The Black Rose Chronicles, Deceit and Lies: Book 1 in this suspenseful, action filled, and sizzling paranormal romance.

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The Black Rose Chronicles, Deceit and Lies: Book 1 in this suspenseful, action filled, and sizzling paranormal romance. Page 5

by A K Michaels

  The only part that he was sure of was he’d make sure she came willingly. Not usually a prerequisite for his bedroom antics, but with her, he was going to make an exception.

  A soft knock on the door interrupted his musings, annoying him, so he barked, “What?”

  Orthon opened the door slightly, sticking his head around it nervously. “Just wanted to let you know that Cassius has asked for a meeting with you. He’d like a face to face and said he’ll come here if you want him to.”

  Basilius frowned, thinking for a moment before replying. “Tell him I’ll go there. Tomorrow afternoon but don’t give him a time. I want him to lose sleep while he waits for me.”

  “Okay.” Orthon grinned. “He won’t like that.”

  “Exactly.” Basilius smirked. “Now go. I’ve a lot of things to think about and I don’t need you interrupting me.”

  “Master.” Orthon didn’t disappear, which surprised Basilius. Usually his little assistant left his presence as quickly as possible.

  “What is it?” Basilius snapped.

  “Do you want me to leave the female in your room?”

  Basilius tapped his chin with a finger for a moment. “I’m surprised she’s still alive,” he admitted. “Leave her. I’ll finish her off later and then you can dispose of the body.”

  “As you wish,” Orthon said, closing the door quickly as he vanished.

  “She’s stronger than I thought,” Basilius spoke aloud as he remembered the punishment he’d inflicted on her weak human body. “They’re so fragile but fight so fucking hard to live. Even when it’s hopeless.”

  His thoughts wandered back to the assassin, his heart picking up speed as he pictured her eyes, so beautiful. As was the rest of her, using his imagination to undress her and see the splendor he knew was there. Maybe, just maybe, she’d come to him willingly.

  “I wish you hadn’t agreed to take this job on.” Seth’s hand trailed down her side, his fingers gentle as he caressed her skin.

  “It’ll be fine.” Rose turned to face him, to look into his eyes as she spoke. “Seth, if this Cassius guy is planning for the Vamps to take over then we need to stop him. I need to stop him. We agreed when I started this that we’d only take on work where the target was deserving of the sentence. This Vampire certainly seems to be that. It's not as if we can just lock wrongdoers up like in the old days.”

  “I know that, Flower, you don’t need to remind me how bad it is out there.” Seth turned onto his back, sighing as his arm moved under his head as he looked up at the ceiling. “This guy is powerful. I think he’s the strongest you’ve ever gone up against, Rose Marie, and I’m scared. For you, for me, hell just scared through and through.”

  Rose leaned up on her elbow, knowing he was really upset if he used her full name. He usually only did that when he was really angry with her. “I promise I’ll be careful and I won’t take any unnecessary risks.”

  His eyes sought hers, a look of disbelief on his face. “Really? You’re gonna try and get that past me? You thrive on risks, Flower, you know it, I know it. So don’t try and give me any bull.”

  “You’re my teacher. If I get that high from taking risks then I musta learned it somewhere.”

  “Not from me.” Seth shook his head. “I’ve taught you how to do things, how to get out of things, but I’ve not taught you that unnecessary risks are okay, because they’re not. They put the mission in jeopardy, not to mention putting your very life at risk. I’d go crazy if anything happened to you, Rose.”

  “Okay, okay, it’s my own, shit I’ve no idea what, but it’s something inside me that urges me to take risks. I’m sorry and I promise I’ll try and not do it this time.”

  “Please, for me, be extra careful.” Seth’s free hand reached over to stroke her face gently. “I’m still hoping I can talk you out of this. Hell, I may even call your old man to come and knock some sense into you.”

  “Don’t you dare!” Rose glared down at Seth, anger flaring inside her. “I’ve not seen him in, fuck, how long? It’s so long I’ve forgotten. If he can’t be bothered to come see me then he sure as hell has no right to interfere in any decisions I make.”

  Rose flounced out of the bed, her anger causing her to pace furiously. Seth sat up, his back against the wall. “Rose Marie O’Connell! Don’t you talk about Brendan like that. He stays away for a reason, you know that.”

  “So you and he say.” Rose pouted and she could feel the heat flushing up onto her face. “So they, whoever that may be, can’t find me. So what if they do? I’ll take them out, simple, problem solved.”

  “If it were that simple don’t you think Brendan and I would’ve already done that?” Seth shook his head at her. “You’re too cocky, Flower, and that can get you killed. If it was easy to kill the Witch Hunters then don’t you think your mother would’ve done that? She would’ve done anything in her power to get back to you, baby, anything. So don’t act like a spoiled brat and cuss out your father because it kills him not to see you.”

  Rose glared at Seth for a moment before her anger deflated, her shoulders drooping as she looked over at him, sadness on her face. “Why? Seth, I still don’t understand all this? The species warring is one thing, but for all the other species to hunt Witches to damn near extinction is just . . . fuck, I don’t know what it is but it’s weird. Why would they do that?”

  “That’s what your father and I have been trying to find out for the past twenty years, since the killings started.” Seth patted the bed next to him. “Come back to bed, Flower.”

  “You never talk to me about it, or what you and Dad found out. Why?”

  Seth shrugged as she climbed back onto the bed, kneeling before him. “Because we haven’t found out much. We keep hitting dead ends and the few times when we’ve managed to capture one of the hunters, well, we don’t get a hell of a lot from them. Again and again they talk about some legend about a Witch bringing death and destruction to all. Utter rubbish but it’s all we’ve managed to get.”

  “How many?” Rose asked softly. “How many have they killed and how many of us are left?”

  “I don’t have numbers, baby.” Seth opened his arms and she fell into them willingly. “All I can say is your dad’s found a few scattered around, but only a handful. How many others are there? Hell if I know. It’s why we have to make sure we have our shield in place at all times. Never let it fall, Flower, ever.”

  “I won’t,” she mumbled against his bare chest. “I hate portraying that I’m something else though. I don’t mind having Wolf in my DNA but I’m not a full Wolf, never have been. I can’t even transform. I must be a big disappointment to Dad.”

  Seth hugged her closer, his strong arms giving her the comfort she needed. “Don’t say that. Your dad loves you and is proud of you. He may not like what you decided to do for a living but he understands that you have to do what’s best for you. He’s never, not once, even mentioned you not morphing.”

  “I wish I could though.” Rose looked up at him sadly. “I’d love to run free as a Wolf but I’ve never felt that part of me inside.”

  “You could just be a late bloomer in the Wolf department.” Seth obviously trying to appease her. “It might happen one day.”

  “Seth,” She pinched him hard. “A Wolf morphs for the first time at puberty. That’s years ago for me and I’ve never even felt my inner beast. So I’ve kinda come to terms that there isn’t one. I obviously have more of my mother’s DNA than dad’s.”

  “You can see, hear, smell and track like a Wolf so you’ve got that in you, baby.” Seth hugged her again. “What do I say – never say never – because you just don’t know what the future holds.”

  Seth chuckled, placed a kiss on her head. “I didn’t see myself taking care of a child, but I did. May not have been the most conventional of upbringings but we muddled through. Didn’t we?”

  “We did.” Rose smirked. “And who woulda thought we’d end up, well, like this?” Her hand waved around, t
aking in the bed and their nudity.

  “Certainly not me.” Seth shook his head. “I fought it for so long.”

  “I know.” She teased his skin with her fingers. “You were driving me fucking nuts! Do you have any idea of the amount of times I got off in my bed while thinking about you?”

  “Flower!” Seth groaned. “Don’t talk like that or we’re never going to get out of bed.”

  “I was kinda hoping we could spend the day here.”

  “No.” Seth disentangled himself and left her pouting on the covers. “If you’re determined to take on this assignment then we train, train and train some more. We’ll do physical and magical exercises. I want you at the absolute top of your game before you go anywhere near Allarde.”

  “Are you sure?” She cocked an eyebrow, smirking towards his erection. “Don’t you want to come back to bed?”

  “Yes, I do,” Seth hissed. “But I’d rather keep you alive, so move that delectable ass outta my bed and get dressed. Work starts in five.”

  Rose watched as he pulled on fatigues, huffing in disappointment she got up. “I’ll meet you outside,” she grumbled as she made her way to her own room to get dressed.

  “Stop shaking that ass at me, Flower!” Seth ordered as she sashayed away.

  “Damn!” she cursed as his laughter followed her down the hall.

  Cassius’ face was completely impassive as his guards stood over the body of one of the Vampires they’d caught. “You were told, oh, I think it was two weeks ago, about either towing the line and living by my rules or face the consequences. Am I right?”

  “Fuck you,” the bloodied Vamp spat out, scarlet dribbling from various injuries inflicted on his capture.

  “Sorry.” Cassius shook his head. “I prefer ladies. Never been drawn to a man, not even one as handsome as you.” Sarcasm dripping from every word.

  Val snickered and he was rewarded by a filthy snarl from the man on his knees before them. “You refused. Still attacking anything and anyone that moved around your little nest. I hate doing this; however, you’re little pack is made up of your progeny and you’ve taught them your ways, so there’s only one solution.”

  “Don’t touch them!” The Vamp tried to get up but his guards knocked him back down.

  “This is your fault. Nobody else’s. You refused to listen, conform to the new laws for Manhattan. All of Manhattan. No packs, no gangs, no deaths. I am in charge and we will not continue on like wild animals. You were given a chance to join our community but you not only refused, you threw it back in my face when you murdered those two Wolves who were on their way here to give me a message from their Alpha.”

  “They were fucking Wolves!”

  “I know that, you moron.” Cassius felt his anger rising at the stupidity of this Vampire. “They were going to ally their Pack with us. Now? I have some serious damage control to do to appease them. You, my friend, are the first step.”

  “You’re taking the side of a Wolf over one of your own?” The man only now seeming to realize his predicament.

  “You are not one of my own.” Cassius glared down at him before ordering, “Pick him up.”

  The guards hauled him to his feet, kicking and shouting, but keeping him firmly in their grasp. Cassius stepped forward, his face almost touching the Vampire’s. “The nest you set up is being dealt with as we speak and now I’ll deal with you. Your body will be strung up in the street as a warning to others.”


  Cassius’ movement was a blur as his hand punched through the sternum, a scream echoing around them, as his fingers closed over the beating heart. “Please,” the man whimpered.

  “Too late,” Cassius replied as he wrenched the heart from its safe place within the man’s body, crushing it with ease and letting the mangled mess fall to the floor.

  The body slumped, only the guards’ grip holding it upward. “String him up,” he commanded coldly as he pulled a hankie from his top pocket and started to wipe his hands clean.

  Valentine stepped forward, handing Cassius a wet cloth. “I came prepared.” His friend smirked as Cassius took it.

  “Thank you.” He motioned to the bloody mess on the floor. “Get someone to clean that up, will you?”

  “Sure.” Val turned, snapping his fingers at one of the lower ranked Vampires.

  “What else you got planned for today?”

  “I’ve got Basilius, the new Demon in charge of the Council, coming to see me some time in the afternoon.”

  Valentine frowned. “It’s almost dawn. I know you’re stronger than most of the other Vamps and can go out in daylight, but, you’ve been up for twenty hours straight so far. You need to get some rest, Cassius.”

  “I’ll rest after he leaves.” Cassius patted Valentine on the shoulder. “Before you retire for the day, can you tell me if you have any new information on that little task I set you?”

  Val shrugged. “Not a lot. Same old, same old, ‘bout a Witch that can cause havoc and destruction. Why are you so interested all of a sudden?”

  Cassius looked his friend straight in the eye. “Because I don’t believe all that shit. There’s a reason, a good reason, why the humans and Wolves started to hunt down Witches. I know a lot of Vampires became involved in the hunt too. What I don’t know is why, and that is something that intrigues me greatly. A whole species doesn’t get hunted to extinction for no good reason, Valentine. I need you to find out what that reason is. Okay?”

  “I’ll keep on it, boss.” Val yawned, his hand covering his mouth. “Sorry.”

  “Don’t apologize. Go rest. I’ll see you at dusk.” Cassius waved Val away. “I’ve got paperwork I need to take care of and even more arrangements for the Dominum gathering. Valeria has decided it’s to be a Masquerade Ball.”

  “Shit.” Val stopped, turning back around to face Cassius. “I don’t need to wear a mask, do I? I hate masks.”

  “Yes, everyone will be wearing one, including staff and caterers.” Cassius saw Valentine stifle another yawn. “Go to bed, Val. You’re no good to me when you’re dead on your feet.”

  “Funny.” Val snorted. “I’m outta here. Do you want me to set an alarm and come for the meeting with this Demon? I don’t like the thought of you and him being alone.”

  “No.” Cassius shook his head. “I’ll have guards and I don’t know what time he’s going to appear. Just go to bed and I’ll catch up with you this evening.”

  “Alright.” Valentine didn’t look too happy.

  “I said I’ll be fine, Valentine. Go.” Cassius’ tone much firmer as he ordered his friend to leave.

  “I’m going.” Val looked over his shoulder. “Make sure you’ve plenty of guards around. I don’t trust Demons.”

  “Me neither,” Cassius admitted. “However, if he’s now running the Council then I’ll need to get over that and work with him.”

  “Or take him out. Yeah, that sounds a much better plan.”

  “Valentine, go, stop talking and walk away.”

  Cassius turned away, striding along the hallway towards his office. Valeria was sending him details of her caterer, one she employed full time and had promised she’d take care of that side of things for the Ball. Although he would’ve preferred something less ostentatious, he knew that everyone was expecting some lavish extravaganza. So, he’d let the lovely Valeria deal with it.

  He had more important things to take care of. Like cleaning up Manhattan in plenty of time to ensure everyone knew he was a man that could take care of business, and keep his word. Cassius already had teams out scouring the area. Manhattan was littered with small gangs, mostly rogues, both Vampire and Wolf. There were also more than a few Demons on the island and that was something he intended to get Basilius’ help with.

  He checked with the guards on his way to his office, situated in his penthouse suite, making sure all was as it should be. Everything secure and Draven, his Master of the Guards, assuring him that the area around the hotel, even the vast gro
unds of Central Park, were now clear of any rogues. Quite a feat, when only a few short weeks ago the place was a war zone.

  Cassius opened the door to his suite, slowly making his way to the office, he was tired but couldn’t rest. Not until after his meeting with the Demon. He was sure that Basilius was using his advantage of not sleeping throughout the day against him. Although he could go out in the day, as older Vampires were able to, most of his staff were too young and could not. Therefore, he kept the traditional Vampire hours: sleep during the day and up all night.

  He was tired and hungry, not having fed for almost a week. His palate had changed over the centuries and he did not enjoy just any blood. The stocks of blood they held to prevent them hunting humans, Wolves, or other species, just didn’t do anything for him. He loathed it. So, he tried to go as long as possible between feeds. What he craved at that very moment was to sink his fangs into a willing donor as warm, luscious blood ran down his throat.

  Shaking his head he straightened his shoulders, knowing he would soon have to succumb and drink the blood they had. He was their leader so it wouldn’t be setting a good example if he went hunting. Sighing as he pushed open the door to his office his senses buzzed awake as he saw a tall, dark man lounging in the chair before his desk.

  Cassius raised an eyebrow as he strode forward. “I assume you’re Basilius? The new Head of the Council?”

  The man looked bored as he looked over at Cassius. “I am.”

  “Been waiting long?” Cassius asked as he sat down, his hands resting on the desk.

  “Not too long.”

  “If I’d had some inclination of your time of arrival, I would’ve been here waiting for you.” Cassius saw the slight tug at the sides of the other man’s lips. “However, you’re here now so shall we get on with our meeting?”

  Basilius still lounged, as if he couldn’t be bothered to be there. “I suggest we do. I’m busy with Council business and would like to leave as soon as I can.”


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