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The Black Rose Chronicles, Deceit and Lies: Book 1 in this suspenseful, action filled, and sizzling paranormal romance.

Page 13

by A K Michaels

  “I know, Rose.” Seth sounded sad as he carried on, “But you need to stay there. I want you to get to know Allarde better before we make a decision. We’ve still got two weeks before the Ball so you don’t have to decide what to do until then. Okay.”

  “Right, but I have to tell you if I don’t come up with something truly awful soon then I’m not carrying out the mission. Everything, and I mean everything, I’ve found points to Allarde being a good man.”

  “I see,” he replied, his tone desolate in those two words.

  Rose couldn’t understand why he sounded so bleak. “Are you okay?”

  “Yes,” Seth answered quickly. “I’m fine and I’m not far from you so if you need me just call. I’m also not alone. Brendan is here and so is Kuan.”

  “Put him on,” Rose’s said urgently. “Kuan, not my dad. Put him on now.”

  A moment of silence and then a soft voice. “Yes, Rose?”

  “Are you a God?”

  “Why do you need to know?” Kuan answered her question with one of his own.

  “Because you’re with the only two people I fucking care about, that’s why. Are you a fucking Chinese God and do you mean them any harm?”

  “Yes and no,” Kuan replied in such a calm voice she wondered if he ever got upset.

  “Good, because they are important to me, if need be you keep them safe. You hear me? If you don’t then I don’t give a shit what you are, I’ll find you and make you pay. Understand?”

  Kuan actually chuckled before he answered, “I hear you, Rose.”

  “Tell them I’ll be careful and will contact when I can.”

  Rose hung up, quickly replacing the phone and tampons in the box before relaxing. “A nice hot shower and then I’ll get to work.”

  The warm water called to her as she stripped off the paper gown she was in. “What the fuck is this?” she mumbled as she ripped it from her body and stepped into the steam filled shower.

  Basilius stalked back and forth, his breathing fast as he tried not to throttle Orthon. “What do you mean there’s been no contact?”

  “Master, my apologies but the assassin has not left any messages, emails, calls, and I’ve been unable to contact her. I have heard of someone being injured and the Vampire has been seeking a Witch to heal this individual. Could that be the assassin?”

  “What?” Basilius tapped his chin with a finger, thinking. “Hmm, possibly. She is only part Wolf after all. See what information you can get on that and let me know what’s happened with the Fairy tribe that was in Central Park.”

  “Was?” Orthon asked quietly. “Were they moving somewhere?”

  “I fucking hope so.” Basilius sneered. “I went to a lot of trouble to get them forcibly ejected. I would prefer Allarde not to have a horde of warriors so close by.”

  “I will see what I can find out.” Orthon almost ran from the room as Basilius sat down behind his desk.

  He’d worked hard to get here. His plans were in place and many strands were reaching out to make sure he got what he wanted: complete control of this realm and all who lived here.

  Allarde was the main fly in the ointment. His do-gooding ways causing Basilius problems that he wanted removed. The best way forward was to eradicate said fly and the sooner the better. If the assassin had been injured then she better hurry the fuck up and recover enough to carry out the impossible: kill Cassius Allarde.

  Basilius had tried before. Several of his lower Demons being killed in the process. He’d tried to keep this assignment “in-house” but after the last failure he’d turned to the Council’s most proficient assassin. If anyone could do it then it was her.

  He hoped so for her sake.

  He could, of course, have dealt with the Vampire personally, but that course of action held too many pitfalls. If word got out it was he that had killed the man then others may join together and rise against him. Basilius was capable of dealing with them but he’d rather save his energies for the main battle he knew would come.

  Fallen Angels were dangerous, deadly, and if joined together then they were a serious threat to him. He’d much rather progress slowly, taking over a little at a time, until he was in control of just about everything and everyone. Then he’d have an army more than capable of taking on the damned Angels.

  First, he had to rid himself of Allarde.

  A hesitant knock on the door interrupted his musings and he barked sharply, “What?”

  Orthon peeked inside. “I have some information, Master.”

  “Get your fat ass in here and tell me.”

  Basilius waited impatiently as Orthon slithered inside, his hands wringing in front of him as he stood as far away as possible. “Master, it was indeed the assassin that was hurt. Apparently, she was healed a few hours ago but is said to still be weak and bedridden.”

  “Fucking stupid bitch. How was she hurt so badly?”

  “She was attacked on her arrival and sustained a major head injury . . .”

  Basilius slammed his fist down on the desk. “That stupid fucking idiot! I told him to make it look good but not harm her.”

  Orthon quivered as Basilius ranted. “Just as well he’s dead, the imbecile. Otherwise he’d be in for a very long session of me showing him just how much of an idiot he’d been. Fucking retard!”

  Basilius took a deep breath before piercing his assistant with a glare. “Anything else?”

  “Yes, Master,” Orthon stuttered, bowing his head before going on. “The Fairies are still there. They weren’t blamed for the attack, but I don’t know why. All I know is there was a few days of angry meetings but it seems to have been sorted now. They’re not going anywhere, Master.”

  Again Basilius slammed his fist on the hard desk, cursing, “Fucking hell, he obviously didn’t make it look good enough for them to believe he was a Fairy warrior.”

  “No, Master,” Orthon agreed quickly.

  “Any more bad news?”

  Orthon looked up and nodded, terror on his face as Basilius waved a hand. “Out with it.”

  “Allarde has sanctioned his area as a safe haven for Witches. He’s telling everyone that any Witch will be safe in Manhattan.”

  “What?” Basilius stood, this time his anger had him sweeping his desk clear with one huge brush of his arm. As everything flew across the desk, clattering, breaking and smashing onto the floor, Orthon sank in on himself.

  “I’m sorry, Master.”

  “Fuck, fuck, fuck!” Basilius roared as he reared up, his chair falling behind him as he stomped across the room and punched the wall. His fist disappeared inside, right up to his elbow, before he pulled it free. “This man just doesn’t fucking give up. He’s a thorn in my side that I really need to pluck out. If that damn bitch of an assassin doesn’t end him soon then I may just have to do it myself and hang the consequences.”

  “Master,” Orthon held his hand up in front of him. “Please, may I make a suggestion?”

  “What?” Basilius snapped.

  “There are some Demons that you could ask to carry this out. What if I asked around?”

  Basilius snapped his fingers and Orthon shut up. “I know who to ask. Orthon, find Razor and ask him to come here for a meeting.”

  “Razor? Master, are you sure? He can be a little . . .”

  “Insane, psychopathic, crazy. Yes, Orthon, he is all of those but he may just get the job done.” Basilius grinned then chuckled coldly. “Razor is deadly and more than a little uncontrollable, but he is also just nuts enough to pull this off.”

  Orthon bowed low. “I’ll find him, Master.”

  Basilius laughed as his assistant left. “My little problem should be solved soon,” he crowed as he envisioned the dark Demon who lusted after death and mutilation almost as much as himself.

  “I have to,” Seth emphasized as Brendan shook his head furiously.

  “Seth, you can’t just waltz in there. It could be a trap.”

  “Someone has to be the first, Brendan.” S
eth held up his hands, waving them about in frustration. “How will we or anyone else know he’s being truthful unless a Witch goes to him and asks for refuge? If he gives me it then I’ll be on the inside and closer to Rose in case she needs my help. Plus, if he’s who he’s portraying then he’ll take me in and I can then let everyone know it’s safe for other Witches.”

  Kuan sat crossed legged in the corner of the sofa, his palms face up on his knees and eyes closed. Brendan went over, prodding the small man on the shoulder. “What do you think of this madness?”

  Without moving a muscle or opening his eyes Kuan replied softly, “He is right. There has to be a first and he is more capable than most to take on that role.”

  “For fuck sake,” Brendan growled. “If he’s not what he says, he could hand you over to the hunters, or worse, kill you himself.”

  “I have to take that chance. Brendan, we’ve wasted three days discussing this. I need to go in and I need to go now.” Seth continued to pack his bag.

  “I can’t lose anyone else, Seth.” Brendan’s voice full of grief as he stared at his friend. “I’ve lost too many, I don’t want to lose you too.”

  Seth straightened, gazing at his friend as he inclined his head to the side. “I know, my friend. Trust me, please. I need to do this.”

  “Is there nothing I can say to stop you?” Brendan’s body sagged as Seth shook his head. “This is nuts, Seth, and you know it.”

  “It’s the right thing to do.” Seth stood up, hefting his bag over his shoulder. “It needs one person, one Witch, to take him up on his offer. We need to see if he’s full of shit, or, Brendan, he may be a savior to any Witches that are left. That, my friend, includes your daughter. A daughter that, according to Mr. Mysterious there,” he pointed to Kuan, “is someone very important. Not just to us who care for her, but the whole fucking world, Brendan. If I’m on the inside I can make sure she’s okay.”

  “Shit!” Brendan swore before striding over and grabbing Seth in a bear hug. “You be fucking careful. I’ve got my phone so if you need me you call. I’m not scared of a few Vamps. Hell, I’ve taken out more of them than I care to remember.”

  Seth laughed as he returned the hug. “Yes you have. I’m hoping this time we won’t need to. I know you don’t believe in religion or anything, but if you could send a little prayer to the Goddess for me, I’d appreciate it.”

  “Hell, I’m sure I can manage that,” Brendan said as he released his friend. “You take care.”

  “I will.” Seth looked grim as he walked to the door. “I’ll keep my shield in place until I’m inside. It’d be a fucking riot if I got caught by hunters on my way.”

  “Yeah, real funny.” Brendan grimaced as Seth raised a hand in a final wave before he left the apartment, closing the door firmly behind him.

  “Fuck,” Brendan swore again, his stomach in knots at the thought of his friend walking into the lion’s den.

  “You curse far too much.” Kuan observed quietly.

  “Shut up.” Brendan growled as he went to the window, watching for Seth to appear.

  His impatience grew as minutes ticked by but finally he saw Seth pushing his bike onto the road. His friend started the bike, throwing his leg over the custom machine and sitting before looking upwards. Their eyes locked, Seth giving a slight nod before roaring away into the darkness.

  “May the Goddess be with you,” Brendan breathed as he lost sight of the bike.

  “You’ve done an incredible job.” Cassius smiled as Rose sat down on one of the plush sofas.

  “Thank you.” She took the glass of wine he held out to her, sipping it as he took a seat opposite.

  “I’m glad to see you up and about. You look a lot healthier than you did a few days ago.”

  “I feel much better.” Rose pulled her feet up under her, happy to be dressed in her own clothes and feeling strong and fit again. She’d spent the past few days doing the work Cassius wanted and at the same time hacking into everything she possibly could to see if he was who he said he was—someone that wanted to help just about everyone.

  What she found changed her situation and she knew she was now in a precarious position. Basilius would not be happy that she wasn’t going to kill her target. Not only that but she was on the verge of telling Cassius who she was, what she was, and just why she was there.

  “I’ve been meaning to ask you something.” Cassius put his own drink down on the side table, rising to retrieve her katana from the corner. “Where did you learn to use this like you did the other day?”

  Rose blushed as he stroked the blade and saw that it had been cleaned and now shone like new. “It’s a dangerous world out there, Cassius. A girl’s gotta be able to defend herself.”

  “Indeed they do.” Cassius played with the blade, obviously admiring the handiwork of his creator. “But you wielded this like it was second nature, Marie. Your teacher must have been a true master.”

  “Yes, he is certainly that.” Rose sipped her wine again, taking a moment to carefully word her reply. “He taught me how to look after myself and to kill as efficiently as possible and still walk away. I’ve spent many hours with that blade in my hand.”

  “It showed.” Cassius propped up her blade against the sofa near her then sat back down. “There’s more to you than meets the eye, Marie. You’re no ordinary tech geek. Are you?”

  Rose shook her head. “No.”

  “I think we need to discuss that. Don’t you?” Cassius’ stared at her, his look deep, intense and strangely arousing.

  “Yes.” She got out, taking a deep breath to start she was interrupted by the door opening and Valentine rushing in.

  “I need you downstairs now, boss.”

  “Can’t it wait?” Cassius asked Valentine. His gaze staying locked on Rose.

  “No.” Valentine waved a hand at Cassius, urging him to move. “Now, boss. Like, right now.”

  Cassius sighed as he got to his feet. “We’ll continue this later.”

  “I’ll be here,” Rose replied, happy and sad at the same time.

  As Valentine led Cassius out she heard a snippet of the conversation. “We’ve got one downstairs. A freaking Witch! Our first one is right here asking for sanctuary.”

  “Are you sure?” Cassius asked quickly.

  “Yes,” Valentine said and then they must’ve entered the elevator because she heard nothing more.

  Her heart sped up and she wanted to tear downstairs to see who was there. Could it be Seth? Or was it someone else who’d heard Cassius’ declaration about this being a safe place? She had no clue but hoped she’d been right about the man she’d been sent to kill. This was the final test. Did he keep his word and give the Witch sanctuary? Or was everything he’d said a lie?

  Rose sent up a quick prayer to whatever Gods there were that the answer was the first.

  They’d worked closely over the past few days since her recovery. She’d found him to be caring and at the same time ready to dole out punishment if required. He certainly didn’t suffer fools gladly and was a little short tempered at time. He’d snapped at her twice and then she’d rounded on him, giving him a mouthful as he stared at her in shock. She’d guessed he wasn’t used to anyone answering him back but she wasn’t going to take any nonsense, from him or anyone else.

  His vision of what he wanted to do was vast. One that took Rose by surprise at the size of it. Not only bringing the species together here in the US but everywhere. Getting trade routes opened again, power back to major inhabited areas, medical facilities opened again, supplies for everyone but most importantly he wanted to protect the weakest: humans.

  That alone showed her the kind of man he was, Vampire or not; and she’d realized that with the right help he could make this happen. A vision of a world not wracked by warring species gave her hope. A hope she knew she’d fight to protect and she knew he could do this, but, he had to stay alive to do so. Shit. She was in deep trouble with Basilius and she knew it.

me and again she’d pushed that thought to the back of her mind. Doing something completely out of character and using the “head in the sand” approach. Hoping against hope that the Demon would forget their contract.

  Yeah, and pigs could fly.

  Cassius grew more and more excited as the elevator made its way down. “Who is this person? Do we have a name or any information?”

  Valentine looked just as thrilled. “Seth, that’s his name and he looks tough. No ordinary Witch, but he’s asking for sanctuary, boss. The first one.”

  “Good.” Cassius grinned, slapping Valentine on the shoulder. “If one comes then more will follow.”

  “I hope so.” Valentine shrugged. “I’ve got a selfish reason, boss. Witches are powerful and if we get them here, on our side, then they can help if we’re attacked.”

  “That’s not the reason I’ve done this.” Cassius frowned at his friend.

  “I know that.” Valentine shrugged again. “But I can’t help thinking it from the viewpoint of keeping us all fucking alive if we end up in a war over this.”

  “Always the pessimist,” Cassius commented as the doors opened.

  “He’s in the back office.” Valentine strode ahead as Cassius looked around. Far more guards were in the area than normal and he guessed Valentine was taking no chances with their first Witch.

  Following Valentine into the office, he saw a tall man standing in the corner. His back to the wall and his eyes flicking around the guards that stood in front of him. Cassius could feel the tension in the man and he didn’t blame him. He’d taken a huge risk coming here, but Cassius was going to prove to him, and everyone else, that it’d been worth it.

  Striding over he held his hand out. “Pleased to meet you. I’m Cassius Allarde and you’re now under my protection.”

  He saw the indecision in the man’s eyes as he scrutinized him, but finally he reached out and grasped Cassius’ hand. “I’m Seth.”

  “Hello, Seth.” Cassius waved the guards away even when Valentine protested. “You look as if you could do with some food and a hot shower.”


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