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Destiny Awaits

Page 6

by Shaw, Jaidis

  “Hunger? What do you mean?” Sofia asked, a puzzled expression on her face.

  “I don’t know. It’s like one minute I’m fine and then the next I just want to…bite something. In one of my visions it happened when I saw blood. Before I ran out here it happened with Jayden. He was standing so close to me and he just smelled so good. Not just good but…what is the word I’m looking for? Tasty? Everything just faded away and I couldn’t keep my eyes from his neck. I can’t believe I’m admitting this, but he smelled like…food.” I lowered my stare, unable to look her in the eyes. “What is wrong with me?”

  “If I had to guess, I would say that it is a result of the vampire blood in you. It would certainly make sense for you to gain some of their thirst. Are you able to control it?”

  “I haven’t bitten anyone yet so I can for now. That is why I came out here. I just had to get away. It was so strong this time and honestly I’m scared that next time it will consume me. How am I supposed to keep it from happening?” I shook as shivers covered my body.

  “Have you tried meditation?” Sofia asked.

  “I’ve never really tried meditating before. I focus on controlling my breathing but I wouldn’t consider that meditation.”

  “Controlling your breathing is good. It is a start at least. Is there anything that calms you down, something that you can use to help you focus other than your breathing?”

  I pondered her question. I really didn’t have anything in my life that calmed me, did I? I glanced at the fountain in front of me as the faint trickle of water grabbed my attention. Why hadn’t I thought of that before? Water had always been my stabilizer.

  “Water. It has always helped me in the past to regain focus,” I said, overcome with relief.

  Sofia smiled. “Great! So whenever this hunger starts up, just try and focus on water. Let it wash away the thirst,” she said and patted my arm.


  “Yes honey?”

  “Do you think we could keep this between us? I mean it’s just…I just don’t want any more attention on me, if that makes sense.”

  Sofia chuckled and put her arm around my shoulder and hugged me. “Of course dear.”

  “Why are you being so nice to me?” I blurted. “Aren’t you concerned about what could happen to Jayden if the thirst overwhelms me?”

  “Of course I am Alayna. What kind of mother would I be if I didn’t worry about my son? But at the end of the day, I have to trust that you will be capable of controlling it or, at the very least, to remove yourself from the situation. Just like you came out here when you realized what was happening.”

  “Thanks. I really appreciate it.” I smiled and released the breath that I had been holding.

  “And for the record, I want you to know that I think you are a good match for Jayden. I know you are going through a lot right now but we will work it out together. The death of his sister really hit him hard, it hit us all hard, but I’m glad to finally see him happy. And I have to admit it is nice having another girl around.” The glint of unshed tears filled her eyes as she smiled. “I’d be honored if you would consider us family, or at the very least, to know that you can come to me with anything.”

  My own tears were on the verge of spilling over as the realization hit me that maybe destiny hadn’t just brought Jayden into my life but the possibility of a family. “Thank you Sofia. You have no idea how much that means to me.”

  “What do you say we go check in on the boys…make sure they are still playing nice,” Sofia said and she stood and offered her hand to me. Together we made our way towards the house; a feeling of hope was alive and burning within me.


  The rest of the day was uneventful. Julian had informed us that he called in some recruits and that they would be arriving in the morning. Sofia sent Julian to the store to get some groceries in preparation of the guests that would soon be invading my house. She then insisted that Jayden go gather some fresh flowers for the house while she tidied up in the kitchen. Sofia had taken over the house as her own but I didn’t mind. It was nice having a mother figure around again. After straightening up and making sure the guest rooms were ready, we all sat down to an early dinner. Though Sofia tried to start conversation, the air was thick with tension where Julian was concerned. I couldn’t fight the nagging feeling that he was up to something. Once dinner was complete, Jayden insisted that I go take a bath to relax while he cleaned up the dishes and I graciously accepted his offer.

  Pulling a green cotton tank top with matching panties and black yoga shorts from the dresser, I headed for the bathroom, latching the bathroom door behind me. Turning on the hot water, I added a splash of bubble bath watching as the small bubbles exploded to life. Letting my clothes fall to the floor I slid into the tub, the hot water turning my skin rosy pink everywhere it touched. I watched the water slowly rise, threatening to spill over onto the floor and so I gave the knob a final twist to stop the flow. Steam surrounded me in comfort as my worries began to fade away; my muscles relaxing inch by inch. Gently moving my hand through the water, I watched as my movement created tiny ripples that spread across the surface. In the hole the missing bubbles created I jumped as Gavin’s face stared up at me, red blood trickling down his chin. His facial features contorted and Jayden’s appearance took shape, a vibrant smile gracing his lips. Realizing that it was just a vision, my heart slowed its rhythm and I focused on what unfolded before me. One by one faces stared at me, some familiar and others unknown. The vision shifted before me and I stood tall over a woman’s naked figure, her body shaking uncontrollably as a blood curdling scream escaped her lips. My body shivered in the warm water and the woman vanished, my focus returning to the empty bathroom. What did that mean? I remained in the cooling water trying to decipher the vision’s meaning. I finished up my bath, pushing the memory to the back of my mind to analyze later.

  After I was dressed, I rubbed the towel through my hair one last time and headed for the bedroom. Sleep pulled at my eyelids as I glanced at the inviting bed. Deciding that my house guests could fend for themselves, I slid in between the cool sheets and pulled the comforter over my shoulders. It wasn’t long before I heard Jayden’s soft footsteps enter the bedroom.

  “Are you asleep?” He whispered, a chilled draft caressing my skin as he slid under the covers.

  “Yes.” I couldn’t hold the smile that formed on my lips.

  He chuckled, his breath warm on my neck. A strong arm encircled my waist pulling me close, his body hugging mine like a second skin. With him so near, my mind finally slowed and a peaceful sleep overcame me.


  Unfamiliar voices murmuring in the kitchen cut through my sleep, bringing my attention back to reality. Sunlight streamed through the window, dancing happily across my face causing me to squint in the brightness. I snuggled into Jayden, my head resting on his chest as I listened to his even breathing.

  “Good morning beautiful.” Jayden’s husky voice sent goose bumps over my skin.

  I stretched. “I didn’t know you were awake,” I said with a happy grin on my face.

  “It wasn’t like I could move, not that I wanted to, but you have my arm pinned. I didn’t want to risk waking you because you looked so peaceful.”

  A giggle escaped my lips before I could stop it and a light blush crossed my cheeks. “You should have nudged me. I didn’t mean to hold you prisoner.”

  “It’s okay. I’m a willing captive.” He pulled me into a hug and laid a gentle kiss on my forehead. I could have stayed in this moment forever but the hushed voices reminded me of our new guests.

  “We should get up and go meet the cavalry.” I sat up on the bed and placed my feet on the cold floor.

  “Are they here already?” Jayden asked, a frown causing small creases at the corners of his lips.

  “Can’t you hear them in the kitchen?” I asked.

  Jayden was silent a moment as he focused, straining to hear an indication that people were in t
he house. “I don’t hear anything.”

  “Trust me, they are here,” I said, dragging my feet to the nearby dresser and pulling out a pair of jeans. Letting my shorts slip to the floor I stepped into the cold denim, the tight material hugging my body in all the right places. I loved the way these jeans fit on me and apparently Jayden did too by the low whistle he gave. “Easy boy. Don’t go getting any ideas.” I winked his way, pulled a bra out of the drawer and headed to the bathroom to finish getting ready. Running a brush through my hair, I allowed the long waves to cascade down my back. I applied a touch of eye shadow and lip gloss and considered myself ready.

  When I re-entered the bedroom, Jayden stood up and headed my way. “I’m going to hop in the shower real quick if you don’t mind. Will you be okay until I’m done?” He asked.

  “Of course I will. I have to meet them sometime right?” I placed a gentle kiss on his cheek. “Don’t be long,” I whispered before leaving him in the room, the heat of his gaze following me out the door.

  Gliding down the hallway, the door to one of the guest bedrooms opened and Darren’s familiar face appeared. “Alayna! It’s good to see you again.” His greeting was genuine and I couldn’t help but smile.

  “Hey there! What time did you get in?”

  “A few hours ago. Julian has had me running all over the place non-stop so I took a nap. I hope that’s alright.”

  “Of course it is. You may be here awhile so please make yourself at home.” I smiled in reassurance as we began walking down the hall together.

  “Thanks! You’ve got my vote.”

  “What vote?” I asked, stopping in mid-stride. With a rough slap on my back, he laughed and kept on walking. “What vote?” I called after him.

  Upon entering the kitchen, all eyes turned to me and an eerie silence overwhelmed me. Frozen in my tracks I was uncertain what to do. All bravado I was just feeling a moment ago was over shadowed by the nervous tension in the air.

  “Good morning Alayna!” Sofia said breaking the silence as she walked over to me and hugged me in a gentle embrace. “Did you sleep well?”

  “Wonderful. Thank you,” I mumbled. “Am I interrupting?” I glanced around the room at the new arrivals.

  “Don’t be silly! Of course you’re not. It is your house after all.” She smiled. “Here, let me introduce you.” She used the arm she kept around me and gently nudged me into the room. “You already know Darren.” She pointed to where Darren was sitting at the table using a pocket knife to slice an apple. He winked in my direction before returning his attention to mutilating the red apple.

  Leading me to a tall male with shaggy blonde hair, she continued the introductions. “This is Kyle Burroughs. We found him wandering on his own when he was just a teen. Needless to say, he is just as much a part of the clan as I am.” Sofia smiled brightly at the young man who was now standing in front of us offering me his hand.

  “Nice to meet you Kyle,” I said, shaking his strong hand. “Are you a panther to?” I asked.

  His warm laugh comforted me, breaking the tension in the room. “Right to the point…I like it. Uh no, actually you could say I’m a feline of a different flavor.”

  I arched an eyebrow in his direction. “And that means what exactly?”

  “Stop giving her a hard time Kyle,” Sofia scolded. “He’s a lion Alayna, and believe me he is just as stubborn as one too.”

  “Stubborn? Is that what we are calling it now?” Darren spoke around the crushed apple slice in his mouth. “If I had to call him anything it would be a pain in the ass.”

  “Takes one to know one kitten,” Kyle replied as he walked over to Darren, playfully slugging him in the shoulder.

  “You punch like a girl,” Darren replied, a loud laugh rumbling through the room.

  I couldn’t help but join in on the laughter and it was nice to see their brotherly relationship.

  “Play nice boys.” Sofia snickered, love filling her eyes. She inhaled deeply as if preparing for what was to come. Tightening her arm around me slightly, she turned towards a female standing rigid against the counter. “And this,” Sofia paused while she cleared her throat.

  “I know who she is,” I replied. There was no need for introductions. Even if I hadn’t seen this woman before I could have guessed who she was by the amber eyes filled with loathing staring back at me. Unable to make myself utter a hospitable response I remained quiet, deciding that was the best option against the list of obscenities that were threatening to spew from me at any moment. Only in her presence for a few minutes and already my blood began to boil with hatred at the thought of her wanting to take Jayden away from me.

  “Ah yes, I forgot you already knew about Olivia.” Sofia forced a smile and turned to Julian who had remained silent throughout the introductions, her eyes throwing daggers in his direction in clear indication of who had invited her.

  “I see Julian decided to invite you to the party,” I said, meeting Julian’s eyes before bringing my attention back to the woman in front of me.

  “He thought it was best,” she replied, her high pitched voice was like nails on a chalk board to me. “Especially since Jayden is involved.” Evil glinted in her eyes as a sneer crossed her face.

  “Leave Jayden out of this. I’m the one you are threatened by.” I turned my back on her and walked over to the coffee pot. I had to put up with her being here but that didn’t mean that I had to play nice.

  Darren laughed, breaking the ice. “I do love a good cat fight.”

  “How come Jayden always has the hot chicks fighting over him?” Kyle asked in response.

  After retrieving my favorite coffee mug from the cabinet and pouring myself a cup of the steaming brew I turned to face Darren. “Don’t think you are off the hook. What vote were you talking about?”

  Darren raised his hands in surrender and pretended he didn’t know what I was talking about. Julian decided to speak for the first time this morning and answer my question.

  “After being…persuaded…by my dear wife,” he cleared his throat before continuing, “We have decided that maybe a vote should take place to decide on Olivia’s challenge. Not if it will occur since we all know it must, but what rules need to be put into place.”

  “Rules? What kind of rules are we talking about?” I asked, inhaling the hearty scent of coffee before taking a large gulp.

  Before he could reply Jayden walked into the room, stopping when his eyes fell on Olivia. “Who invited the ice queen?” He asked, fists clenching at his sides.

  “Your father thought she should be here…for whatever reason.” I sat my cup on the counter and walked over to Jayden, my desire to assert dominance rushing to the surface. “Don’t worry about her. I won’t let her take you,” I whispered in his ear before pulling his face to mine, my lips pressing against his as if we were the only ones in the room. A vibrant smile spread across Jayden’s face as I pulled away.

  “If she is going to make you do things like that, maybe we should keep her around for awhile?”

  “Watch it!” I said and gently punched his shoulder. He took my hand in his and kissed it as we walked to my abandoned coffee cup. He leaned against the counter, pulling me in front of him and wrapping his arms tightly around my waist. “Your father was just about to explain the challenge rules.”

  “What rules?” Jayden asked, looking in Julian’s direction.

  “Yes, as I was saying, we have decided that maybe some ground rules should be applied to the duel since we aren’t sure of Alayna’s abilities.” Julian sat up straighter in his chair.

  “I think the whole concept of a duel is unthinkable. I will leave the clan before I allow Olivia to claim me,” Jayden said. I patted his arm, trying to comfort him.

  “Let’s just hear your father out Jayden. We already know the fight takes place, may as well know what rules I have to play by.” A satisfied grin crossed Olivia’s face, I’m assuming at the thought that we would be fighting each other before it was all said and
done with.

  “Normally it would be anything goes, but that is when both are in shifter form. Since we don’t know if Alayna can shift, the question has been raised if it would be best to have the duel in human form,” Julian said, glancing at his wife, hinting at her as the question’s culprit.

  “What?!” Olivia shrieked. “No way! The battle has to be in shifter form and if she can’t shift, then she is unqualified to put in a bid.”

  “Scared you will lose without your kitty advantages?” I countered. It felt great to let my sarcasm add fuel to the fire.

  Jayden chuckled softly and placed a soft kiss on my neck and I leaned into his warmth.

  “She does have shifter blood running through her veins so I believe that qualifies her Olivia,” Darren spoke, winking in my direction.

  “I think the rules should say that the fight must take place in a big pool of strawberry jello with bikinis being the required attire,” Kyle said, giving Darren a very enthusiastic high-five.

  “That is enough from you two,” Sofia scolded. “This really isn’t the time to be making jokes.”

  “I agree,” Julian said, the look in his eyes bringing their laughter to a halt. “That said, I don’t think any special rules should be made. We explained the process to Alayna and she still wanted to put in her bid. That should make our traditions stand as far as I’m concerned.”

  “Julian!” Sofia huffed. “We already discussed this.”

  “Why don’t we just vote?” I asked, trying to regain order. “Who all is eligible to vote?”

  “Everyone is eligible to vote except for you and Olivia,” Julian said, never removing his eyes from Sofia.

  “I vote for human form,” Jayden started off the round of voting.

  “I vote for shifter form,” Julian said in defiance.

  “I’m with Jayden on this one. Human form,” Darren replied.

  “Even though I’m risking sleeping outside, I think I’m going with shifter form on this one,” Kyle chimed in. “No offense Alayna.”

  “None taken…and you can sleep inside,” I said and smiled at him. “Looks like you are the tie breaker Sofia.”


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