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The Black Rose Chronicles, Deceit and Lies: Book 1 in this suspenseful, action filled, and sizzling paranormal romance.

Page 4

by A K Michaels

  Rose’s heart started thudding in her chest, her breathing grew more difficult with each one she took. “No,” she whimpered, stepping closer to him. “Don’t talk like that, Seth. Please.”

  Seth picked up a towel, wiping his face and body as he walked towards her. “My beautiful flower. My Rose. I see how much you hurt when you return, yet it doesn’t stop you the next time you’re out there. Does it? No. So that tells me that I’m not enough, I’m not ever going to be enough for you. It hurts, deep inside.” His hand clenched over his heart, his eyes soft as he stared at her. “But I love you too much to go through this every time. To put you through this every time.”

  “Seth,” she whispered. “Please, I would be lost without you. You’re my rock, my safe place . . .”

  Seth’s fingers covered her lips. “I’ll always be that. I’ll always be your safe place, Rose. But I’m not the man to be at your side for eternity. That’s going to be someone else. Someone who will be able to keep you from doing what you do. Someone who you wouldn’t even think of doing that to. When you find him, you’ll know, baby, you’ll know and when that happens I’ll let you go to be happy, secure, safe and loved.”

  Tears started to fall down her cheeks with the mere thought of not having Seth at her side. “Not yet, though, it’s not yet.”

  “No,” Seth leaned down, kissing her softly. “Not yet.”

  His strong arms picked her up, carrying her as if she weighed nothing, back to his bed. Laying her softly on the cover he slipped out of his trousers before crawling on to stare down at her body. “You’re so perfect.” He bent down, his lips grazing her mound as she gripped the sheets.

  “No games today,” he breathed against her as his tongue darted out to tickle her nub.

  “What?” she asked, frowning. Seth always took the dominant role, tying her up, making her do his bidding. Only in the bedroom did she give him this control, but it was the way it’d always been. What’d changed?

  “I think the time for you being my submissive is over, Flower.” Seth raised his head, his eyes locking with hers. “Until you leave, and you will leave, we’ll do things differently. I need to separate you from being my sub, baby. Otherwise I’d get worked up when the time came for you to go. I’d probably do something damn stupid like challenge whoever it is you find. We’ll just take things a day at a time. Okay?”

  Rose reached down, her fingers gripping his hair as even more tears fell. “I’m scared,” she admitted to the only person alive that she would say that to. “I don’t want to lose you, Seth, lose us. I’m not sure I could cope with that.”

  “I’ll always be here for you. Don’t ever think I won’t, Rose. If you need me, I’m here, no matter what. Tell me you believe me, Flower, you have got to believe me.”

  “I do but I’m still scared.”

  “Then let me take that away,” he said as he crawled up her body, his hands caressing her skin as he finally lay above her, his hard cock pressing to gain entrance.

  “Yes,” she breathed, letting him take her to places only he could.

  Quite some time later she lay in the safety of his arms, both sated. “Better?” he asked as he kissed the top of her head.

  “Yeah,” she murmured, snuggling closer into his arms.

  A second later, he was pushing her away, jumping out of bed and pulling on his trousers. Grabbing one of his many swords from the wall he hissed. “Clothes, now and arm yourself.”

  “What is it?” she whispered back, already moving quickly and silently.

  “One of my spells tells me there’s someone outside.” Seth cocked his head to the side. “Scratch that, something.”

  Rose found her discarded clothes from the previous night, pulling on the bottoms and a sleeveless tee before grabbing her deadly katana. Seth’s finger was on his lips as he pointed for her to go down the hall and out the main back door as he moved to the sliding door in his room. She moved with speed and stealth, her senses on alert as she softly ran along the hallway.

  She knew something was amiss, a foreigner in their sanctuary but she couldn’t figure out the who or the how. Shaking her head to clear it she focused on the job at hand. Protect Seth’s back and take out the enemy that dared to encroach on their sanctuary. Her hand twisted the door handle slowly, careful not to make a noise, and opening it only far enough for her slim body to slip through.

  On the balls of her feet she slowly inched along the side of their home, a touch of anger seeping in at the thought of someone else being here. This was her and Seth’s place and whoever had invaded it was in for a nasty surprise. As she neared the corner she darted quickly to hide behind one of the huge potted plants Seth so adored. Sneaking a look around the corner to their outdoor seating area and her heart almost stopped at what she saw.

  Seth stood before a man lounging in one of their chairs, as calm as could be, one leg crossed over the other with his hands resting on the arms. The stranger’s eyes were taking in everything around him which pissed Rose off greatly. Stalking forward she glared down at him.

  “Who the fuck is this?” she ground out, flicking a look to Seth. “And how did he get in? What’s going on, Seth?”

  The stranger’s eyes sought hers, almost pinning her to the spot. She had to fight to tear her gaze away, turning to look at Seth. “This is Basilius, he’s the new Head of the Council, apparently.”

  “Indeed I am.” He stood, towering over Rose as he stepped right up into her space. “Pleased to meet you, though I’m more than a little surprised at seeing such a beautiful young woman standing before me. You are The Black Rose are you not?”

  Rose ignored his question, her voice cold as ice as she glared at him. “How did you get here? Inside, I mean. We’ve got this placed locked down pretty tight so I’d like to know where you breached?”

  She felt Seth’s hand on her arm. “Easy, Flower.”

  “No!” she spat out, anger filling her at this invasion. “Tell me how the fuck you got in here.”

  Basilius sat back down, raising an eyebrow at her. “Feisty little one, isn’t she?”

  Seth all but growled his reply, “You have no idea.”

  “I think I do.” Basilius picked a piece of non-existent lint from his trousers. “I’m a Demon, a pretty powerful one at that. All I needed to find you was something of yours, or, something you’d handled. Like, say, some paperwork from the Council.”

  “Really?” Rose looked at Seth, her eyes wary. “That’s all you needed? If that’s true then why have no others done that? Trust me, there’s a few who would just love to come calling but they never have.”

  Basilius’ eyes pierced hers, holding her in place. “I’m no ordinary Demon, Rose.”

  Rose forced her gaze to leave his, stepping back and away from him before she flung over her shoulder. “You don’t look so special to me.”

  Laughter erupted from deep within the man, Demon, lounging in her chair. The noise seeming weird coming from him. She kept her look indifferent as she cocked her head to the side. “What are you doing here? And, oh yeah, what can I do to make sure you never return. This is my home and it is off-limits. Do you understand?”

  “Flower.” Seth’s voice held a warning, one which she had no intention of heeding.

  “I mean it.” Rose glowered at Basilius, taking in his handsome good looks, the obviously expensive suit that hung to a body she knew would be just fine.

  “What the hell,” she whispered as she shook her head, Seth giving her a worried look. She felt drawn to this man, Demon, and fought to keep her mind clear. She threw up a guard around her mind, shielding it from him, and shielding herself, her true species from him too.

  It’d been the first thing Seth had taught her so many years ago. Shield herself and never, ever, let anyone know she was part Witch.

  Basilius smiled up at her with a knowing look in his eyes. “I like you, Rose. You are definitely not what I was expecting to find here today. However, even my powers are not letting me know wha
t you are. So, Black Rose, tell me, what the hell are you?”

  “Irrelevant,” she snapped coldly.

  Seth stepped closer, his eyes hard as steel, as he looked at the Demon. “What do you want?”

  The Demon didn’t even acknowledge Seth, only focusing on Rose. “I’m here in my capacity as Head of the Council. I have a job for you. Though, you are intriguing me with every second that passes. Hmm, I would really like if you told me what you are.”

  Again she felt that pull and she strengthened her defenses again. No way in hell was she letting him in. “Stop. If you’re here about a job then just get on with it. I’m a busy woman.”

  He paused, looking her up and down. “I’m not sure if you’re up to it. Seeing you before me makes me wonder if even the inimitable Black Rose can pull it off.”

  Rose bristled, in a weird way, her reputation was something she was proud of. “Just tell me what it is and I’ll be the judge of whether it’ll be a success or not.”

  The Demon’s eyes twinkled as he nodded curtly. “Very well. There’s a Vampire that the Council believes is going to be a threat to the peace that we’re trying to establish. It’s not something we want to continue so we would like him eliminated. You can deal with Vampires, can you not?”

  Rose sneered. “Of course.”

  “Really?” Basilius queried, cocking his head to the side and staring at her intently. “Even an ancient Vampire? One of the oldest in existence? He’s powerful, little Rose, very powerful. I’m not sure you have it in you to deal with him.”

  “Don’t you worry ‘bout me.” She sneered again, throwing him a dirty look. “However, I need some more information before agreeing to this. What exactly are his crimes?”

  Basilius’ gaze seemed to pin her in place, a small tug at the sides of his lips making it appear he was trying not to smile. Again she felt a tug towards him and fought it, standing firm as she raised an eyebrow. “Well?”

  The Demon nodded. “This is strictly confidential. He speaks publicly about peace; however, we’ve uncovered his true intention. He is working to gain power and once he has it, his plan is for Vampires to take over. Completely, utterly and to enslave any species he can. You don’t need me to tell you that the most vulnerable will be humans.”

  Rose shot a glance at Seth who looked angry and ill at ease. “I’ll do it. What’s the payment?”

  “For something like this you can name it. What do you want?”

  Rose looked at Seth who stepped forward. “A semi loaded with food and water and a truck full of gas. Half now and the rest when the job’s done.”

  “A semi and gas?” Basilius seemed to ponder Seth’s words before smiling at Rose. “That’s a lot of food for two people.”

  “It’s the payment, take it or leave it.” Rose pulled her eyes away from the Demon’s, finding it difficult to do. Again she wondered what the hell he was doing to her.

  “I’ll take it.” Basilius smiled. “His name is Cassius Allarde.”

  Seth shook his head furiously. “No! Are you insane?”

  Rose looked at him, frowning. “What? Who is he, Seth?”

  “He’s the most powerful Vampire there is and to top that he lives in Manhattan. That’s a no-go area, Flower, you’re not going in there.” Seth turned back to the Demon. “You can leave now.”

  Basilius looked from Seth to Rose, raising an eyebrow. “So the legendary Black Rose isn’t capable of taking this assignment? What a pity. I was looking forward to working with you.”

  She paced back and forth. Their food supplies were running low. They had plenty of gold, jewels and trinkets, but food was definitely something they needed. “I’ll do it.”

  Seth grabbed her arm, spinning her to look up at him. “No, Rose, it’s too dangerous, even for you. He lives in the penthouse of the Plaza and has dozens of guards in place. That’s even if you get there in one piece. We both know what Manhattan is like. It’s full of gangs and bloodthirsty Vamps just looking for blood. We don’t need food that bad, baby.”

  “Yes, we do.” Rose reached up, her fingers trailing the side of his face. “I can do this, Seth. Don’t worry.”

  “Please, let this one go,” he whispered as she turned back to face the Demon.

  “I’ll do it.”

  “Good. I’ll have half your payment delivered within the week.” He grinned up at her. “Apparently, he was elected as the Vampire’s leader last night. However, he doesn’t take full control until he is sworn in and that will be a month from now. You have to eliminate him before that happens. Understand?”

  “Yes,” she snapped out. “I’ll get the job done, don’t worry. Just make sure you get half of the payment here as soon as possible because I won’t start until you do.”

  “That’s cutting things fine is it not?” Basilius queried. “You still have to travel there and that will take some time.”

  “I know exactly how long it will take me to get there,” she spat out, staring him down. “I’ve made the journey before. I’ll be there within a week.”

  “Whatever.” Basilius stood, staring her in the eyes and drawing her in. She took a step towards him and only stopped when Seth’s hand gripped her arm.

  Rose tore her eyes away, frowning and cursing softly. The Demon’s laughter dragging her eyes back to his. “You feel the draw. Don’t you?”

  “Leave,” was all she answered.

  “Very well.” Basilius looked her over again, his stare making her feel like he was leering at her naked. “Will you stop at the Council Headquarters on your trip to New York?”

  “No,” Rose answered far too quickly.

  Again the Demon laughed. “I’ll drop in once your part-payment has been delivered to ensure everything is as it should be.”

  “No need,” Seth spoke, his tone as unfriendly as she’d ever heard it.

  “Goodbye, Rose. I look forward to seeing you again.” Basilius smiled, his eyes twinkling for a mere moment before he disappeared.

  “What the hell?” Rose sputtered. “He was trying to get into my head.”

  Seth cursed, obviously unhappy. “Fuck, Flower, that’s not all he was trying to get into.”

  “Weird.” She shook her head to clear it, visions of the dark Demon invading her thoughts. His muscular frame hidden beneath the hand-made suit, dark eyes that bored deep inside her, and a smile that caused her stomach to churn. A brief glimpse of what he would look like naked popping into her head. Seth’s angry voice interrupted her musings and she dragged her thoughts back to the present.

  “Just what the hell are you thinking? This job is too dangerous, Rose. I really would prefer if you didn’t do it.”

  Rose grinned, punching him in the arm. “Hey, I’m The Black Rose. I can handle this.”

  “I fucking hope so.” Seth scowled at her. “I don’t want to have to come rescue your beautiful ass, baby. Or, better still, I should come with you. Yeah, that sounds much better. We’re tag-teaming this time, Flower.”

  “You don’t need to and I don’t want you coming when I’m infiltrating this Plaza place. If you must then you can come as far as the outside of Manhattan but you are not coming in with me.”

  Seth glared at her. “Fine. I’ve heard there’s still power and cell signals there so we can keep in touch via phone. If you don’t then I’m coming in.”

  “Oh for goodness sake. Alright, Seth, this once you can come with me.”

  “Don’t make it sound as if you’re allowing me to come, Rose.” Seth growled. “I’m coming, plain and simple.”

  Shrugging she started to tug off her clothes. “I need a shower.”

  Seth followed her, the flat of his blade hitting her ass. “Good idea.” He smirked as she giggled, jogging away from him.

  “I know that look,” she threw over her shoulder, her skin already tingling in expectation of his touch.

  “Yes, Flower, you do.” Seth grinned as he stalked after her.

  Basilius stood at the large window in his office, look
ing out over the lush green lawn that was in front of the building the Council now operated from. The White House no longer white and the President no longer in charge. The human still lived here with his family, now head of the humans but he wielded little to no power. No. That power was now held within Basilius’ grasp. His orders alone being the ones they followed.

  Although the other species had a presence upon the Council, his was the last word in any decisions taken. The order to take out Cassius Allarde wasn’t one he’d put before the other members. They would never have agreed. Not when Allarde appeared to be cleaning house within the Vampires and spoke only of peace.

  Peace wasn’t something Basilius wanted. Not now. Not before he’d gained complete control over this new world. He had plans and they didn’t include Allarde messing things up by advocating an end to inter-species conflict. The sooner the Vampire was eliminated the better.

  His lips tugged up into a small smile as he thought on Rose. An enigma he hoped to understand real soon. What was she? He wasn’t sure but he vowed to find out. Her eyes like deep pools as he’d stared into them. His cock hardening with each second he looked. At one point his mind had completely wandered to what she’d look like lying beneath him, panting and crying out in ecstasy.

  That had never happened before. His mind was always, always on the job at hand. What was it about this young woman that drew him to her? He knew she’d felt it too, saw her struggle with the pull towards him, and he looked forward to seeing her again. He’d make sure it was sooner rather than later.

  His curiosity piqued and he always slaked his curiosity. Whether that was seeing how long a Vampire could survive, chained with silver, drained of his own blood and denied any new nourishment (quite a while actually). Or testing a human far beyond their endurance of pain and injury before they finally lost their fight to live. He found out about anything that he found interesting and Rose was no different.

  Basilius vowed to uncover whatever it was she was hiding from him and possibly have some fun at the same time. He could picture her in his bed as he sank deep within her warmth and shuddered at the thought. “I think I’ll have you in my bed, little Rose,” he whispered, straightening his pants in the front to relieve the pressure of his stiff manhood. “Oh yes. I think that’ll happen before too long.”


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