s golden couple after a rather odd scene in Hyde Park. No one is certain what caused Lady Tabitha to ride off leaving Lord Harcourt to call after her, but it is plain to see that trouble is afoot.

  -Whispers from Lady X

  Colin experienced a kaleidoscope of emotions when Tabitha drove away. He was furious at Lady Wentworth for so publicly announcing her condition, heartbroken over the hurt his actions had caused Tabitha, and sick with fear at the thought of losing her. Mostly he was disgusted with himself for his part in all of it.

  The moment he had Lady Wentworth settled, he made haste for Tabitha’s residence. He did not know whether or not he could salvage their relationship, but he bloody well had to try. She had become far too important to him for him to stand back and allow her to cast him aside.

  With his heart hammering, he followed the butler into the family parlor. Tabitha stood near the floor to ceiling window with Priscilla by her side. Her parents sat nearby on a chaise. Ignoring them all, he went to Tabitha. “I am more sorry than you could ever guess. Please allow me to explain.”

  “I know all I care to.” Tabitha turned her back to him and gazed out the window. “I am breaking the betrothal.”

  Colin looked to the duke, his hopes tumbling when he met the man’s cold stare.

  “You have given her every reason to refuse you without public scorn,” the duke said.

  The duchess rose and went to her daughter’s side. “Given the circumstances, we will not force the suit.”

  Colin nodded. He may not like what they had to say, but he did understand. “Tabitha.” He reached for her, placing his hand on her upper arm. “Allow me to explain. After you hear me out, I will accept your decision and leave you alone.”

  He found encouragement in the way her body relaxed beneath his hand and continued. “If that is still your wish.”

  Priscilla peered at him. “You have done quite enough, my lord.”

  Colin ignored her, his focus remaining on Tabitha. “I have not spent time with Lady Wentworth in over a month. I’ve not even thought about any woman other than you since the night I first kissed you. Before I returned to London, I sent her correspondence breaking off our affair—”

  “That is enough!” The duke came to stand between Colin and Tabitha, dislodging Colin’s hand from his daughter’s person. “This is not a proper topic of discussion for an innocent girl. I’ll have no more of it.”

  Colin should have been afraid as the duke’s eyes were crackling with anger and indignation, but still he pressed on, determined to get through to Tabitha. “I cannot change my past, but I can assure you that I do not want any woman other than you. I’ve not so much as thought about anyone else since we met.”

  Tabitha turned to face him, her eyes glinting with unshed tears. “What a pity, as you are the last man I desire.”

  Her words were firm, but her countenance betrayed her. She cared for him and she could not hide her feelings behind harsh words no matter how hard she tried. Colin swallowed, closing his eyes for a moment. “Tabitha—”

  “Pray stop wasting my time. By morning all of London will know what you’ve done and our betrothal will be formally broken. Now do take your leave.” She started toward the door.

  Desperation clutched at him, twisting his insides into knots, his heart breaking. He more than cared for her. He had to stop her. “Tabitha, sweet, don’t do this. Do not toss me aside, for I have fallen in love with you.”

  Tabitha froze, her breath catching at his declaration. Love… Could it be true? She pivoted to face Colin but spoke to her family. “Might we have a few moments of privacy?”

  “If that is your wish. However, given the state of things, your mother will remain to chaperone.” The duke signaled for Priscilla to follow him from the parlor while her mother retreated to the far side of the room.

  Tabitha held her breath as she stared at Colin. She loved him too, though she would not admit it to him. Certainly not now. How could she when she did not trust him? When she no longer saw a future with him? Still…

  “Say it again?”

  Colin took her hands in his and gazed into her eyes. “I love you, Tabitha. You and only you.”

  She nibbled her lower lip, closing her eyes against his penetrating stare. “How am I to believe you?”

  He gently squeezed her hands. “On my honor it is true. You own my heart and forever will. There is no other woman for me.”

  His words pierced her heart and she desperately wished to believe them, to throw herself into his embrace and forget what he’d done—but how could she? If he had caused an indiscretion without lasting consequences, Tabitha may be able to overcome it, but that was not the case. There was to be a baby—his baby.

  “What about the mother of your child?” Tabitha stared at him, searching, hoping to find the truth in his gaze.

  “I could never love her. I never did.”

  His tone was callous, making Tabitha feel sorry for the other woman.

  “Nor does she love me. We had an understanding. Nothing more.” He pushed his fingers through his hair and released a deep breath.

  “And what of your child?” Tabitha trained her attention on the large lime tree beyond the window. She was not at all sure what she hoped for him to say, but prayed his words would make a difference, though she couldn’t imagine what he could say to fix things between them.

  “I would give anything to change what I’ve done. To take back the hurt I have caused.” He paused for a moment scrubbing his hand over his jaw. “Unfortunately life does not allow us to go back and correct our mistakes. I will do right by my child. Provide for it and ensure it has a good life.”

  Tabitha gave a shaky smile. She should be irate, but Colin was an honorable man. She could not fault him for that. It was among the many reasons she had fallen in love with him. Regardless, she could not trust him. She would not set herself up for more heartbreak.

  There was only one thing for her to do. She stepped forward, pressing her lips to Colin’s cheek. What she would give to erase his past, to make him the kind of man she could trust with her heart. Easing back, she meet his gaze and did the only thing she could.

  “We are finished. I will make the proper announcement tomorrow.”

  His eyes filled with pain and for a moment she almost buckled before hurrying from the parlor.

  Chapter 9

  Lord Harcourt has not been seen at the duke’s residence since he was sighted leaving in a state of disarray a sennight ago. Nor has he been seen about the ton with Lady Tabitha or appeared at any society events. Everyone is gossiping about the pair as they attempt to discover what has happened. One thing is for certain: something is not right.

  -Whispers from Lady X

  Tabitha lay in her bed with her rabbit beside her as she’d done for most of the past sennight. After turning Colin away, she had drafted a letter to the papers breaking their engagement and revealing what he’d done. Unable to bring herself to send it, she’d crawled into her bed and sank into depression.

  She’d sell her soul if it would make her stop loving him. Even in her sleep he haunted her, but her waking moments were the worst. She must have relived his kisses a million times in the past week and could have filled her bathing tub with the tears she had shed.

  Groaning, she turned her attention to Fuzz, as she’d begun calling the rabbit. “How am I to get over him?” she asked, stroking the creature’s soft fur.

  The rabbit’s ears quirked and it nudged her arm with its nose as though it wished to offer comfort.

  Tabitha smiled, her first genuine smile since she had lain eyes on Lady Wentworth. Fuzz was a comfort and a welcome companion. He did not require much beyond water and food and provided her some entertainment as he regained his health. She’d followed Colin’s advice and enlisted the game keeper to aide her with the rabbit.

  She sighed, desperately wishing to forget Colin. How had she allowed her plans to go so far astray? All of her careful planning and insistence on remaining unattached for the season had been for nothing. Now she wallowed in heartache and half despised herself for allowing any of it to happen.

  Tap, tap, tap…

  Tabitha turned her head toward the door. “Come in.”

  Priscilla swung the door open and stepped into the room. “How are you feeling?”

  “No better than before.” Tabitha forced herself to sit up in the bed then reached for Fuzz and placed the rabbit on her lap.

  Priscilla lowered herself onto the brocade covered chair beside the bed. “You are miserable without Lord Harcourt. Would it not serve you better to accept his past and allow yourself the chance to be happy with him?”

  Tabitha stroked her hand down Fuzz’s back. “Why? So that he can hurt me again?”

  “I do not believe he would. Reginald told me that Lord Harcourt is suffering as deeply as you are. He hasn’t left his house, barely eats, and is drinking copious amounts of liquor. Reginald is the only visitor he allows, and his mood is always sour.” Priscilla frowned. “My heart hurts for both of you.”


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