by Lynn, Sandi

  “Ellery, what’s wrong? Why do you look like you’re going to cry?” I asked as I wrapped my arms around her.

  “I’m just so happy, that’s all. You’ve made me so happy,” she whispered.

  “You’ve made me happy too, baby. I can’t even tell you how much,” I said as I squeezed her, not wanting to let go. I kissed her head and broke our embrace. If we didn’t get out of this hotel room, we weren’t going to make it to the funeral home on time. I grabbed our suitcases, and we headed out of the hotel.

  We were driving along the interstate, taking turns listening to each other’s music when my phone started ringing. I had it sitting on the console that sat in between me and Ellery. We both looked over at it at the same time as Ashlyn’s name appeared on the screen. I took in a sharp breath because I knew Ellery was going to ask about her, and I was in no way ready to discuss my relationship with Ashlyn. I hit ignore and braced myself for the question I knew Ellery was going to ask.

  “Who is she, Connor?” She asked as she reached over and turned off the radio.

  “I knew you were going to ask me.” I heavily sighed.

  “Okay. Then you must tell me about her if we’re going to move forward.”

  Her tone was calm but commanding. I took her hand and held it up to my lips.

  “I don’t want to talk about her right now, Ellery. This isn’t the right time or place to do that.”

  There was no way I was ruining this trip by talking about Ashlyn. I had planned on explaining everything to her when we got back to New York.

  “Fine, I’ll wait, and we’ll discuss her later. But whatever you tell me will be okay because things with us are different now, and we’re putting all our baggage in the past, right?”

  I looked over at her and smiled. “You bet we are.”

  “I have a question for you,” she said as she took the wrapper off her Twix bar. “Denny told me that you’ve been different since you met me.”

  I rolled my eyes. Why was Denny telling her things like that? I was going to have to talk with him.

  “Denny shouldn’t be saying things like that, but it’s true. I was intrigued by you the minute I saw you in my kitchen. When I woke up and heard someone making a lot of noise, I walked downstairs to yell at whoever it was for being so loud. Imagine my surprise when I saw this beautiful stranger, standing there making coffee.”

  “Yes, but you yelled at me about your rules.”

  I shrugged. “Well, I thought that I’d brought you home from the club. I’m sorry about that.”

  She smiled and playfully smacked me on the arm.

  “When you told me what you did for me and gave me quite the attitude, it was that moment I knew I couldn’t let you walk out of my life. Denny knew it as well because I kept talking about you without realizing it.”

  She laughed and reached over to kiss my cheek, but instead she shoved the Twix bar in my mouth. I smiled as I took a bite.

  We finally arrived in Michigan, and I noticed Ellery stiffen when she saw the sign. I reached over, grabbed her hand, and gave it a gentle squeeze to let her know that everything was going to be okay. I knew this place wasn’t a very happy memory for her. she’d experienced more pain here than happiness. Ellery reached in her purse to grab her ringing cell phone, and it was Peyton. Ellery put her on speaker as Peyton was telling us all about her and Henry’s evening together. Ellery wasn’t bothered by how graphic Peyton was being because she was used to it. Even though I hadn’t known Peyton very long, I liked her. She was a firecracker like Ellery, and I could see why the two of them were best friends. Peyton told me to live a little and to take Ellery to bed and show her all my sexiness. This was my opportunity to get back at Ellery for the incident at the seafood restaurant. I told Peyton that I already did and that Ellery made me do things to her that even shocked me. The look on Ellery’s face was priceless after that, and so was her smile.

  We pulled into the parking lot of the funeral home, and Ellery put her hand on my arm. I knew this was going to be hard for her, and I could only imagine what she was feeling at this moment. We both got out of the Range Rover, and Ellery took in a deep breath.

  “This is the same funeral home where we held the services for my mother and father,” she said as we stood in front of the double doors that led inside.

  I put my arm around her. “You don’t have to do this. You can call your cousin and tell her you got sick or something.”

  “No. That’s the coward’s way out. I can’t escape reality. Besides, I have you with me,” she said.

  As we walked inside, we were greeted by Ellery’s cousin, Debbie. It was unfortunate that we had to meet under these circumstances. I gave her a hug as well as my condolences. She led us to the room where her mother and father were laid out. I held Ellery tight as we walked up to the caskets. I had an image of her standing in this very room in front of the casket that held her mother. Tears almost stung my eyes just thinking about it. She was only six years old at the time and having to experience that would be awful. Even though she had nobody to protect her then, I was here to protect her now and heal her from all the pain that she experienced in life going forward from this moment.

  Ellery knelt down in front of the caskets and prayed. I clutched her shoulders with my hands to comfort her. Once we were done paying our respects, we walked around so Ellery could catch up with some relatives. She seemed to being fine until we began to hear the whispers of people talking about her and her father. Ellery heard someone say that she wouldn’t have attempted suicide if they would have taken her away from her father. She was enraged as she stormed up to them, shoved her scarred wrists in their faces, swore at them, and then told it wouldn’t have mattered. That was my girl. It upset me to hear that bullshit they were talking about, but Ellery was someone who could take care of herself, and she certainly did. She made no qualms about being heard. I grabbed her hand, telling her that it wasn’t worth it, and then led her outside to cool off.

  “I must say, you can put on quite a show.” I smiled as I hugged her to lighten her mood.

  “I’m sorry. I just couldn’t take anymore. I knew this was going to happen if I came back here,” she said as she buried her face in my chest.

  “It's okay. You’ve said your goodbyes to your aunt and uncle, you told off a few people, and now we can go. Unless you want to stay.”

  Ellery shook her head and said she wanted to leave.

  We hopped into the Range Rover, and I had my GPS search for a luxury hotel nearby. Ellery laughed and told me to reserve a room at the Athenuem Suite Hotel. I smiled because that was the first hotel that came up on my GPS. So I called and was able to reserve the Presidential Suite. I asked her where she wanted to go. I knew she wanted to visit her mom and dad’s grave, but I wasn’t sure if she needed to go somewhere else first. Our fingers were interlaced as she brought my hand up to her mouth and lightly kissed it. She was an amazing woman, and she made me feel so good.

  We stopped at the flower shop, and I bought the flowers for her parents’ graves. She became angry at me when I wouldn’t let her pay. That was the one thing I loved most about her. She didn’t love me for my money. It didn’t matter to her. She would rather buy something herself. I didn’t care though. I planned on spending every last dime I had on her. She was more than worth it, and I want to give her the world.

  Ellery led me to where her parents were buried, and I stepped away to give her some privacy with them. I overheard her talk about me to them and how she believed that I would do anything for her. I smiled because she was right; I would do anything and everything for her, and I believed she would do the same for me as well. I knew she loved me. Even though neither of us has spoken those three words yet, I could feel her love every time she looked at me, held me, kissed me, and made love to me. She had completely taken over my heart and soul like I knew she would when I first laid eyes on her. I walked over to her, helped her up from the grass, and took her in my arms.

�re far too young to have experienced so much death, Ellery. It hurts me to know what you’ve been through,” I whispered as I kissed her head. “I can’t even imagine losing my parents, especially at such a young age. You amaze me with your strength, because I don’t know if I could have made it through if I was in your place.”

  She let go of me and bent down to pull some weeds that were surrounding the grave area.

  “That’s something you decide whether or not you’re going to do. You can move on and try to live your life as normal as possible, or you can make the decision to let go of life and let sorrow consume you. I’m a big believer of fate, and I believe God took my dad so his pain and suffering could end, and he could be with my mother again.”

  This woman amazed me. Her strength and hope was incredible. I was in complete awe of her, and I planned on spending the rest of my life showing her.

  “You’re amazing. I don’t know what I did to deserve to have you in my life,” I said to her as I stroked her long blonde hair.

  She stood up, wrapped her arms around my neck, and kissed me. I picked her up and carried her to the Range Rover.

  “What are you doing?” She laughed.

  “I’m taking you for ice cream.” I grinned as she buried her head into my neck.

  We stopped at a local ice cream parlor and got two cones. We sat across from each other at a wrought iron table inside the shop. She was turning me on the way she was licking her ice cream, and she knew it because she was smiling as she was doing it. I’d found myself being in a constant state of arousal when I was with her. Even when I wasn’t with her, I still was because I constantly thought about her.

  “You better hurry up and eat that because we need to get to the hotel immediately,” I said.

  “Why the hurry, Mr. Black? Are you anticipating something?” She grinned.

  “You have no idea what I’m anticipating, Ellery, but I will say it involves some panty ripping,” I whispered so no one would hear.

  She quickly got up from the table, grabbed the ice cream cone from my hand, and threw both of them in the trash. She grabbed my hand and led me out of the ice cream parlor.

  “You better make good on your promise, Connor,” she whispered in my ear before getting into the SUV.

  Chapter 13

  We arrived at the hotel and took the elevator up to the Presidential Suite. The expression on Ellery’s face was exquisite as I opened the door, and she walked inside. I walked over to the fireplace and turned it on. Ellery walked over to me and wrapped her arms around my waist.

  “You feel so good.”

  I turned around to face her and held her tight.

  “Not as good as you feel, baby,” I whispered as I buried my nose in her neck, taking in her arousing scent.

  “Dance with me.” She smiled.

  “I would love to dance with you but let me put on some music first.”

  I walked over to the stereo that sat on the table by the window and turned it on. I walked back to where she was standing and wrapped my arms around her waist. We held each other and slowly moved to the soft melody that was coming from the radio. This moment was surreal, and I didn’t think that I could become happier than I already was. We didn’t need words; we knew how the other felt just by the way we gazed into each other’s eyes.

  “There’s no place I’d rather be than here with you,” she softly spoke.

  I leaned in closer and brushed her lips with mine. I lightly nipped at her bottom lip as she smiled. Our kiss turned passionate as we continued moving to the music. I slowly unbuttoned her blouse and pushed it back off her shoulders until it fell to the floor. I moved my hands along the curves of her beautiful body until I needed to feel more. I took my hand and ran it along the inside of her upper thigh as I pushed up her short black skirt. A moan escaped her as I touched the lace around her thong. She unbuttoned my pants and moved her hand down them, taking my entire length in her hand. God, she felt so warm. I undid her black lace bra and threw it on the floor, and then she took my shirt over my head. I held her tight, feeling her soft, naked breasts pushing against my bare chest. I gently laid her on the floor in front of the fireplace. I pulled her skirt from her waist while kissing her stomach and making my way down her body. I softly kissed and licked the inside of each thigh, stopping at her sensitive spot. I looked up at her with a smile as I grabbed the sides of her panties and forcefully tore them off her.

  “I promised you panty ripping,” I said.

  “You certainly keep your promises.” She seductively smiled.

  I brought my mouth back to her inner thigh, running my tongue in circles as she ran her fingers through my hair. She was already wet and wanting me. I softly kissed my way to her clit as she moaned and arched her back the minute my tongue touched her. She had me so aroused that I was about to come right then and there. I felt around her, taking in her wetness and desire for me. I inserted my fingers and leisurely moved them in and out of her as my mouth engulfed her swollen parts until she came. Her body tensed as her hands tightened their grip around my head. I moved on top of her, kissing her and letting her taste what I do. I couldn’t wait anymore; I needed to be inside her as bad as she wanted me to be. I took my throbbing cock and pushed inside her. She smiled and yelled out at the pleasure she felt. The warmth of the fire was heating every inch of our bodies as we made passionate love for over an hour.

  After our passionate love making, I wrapped us in a blanket as we stared into each other’s eyes. I ran my finger up her jaw line and behind her ear. I wanted to tell her that I loved her, but I was too nervous and scared. I’d never said those words to anyone except my family, but they didn’t count. So instead, I asked her if she was hungry as I kissed her bare shoulder.

  “Yes. I’m hungry for you.” She smirked.

  I took in a sharp breath as I began to get aroused again as I stroked her cheek with my fingers.

  “I’m always hungry for you, but we’ll eventually have to eat real food. I hate to break it to you, baby, but we can’t survive on sex alone.”

  She pouted, and I started to tickle her. She giggled and grabbed my hands to try and get me to stop. I loved watching her laugh like that. I finally stopped when she said ouch because her cut started to hurt. I softly kissed her stitches and got up to order room service. I went to the bedroom and put on a pair of black pajama bottoms while Ellery put on a robe. It wasn’t too long before our room service was delivered, and we were enjoying a nice dinner. I was a little concerned as I looked at her, and she seemed a little pale.

  “Are you feeling alright, Elle? You look a little pale.” I asked with concern.

  She told me she was fine. She said she was a little tired, and she winked at me as she said I was to blame for that. She did have a long and emotional day, so I could understand her being exhausted. I was just ready to suggest we go to bed for the night and relax when she looked at me seductively.

  “Would you care to join me for a hot bath, Mr. Black?”

  “I would love to. Just not too hot. I don’t want you passing out.” I smiled.

  The bathtub was large enough for four people. I started the water and took off my pajama bottoms, climbed in, and laid back against the tub, making room for Ellery. We’ve showered together, but this is our first bath together and the thought of her wet, naked body lying against mine was highly arousing. I watched her as she twisted up her hair and put it in clip so it didn’t get wet. I loved her hair up. It showed off her elongated sexy neck that I love to kiss so much. She removed her robe and let it drop to the floor as she walked to the tub. She was so damn sexy, and I wanted to spend every minute letting her know how sexy she is. She slid into the tub and laid her head against my chest. I put my arms around her and took in the softness of her damp skin. I couldn’t help myself as I started to gently kiss her neck; it was inviting and alluring.

  “I love it when you wear your hair up.”

  “Is that so?” She smiled as I continued to plant small, delicate kis
ses down her neck.

  “You have no idea how bad I wanted you that night of the charity event. I did everything I could to restrain myself and not take you in the bathroom to have my way with you.”

  “I wish you would have,” she said as she continuously moved her finger up and down my arm.

  “No, you don’t. I would have been too rough, and I might have scared you off.”

  “You can never scare me off,” she said as she turned her head to face me. She placed her hand on the side of my face.

  “Infinity is forever, and that’s what you are to me. You’re my forever, Mr. Black.”

  I swallowed hard because she was bringing tears to my eyes, for I was so moved by her words. I traced the outline of her lips before I kissed her.

  “There's no limit to what I wouldn't do for you. Just ask, and it will be done, no matter the sacrifice,” I said while looking into her blue eyes.

  Her eyes began to swell with tears as she traced my lips with her finger.

  “Those are the most beautiful words that anyone has ever said to me.”

  “They’re true; every last word,” I whispered as our lips met one last time, and we made love before heading off to bed.

  * * *

  Morning had come, and I opened my eyes as the sun peeked through the sheer curtains that hung perfectly on the windows. Ellery was snuggled against me as our legs were wrapped around each other and tangled in the sheets. She stirred and moved her hand down my chest as she looked up me and smiled. I kissed the tip of her nose.

  “Morning, baby,” I spoke.

  “Good morning, babe. I want to wake up like this every day. I love waking up in your arms.”

  Hearing her say that made me happy. I was afraid she thought things were moving too fast with us.

  “I can’t think of a more perfect way to start off the day than waking up with you in my arms.” I smiled as I kissed her lips.

  We both got up when we heard a knock on the door. I put on my pajama bottoms and opened it to find our complimentary breakfast had arrived. As we were enjoying breakfast and coffee, Ellery received a text message from her ex-boyfriend, Kyle. She seemed concerned because he was in Michigan, and he wanted to see her. I told her it was fine and to tell him where we were. I couldn’t shake the feeling that Ellery was really upset by his text message. She didn’t tell me, but I could see the anguish in her face. We headed to the bedroom, got dressed, and packed our bags to head back to Michigan. It wasn’t too long before Kyle knocked on the door.


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