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ROMANCE: BAD BOY ROMANCE: Played by the Rock star (Alpha Male Rockstar First Time Sex Virgin Romance)

Page 23

by Ava Walsh

  As before, several people offered to help with cooking, and the couple also hired the same barbecue place to cater along with the bakery that had helped with Jane and Adam’s wedding.

  It came together perfectly, and Lauren found the days passing all too quickly as they got closer to the day. She was an ever-changing combination of nervousness and excitement. Her friends kept her from feeling too much of one way or the other. Underneath it all, Lauren was happy.

  Lauren stayed with Jane the night before the wedding and kept her best friend up talking until she couldn’t take it anymore. They had their hair and makeup done the following day with Janice and Missy.

  There was no champagne for Jane and little for Lauren since she wanted to remember every detail about this day.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Lauren looked in the mirror and she felt her heart beating fast inside of her chest. Everything was in place, and she looked beautiful according to everyone who saw her. Lauren had her father’s wedding ring on a chain around her neck, and his blue bandana tucked carefully into her dress. Her hair was in a curly updo with the veil tucked in front of it and falling over her shoulders. She swallowed as Jane walked into the room and smiled at her.

  “You’re stunning,” Jane told her and Lauren met her eyes. “The guys look great as well and everyone’s ready.”

  “I’m getting married,” Lauren said softly. Jane nodded with tears in her eyes. Missy joined them and they hugged tightly before the girls left to walk down the aisle first.

  Once the music started, she took a deep breath and walked down the aisle with a smile on her face. She might be alone but Daddy was with her today. Her eyes rested on Cole. He was watching her come to him, handsome and emotional. There were already tears in his eyes and she smiled to comfort him.

  Lauren paused in front of him, and Jane took her bouquet of white roses and lilacs. Lauren met Cole before everyone they knew. Their ceremony was short and their vows brief, but everyone felt the emotions in their words. Lauren spoke tearfully and Cole choked when it was his turn. They kissed slowly, softly before pulling away to applause and cheering.

  The reception was simple and fun with a band and loads of food for everyone to eat. Cole and Lauren danced, sipped champagne, laughed and talked with guests before they blushed through the toasts and the tears that came along with them. They left before anyone else, heading back to their house before they went on a road trip the following day.

  They fell into bed naked after kissing all the way through the house. Cole whispered the word “wife” over and over. He worshiped her, making her feel every part of his love for her as she came from his fingers and mouth, crying out his name. They made love and everything was perfect. They fell asleep with their bags packed beside the bed.

  Their honeymoon was a week and a half of visiting every place they could get to, including The Grand Canyon for a night. It was beautiful, and Lauren smiled on every photo that was taken of her. They explored the land by day and each other by night.

  It wasn’t part of Lauren’s life plan to marry her first love, but she wouldn’t have it any other way now. She got to know him more and more every night that they spent together. She knew that their bodies were made for each other and couldn’t believe that she was a wife. Lauren had to say it several times a day to Cole, whispering when they were out in public just to watch him grab her and smile.

  They returned home happy to see their bed and pets but also a bit sad that regular life was going to start again. Lauren did have the baby shower to look forward to the following weekend, and she couldn’t wait to give Jane all of the presents that she’d bought for the baby. It was actually a barbecue for everyone since Jane wasn’t the type to sit in a room with a bunch of women and pretend that she was having fun.

  The party was being held at Adam’s mother’s house, and Lauren arrived a bit early to help set everything up and get the food ready. They were serving a lot of appetizers, and the guys were going to grill a variety of meat. There was light alcohol and a lot of soft drinks and teas that were piled in coolers full of ice. Lauren walked around to make sure that everything looked good. Jane walked in wearing a beautiful pink dress that curved over her belly with matching lipstick and a huge smile on her face.

  Everyone started arriving: friends, family and people from the town, bringing tons of gifts and even more food. Lauren took a deep breath and thanked people over and over for the kind wishes on her wedding. It was casual and Lauren liked this atmosphere. She could just hang with Cole and watch Adam enjoy the party to celebrate the arrival of his son.

  The only tradition that the couple stuck to was opening the massive pile of gifts and cutting the cake before they served it to everybody.

  It was a fun day, and Cole and Lauren helped bring the gifts into the house later that evening. They put the gifts in the nursery and Jane told everyone how she couldn’t wait for it to be completed, even though they knew that the baby would be sleeping in their room for a few months while she nursed at all hours of the night.

  Cole assured Jane that they’d work on the nursery this week since she was due in just over a month. Then he took Lauren home and into their room where he pulled her down onto the bed and kissed her senseless.

  “When do you want a baby?” Cole asked her, looking into her eyes in the light of a lamp.

  “Did today give you baby fever?” Lauren teased him and she pulled him down for another kiss.

  “Yeah, a little bit. I just thought ahead to the future,” Cole replied in between kisses. They undressed slowly. He slipped inside of her and Lauren whimpered his name. “I want to see you with my baby inside of you, Lauren. I want all of that for the first time in my life,” he said.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Lauren came for him, wrapping herself around his body and dropping her head back. She was so comfortable with Cole, and she pulled him close while she smiled and shuddered. “God, I love you.”

  “I love you,” Cole replied. He moved beside her and pulled her close. They looked outside at the moon hanging low over the mountains and listened to the dog snoring in the corner. The cat was snuggled beside Lauren. She scratched her head and pressed her lips against his skin.

  They were tired from their day and the socialization, and they fell asleep within half an hour, which was good since Cole worked the following day and had to get up early.

  Lauren started working early in the morning, already missing Cole. She made a pot of coffee and sat at the table, writing her latest article and looking at the sun rising in the backyard.

  Jane came over a couple hours later. She plopped down at the table and looked at her friend. “I feel like a beached whale.” Jane opened her laptop and sighed. “I don’t know how much longer I can write this way.”

  “He’ll be out before you know it and you’ll ease into a schedule again,” Lauren told her, tapping at the keys. “You have room for a break since you’ve worked so hard the last year.”

  “I guess. This part is just uncomfortable. I can’t wait to hold him, though,” Jane said and smiled. “We’re going to name him Brandon James. Do you like it?”

  “I love it,” Lauren told her. She looked down at Jane’s belly and shook her head. “He said…I think…I must be crazy.”

  “What do you mean?” Jane asked and Lauren rolled her eyes.

  “Cole wants a baby now. He got all starry-eyed after the shower. We’ve only been married for a month.” Lauren stared at Jane, who was smiling at her.

  “I started trying right away,” Jane reminded her. Lauren licked her lips.

  “You knew each other longer. It’s different,” Lauren protested, thinking she was becoming more insane by the second.

  “It’s love,” Jane told her and shrugged. “Take a breath and jump.”

  They worked together through the day, with Jane napping a bit more than writing. Lauren fixed her snacks and made lunch for all of them when the guys got there. Adam took great care of Jane and Lauren
watched thoughtfully.

  That night, Cole and Lauren were making love when she looked into his eyes. “I have a surprise for you,” she said.

  “What’s that?” Cole asked her. She leaned down and whispered in his ear. He grabbed her and moved inside of her with a big smile. “Really, Lauren? Are we going to make a baby?”

  She nodded and kissed him.

  They were at the hospital when Brandon was born and first in the room with the grandparents to hold him. Lauren spent every day with Jane after that, helping her with diapers and just cuddling the baby while her friend slept as much as possible. It was the best time of her life, and she especially loved seeing Cole hold the baby. Brandon was a gorgeous little boy and a perfect mix of his parents.

  Brandon celebrated his six-month birthday when Lauren told her friends that she was three months pregnant. Jane was with her and Cole when they found out that it was a girl and everyone cried.

  Holding Brandon helped Lauren through the difficult parts of the pregnancy, just knowing how amazing the end result would be. Cole spoiled her and did everything that he could while they waited for their daughter. He even helped plan her baby shower at their house.

  It was another casual party with tons of food and presents, with people that Lauren was finally getting to know and love. She felt like a part of the town now and knew that her baby would be as loved as much as Brandon was. She knew that the kids would grow up well here, attending the seasonal festivals and holiday events. They could play outside with miles of land and go to the ranch with their dads to spend time with the animals. It was a great place to grow up.

  She called Cole at work when she felt the labor pains starting, hearing him yell that he was leaving before the phone went dead.

  Cole came home and took her to the hospital while Jane arranged for her parents to watch Brandon so she could be there with Adam. He’d just turned one and was an adorable bundle of walking energy with Adam’s hair and Jane’s eyes.

  In the hospital room, Jane told Lauren that she was pregnant again in a whisper. “Why? This hurts, Jane,” Lauren said, gritting her teeth. She dropped onto her back and closed her eyes.

  “You’ll see,” Jane grabbed her hand and Cole kissed her forehead as he stared at his struggling wife.

  Once the epidural was administered and kicked in, the birth went smoothly. Lauren was pushing Lily out within six hours. Cole held her leg and stared into her eyes. The baby had red hair and chubby cheeks. They stared at her and Lauren held her, feeling utterly happy.


  Life was all about the kids once they were born and the girls helped each other every day. Lauren never dreamed that she could be so happy with a husband and a family, but it was everything that she wanted. With help from friends and family, Lauren still managed to work and keep the money coming in while building her business. It wasn’t easy but every moment was worth it, with Lily being such a good baby that she hardly caused any trouble. Everyone loved her at first sight, and the little girl warmed easily to people after getting to know them, though Cole was overprotective of her.

  Jane had her daughter Nicole when Lily was six months old, throwing them all into an even crazier schedule than before. The girls joked about the six-month mark and kept up with their activities, still keeping their businesses going with some understanding clients and even more help.

  Cole and Lauren had a son a year later. Declan was dark-haired like his dad, but he had Lauren’s pretty eyes and made their family complete for the moment.

  Holidays became a big tradition, seeing Christmas lights and doing all of the holiday festivals together. The kids grew up together as if they were siblings. They did Easter egg hunts at the park and attended all of the various sales around town, and Lauren loved her busy life working and spending time with her family.

  She still talked to her Dad during the rare moments outside alone, looking up to see a shooting star occasionally as his answer. Declan had her Dad’s name as his middle one and Lauren swore that he looked like his grandfather.

  Cole made her his focus at night when it was just the two of them, talking or making love. Sleeping together for a few hours was a treat these days, but they wouldn’t trade their life for anything.

  Jane had told Lauren to just take a breath and jump into love, so she did. It was the best move that she ever made.



  Did you like what you read?

  ”The Cowboy’s Virgin“ is a stand-alone story in a series of cowboy romance books, featuring cowboys and virgins. Other parts of the series (more coming soon!):

  - The Rancher’s Virgin

  The books each have an HEA and include stargazing, hot cowboys and steamy love scenes.

  Bonus Book 5: The Boss's Game



  I am an arrogant, self-indulgent and offensive pr*ck. Plus I am exceptionally good looking and rich. I can get any woman into my bed.

  I am the new CEO of the family firm, the one who has to save the company from a financial crisis. I have to prove that I’m capable of it, because I have no practical knowledge. My skills include licking off ten belly shots in one minute and seducing Brazilian supermodels.

  Women mean nothing to me. I don’t do relationships. I’m not interested in my conquests, just in whether I can fit their butts into my hands.

  Until Kayla. She’s strong-willed and confident and her curves drive me wild. Her eyes command me to stay away, making me want her even more. But she’s my new PA. She’s off limits.

  I know she wants me just as much I want her. So I propose a business contract. Just sex. Nothing more.

  As if.


  I have my eyes on the prize. I am going to make sure my career is going places. I just got promoted to be the PA to the Connell’s lost son, Oscar. Score for me, career wise.

  Until I realize that my new boss is that blue eyed blonde model of male perfection that I met in the gym. The one with the six-pack and the chiseled muscles; the one with the most annoying smirk in the world who can’t stop staring at my butt.

  I’m shocked to realize that I want him. Purely physically of course. Oscar is like a hot knife and I am butter, so I agree to his indecent proposal. Even if it goes completely against my rules of conduct.

  I’m pretty sure I don’t like him as a person. Who would? He’s just a means to an end. Plus I would never allow myself to grow attached to a man.

  So his rules suit me just fine. Only sex, nothing else.

  Chapter One


  I have to start my day in a sweat. By that I mean I have to get my heart pumping, my muscles aching and my body rewarding me for the extra mile I’ve pushed it. Every day is the same. I blink my eyes open and I can’t wait to hit the gym.

  Today is no different. I arrived at seven, when the gym was deserted, the doors open just for me. I hooked the earplugs in, I stretched while walking towards the treadmill and then I started running. What a way to wake myself up!

  This one hour when I’m alone in the gym, listening to the same three songs on loop, is the most peaceful time of the day for me.

  It’s when I can do some thinking, clear my head and prepare myself for a day in the office. No interruptions, no distractions and no demands.

  My body jerks as I run, I keep my eyes focused on the wall length mirror in front of me. This way I can see myself, love myself as I run for thirty minutes without a break.

  But what I wasn’t expecting today was an intrusion. About twenty minutes into the run, I heard the gym door open behind me and saw someone walk in. I could feel my brows furrowing with irritation. I told myself that as long as they left me alone, I’d be fine.

  A few seconds later he came into view. Walking up behind me, watching me run on the treadmill. A soft smirk creased the side of his face. I could see his eyes were on my butt, and then on my back. He was walking towards me with a towel flung over his shoulder.
  He looked familiar, although I couldn’t exactly place him. I was sure he was related to the Connells in some way. He had to be. This was the family’s personal gym after all; very few employees have access to this room.

  I’d been working as a receptionist at their financial services firm for the past four years. It’s a medium sized company that trades in stocks and is located in a swanky private office building. The Connells trust me, I live nearby and I’m there at their every beck and call. Working seven days a week if they need me to. The free access to their personal gym is one of the many perks that they’ve provided me with. For that, I’m very grateful.

  But who is this guy? I couldn't remember seeing him around the office, and the confidence, the sheer arrogance with which he was walking towards the treadmill next to me…I could tell that he wasn’t just a regular employee.

  His blonde hair and baby blue eyes contributed to a boyish look, but everything else about him was purely man. I was annoyed, nonetheless.

  The crop top he was wearing clung to his chiseled muscles, the bulges on his thighs stretched the thin nylon material of his shorts.

  He was still smirking as he flung himself onto the treadmill next to mine. He was making a point. There were six other empty treadmills around us, an entire empty gym to make use of. But he chose to run on the treadmill next to mine, to look into the mirror in front of us, directly into my eyes as he picked a speed on the machine.

  Within seconds he was running, faster than me. I looked back at him in the mirror, narrowing my eyes and maintaining my speed. If this was a battle, I wasn’t just going to give up. I had been here nearly thirty minutes by now, so my body had started to wind down, used to the usual routine. But I was going to push myself now. If he was trying to make a point, I’d make one too.


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