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Clash (The Forever Duet #2)

Page 8

by Jennah Thornhill

  Heading down the stairs, I walk back into the front room. Serena watches as I pace the room. I have so much negative energy flowing through me, and I’m fidgety. “I need to talk to Dylan. Can you tell him I’ll call him tomorrow?”

  She nods. “I’m worried about her, Neil.”

  “I know.” I can tell by the look on her face, which is a bit different to the look she was sporting earlier when she wanted to rip my balls from my body.

  “What happened with Sarah earlier.”

  “Well I was in the middle of it when you called; she loved that. Not that I give a fuck.” My eyes roll of their own accord. “It’s safe to say we’re over. She had my bags packed for me. Look, I don’t want to be rude, but Bonnie needs me right now…”

  Serena nods. “Oh, fuck yeah, sorry. I’m going now.” Grabbing her bag from the sofa, she heads towards the door and I follow her out.

  She stops dead, turning to me. “Please look after my girl.” She places a kiss on my cheek and walks through the open gap.

  “Promise,” I assure her as I watch her walk down the path before closing the door.

  I run up the stairs, taking them two at a time until I reach the top.

  Peering around the bedroom door, I see Bonnie is fast asleep. Tiptoeing into the room and softly closing the door, I take my place behind her wrapping her up in my arms and sinking my face into her hair, whispering softly, “I love you Bon.”

  Chapter Twenty-One


  “I love you, Bon.”

  I hear his whispered words, but I don’t acknowledge them. I want to—I want to scream at him that I love him, too.

  He thinks I’m asleep, but that’s because it’s what I’ve led him to believe—and I wish I were. I wish I could forget what’s happened tonight, but I can’t. When I close my eyes, all I see is that piece of paper with the threat on. I’ve never been threatened in my life, so it’s safe to say I’m freaking the fuck out.

  Tears leak from the corners of my eyes and run down my cheeks. I don’t make any move to wipe them away—if I do, he’ll want to talk, and that’s the last thing I want to do right now.

  His arm is wrapped around me, and I can feel him breathing me in. With him I feel safe. I feel like together we’re stronger, but that doesn’t make this situation—a situation that we’ve both put ourselves in—any easier.

  Here in my bed, we’re in our own little bubble; the outside doesn’t exist. Well, that’s what I try to tell myself as we both lie on my bed, and within minutes of Neil climbing behind me, I hear his soft snores.

  When I know he’s asleep and not faking like I am, I re-open my eyes and stare out of my bedroom window to look at the moon. For some reason, it soothes me—makes me feel like no matter whatever is happening in my life, there are people in the world who are a lot worse off than I am right now.

  Eventually, my eyes close of their own accord. Fighting the inevitable is impossible for me, I’m exhausted.

  “Baby? Wake up.”

  I feel his hand rubbing my leg and I slowly peel my eyes open.

  “I’ve brought you some coffee.” He lifts the cup up so I can see it before placing it on the drawers next to my bed. I can see worry on his face; he’s trying to hide it from me, but I know when he’s carefree and when he isn’t.

  Shuffling up the bed so my back is against the headboard and my mountain of pillows, I take his hand in mine and rub my thumb across his knuckles. “I love you, too.” The words just blurt out of my mouth with my eyes downcast. Now isn’t the time really and I shouldn’t have said it the minute I woke up, but I can’t leave what he said to me last night alone any longer.


  “No, Neil. I have to get this out now or I never will.”

  “Okay, I’m listening.”

  Inhaling a deep breath and letting it out slowly, I continue on. “I heard you last night.” I look up and I see the shock on his face.

  “I…erm. I—”

  “I heard what you said. You thought I was asleep, and I just wanted you to know that I love you, too. Thing is, if we do this, you have to be all in. I can’t deal with all this shit if in six months’ time, you’re gonna tell me you're going back to Sarah. I won’t survive it, and I won’t be—”

  He dives on top of me, our mouths crashing. His tongue licks along the seam of my lips, asking for entrance. Opening up for him, we kiss as if it’s going to be our last. He kisses the life out of me. The passion, the want, I feel with the way his mouth moves with mine… It’s like he’s making love to me but with just his mouth. He brings one hand up to cup my face, at the same time wiggling himself so he’s between my legs. When we’re both breathless, he pulls away from me at the same time he pulls my bottom lip between his teeth.

  Our eyes open at the same time, my brown to his green, and I can see the love he has for me shining back at me.

  “I love you. I promise you, there is no going back for me. From this day forwards, this is the only place I want to be.” To drive his point home further, he pushes his hips forward and his cock, that’s solid as a rock, presses against me.

  “Make love to me,” I ask him, my voice barely a whisper.

  A smirk spreads across his face before he answers me. “What my woman wants, my woman gets.”

  And for the next God knows how long, he does just that.

  The outside world will still be there when we’re ready to face it.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  Lying in Bonnie’s bed in a post orgasmic haze, I turn, gazing at her as she lies on her back with her arm across her eyes and her hair spread out on her pillow. She’s such a natural beauty, and what’s more, she’s all mine. I can’t get out of my mind that she loves me.

  The idea that I have to go back to the house to collect my things, though, at some point today definitely doesn't fill me with joy. Then I have to find somewhere to stay, and fuck knows where that’s going to be…

  “Fucking hell, Neil. I swear, if that’s what I’ve got to look forward to for the rest of my life, I’ll be one happy woman,” Bonnie says, breaking me from my thoughts.

  “Well”—I roll towards her, taking her naked body in my hands, “there’s definitely more where that came from, and it’s all for you, baby.”

  “Well, aren’t I the lucky one.” Her fingernails scrape lightly over my scalp as she leans forward and seals our lips together.

  “I’m the lucky one, Bonnie Jones.”

  “Where do we go from here?”

  “We take it one day at a time. There’s something I have to do first, though.”

  “And that is?” Her eyes cloud over with uncertainty.

  “Well, what I didn’t have time to tell you was that Sarah has kicked me out anyway. When I got back from here yesterday, she had all my bags packed. I need to go and collect them today, then I need to find somewhere to stay.” Leaning in for a kiss she obliges with her soft lips. Pulling myself to sit up, I pick my T-shirt from the floor and pull it on before swinging my legs around. “And as much as I’d love to stay here and worship you, I’d better get it over and done with.”

  Bonnie wraps her arms around my neck from behind me. “Do you have to go yet?’

  “The sooner I go, the quicker I can get back to you.”

  She swings her legs around until she’s getting off the bed and standing in front of me with her hands cupping my cheeks. “Why don’t I go and jump in the shower and I could come with you?”

  “Bon, I’m not sure that’s such a good idea…”

  With her lips firmly on mine she cuts me off with a kiss. “I think it's a great idea. I’ll stay in the car, I promise.”

  Giving in to her way too easily, I nod my agreement and let her kiss me again. “Hurry up.” I smack my palm firmly against her arse cheek and she gives off a little squeal. Blowing me a kiss she practically skips out of the room to go take her shower.

  If I h
ad more time, I’d go and join her, but we’ve got plenty of time for that. My shoulders feel like a weight has been lifted now that Serena knows about us. I’m glad it’s out in the open: I’m not sure how much longer I could have kept our secret for.

  Pulling on my joggers and heading downstairs, I make more coffee while I wait for Bonnie and go into the front room. As I sit down, I see the balled-up piece of paper. Picking it up, I open it out, reading the words again.

  Who the fuck is doing this?

  Instead of screwing it up this time, I fold it in half and slide it into my back pocket, keeping it safe.

  I’m almost all the way down my coffee when Bonnie appears dressed in tight-ass blue, ripped jeans that cling to every one of her curves, her converse and a white T-shirt stretching across her boobs. My greedy eyes take all of her in, wishing we didn't have to do this right now, but I know we have to.

  Getting up from the settee, I stand in front of her and clutching her hips in my hands, I mumble against her lips. “You’re fucking lucky we have shit to do, because otherwise, I’d be bending you over that sofa and fucking the back out of you.”

  “Promises, promises, Montgomery.”

  Pushing my lips to hers, I smirk and mumble against her lips. “Let’s go.”

  Leaving Bonnie in the car, I find my house key and open the door, walking in to find my luggage in the same place as it had been yesterday. Scanning the front room, I can’t see Sarah, so I start taking my luggage outside and putting it in the boot. I'm hoping I can get in and out without seeing her.

  Once it’s in the car, I go back in and take the stairs two at a time to get my personal stuff from the bedroom. Rooting through the box we keep in the wardrobe, I find my passport, birth certificate and some other shit I need and as I turn to put the box back, I hear her voice.

  “What the fuck are you doing?”

  I sigh out loud, looking up to face her. “Just taking what’s mine.”

  “Get out, Neil.” She holds her arm out towards the door. “You have no right to be up here anymore.’

  “Why do you have to be so fucking hostile all the time? I'm trying to be polite. We don’t have to argue.”

  “We don’t? So, you fucking another woman is okay?”

  “There’re just no words for you, other than you’re fucking crazy.”

  Barging through the door and back down the stairs, I go into the front room grabbing chargers and my laptop. She stops by the stairs with her hands on her hips. “Is that where you were last night, with your little slut?”

  “Don’t fucking call her that. At least she’s not a mental bitch like you.”

  “You know what, Neil, fuck off and don’t come fucking back!” Sarah screams at me like a fucking lunatic. With my laptop under my arm and my hands full, I walk past her, but just as I’m stepping out of the door, a shove to my back knocks me off balance and I stumble, tripping over the doorstep dropping everything but my laptop while she continues screaming names at me.

  I don’t get angry. I don’t even retaliate—there’s no point. Instead, I take a deep breath and crouch down, gathering my things together. I don’t hear the car door shut until Bonnie is next to me, helping me.

  “I’ll fucking kill her.” Bonnie stands from her crouched position and turns back to the door walking towards Sarah.

  Oh fuck.

  “Who the fuck do you think you are?” Bonnie says in hushed tones.

  I leave the stuff on the ground and run back towards them. “Bonnie leave it.”

  “Why don’t you shove someone who can fucking hit you back? Because he won’t, and you know that.” Bonnie stands in front of her with her arms stretched out at her sides. “Well?”

  Wrapping my forearm around her waist and lifting her from the floor, I move her out of the way and carry her down the path.

  “Don’t get too comfy in that house,” I shout over my shoulder, “because I’m seeing a lawyer first thing Monday morning.”

  I open the door for Bonnie then go back to pick my things up off the path.

  “Fuck you Neil.” Sarah screams as I climb back into the car.

  Bonnie taps her foot on the floor of the footwell. She’s a little spitfire most of the time; I’ve seen her angry and it’s not a pretty sight. I gently take her hand and lift it to my lips softly, kissing across her knuckles, hoping to calm her down.

  After a minute she turns to face me. “She’s lucky I didn’t fucking punch her.”

  “I know. It’s not worth being arrested for though. I love you.”

  With a soft sigh the tension falls from her face and she gives me a small grin. “I love you too.”

  That’s all I need to know.

  Pulling up at the second call of the day, I know I won’t be walking into hostile territory, so I won’t need body armour. Bonnie and I get out of the car, and taking her hand in mine, we walk up the path and knock on the door.

  Dylan opens it with a scowl. “I’m not even talking to you two.” He widens the gap for us to walk through. Bonnie walks in first and pats his stomach, smiling, and I walk with Dylan down the hallway. “How’re the balls, mate?”

  “Fucking blue, you bastard.”

  “I didn’t tell her. I swear.”

  “No, it was your fucking girlfriend.”

  Hearing the word ‘girlfriend’ and thinking of Bonnie in the same sentence makes all the shit earlier worthwhile.

  “She told me if I go near her, she’s going to cut them off and add them to the balls on the pool table. Just thinking about it made me want to cry.”

  I can’t help the snigger that breaks out.

  “The woman is fucking vicious.”

  Slapping him on the back, I walk into the kitchen to Serena with my hands held above me in a defensive stance. “Is it safe to come in?”

  “Dickhead.” Serena giggles. “Yeah it’s safe...”

  I kiss her cheek then go over to Bonnie, wrapping my arms around her from behind and pulling her against me. Her head drops back on my shoulder and Serena makes us all coffee.

  “So,” Dylan says, “what are we going to do about these notes? Where do we start, who do we start with?”

  The four of us have a blank look on our faces as we all look at each other, no one wanting to start or even suggest as silence falls around us.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  Feelings. Emotions… They aren’t something I usually have to deal with, but right now, and especially in the last few months, I’ve dealt with more of those two things than I ever have before. One minute I’m happy, the next I’m a crying mess and don’t even start me on the rage that flowed through my veins when I’d seen that bitch push Neil out of the door.

  I’ve never exited a car so fast in my life. If Neil hadn't grabbed me and pulled me away, I wouldn’t be sitting on Serena and Dylan’s sofa: I’d be in the cells for smacking a bitch.

  Serena hands me a chilled glass of wine as I snuggle up to Neil, and I thank her with a smile.

  When we first arrived, I’d had to giggle to myself when I’d overheard Dylan say that Serena was vicious. That man still has a lot to learn about her, and if threatening his balls is all she did, then I’m rather impressed. There had been a time when she’d have done a hell of a lot more than threaten. She’s clearly mellowing, but then again, I guess being in love will do that to a person.

  We’ve stayed at their house all afternoon, and so far, we’ve all come up with a massive ‘fuck all’ on who could be behind the note sending. The guys have gone through all possible old clients, ex-girlfriends and even my ex-boyfriends, but none of them would know about me and Neil. Sarah had even crossed our minds, but she’d soon been brushed under the carpet because, as I’d forgotten, Neil had been quick to bring up the fact that she had also received a note.

  Feeling like we were getting nowhere quick, Dylan puts a stop to all talk of the lunatic who’s fucking with us and declares he
is starving, which then causes us to all want food. That’s when Serena decides she’s ordering pizza and that no one is cooking tonight.

  “Drink that wine will you: it’ll steady your nerves that I know are shot to shit.” Serena raises her eyebrows at me from where she’s sitting on Dylan’s knee, daring me to argue with her.

  Doing as I’m told, I bring the glass to my lips, and instead of taking a sip like I intend to, I guzzle the lot down, enjoying the fruity flavours that burst out onto my tongue.

  “That’s my girl.” Serena giggles as I belch from the gas.

  “Ooops! Excuse me.” I throw my hand over my mouth and my cheeks start to burn from embarrassment.

  Neil pushes up from the sofa until he’s turned and facing me, “You know what, Bon? I don’t think I could love you anymore than I already do right now. You are the most real woman I’ve ever met.”

  My embarrassment soon ebbs away when he takes my face in his hands and he kisses me.

  “Erm, excuse me? You are in company. We’ll have less of that,” Dylan pipes up, ruining our moment, and Neil just gives him the finger, to which we all laugh.

  This right here, spending time with my best friend and the man who loves me, is just what I need after last night.

  With a second glass of wine in my hand, I’m back where I belong, curled up in Neil’s arms, his finger stroking along my arm.

  A banging on the front door makes me jump out of my seat, causing my wine to spill all over the carpet. “I…I…” I want to say I’m sorry for the mess I’ve made, but the words won’t come.

  “It’s ok, Bon. It’s just the pizza,” Dylan says, but I’m not paying him any attention. My breathing isn’t right: it’s coming in quick and short pants, and I feel like I’m going to hit the deck any minute now. The walls surrounding me begin to close in, and it makes it even harder for me to breathe.


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