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Page 25

by Lynn, Sandi

  I picked up my glass and took a drink. Setting it back on the table, I turned so I was facing her and cupped her chin in my hand.

  “That is none of your business, Ashlyn. We’ve been over this a thousand times. What I do and with whom I do it with is none of your concern.”

  She looked down and then back up at me. “Connor, there’s something I need to talk to you about, but first I want to dance. I’ll be back and then we’re going to talk.”

  I sighed as she got up and made her way to the dance floor. Signaling for Rebecca, I ordered a few more drinks. I sat there watching beautiful women stare and smile at me as they walked by. A couple of them grabbed my attention, but it was quickly diverted when Ashlyn came up behind me and wrapped her arms around my neck.

  “Are you ready for that talk now?” she asked.

  I took her arms and quickly removed them from me. I was feeling the effects of the alcohol, and I was in no mood for whatever it was she wanted to talk about. I raised my hand, and once again, I caught Rebecca’s attention to bring over a few more drinks.

  “Connor, we need to talk,” Ashlyn said.

  I looked over at her and sighed. “Ashlyn, what is it you want to talk about?”

  She started running her finger up and down my arm. “We’ve been seeing each other casually for about a year now, and I think maybe it’s time to take it to the next level.”

  I took another drink and looked directly into her eyes. “What the hell are you talking about? What do you mean by ‘the next level’? There is no next level Ashlyn. How many times do I need to tell you that?”

  I saw the anger growing in her eyes with each word I spoke. She clenched her jaw and pointed her finger at me, shaking it while starting to yell.

  “We’ve been together for a year, but you still see other women! This has to stop, Connor! I know you have some feelings for me in that dead head of yours. I can feel it!”

  I took the last sip of my drink and slammed the glass down on the table. I took my finger and pointed it at her; it was my turn now. My voice was angered as I found myself yelling over the loud music that was playing throughout the club.

  “I have no feelings for you, Ashlyn! I never have, and I never will! You need to stop this right now or that’s it; I’m done with you for good. You’re nothing but sex to me, and that’s all you’ll ever be!”

  Anger overtook her face as she raised her hand and slapped me. The sting of her hand felt permanently etched into the side of my face.

  “That’s for disrespecting me, you bastard!” she yelled before turning on her heels and storming off.

  I sat there and stared straight ahead. I didn’t care that she left or that I hurt her feelings. She entered into this arrangement fully aware of where she stood with me, and for her to think otherwise was stupid on her part.

  Rebecca walked over and set another scotch down on the table. I was feeling good as I noticed some girl staring at me from across the bar. Her beauty was breathtaking. I was about to get up and go talk to her until she stood up suddenly and went to the dance floor. I threw back my drink and stumbled to the bar for another one.

  Chapter 3

  The next morning, I was awoken by the sound of someone making a lot of noise in the kitchen. Everything was blurry, and my head felt like it had been beaten with a hammer. I looked around the room, trying to remember how the hell I got home last night. The last thing I remembered was Ashlyn slapping me across the face. I glanced over to the other side of the bed and noticed the comforter was messed up. Clearly, I was with someone last night. I climbed out of bed and walked over to the dresser. After finding a pair of black pajama bottoms, I pulled them on before heading downstairs to see who the fuck was making all that noise so early in the morning.

  I reached the entrance to the kitchen and stood there with my arms crossed as I watched this girl making something in my kitchen. I stood there for a moment, staring at her from behind, noticing her long and wavy blonde hair. I couldn’t believe she had the nerve to stay the night. She’d broke my number one rule. No one had ever broken that rule, or any rule to be exact. I cleared my throat to let her know I was there and watching. I didn’t want to completely scare the hell out of her.

  She slowly turned around and looked at me. I gulped as my heart started to beat a little faster. It was her eyes. She had the prettiest ice blue eyes I’d ever seen. They had a clarity to them that reminded me of a beautiful aquamarine gemstone. They sparkled amongst the light that filtered through the kitchen windows. As much as they sparkled, they were also filled with fear as she looked straight at me.

  “Did I not go over the rules with you last night?” I said as I cocked my head to the side.

  “Huh?” She frowned.

  “I don’t do sleepovers. You were supposed to leave after I fucked you. So would you mind telling me why you’re still here, in my kitchen, making yourself comfortable?” I asked as I walked over to the island.

  My tone was harsh, but who did this girl think she was? She set the glass down and slid it over to me. I reached for it before it slid off the counter and broke all over my floor. She stood there, staring at me without answering my question.

  “I asked you a question, and I expect an answer.”

  Her beautiful ice blue eyes suddenly darkened as she raised her voice to me.

  “Listen, buddy, I don’t know what you think happened here last night but you didn’t fuck me!”

  I intently glared at her as she continued on with her rant.

  “You drank yourself into oblivion at the club last night, and they kicked you out. I was walking outside when it happened, and being the good person I am, I called a cab to make sure you got home safely. You then proceeded to vomit all over yourself, so I had to get you to the bathroom and out of your clothes, because frankly, you smelled. I was on my way out the door when I decided to check on you one more time. I went back to your room, and you were lying on your back, so I rolled you on your side again in case you vomited; I wouldn’t have wanted you to choke to death. I fell asleep from exhaustion after dealing with you, and when I woke up, I decided to make you a pot of coffee and a hangover cocktail. I was leaving in a few minutes, and I didn’t expect you to be up for at least a few more hours.”

  I shifted my weight, folded my arms, and took a few steps closer to her. “So you’re telling me nothing happened between us?” I asked.

  “No, nothing happened. I just wanted to make sure you were going to be okay. You were obnoxiously drunk,” she said as she looked down.

  Her voice had become soft and pained. Who was this girl, and why the hell would she help me like that? I was intrigued by her; not only by her beauty, but by her kindness. I could tell she had a gentleness to her; an innocence I’d never seen in a woman before.

  I picked up the glass and looked at it. “What is this?” I asked.

  “Just drink it, and you should start to feel better in about fifteen minutes,” she said with a smile.

  It was only a small smile, but it caught my attention in more places than one. She said she was going to pour me some coffee before she left. It was beyond me why this girl would even bother after the way I just spoke to her. She reached into the cabinet to grab the cup as it fell out of her hands and onto the floor. She cursed as she bent down to pick up the broken pieces. I walked over to her because I didn’t want her cutting herself.

  “Stop. You’re going to cut yourself,” I said.

  She didn’t listen, and she wouldn’t stop picking up the broken pieces.

  “Stop!” I commanded in a harsh voice.

  She still didn’t listen, so I had no choice but to grab her wrists and force her to stop. I turned over her hands to take the broken pieces from them. I took in a sharp breath when I saw the scars along her wrists. Our eyes met, and she quickly pulled away. She stood up, and I continued picking up the pieces as she grabbed her purse.

  “I’m sorry for the mug. I’ll replace it for you, and I hope you feel better,”
she said as she headed for the door.

  I threw the broken pieces in the garbage and followed after her. I couldn’t let her leave. I didn’t want her to leave. I still had more questions.

  “Wait,” I said. “At least let me pay you for your trouble last night.”

  She turned and looked at me with her beautiful blue eyes.

  “I’m not taking your money.”

  Shit, I had to think fast. I wasn’t about to let her leave.

  “Then at least have a cup of coffee before you go,” I said.

  I was relieved when she agreed and sat down at the island. I poured her a cup of coffee and placed it in front of her. I picked up the glass of what she called ‘a hangover cocktail’ and forced it down. It was disgusting, and I could tell she was trying not to laugh at me as I was drinking it. I leaned over the counter and looked at this beautiful woman sitting across from me.

  “Why on earth would you help me like that? What if I was a rapist or a murderer?” I seriously asked.

  She threw her head back and laughed. “You couldn’t rape or murder me even if you wanted to. You were so far gone last night. I could barely get you home.”

  I ran my hand through my hair because she wasn’t taking what I said seriously, and she could have been in danger if it was anyone else besides me.

  “You shouldn’t be doing those kinds of things. It’s not safe in this city for a girl to be doing shit like that,” I spoke with agitation.

  She put her elbow up on the counter and leaned her head on her hand as she stared intently at me with a smirk on her face. I got the impression she thought I was joking, so I narrowed my eyes at her.

  “Are you even listening to me?” I asked.

  Instead of answering my question, she lightly laughed and got up from the stool.

  “Thanks for the coffee, but I need to get home. Have a lovely day, Mr. Black, and next time, don’t drink so much.” She smiled.

  Damn that smile. I followed her to the elevator and asked her if she had a name.

  “It’s Ellery Lane!”

  I stood there and watched the elevator doors shut as the beautiful woman known as Ellery Lane disappeared from my sight. I swallowed hard as I ran my hands through my hair. I raced up the steps to my bedroom, threw on a pair of jeans and took out a shirt from the drawer. I grabbed my shoes and raced down to where my Range Rover was parked. I climbed inside, put on my shoes, and pulled out of the garage. That was when I saw her get into a cab around the corner. I discreetly followed the cab to her apartment. I parked the Range Rover across the street and watched her as she got out and waved bye to the driver. I quickly typed her address into my phone. I sat there and watched as she walked into her apartment and shut the door. I felt like a stalker. What the hell was I doing? I asked myself as I pulled away from the curb.

  I didn’t want to think about Ellery Lane anymore. She was a nice girl who made sure I got home safe. I was still baffled as to why she thought it was a good idea to help a total stranger like that. Was she oblivious to the dangers in the world?

  I had some paperwork to catch up on at the office, so I headed there instead of going back to the penthouse. Being Saturday, the building would be quiet, and I’d be able to work without any distractions. I entered Black Enterprises and pushed the button for the elevator. Hearing my phone go off, I pulled it from my pocket and saw a text message from Ashlyn.

  “Connor, I’m sorry about last night, and I think it’s important we talk.”

  I sighed as I put my phone back in my pocket and took the elevator up to my office. I couldn’t think about Ashlyn right now. I didn’t want to deal with her, but I knew at some point it was going to happen. I walked to my desk and turned the computer on. Placing my hands in my pocket, I turned and stared at New York City from my large office window. My mind was racing for I had a lot of paperwork to do and phone calls to make regarding the sale of a company I was interested in buying. However, that wasn’t what my mind was racing about. The thoughts running through my head were of Ellery Lane, her beautiful eyes, and her sinfully sexy smile.

  As I sat down at my desk and started going through some paperwork, my phone went off again with another text message from Ashlyn.

  “Don’t you dare ignore me, Connor. I want to apologize, and maybe we can settle this disagreement another way.”

  If I didn’t answer her back, she’d be messaging me all day. I sighed as I dialed her number.

  “Hello, Connor. Thank you for calling.”

  “Ashlyn, I’m very busy, and I really don’t have the time to talk or text you. Say what you have to say so we can move on.”

  “I wanted to apologize for last night, and I understand that you’re not ready to commit to one woman yet. I’ve made peace with our little arrangement for now, but I do have one stipulation.”

  I sighed and leaned back in the chair. “What’s your stipulation, Ashlyn?”

  “I want you to double what you send me monthly, and I’ll forget about our little conversation last night.”

  “There’s no way I’m doubling what I pay you. If it wasn’t for me, you’d still be on the streets. Keep in mind, I’m only helping you because of Amanda.”

  I heard the sharp intake of her breath.

  “I’m sorry, Connor, but I’m not happy, and I’ve been feeling really depressed. My self-esteem is at its lowest right now, and you made it worse last night with the cruel things you said. I don’t know if there’s any reason for me to go on anymore. What’s left here for me, Connor?”

  I got up from my chair and paced around the office. “Ashlyn, don’t speak like that. You have a lot going for you. I gave you a job at my company. I pay you a monthly salary in addition to what Black Enterprises pays you, and you get to see me three times a week. You know how I am, Ashlyn, and you know my rules.”

  “I know, Connor, but I just feel like I don’t belong in this world anymore.”

  I couldn’t believe she was saying this. She was reminding me of Amanda, and I couldn’t be sure that she wouldn’t do the same thing. So, I hesitantly agreed to her demands.

  “Fine, Ashlyn, I’ll double your monthly salary, but I want you to promise me you’re going to do something with your life with that money. Take some classes or something.”

  “I knew you’d understand, Connor. Thank you for everything, and I’ll consider what you said.”

  “I have to go, Ashlyn. I’m busy, and I have a lot to do.”

  I hung up the phone and rubbed my face. What the hell did I get myself into? I asked myself as I stared blankly across the room. I picked up the paperwork in front of me and began looking through it. It wasn’t too long before I threw my pen across my desk and leaned back in my chair, thinking about Ellery. I couldn’t get that woman out of my head, and it was driving me crazy. I felt the need to really thank her for helping me last night. She wouldn’t take my money, which was odd because all women did. She didn’t seem to want to stay with me any longer than necessary, and she had an attitude problem. Then it hit me, I’d treat her to a nice dinner. Every woman liked to go to a fancy restaurant and have a nice meal. Carson Williams is a friend of mine and the owner of Le Sur. I called him and had him make a reservation for two for seven-thirty. I didn’t want to give her the option of turning me down if I called her on the phone and asked her, so I decided to send the invitation via messenger. I quickly typed a note on my computer.

  “Miss Lane, I’m going to properly thank you for your services last night. I will be waiting for you at Le Sur Restaurant. My driver will pick you up promptly at seven o’clock ~ Connor Black”

  I took the paper off the printer, neatly folded it, and placed it in an envelope. I wrote her name on the outside and headed out of the building. I called Justin and asked him to meet me at Starbucks on the corner. Justin was an intern at my company, and I occasionally had him run some personal errands for me when my secretary wasn’t available.

  “Good afternoon, Mr. Black,” he said as he sat at the table.

  “Hello, Justin. I need you to do a favor for me.” I slid the envelope across the table to him. “I want you to deliver this letter to Miss Ellery Lane. I have her address right here.”

  Justin took the envelope and smiled. “Of course, Mr. Black. I’ll do it right away.”

  I took out my wallet and handed him a fifty-dollar bill. “Thank you, Justin. This is very important, so I need you to go now.”

  He smiled as he got up from the table. “Thank you, Mr. Black. I’m on it.”

  I sat there wondering if this was such a good idea. What if she didn’t show up? I sighed as I headed to the penthouse.

  Chapter 4

  I arrived at the penthouse and walked into the kitchen for a bottle of water with Denny following behind me.

  “You wanted to see me, Connor?”

  “Denny, I need you to pick up Miss Ellery Lane at this address promptly at seven o’clock,” I said as I handed him the paper with her address on it.

  Denny looked at me as the corners of his mouth curved upward. “Miss Lane, huh?”

  “Don’t get any ideas, Denny. She helped me home last night from the club, and I’m just thanking her by taking her to dinner, that’s all.”

  “What happened to Miss Ashlyn driving you home?” he asked.

  “Let’s just say we didn’t agree on something and she left. Miss Lane was kind enough to get my drunken ass home safely. To be honest with you, I don’t remember a thing about last night. I found her in the kitchen this morning making me some nasty hangover drink and coffee.”

  He looked at me with a strange look splayed across his face. “So she’s another one of your girls from the club?”

  “No, Denny, she’s not. Nothing happened between us when she brought me home.”

  He smiled as he walked out of the kitchen. I opened the bottle of water and took a sip as I leaned up against the counter. Then I headed up the stairs and to the bathroom for a shower. I stood under the stream of hot water as it ran down my body and thought about Ellery and how I couldn’t get her smile out of my mind. My heart started to beat a little faster every time I thought about her. I stepped out of the shower and got dressed. Opening the medicine cabinet, I reached in for my cologne. Tonight, I opted to go with Armani instead of the Dolce & Gabbana that I usually wore. I looked at my watch, noticing that Denny would be picking Ellery up in fifteen minutes.


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