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Winning Ben

Page 8

by JoMarie DeGioia

  He closed his eyes as she teased him with her nimble hands. Lifting his arms, he let her push his shirt up and over his head to fall somewhere behind him. She brought her face up to his neck and gave him a lick. He looked down as she smiled up at him.

  “Mmm. You’re a beautiful man.” She hooked her fingers in the waistband of his jeans, tugging him toward that very comfortable-looking couch. He let her take the lead, for the moment. His dick was hard as a rock and he caught her smile when she brushed her fingers over the front of him.

  “You seem to be having the same trouble you had this morning,” she said.

  He hissed out a breath, and then grabbed her hand and brought it to his mouth. Licking her knuckles, he watched a blush spread over her light olive skin. “It couldn’t be helped this morning, Tamara.”

  She let out a soft purr and began to unbutton his fly. “Tonight it can.”

  “Not yet.” He drew her closer and kissed her, molding her to him as tightly as he could. “Damn, you taste so good.”

  She pushed him down on the couch and he sat, his legs spread. Reaching behind her, she unzipped her skirt and let it fall to the floor. She stepped out of it and straddled his lap, running her fingers through his hair. “I won’t sleep with you, Ben.”

  He tried to concentrate on what she was saying, but need was seriously fogging his brain. He ran his hands over her back, and then down to her ass that fit perfectly in his hands. “Why not?”

  “It’s complicated.” She arched against him and he buried his face in her cleavage. “Way too complicated.”

  “What’s complicated?” He used his tongue to tease the edge of her bra. “Your reason?”

  She laughed, shivering as she rubbed herself against his groin. “The situation, Ben.”

  He could barely think, but he knew she was blowing smoke. He could feel her heat through his jeans, for God’s sake. She wanted this as much as he did.

  “The situation is I want you.” He nibbled on her skin and found her nipple through her bra. She moaned as it pebbled against his tongue. One touch to her pussy through the lace and he could tell she was wet. “And you want me.”

  “I do,” she breathed. “But I don’t do forever and you have forever written all over you.”

  He lifted his head, studying her graceful throat as she let her head fall back. He didn’t want forever. He didn’t even know what he wanted past the next six months. He couldn’t admit that, though. She’d think he was just trying to get into her hot little purple panties. So he said nothing. He just slid his fingers deep inside her.


  She wriggled against him and he started the rhythm he knew would drive her over the edge. This was better than in the golf cart. Tonight he had her tight up against him with nearly nothing between them. Her scent was strong and sweet as she began to keen softly.

  “Then what are we doing here, Tamara?”

  “Oh, I love how you say my name!”

  He bit down on her nipple. Hard. She came then, and he was very grateful the place was soundproof.

  After she recovered, she leaned forward and pinned him with her passion-glazed eyes. “What are we doing? That’s what you want to know?”

  He could only nod, every nerve strung tight. She’d just come in his lap, for God’s sake. It was a beautiful sight he wouldn’t soon forget.

  She shrugged. “Making each other a little bit happier. And remember, I’m driving.”

  With that, she slid down to kneel between his thighs. He watched as she deftly unbuttoned his fly and freed him. Her touch was magic and he sucked in a breath as he began to pound.

  “Christ, Tammy.”

  She winked up at him. “Big Ben was a pretty good guess,” she teased.

  Then she took him in her mouth. He wasn’t inexperienced. He’d had lots of women in this very same position. But Tammy had tricks he’d never experienced before.

  Dropping his head on the back of the couch, he reached out to run his fingers through her hair as she gave him the best damn blowjob he’d ever had. Her lips, her tongue and teeth, drove him crazy until he couldn’t hold back any longer.

  He came so hard he couldn’t breathe. And she didn’t stop licking and sucking until she’d taken every bit of him. Gulping air, he finally raised his head to look at her. She was grinning up at him, her face flushed and her lips plump and wet.

  “See, Ben?” She stacked her hands on his thigh, resting her cheek against them. “Happy.”

  “Happy? You nearly killed me, honey.”

  She shrugged, coming to her feet. He drank in the picture she made in her lacy underwear. Then he saw the serious expression on her face and thought back to what she’d said before she’d blown his mind.

  “I have forever written all over me?” he asked.

  Her lips turned down for a second, and then she shrugged again. “Yeah, you do. And it’s a damn shame.”

  He sat up, tucking himself back in his jeans. “Why can’t we just see where this goes?”

  “You’ve asked me that before,” she said. “It can’t go anywhere.”

  She almost seemed afraid, her eyes wide, so he took his cue from her.

  “Okay,” he said. “Then why don’t we see how happy we can make each other while I’m here?”

  “Just a good time, Ben?” She picked up her skirt and stepped away from him. “Maybe. For a while, at least.”

  If he wasn’t still reeling from when she’d turned him inside out, he might be offended that she expected him to hurt her. Instead, he forced himself to focus on what she’d just agreed to.

  “So we can see each other?” he asked, needing clarification.

  She clutched her skirt in her hands. “We’re not dating, Ben. I’m not giving your family any ideas. And I’m not sleeping with you. No way.”

  “Then, what?” Did he even want to know?

  She bit that full lower lip as she apparently thought her answer through. “Let’s just keep this nice and easy. We’re friends, right? That’s what you said on Sunday.”

  “Friends.” He stood, buttoning his fly. “Anything you say.”

  Was that disappointment in her eyes? He wasn’t sure and he didn’t want to press her. Instead, he grabbed his shirt up off the floor and put it on. He ran his fingers through his hair to keep himself from taking her in his arms and showing her just how happy he could make her right now.

  “Good night, Tammy.”

  She gave a shaky nod. “Good night, Ben.”

  With that, he left and drove back to his room at the Cypress Inn. He should be happy as a pig in shit that she’d given him an out. She wasn’t just an easy time. He knew that in his gut. He’d just think about the next time he could get her alone.

  He’d show her just how happy he could make her.


  Tammy stood there as if frozen. He’d left. Just like she’d wanted him to. “It’s better this way,” she told herself.

  Oh, but when she took off his shirt she’d nearly lost her mind. He was so beautiful. Broad shoulders, strong arms, sculpted chest and abs, and a dusting of dark hair. She’d been on her knees too, and that gave her the perfect view of his stellar body. When he’d dropped his head back, his strong throat working as his abs tensed beneath her hands, she’d been tempted to climb back up on his lap and ride him into the sunset.

  She’d kept her head, though. She’d given him pleasure and then gotten him the hell out of there. She couldn’t sleep with him. Nope. She just wasn’t ready for whatever he was bringing. He made her laugh. He made her melt. He gave her ideas she had no business thinking.

  Sinking back down on the couch, she let out a long breath. She could still taste him. His kisses and more. He was dangerous. She’d known that from the first time she’d seen him in that hallway. God, had it only been last Friday? Jeez, it seemed like she was easier to make than a sandwich.

  “Stop it,” she said, getting up and gathering her clothes and shoes. “He’s not for you.” No matter
how hot they both got each other.

  By the morning, she was determined to put the craziness aside. She dressed as she always did. Pressed and polished with just a touch of sex appeal. It was her trademark, and part of what made her the best salesperson at Cypress. She wouldn’t go to the coffee shop, either. No doubt Lettie would be there and she would pick up on just what happened, and didn’t happen, last night. The woman was psychic. She would make her suspicions known to Tammy, too. There was no question about that. And if Lettie so much as mentioned Ben’s name, Tammy suspected she’d blush head to toe. Wouldn’t that be just peachy?

  Claire was waiting for her when she got to her office, though. She was bright and sparkly and Tammy knew she was in for an interrogation.

  “Good morning, Tammy,” she practically sang.

  “Good morning, Claire.” Tammy turned on her laptop, feeling her friend’s interest from behind. Unable to find an excuse to keep her from facing Claire, she turned and crossed her arms over her chest. “What?”

  “Ben gave you a ride home.”

  That wasn’t all he gave her. “So?”

  “He’s a Chapman, Tammy. He’s nearly as hot as Jake and I know how tough that can be to resist.”

  “Who says I resisted?”

  Claire’s mouth dropped open. “You slept with him?”

  Tammy shushed her and shut the door. “No, I didn’t sleep with him. We just played around a little and I sent him home happy.”

  “Then what’s the deal?”

  “No deal. We’re not seeing each other. We’re not dating. And I’m definitely not going to sleep with him.”

  Claire shook her head, her brow furrowed. “Yeah, that’s just what I said about Jake.”

  “Your situation is so different from mine, Claire.”

  Claire shrugged. “If you say so. Ben’s working here now, you know.”

  “Today?” Tammy’s pulse kicked. “I thought he didn’t start until tomorrow.”

  “He doesn’t. Jeez, what was that reaction about?”

  Tammy ran her hands over her skirt. “Nothing, really. He’s hot, like you said. We have a strong attraction. I’m not denying that. But he’s not for me.”

  “Why not?”

  “He’s a Chapman, for God’s sake,” Tammy snapped. Claire winced and Tammy held up a hand. “Sorry. But you have to know what that means, Claire.”

  It was Claire’s turn to cross her arms. “Please enlighten me.”

  “He’s forever. I don’t do forever.”

  “Look, I admit I don’t know Ben very well. He seems like a good guy, but how do you know he’s forever?”

  “They all are.”

  Claire laughed softly. “Not at first, they’re not. Believe me.”

  “Are you saying I should want the fairytale? Not my thing.”

  “Okay, okay. You seem to have your mind made up. You’ll just keep him in the friend zone.”

  “I will. I mean, I’ll try to anyway.”

  Claire opened her door. “Good luck with that. Jake and I were there for about a week at the longest.”

  “We’re not you and Jake. Not by a long shot.”

  “If you say so.”

  Tammy let out a little growl. “Oh, you’re such a pain in my butt today.”

  Claire winked and sailed out of the office. Tammy walked to her door but by the time her hand hit the handle, Ollie popped his head in.

  “Hey, hot stuff,” he sang.

  She stiffened. “Don’t you start, either.”

  Ollie held up his hands. “What’s got you all riled up?”

  Tammy pressed her lips together and gave him a slow shake of her head.

  “Let me guess.” Ollie stepped in and propped a hip on the edge of her desk. “It starts with a Big and ends with a—”

  “Shut up, Ollie,” she bit out.

  Ollie lost his smile and came closer. “Hey, what’s wrong sweetie?”

  Tammy covered her face with her hands as her eyes pricked with tears. Taking in a deep breath, she squared her shoulders and looked Ollie right in his pretty perfect face. “Nothing’s wrong. I just had the same conversation with Claire and I don’t have time for this right now.”

  Ollie didn’t look like he believed her but she wasn’t in the mood for more revelations this morning. She knew she wanted Ben. Hell, everyone knew she wanted Ben. It was clear he wanted her, at least to her. He kept up his laid-back Cali guy persona with everybody else. She’d seen him tense, though. Pushed to the limit. And she’d seen him so sated he’d nearly roared his satisfaction.

  “Seriously, I have several tours scheduled this morning,” she said, softening her tone.

  Ollie appeared to be placated but she knew it wouldn’t be for long. “Yeah. Me, too.”

  She waved him out of her office. “Then be gone. Before someone drops a house on you, too.”

  He barked out a laugh at the Wizard of Oz reference. “Hey, as a friend of Dorothy I have immunity.”

  She found a laugh and shooed him out the door anyway. “Go. We’ll talk at lunch. I promise.”

  Ollie pouted. “About nothing good, I bet.” Tammy just leveled a look at him and he laughed again. “Okay, I’m out of here. See you at lunch.”

  She gave a firm nod and he finally left her alone. Settling into her chair, she stared out the window. She had a lovely view. Almost as nice as the one from Claire’s office. The trees she could see were still full and green. The sun was bright, which wasn’t a surprise in early September. Cassie and Ty’s wedding was a week from Saturday, and the weather promised to be more of the same.

  She was going to the wedding, of course. Ben would be there. He was the bride’s brother. At least she wasn’t in the party. She could get out of there as soon as things even looked like they were heating up between her and Ben. He’d be stuck there. Wouldn’t he?

  “I sure hope so,” she murmured.

  “What is that you’re hoping for, Tammy?” Rick asked from the doorway.

  Why hadn’t she closed the damn thing when Ollie left? “A sale, boss. Always a sale.”

  Rick smiled. “There’s our girl. Your tour is in the lobby, by the way.”

  Tammy looked the time on her laptop and stood. “A little bit early. Just how I like ‘em.”

  Rick stepped back as she crossed to the doorway. “You had dinner with my brother last night?”

  She froze, and then faced him. “Yep. Both your brothers and your sister, actually.”

  “That’s what Cassie said.”

  So everyone was talking about this now? “It was fun. You have a great family, Rick.”

  His eyes brightened. “I know. I’m a lucky S-O-B.”

  Tammy just smiled at him and closed her office door. “Well, off to the races.”

  “Have at them, Tammy,” Rick said in parting.

  She pasted on her salesgirl smile and breezed into the lobby. Her ten o’clock group consisted of a family of five. This would be easy-peasy. Cypress was all about the family stuff and this bunch looked like they’d eat it up like Nona Donato’s lasagna.

  And if she looked for Ben around every corner of her tour this morning? That was just her too-bad.

  Chapter 10

  Ben decided he liked his sister’s fiancé. The eco-tour was everything Ty had promised, along with glimpses of animals Ben had never seen back in Santa Cruz. Jesus, what the hell was a fox squirrel? Ty had an easy way with his explanations and Ben learned a lot.

  “So algae is the new green, huh?” he asked Ty as they drove past the flatland designated for raceways, or algae ponds.

  Ty smiled in that easy way he had. “I think it’s always been green, Ben. But yeah, that would make the most sense if Cypress wants to start making its own energy. They have the land out this way. They’ll probably use up to fifty acres. Although they’re a few years away from starting construction on them. The Institute is researching companies to ultimately run the operation.”

  “Why not use the natural ponds?”

  “They can’t control it,” Ty said. “The raceways are concrete and the water is constantly moved by paddlewheels.”

  “So it doesn’t stagnate?”

  “Yep.” Ty turned the custom gator vehicle around and headed them back toward the town center.

  Ben settled back in his seat, his mind working.

  “Solar panels and bio-fuel,” he said. “I have to tell you, I still can’t believe a place like Cypress thinks to the future. I mean, exclusive villages, golf course and state-of-the-art homes? This is scratching me where I itch, man.”

  Ty dipped his head. “I’m excited to see what you have planned for the new neighborhood, Ben.”

  It was Ben turn to smile. “My mind’s been working since Tammy took me out to see the place.”

  Of course, he wouldn’t tell Ty that she figured prominently in thoughts that had absolutely nothing to do with sketches and plans.

  “You start tomorrow, right?” Ty asked.

  “Officially, yes. I’m looking forward to it.”

  “For what it’s worth, I think this will be as good for you as it will be for Cypress.”

  Again, the prospect of putting down roots both tempted and terrified him. “For the time I’m here, I plan to make a difference.”

  “For the time you’re here? You’re not planning on going back to Boston, are you?”

  “God, no. Chapman Financial is so not my scene.”

  “I couldn’t imagine being stuck in that office all day,” Ty said. “How Rick and Jake did it for so long, I have no idea.”

  “I couldn’t stand it.”

  “Then what’s driving you away from Cypress? Nothing could get me to leave. Not on a bet.”

  “You have family here, Ty.”

  Ty glanced at him before eyeing the path ahead again. “You have family here, Ben. A whole bunch of it.”

  “True.” Ben grew quiet for a minute. “I guess I’m not sure where I’m headed.”

  “Then give Cypress a chance, man.”

  Ben nodded. “I will. I couldn’t have picked a prettier place to hang for a while.”


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