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The Anunnaki Unification, Book 3: A Stargate SG-1 Fan Fiction Story

Page 55

by Michele Briere

  “Two down, one to go,” Jack said. Sam and Daniel looked at him, not bothering to tell him that he was beyond protocols. The screen swung around to China, already midway through the day. Once more, Grant zoomed around until he found the location of the mental signature.

  “I believe he’s alone, sir,” Grant said. “He’s commenting on his lunch. He usually eats lunch alone. It’s his meditation time.”

  “Bring him up.”

  Emperor Ti fell flat on his butt, having been taken from a chair. Daniel shot Jack a look and quickly stepped forward to offer a hand to the emperor. The man began spouting angrily, slapping Daniel’s hand away as he got to his feet.

  “I’m O’Neill. We need to talk. And you cannot tell me a worldly man like yourself doesn’t speak English.”

  “I will have your hide!” the man hissed.

  “Whatever. We made an offer of an entire planet. I want to know if it’s being accepted.”

  The man’s eyes narrowed.

  “It’s a pretty planet, no pollution; we can even show you pictures.” Jack twirled a finger and stock footage of Yu’s palace was put on the screen. The emperor’s eyes were so narrow, they were dark line slits. “Now enough farting around. All this can be yours for the asking price of……. one million American dollars. That’s the cost of using the ships to transport your people. And it’s extremely cheap. Very under budget. We are willing to transport up to one million people. Willing people. That’s a dollar a person. You get this beautiful palace and an entire city, empty of people but still supporting livable homes. We will even throw in the energy battery to run the place. Only one –if you want more, you’ll need to figure it out on your own. We will give you all the literature we have about the planet, tell you all about weather patterns, edible plants and animals, and which predators to watch out for. You may rule there as you see fit with no interference from us.”

  “He’s weakening,” he heard Grant say.

  “This palace belonged to Lord Yu himself,” Jack continued. The screen showed Yu in action. “Owner of over one hundred thousand slaves. Although he was on the enemy’s side, he was honorable. His slaves served him because they wanted to, not because they were forced. You can see by how well the planet was kept that Lord Yu respected nature. He was very long lived, proud, noble to the cause. Whatever cause he had. We haven’t taken over the planet because, well, we don’t have a leader worthy of it. We’re offering it to you.”

  “He’s going to prance around about it to save face, but he’ll accept it.”

  “How about we let you sleep on it?” Jack offered. “Dr. Jackson here has the contract and treaty; I’ll get it to you for you to look over. Sleep on it. I will keep the offer open for two weeks. Fourteen days.”

  Emperor Ti was sent home with a lot to think about.

  “Fucking politics,” Jack muttered. “No more bullshit. Daniel, would you please make up a treaty for that asshole?” He excused himself and beamed down to Maynard’s office.

  By the time most of the day was over, houses had been overturned for bugs, offices swept through for traitors, and several threats from angry Colombians had been dealt with. Even the fish in his head had been silenced from sheer amazement. It made an attempt at informing Jack about procedure, but didn’t make it too far after Jack snarled at it. The shocked public was told that a conspiracy had been uncovered and they didn’t need to know anything else. Henry went on air to condemn the traitors and praise Jack and his team for uncovering them. Since it was alien related, HomeSec rules came into play. All the people rounded up were to be taken off world for trials and judgment. Lawyers all over the country protested. The HomeSec rules were being pushed into questionable territory but no one needed to know. There was no way these particular people would spend any jail time, if they were left to American courts, so the alien aspect was pushed forward into the spotlight. Jack knew he was playing with fire, but dammit he was done with all the crap.

  Three days later, with the kids on Kalam until things were calmer, Jack sent Keith through the house once more. Everything was cleared and Jack allowed Sam and Daniel to come home. The SGC and Area 51 were two of the few places that were clean of bugs, so they slept on base. With Jack’s permission, Daniel went on air to explain the treaty that was being used to condemn the prisoners. The lengthy debate also included the United Worlds treaty and the new treaty that, much to the shock of the world, Emperor Ti announced he would accept. Few legal experts could find fault with any of the treaties, other than nit-picking.

  Instead of beaming in, Ninurta ‘knocked’ by calling on the comm, requesting permission to beam into the house.

  “Come on in,” Jack said wearily, holding a cold glass to his forehead. Ninurta, Inanna, and Enki beamed in. They stood looking at him, not quite sure what to make of him.

  “When you decide to clean house, you really clean house,” Inanna commented.

  “How do you feel?” Enki asked curiously.

  “I’m fine,” Jack said. He took a peeled orange from Daniel’s hand.

  “Are you up to hearing about Goa’uld?” Ninurta asked delicately.

  “Only if it’s good news,” Jack said. Sam sat next to him, a reassuring comfort.

  “Well, we had to quarantine Taklede,” Ninurta told him. “Karoly’s been de-snaked. He’s completely beside himself about getting taken. There were a couple other representatives that were also freed, their planets are alright. We rigged the ha’taks with the new pukku-shielding sequence that Sam sent to us and it worked. Jaffa and Tok’ra are working on the Aschen before heading over to Vishnu. From what we can tell, the Aschen are grateful for the freedom, but they still want to take over the galaxy.”

  “Good. Easier to deal with the Aschen than it is a Goa’uld infested Aschen,” Jack said.

  “Will you be staying for Cassie’s wedding?” Daniel asked tiredly. “She postponed it because of the emergency, it’ll be happening tomorrow before anything else interferes.”

  “We will stay, thank you,” Inanna assured him.

  The Furlings left and Jack found himself in Sam’s arms. She smiled, sniffled, and wiped her face.

  “I’m very proud of you,” she informed him huskily.

  Daniel engulfed them both in his long arms. “Me three,” he said.

  In the morning, kids were bathed and dressed into their wedding clothes and hustled out of the house. Harper and Grandma Frasier were keeping Cassie as calm as they could. Jonathan came in and made comments until she laughed. Since Cassie wasn’t known to have alien friends, Teal’c and the Furlings were almost unrecognized in their Tau’ri clothes.

  “Dad, someone at the door for you,” Katie told Jack as he watched the crowd with paternal eyes. “Uncle Danny and Aunt Sam, too.”

  Jack lifted an eyebrow and motioned for the other two. Whoever it was must have good ID to have gotten past the SF.

  “Can I help you?” Jack asked the woman at the door.

  “General O’Neill, I’m sorry to bother you at this time,” the woman said. “My name is Imelda Sigurdssen. I represent the Nobel Committee. I have invitations for you and your family for the upcoming awards in December. Congratulations, sir.” She handed him three envelopes and left. Confused, Jack handed two out and opened his.

  “This can’t be right,” he said, reading it. “It’s got to be a joke. Where’s the camera?”

  Daniel was turning pale as he read his letter.

  “Oh, my God…,” he breathed. Sam needed to sit down. Jack looked over at her letter.

  “Well, yours looks right to me,” he said. “Danny’s, too.”

  “What’s going on?” Hammond came to the door, seeing the three of them in shock. Jack held up his letter and Hammond took it, giving it a quick read before looking at Daniel’s and Sam’s letters. He chuckled. “Jack, I can think of no one better for these awards. Congratulations. I know you’ll bust something, but wait until tomorrow before telling everyone, will you? Let this be Cassandra’s day.” />
  “George, I….. I’m a soldier,” Jack pointed out. “I shouldn’t be getting this award. It has to be wrong.”

  Hammond looked closely at him with that wise old owl look he sometimes gets.

  “Jack, the job of a soldier is to bring peace. Between you and Daniel, who else has done so much for peace in this past year? Sam certainly deserves the prize for Physics. And the two of you, in my opinion all three of you, in words and actions, deserve to share the Nobel Peace Prize.”

  The End

  Notes: In trying to find the right words for Paul’s handfasting, I ran into this wonderful site: There was even text for same-gender vows. I did a little editing and it seemed to call Paul’s name. I hope you like it. The song Jonathan and Ninurta are singing is from Rent. It is called I’ll Cover You.

  Thank you for reading my story. It took years to put together. Thank you to Roni for her wonderful proofreading and editing, and correcting a few mistakes that I hadn’t realized were mistakes.


  Ze ki angu = I love you

  Aba =father

  Adda= Daddy

  Agashu =youngest son

  Ahatu =sister

  Ahatatum = little sister

  Ahu =brother

  Sehru =little brother

  Ammartu =eaglet

  Anna =yes

  Innna =no

  Babu =small child or baby

  Ba’eru =hunter (not really a son of Enki, I made that up. He has only Ninurta, according to the myths.)

  Binu =son

  Bishru =small child

  Dadu =darling

  Daltu =door of heaven / underworld

  Didila =child

  Ezib sha =never mind

  Gade =I’m off

  Gerru =lion cub, puppy (they used to believe felines and dogs were the same species. I don’t know how they figured it.)

  Hasduk =beloved

  Mersiya = sweetie pie

  Salimu =peace

  Inanna =Queen of Heaven and Earth, Goddess of Passion

  Enki =Lord of the Earth, God of Water (It’s a long, complicated story. If a lot of people are interested, I’ll post a summary on my site.)

  Ninurta =Lord of Storms, God of fertility –plants and livestock. The sweeping, all-consuming storms, not the gentle rains. He was a warrior, not a gardener.

  Shara =warrior at Ninurta’s side, his name means ‘foundation’

  Gibil =god of fire. The consuming, destructive fires.

  Erra =demon of disease, consort of Ereshkigal. Demon in the Greek sense, daemon, meaning spirit. He’s a warrior. His name is also spelled Irra, depending on the translator.

  Ereshkigal =Queen of the Underworld

  Zu =a very naughty, colorful bird. See The Myth of Zu in the myths section of my website. VERY naughty bird.




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