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The Anunnaki Unification, Book 3: A Stargate SG-1 Fan Fiction Story

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by Michele Briere

  “As does Kalam,” Inanna nodded. “I will send a message to the others this evening. And send the young man here, if you need to, General,” she said to Hammond. “We will shield him.”

  “He’s a fan of yours,” Jack told her with a quirk of his mouth. “You probably saw him with Jonathan at our picnic. Modern pagan kid who thinks the Queen of Heaven is his goddess.”

  “Is he handsome?” the Queen asked. Zu chirped from Ninurta’s shoulder and sent an image. “Oh, that one,” Inanna nodded imperiously. “Yes, he is acceptable for Our needs.” Ninurta chuckled and stroked her leg.

  “Daddy! Can I go play with the chickens? There’s babies!” Davy came running up to the group.

  “I don’t know,” Jack considered. “I haven’t felt the love in a while. Nope, not feelin’ it.” The boy giggled and threw his arms around Jack’s neck for a hug, and kissed Jack loudly on the cheek. Jack shooed him away to find chickens.

  “At least the kids will sleep well tonight,” Sam commented. The kids had been nonstop all day in the fresh air and sunshine.

  Daniel came over to them, breathing hard from his workout with Teal’c. They had fun beating each other with training staves. He fell next to Jack and lay flat on his back to catch his breath.

  “The kids are happy.” The observant comment came from the sidelines. Mason. He tilted his head toward Matthew who was playing with a group of local boys. “Last time I saw them with Megan and Andrew, they were uptight and on edge. This is nice to see.”

  “Thank you,” Jack acknowledged. “We listen to them and love them. Don’t know what else to do.”

  Daniel gave Jack’s hand a squeeze and turned to lay his head on Jack’s thigh. There was a ruckus toward the city and they looked to see what it was about. Two strangers came walking swiftly toward their group, and warriors immediately jumped to the ready. A nearby servant rounded up the children and non-combatants, took the baby from Sam’s arms, and herded them off.

  “You have not been invited here,” Inanna informed the two men.

  “We know O’Neill is here, we demand justice,” one of the men insisted. Warriors surrounded the men. No one was armed, except for Jack and his pukku, but they all knew what fists and feet were for. “You are not the council leader, woman, step aside. You are O’Neill,” the one informed Jack who had stepped up to Inanna’s back.

  “What is it with picnics and you?” Jack asked Inanna.

  “My good-natured charm,” she told him. “These two….”

  “We demand to be heard,” the man said again.

  “I heard you the first time,” Jack scowled. “And mind your manners, or I’ll mind them for you. Who are you and what do you want?”

  Warriors came running from the city, all of them armed. Inanna held up a hand and they paused.

  “We are Ra’batinu and we demand the return of our women and children,” pinched face informed him.

  “You’ll need to be a little clearer,” Jack said, cupping his ear. “I have no idea what you are talking about.”

  “We requested membership to your unified worlds, and we were refused,” baldy said in a halfway moderate tone. “Apparently our society is not welcome as per your treaty. We do not apologize for our ways, and we accepted the decision. When council representatives came to our world during the decision making process, several of our women and children were stolen from us. We demand their return.”

  Jack turned to Inanna.

  “I do not deny we have people here formerly of Ra’batin,” she said. “They requested asylum and we granted it. They feared for their lives, so we helped them to leave quietly.”

  Jack sighed and rubbed the side of his head.

  “Conference room?”

  Inanna gave a nod and motioned for them to follow.

  “Daniel!” Daniel caught up with Jack and whispered. “Sam, find out who these women are and get their story,” Jack called back. “Jonathan, you’re on cub duty. Why don’t you take the colonel with you? Colonel Addison, Jonathan out-ranks you.” Malek and Bre’tac, also council representatives, followed Jack while Jonathan, Shara, and a frowning Mason went to find the kids and Maggie.

  “Okay,” Jack said once they were in a private room. He took a seat and leaned back, hands behind his head. “Inanna, which section did this world of theirs get disqualified for?”

  “The slavery issue,” she said. Ninurta went to a shelf and pulled out a copy of the treaty. He opened it to the needed section.

  “No sentient being shall be bought or sold without their express permission,” he read and skimmed down. “All sentient beings shall be rendered full health care by their communities… Education and knowledge shall be made available to all sentient beings.”

  “Ra’batin failed on these three issues,” Inanna said, nodding as Ninurta read out loud. “Their women are considered to be worth less than beasts and are treated even worse. Unwanted female babies are often killed, and the boys are put to work as soon as they are able to understand instructions. One of the women who came to us was not becoming pregnant and was going to be sent to the slave pits; it doesn’t seem to occur to the men that they might be the reason for the lack of a child. Our examination of this particular woman showed that she is fertile. Another woman was tired of her baby girls being killed, and the third was tired of broken bones. They each came to us and requested our help. We took the three women, four sons, and two daughters. Healer Gula had to do extensive work to repair the damage to all the broken bones in the face of the third woman. One of the children has been too terrified to speak. Apparently she was slapped down every time she made a sound.”

  Baldy, whose name turned out to be Kezian, gave a reluctant nod when Jack looked at them.

  “Name one society that is perfect,” he said. “We do not condone these types of actions, anymore than you would. Be that as it may, a woman is owned by her husband and he may do as he wishes with her. I do not treat my wives in that manner, nor my children. What my neighbor does is not my business.”

  “Do….” Daniel began and belatedly looked at Jack. He was motioned to continue. “Does your society have laws in place which the women can turn to for help?”

  “She can seek recompense through the nearest male relative,” Kezian said.

  “And if her nearest male relative doesn’t have a problem with what is happening, is there anything in your laws which will help a woman who is beaten on a regular basis?” Daniel asked.

  “No,” Kezian said after a moment with a shake of his head.

  “And is there anything to stop someone from killing a child?” Daniel asked.

  “Men are needed to help fill quotas,” the other one, Edur said impatiently. Jack didn’t like his pinched face. “Girls cannot do the work of men, and if there is no one working, there is no food to feed these children. Daughters need dowry for marriage; too many daughters means not enough dowry to procure a decent marriage. It is a kindness to be rid of them while they are new, and to try again for a son.”

  “Your daughters are weak because you insist they be that way,” Ninurta said, clipped. “A child, any child, is as strong as you make him or her. Our daughters work side by side with men, and they are just as strong and capable.”

  “Whoa,” Jack called, holding up a hand and cutting through the arguments that were starting. “Time out. The issue on the table is the missing women and children. Now. Inanna. You don’t want to hear this, but I’m going to say it. And I’m doing so because I’ve been in your position. The women and children need to be returned.”

  “I refuse,” she stated. “They came to us for help, I gave them help.”

  Jack reached over and put a hand over hers. “Darlin’, I understand, I really do; it’s one thing to take a few homeless kids from Earth, don’t think I didn’t notice, but it’s an entirely different matter when a planet comes calling.”

  The door opened and Sam came in. She put her laptop on the table and turned it for everyone to see.

; “What’ve you got?” Jack asked.

  “Well, I’d say the women are here of their own free will,” she told them. She turned on the video. One by one, the women all stated that they were afraid for their lives if they were returned home. They wanted to stay. They were learning how to read and write, they were growing healthy, their children were healthy. They pleaded to not be sent back.

  “They are the property of their husbands,” Edur insisted when the video was done. “That is their place, not wasting time with all this nonsense. Return them to us at once.”

  “How much?”

  They looked at Daniel who had leaned back and folded his hands over his stomach.

  “How much what?” Jack asked.

  “How much do they want for the women and children?” Daniel asked. “He said they are property. How much for the property? I’ll buy them. Name the price.”

  “You’re gonna do what?” Both Sam and Jack looked at him as though he had grown a second head. The Ra’batinu were also confused.

  “Well, Jack, I have stuff from all over the galaxy, including gems and minerals; I think I can afford it,” he said.

  Jack stared at him. “Isn’t our house crowded enough?” he asked with extra patience.

  “So, can they or can they not be bought?” Daniel asked the Ra’batinu.

  They considered him. “Yes,” Kezian reluctantly nodded. “We would need to forward your proposal to the appropriate families and get back to you.”

  As guards escorted the visitors back to the gate, those at the table turned to Daniel.

  “What?” He raised his hands. “I bought you time and kept the women and children from being forced back home.”

  “And what do you plan on doing with three wives and how many children?” Jack asked.

  “Freeing them,” Daniel said. “Come on, Jack, Inanna wasn’t going to get out of this one, were you? The way I saw it, either go to war with an entire planet or send the women back where they would probably be beaten to within an inch of their lives.”

  “Yeah, about this little shopping spree of yours,” Jack said, turning to Inanna. The queen raised a stubborn chin. With a sudden influx of homeless children, who spoke English, Spanish, and Caribbean languages, almost every adult on the planet was a foster parent.

  The children were once more playing outside, none the worse for being hustled off. Ninurta reprimanded the gate guards for allowing the men to storm off on their own. Somehow, allies found out that Jack was off-world and they began to stop in for a visit. More Jaffa and Tok’ra came in and soon a friendly round of sparring began. Jack saw that Matty had actually been learning to use a staff at the gym. Although still thin and short, the boy was quick on his feet and seemed to be enjoying his interaction with Jaffa. Daniel was watching Sam, a grin on his face as she took on Teal’c. Jack went up to Daniel and slid his arms around Daniel’s middle from behind.

  “I seem to recall getting the crap beat out of me once when she was possessed by something,” Daniel commented.

  “Yeah, been there,” Jack agreed. He pressed his mouth to Daniel’s neck. The younger man smiled and tilted his head. “Did I tell you I love you today?”

  “Yes, you did,” Daniel nodded. “But you can say it again.”

  Jack repeated it between pecks along Daniel’s shoulders. “I cannot believe you are going to buy three women and their children,” Jack said, putting his forehead on Daniel’s shoulder for a moment.

  “It’s just a technicality,” Daniel said. “Once their kin are satisfied and gone, I’ll free them.”

  “Uh huh. And did you discuss this with the women?” Jack asked. “What if they don’t want you to free them?”

  Daniel looked over his shoulder. “I should probably talk with them,” he concluded.

  “Ya think?”

  David came up and threw himself against Daniel, a pathetically exhausted look on his face.

  “Someone’s tired,” Daniel said. Jack agreed and released Daniel to pick up David. Jack grunted and the boy gave a tired giggle as he attached his arms around Jack’s neck. He carried Davy to the house and to their suite. Davy was undressed and quickly rinsed off the day’s dust before being put to bed.

  “I’ll be outside,” Jack told him, brushing the light brown hair back and kissing the brow.

  “’kay,” Davy nodded sleepily.

  Jack went to the sitting room in the main hall and found his mother watching over Olivia who was happily playing with her own toes. Abigail was with her as were a few other older women and several pregnant ladies. Whatever they were discussing, it came to a halt at Jack’s entrance.

  “Just checking in,” he said, raising a hand in surrender. “Mom, Abigail, everything alright?” They assured him they were fine and enjoying themselves.

  The sun was setting, and the air was still warm. It wasn't as hot as the old Abydos; Enki must have done something to the ozone, Jack mused. Music began to echo across the field, and he noticed that most of the city’s inhabitants had disappeared. He guessed if he followed the music, he’d find everyone. He leaned in a doorway and watched the setting sun, finding the reds, blues, and purples to be mesmerizing. He kept expecting a sudden sand storm.

  “Ah, Skaara, what would you think about all this?” he murmured to himself. Sha're's little brother had made a special place for himself in Jack's heart. The boy -young man- had been killed by Anubis' Jaffa a short time before his own wedding.

  “Who you talking to?” arms went around his waist.

  “Wondering what Skaara would have thought about all this,” he said. Daniel put his chin on Jack’s shoulder.

  “I think he would have liked it,” Daniel said. “There wasn’t too much he didn’t like. Want to take a walk?”

  Jack took a deep breath of the fresh air. “Sure.”

  They laced their fingers together and walked back to the main crowd. Hammond and Sam were talking with Ferretti and Mason, while the kids were jumping around to Jonathan’s music. There were more SGC uniforms than Jack remembered and he looked closer, unable to make out the sigil in the darkening light.

  “Who’s here?” he asked.

  Daniel was blank for a moment. “Oh. Daedalus came in,” he said. “They were headed back to Earth and heard that we were here. Landry gave them permission for a stop-over, if you didn’t mind the company. Sam okay’d it.”

  “Alright,” Jack nodded. “Did the queen give her permission, too?”

  “Yes, she did.”

  Tau’ri battle veterans mingled and greeted Anunnaki, Jaffa, and Tok’ra that they hadn’t seen in a while. Behind them, more people came from the direction of the gate room. Mulakma. They came bearing gifts of food and drink, and joined the party after greeting Inanna. Ninurta was with Jonathan, pounding on a drum, while Shara watched from Inanna’s side with Zu, who sat on the back of Inanna’s chair. Jack introduced Lord Atis to Sam, Hammond, Ferretti, and Mason. The others took it all in stride, but Jack was pleased to see Mason swallow hard and do a quick-step to keep up with the others. Snakes hidden in a human body were very different from a walking, talking griffin with a deadly beak and four inch claws.

  “Honey, we’re going for a walk, want to come with?” Jack asked Sam. She smiled and shook her head.

  “No, you guys have fun,” she said. “I’m enjoying this.” She waved a hand in the general direction of the field. Jack nodded and bent to kiss her. Daniel kissed her and took Jack’s hand again. They greeted people they knew and waved down the stiffened spines of Daedalus personnel. A man Jack didn’t know, in leather and dreadlocks, looked him over boldly.

  “Jack!” He turned at Jonathan’s shout. “Order Col. Caldwell to sing,” he requested. Daedalus crew yelled and clapped, laughing for their CO. Caldwell looked at Jack, pleading silently.

  “He needs to do this.” Jack looked toward a tree to see Major Sheppard leaning against it. Colonel, now, Jack remembered.

  “Colonel. Why?” Jack asked.

  “There should
be a report on your desk,” Sheppard said. “A Goa’uld recently took him over. We obviously got rid of it, but he’s been a little… off his oats since. Guilt trips.”

  “Ah. Colonel Caldwell, sing!” Jack called out, much to the delight of the troops. “How come you’re over here instead of dancing?” Jack asked Sheppard as Caldwell reluctantly took a guitar. It pleased Jack to see the support of the crew for their commander.

  “Waiting for you, actually,” John said. “Col. Carter said you were putting one of your kids to bed, so I didn’t want to bother you.” He reached into his pocket and handed Jack something small.

  “What is it?” Jack asked, looking it over. It was a pendent, rectangular, hanging from a gold chain. Characters he vaguely recognized as Ancient covered the front. Daniel took it from him and looked closely at it. He squinted at the small letters and read out loud:

  “Strong hand of humankind

  I am heaven and earth,

  And by breath of heaven

  And by breath of earth,

  You of the heavens, pay heed!

  You of the netherworld, listen!

  I offer water to the gods of sky,

  As I purify you yourselves,

  May you purify me myself.”

  “Aaah!” Daniel rubbed his arm. “Goosebumps. It’s almost an incantation,” he said. “Certain elements are missing, though. This looks like bits and pieces of things I’ve read in some Babylonian stuff.”

  “What’s it mean?” Jack asked, taking it back.

  “Don’t know,” Daniel shrugged.

  “Stroke the long sides. At the same time,” Sheppard told Jack. He held it out and carefully stroked it between two fingers. The letters lit up.

  “So far, you and I are the only ones able to get it to do that,” Sheppard said. Daniel tried it. It stayed dark. “We found a handful of these things when we were getting into an unexplored section of Atlantis. Looked like a storage room. I started pressing a few of those words and various equipment turned on. ‘Breath’ turned life support on and off, ‘netherworld’ prepared the city for submersion. I stopped it. I was almost afraid to try any more. ‘Sky’ turned the flight engines on and off, ‘listen’ turns the intercoms on, ‘strong hand’ activates the city’s defense weapons, and I think ‘purify’ does something, but I haven’t been able to find out what.”


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