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Destiny Awaits

Page 13

by Shaw, Jaidis

  “That is true and really is no surprise to me. We have always been the superior race where shifters are concerned.”

  I couldn’t hold the laughter that rumbled through my chest. “Aren’t you just a smug bastard.”

  “I am when it is the truth. The point I’m trying to make is that I think we may have gotten off on the wrong foot.”

  “You mean when you were trying to kill me?” I asked.

  “Unfortunately, yes,” Gavin said glancing at the floor for a moment. My internal alarms were screeching and I knew that he was just trying to say what I wanted to hear. There is no way that he feels remorse for what he did and now he just wants to use me to his advantage. Olivia did the same thing when she took some of my blood to use for herself. Maybe I need to play into his game to buy me some more time.

  “Why don’t you just kill me and get it over with already? It isn’t like I have much choice in the matter. I’m tired of playing your games Gavin,” I muttered.

  “You don’t understand, Alayna.” He closed the distance between us and knelt on the floor in front of me. “I don’t want to kill you. We could be together if you just allowed it.” He placed a hand on my knee and I resisted the urge to cringe away from his touch.

  “Do you mean you want to turn me into a vampire? I think you’ve already done enough where that is concerned.”

  “You’re right; I can’t change you any further. What I meant was that I would like you to consider staying here with me. We could be great together and the world would bow at our feet.”

  I felt his hand tremble on my leg and I glanced at him in confusion. Is he serious or is this just another one of his games? I asked myself. I bit the inside of my cheek in disgust. The taste of copper flooded my mouth and started an idea churning within me. Biting my cheek again to widen the oozing cut, I leaned in towards Gavin. Coating my tongue in my blood I pressed my lips to his. He froze as our lips met, his fingers digging into my thigh. I teased at his lips with my tongue, praying that my plan would work. Just when I was about to give up he leaned into me, his mouth opening to invite me in. I massaged his tongue with mine pushing what blood I could into his mouth. Pulling back from me abruptly, his stare penetrated mine in confusion. Now was the time to test my theory. Untie me Gavin, I thought.

  Without hesitation Gavin stood and walked behind me, yanking on the rope to free my hands. I began massaging my wrists and smiled at the revelation of my blood’s effect on vampires.

  “What are you doing Gavin?” Olivia asked in bewilderment.

  “I’m in charge here Olivia. Don’t question me,” he reprimanded.

  Will you shut her up already? I hissed in my mind. I watched Gavin storm over to Olivia and wrap his strong hands around her throat. Her feet dangled helplessly above the ground while she clawed at Gavin’s hands in an attempt to free herself from his deadly grasp.

  “Sir?” Seth asked, placing a hand on Gavin’s shoulder briefly. With one hand still around Olivia’s paling neck Gavin thrust Seth away with his free hand, sending an unsuspecting Seth crashing against the far wall. Beth shrieked and ran to his side, helping him to his feet.

  I stared in amazement at the events occurring in front of me. I knew that ingesting my blood would allow me into his mind but I had no idea to what extent. I locked my eyes on Olivia, her face turning blue from the lack of oxygen. My satisfaction was short lived as Gavin lowered her to the ground and stepped back, confusion evident on his face. The moment her feet hit the floor, Olivia back-pedaled away from Gavin, trying to put a safe distance between them.

  “What am I doing?” He whispered and glanced at his hands, blinking repeatedly.

  Before he could question himself further, the door blew off of its hinges and landed on the floor with a thud. I froze at the intrusion and relief flooded over me when I saw Jayden rush into the room, followed by streaks of fur. Counting as the shifters rushed in, I knew that Julian, Sofia, Darren and Kyle had all arrived.

  Backing up to a corner I watched in horror as everything in front of me slowed to an unnatural pace. In a streak of golden fur, Kyle rushed at Olivia where she cowered on the floor, gasping for breath. In a jerky motion she reached into her pocket and pulled out the vial of blood, thrusting into his mouth just as his powerful jaws lunged for her face. A strangled roar erupted from him and I stared in disbelief as the fur dissolved and Kyle’s body convulsed on the floor.

  Jayden was now blending in with the remaining black fur as the shifters paired up with the vampires who were still trying to recover from the ambush. Searching frantically I tried to pick him out of the crowd but my efforts proved futile. A scream grabbed my attention and I flicked my eyes to the source. I caught glimpses of Beth’s face as she rolled on the floor in a tangle of black fur and claws. Pushing up with her legs, the panther’s body that pinned her to the floor flew backwards and slumped to a heap at the base of the wall. My hand instinctually flew to my mouth, trapping my scream within me as the sickening crack echoed in my ears. Now that she was free, I could see the blood rushing from a gaping hole in Beth’s stomach. Even at my distance I could see her face pale as she searched the room for help. Barely audible above the commotion I heard her whisper Seth’s name. I tried to pick Seth out among the bloody altercation taking place before me but everything became a blur.

  “Seth! Your sister!” I screamed and waited for a response. A body flew through the air and landed near me. I could just barely identify it as Seth through the blood that coated his mangled face. “Beth is hurt! It’s now or never!” I yelled and pointed in her direction. My words brought him back to reality and he followed my finger to find her body that was motionless on the floor. In the blink of an eye he was jumping over the shadow that was rushing at him and landed by her side. Hoisting her into his arms, he abandoned the fight and fled through the door.

  “Come back here you coward!” Thomas yelled from the middle of the room, pausing briefly while wrestling the panther that was wrapped around his torso. If I didn’t know they were trying to kill each other it would have looked as though he was giving a giant kitten a hug. I was jerked back to reality as powerful jaws grasped Thomas’s throat and shook him like a rag doll. The snap was deafening and I shuddered in disbelief as Thomas’s lifeless body slumped to the floor. I watched the blood ooze from his torn throat and spread in a puddle around him. Bile rose in my throat as I inhaled the scent of death and I began dry heaving, choking on the sickly aroma.

  I fell to my knees with my body’s relentless retching. I glanced up hastily and didn’t have time to react before a body slammed into me. Crushed beneath the weight of the shifter, I struggled to free myself as Gavin flung himself at us. The black fur slipped through my grasp and Julian’s body began to form. At least I know where one shifter is, I thought.

  “Alayna,” Julian whispered. I felt his muscles bunch as he strained to free me from his heavy weight. “I’m so sorry Alayna. I should have…” Julian coughed and blood flew from his mouth.

  “Shh. It’s okay Julian. Don’t strain yourself.” I tried my best to reassure him but caught Gavin’s gaze on me.

  An evil sneer crossed Gavin’s face as he strolled towards us. “It must be my lucky day; a two for one special.” Maniacal laughter rushed from his lips as blood dripped from a large gash on his face that was slowly beginning to heal. Kneeling on all fours he crawled up to me confident that Julian was no longer a threat. I would have believed his confidence if Julian hadn’t spoken to me. “I really wish you had accepted my offer Alayna. I have to give you credit for that kiss though. Lucky for me I won’t be making the same mistake twice,” he whispered a mere two inches from my face.

  Reaching my free hand into my pocket I pulled out the vial and clutched it in my grasp. “I wouldn’t count your lucky stars just yet Gavin,” I taunted and thrust my hand towards his still open mouth. He caught sight of the vial a second before I slammed it into his mouth and lodged it towards the back of his throat. He clamped his teeth down involun
tarily but only succeeded in smashing the vial, the dark red blood filling his mouth. My eyebrows creased in confusion as the gash on his face healed up instantly. Had my blood healed him? His dark eyes became cloudy and I knew that I was in control of him for the moment and my confusion was replaced with a satisfied grin as I realized my plan had worked.

  Before I could issue my first command to Gavin a fist slammed into my face, flinging my head back with a thud. “What the…” My words were cut off with another blow to my face and I used the pain to help sober up. Preoccupied with taking control of Gavin, I had forgotten that Olivia was still seeking revenge on me. I felt her warm hands slip around my neck as I struggled under Julian’s weight. Lucky for me I wouldn’t need to speak to get help. I ended her life with a simple command to Gavin. Kill her.

  Gavin was at her side in a blur, his powerful hands twisting her neck in a single snap. Her hands slipped from my neck as her motionless body collapsed to the floor. Gasping for breath I became aware of the eerie silence that replaced the violent screams and hisses. A mixture of vampire, shifter and human forms littered the floor in a bloody mess. Those who were still alive were watching Gavin render Olivia useless, oblivious to the fact that he was helping me.

  Move Julian off of me Gavin. Carefully! I commanded, unsure of how long I would remain in control. Gavin lifted Julian’s unconscious body from me and laid him on the floor nearby. No sooner had he laid him down than I caught sight of emerald green eyes lunging towards Gavin. I knew that it was Jayden who was now in a blurry mass.

  “Gavin stop!” I yelled hoping that my control was still holding strong. He paused at the sound of my voice and glanced at me in bewilderment before striking Jayden across the face. My heart sank with the realization that I would be unable to help Jayden. A shifter with brown eyes limped up to me and nudged me in assurance. “Darren?” I asked and was rewarded with a nod. Jayden growled in pain and I forced my gaze back to him and saw Gavin sinking his teeth into Jayden’s neck. Turning back to Darren I punched him in the shoulder to get his attention. “What are you waiting for!? Help him!” I yelled. Realization flashed through Darren’s eyes and he rushed to help Jayden. Lunging at Gavin’s hunched frame, he sunk his fangs into his shoulder and ripped him away from Jayden. Leaping on top of Gavin, Darren clasped his jaws around his neck and in one vicious jerk, ripped Gavin’s throat out.

  I ran to Jayden and threw myself next to his shaking body. I tried to find the wound to see how bad it was but it was lost among the black fur that was slick with blood. “Can you shift Jayden? I need to examine your neck.” I propped Jayden’s head on my lap and let the tears that I could no longer keep hidden fall down my cheek.

  His muscles tensed below my trembling hands but the fur refused to recede. Memories of Gavin healing flashed in my mind and I began to form an idea. “Do you trust me?” I whispered. Jayden’s emerald eyes reached into my soul and I knew that he did but he nodded to confirmation. “I need you to bite me.”

  Jayden flinched and a grumble escaped his lips.

  “Please Jayden. There isn’t time for me to explain,” I pleaded.

  He broke eye contact and turned his face from me and I knew that I needed to find a way to make him understand.

  “Fine. Have it your way,” I hissed and forced him to look at me again. “When Gavin drank my blood it healed a cut on his face. If I’m right, I think it is because my blood recognized his and thought it was healing me. If that is true for him it should be true for you since your blood is mixed with mine too.” I watched as Jayden considered this but was still reluctant to harm me. “It isn’t like you are killing me Jayden. Just bite hard enough to break the skin and lick the blood away. You’ll have to be quick though because of how quickly I heal.”

  “Just do it Jayden,” Julian said from behind us where he was now sitting up laboring to breathe. “She’s right. I saw it heal Gavin.”

  I smiled, thankful to have Julian’s confidence, and held my arm out in front of Jayden. A sigh escaped his lips and rushed over my skin causing goose bumps to rise. I held my breath at the feeling of his furry lips latch onto my arm. Keeping my face passive I stared into his eyes and watched the pain swirl in the emerald depths as his teeth penetrated my skin. The blood flowed from my arm and I couldn’t contain the shudder that raced through me. I knew that he had consumed some of my blood because the black fur melted away. I expected him to start convulsing, afraid that my plan failed and had only managed to force his human side out. My panicked gaze traveled over his body and rested on his neck, the torn puncture wounds healed before me. “It’s working,” I whispered, afraid to raise my voice for fear it was all just a hallucination. Jayden’s mouth slipped from my arm and I felt my own skin tingle and knew that it was repairing itself, erasing all traces of Jayden’s bite. Jayden sat up and I threw my arms around him, a new stream of tears cascading down my face. “I knew you’d come for me,” I whispered, my voice cracking.

  “I’ll always come for you Alayna.” Jayden clutched me to his warm chest and I couldn’t contain my smile. Happiness filled me and I knew that everything would work out so long as I had Jayden in my life.


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  Chapter Sixteen

  After convincing myself that he wasn’t going anywhere, I released my arms from Jayden’s neck. He helped me to my feet as we surveyed the damage around us. I was relieved to see Julian and Sofia cradling one another and I headed in their direction. I knew they were wounded by the amount of blood that covered them but it didn’t appear to be life threatening. Jayden retrieved a bag from the hallway before joining me by his parents. Digging through the bag he pulled out a long T-shirt and handed it to his father who immediately began helping Sofia into it. After seeing that she was covered, Julian took another shirt from Jayden and pulled it over his head, wincing in pain from an injury on his shoulder.

  “Throw me something would you?” Unaware that Darren had walked up behind me I jumped at the sound of his voice, a hand rushing to my chest in surprise. His laugh was warm and delightful despite the bone that was protruding at a sharp angle from his right arm. Glancing over the rest of his body looking for damage I immediately regretted my decision as the heat spread across my face at the realization that he was naked. A pair of pants flew past me and Darren snatched them from the air with his good arm.

  “Cover yourself up Darren,” Jayden said sternly but his voice slipped and ended in laughter. I turned away from Darren and hid my embarrassment by walking over to Kyle who was still lying unconscious on the floor. Kneeling by his side I felt for a pulse and was relieved to find it strong and steady beneath my fingertips.

  “Do you think Kyle will be okay?” I asked out loud to nobody in particular.

  “Did anyone see what happened to him?” Jayden asked, surveying Kyle’s body for evidence of what rendered him unconscious.

  “Olivia tried planning ahead and took some of my blood because she knew that it would give her an advantage with shifters. She made him ingest it the same way I did to Gavin. Seeing her do it is actually what gave me the idea to try it,” I said.

  “If it is anything like what happened with Olivia, I’d say he will be fine once he wakes up,” Jayden said. Kneeling beside Kyle he awkwardly began to dress him in a pair of shorts.

  “Aren’t we missing a couple of vampires?” Darren glanced around the room and took note of the bodies on the floor.

  “Yeah,” I said standing and stretching my exhausted body. “Seth and Beth escaped but I don’t think we have to worry about them.”

  “How can you be so sure?” Julian joined in our conversation.

  “I got to know them a little bit while I was here and they were just bidding their time until they could break free from Gavin. When Gavin turned them into vampires, he was able to control them. I knew that they would run at the first opportunity and that is why I told Seth when his sister was wounded.”

  “Why would
you just let them go?” Julian asked.

  I only shrugged in response feeling that I didn’t need to explain my actions.

  “Speaking of control, I saw the way you handled Gavin.” Julian’s eyes sparkled with amusement.

  “What do you mean?” Jayden asked.

  “Apparently my blood is toxic to both shifters and vampires. But it’s a long story and I’d rather get out of here for now. I’d be happy to explain it later after I’m able to get some sleep,” I said.

  “That sounds good to me,” Darren spoke up. “I need to get this arm set.”

  “We can call Gwen and Violet. They will be able to help with that.” Jayden nodded at Darren and placed an arm around my waist, giving me a gentle squeeze.

  “Then it’s agreed. Let’s get out of here and then we can come back later and clean up this mess,” Julian said, picking Sofia up in his arms and heading for the door as she faded in and out of consciousness.

  Our wary group walked down the damp hallway and ascended a flight of stairs. I glanced around the worn down house in confusion. “Where are we?” I asked.

  “It turns out that Gavin was smarter than I gave him credit for. All of this time I was expecting him to be taking refuge in a town nearby and travelling into Juniper Grove when he wanted to hunt. Instead he was hiding right under my nose. This house belongs to Dominic and is only about ten miles from your house. The basement being underground gave him a place to rest during the day, and I never thought to check it out since Dominic was involved,” Jayden said.

  “Dominic’s dead,” I blurted. “He kidnapped me from the party because he was scared for his life. Then he tried to help me escape but when Gavin found out, he beat him and then killed him in front of me.” An involuntary tremor ran through me and Jayden intertwined his fingers with mine.


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