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Coming Home (Williams Siblings)

Page 19

by Ann B. Harrison

  "You bastard."

  "I gave you everything bar my car and my clothes. I think you've done very well out of the deal."

  "But I wanted more. I want to live in that big house with servants just as you did when you were growing up. You can't take that away from me, I won't let you."

  He laughed, a sound that freed him from the tension this woman had caused him. "The funniest thing about this? I don't own it. My father saw to it that it remains in a family trust forever. None of us can sell it or give it away. So you lose out, Paula. I suggest you take what you've already got and go. I want those papers signed by tomorrow night or the photos go to interested parties. Your solicitor has all the details of your infidelity too, just for your information."

  He walked to the door and left, slamming it behind him. Photos, good move, Russ. He had proof she was playing around but nothing to back it up, not that she knew that. Relieved beyond measure, he got in his car and headed home.

  Chapter Thirty-one

  Cade stood outside with Kate and watched Stevie drive around to the front of the house. He’d told Tam the barest of details of how her mother had been hurt. She stood, holding onto his hand as the car pulled up.

  "Mummy." She let go of his hand and raced over to the police car grabbing at the door handle.

  Rooney opened the door and reached for her daughter. "Hey, Tam. I'm okay, don't worry."

  "I know. Uncle Cade told me Daddy saved you and Uncle Russ sewed you up all good as new." She looked at the bandage covering the stitches on Rooney's throat. "Does it hurt?"

  "Not really. It's a little bit numb still. Have you done your homework?"

  Stevie came around and helped her from the car and Cade marvelled at the connection they still had after all the years apart and the pain from the secret they hadn’t shared. Tam skipped ahead of them. "Yes, Uncle Cade made me read my books to him."

  "Thanks, I appreciate it, brother." Rooney winced when she turned her head.

  "Is there anything I can do?" He followed them through the house and into the front room where Stevie set her on a chair with her feet up before heading into the kitchen to make her a cup of tea.

  "Not now, thanks. I need to rest up for a couple of days or Russ will have my hide." She tried to smile and Cade saw the anguish behind her pale blue eyes. "I'll go and help make you a drink. Stay here, Squirt and look after you mother."

  He half-walked half-hobbled, into the kitchen where Stevie was relaying the story to Essie. She stood with her hand over her lips and tears running down her cheeks.

  "Essie, come here." Cade wrapped her in his arms and rocked her. "Tell me what happened, Stevie, before Tam comes in looking for us."

  Stevie retold the story from the beginning. Cade was sure he left out plenty of details so he didn't upset the housekeeper any more than necessary. "So what happens now then?"

  "An inquiry, I guess. They always have one when there is a death with the police involved. I don't have any reason to be worried though. He was going to kill her. There was no other option. I had one chance and I took it."

  "The guy was a creep. Seriously, I don't think he was all there, if you know what I mean."

  "He did have some issues. There is no doubt about it, but the main thing is, Rooney is safe. Now she has to deal with what happened and she’ll need all of you to keep her grounded and carry on."

  "And you, Stevie," Essie said as she wiped her tears. "That little girl needs her father and Rooney might not know it, but she needs you too."

  He smiled. "I have no intention of letting her go again, Essie. She might take a bit of convincing, but I'll get there in the long run." He looked over at the kettle. "Do you mind if I take over and make her some tea? It seems to be the tonic for all things apparently."

  "No, you go back to her. I'll do it." She pushed him toward the door and with a nod, he returned to the lounge. "Oh that poor girl."

  "Yeah, I don't know how the hell she managed to stay calm throughout that. I reckon I would’ve struggled if I had a knife held at my throat."

  The door opened and Kate came in, tears in her eyes.

  "What is it?" Cade walked over to her and put his hands on her shoulders, looking down into her face and watched as she let the tears fall.

  "It's nothing. I'm being silly." She shrugged and tried to laugh. Cade itched to take her in his arms and soothe her fears, but he didn't want to scare her off. "Life can be gone in a puff and then it's too late. Poor Rooney, it must have been so hard."

  "She's okay now, Kate. We need to be strong for her and she will get over it. The Williams genes are pretty resilient you know." He ran his thumbs under her eyes and wiped her tears away. "I think you could do with a cup of tea too."

  She shook her head. "I have too much to do."

  "Let me help you."

  Kate smiled and shook her head again. "No, you need to be with your sister. I'll be fine." She broke away from him and ran out of the kitchen door.

  Cade looked over at Essie, wondering what he was missing.

  "I think the poor thing is probably remembering how she lost her parents. She had no one to hold her together apart from your father and me."

  "Shit." Cade half ran and skipped out the back door to find her.

  He looked toward the barn and Kate's cottage. She was crouched on the ground with her arms wrapped around herself. You poor kid. He hurried as fast as he could and dropped down beside her, pulling her into his arms. The gut wrenching sobs increased and she clung to him, her fists gripping the front of his shirt tightly as her tears soaked the cotton through to his chest.

  Cade sat on the grass in the sunshine and let Kate sob away her grief. He couldn't imagine being alone, losing two parents whom you loved at the same time. It made him realise how closed off his life had been when he was playing football.

  She sniffed and dug in her pocket for a tissue. "Sorry about that. I don't know what came over me."

  "That's okay. What are friends for?" Cade held her away from his chest and looked into her bright green eyes. "Do you think you should take a bit of time to yourself? I think you're pushing yourself too hard. I can help you tomorrow with whatever is needed."

  "Not really what I get paid for, is it? Having a meltdown, I mean." She heaved a great sigh.

  "I won't tell if you don't. I seriously can't see Tory giving you a dressing down for taking some personal time anyway." He wiped a stray tear from her cheek and grabbed her hand. "How about the two of us play hooky together? We can take the new bike for a ride over the farm and you can fill me in on what you've been doing. I have a lot to catch up on."

  "Why would you want to do that with me?"

  Her breath was warm on his face and Cade was tempted to taste her lips and devour sweet Kate where they sat on the grass. Timing was going to be the key with her though. He had to convince her he wasn't the Cade she thought he was. "Because I want to see what's going on around here and I want to do it with you."

  "Why? I'm not one of your groupies, Cade." She looked down at her hands and pulled at a stalk of grass at her feet.

  "I know that and I've already told you the media portrayed me differently to what I'm really like. I want you to get to know the real me."

  Kate lifted her head and looked at him long and hard before he saw the spark in her eyes light up. "Okay, but I drive the bike."

  Cade laughed, the sound breaking the tension in his chest. "Fine then. Help me up please."

  Kate stood and gripped his hand, pulling him up from the grass. He dusted himself down before taking her hand. Together they walked toward the shed where he’d parked his ute.

  "How about I get this off from up here? You'll probably do more damage than good." Kate dropped the tailgate of his ute and grabbed a couple of long planks, setting them behind the tyres of the bike. When she had them lined up, she climbed up and held her hand out for the keys.

  Cade got them from inside the ute, throwing them up to her. She caught them, grinned and straddled the bi
ke before starting it up. Careful to watch where she was going, she reversed the bike down to the ground.

  "Get on and hang on." Her tear stained face lit up as she revved the throttle of the bike.

  Cade climbed on the back, swinging his sore leg over and getting it settled before wrapping his arms around her stomach. "Go, boss."

  Kate laughed as she gunned the bike down past the barn toward the bottom paddocks where two farm hands were repairing fences. She slowed down when they reached them.

  "How's it going?" She killed the engine and got off, leaving Cade sitting on the bike. "You seem to be doing a good job here guys. Thought I'd bring the new hand down to meet you and check out the rest of the farm." She turned to Cade. "Cade, this is Jeff and Tiny. Tiny, Jeff meet Cade."

  They exchanged small talk for a few minutes before Kate climbed back on the bike. With a wave, they took off again down the fence line. "The cattle in this paddock will be ready for the sales in the next few months. I like to hold them closer to the house so I can keep an eye on them. We should do well this year." She slowed down when they got closer to the herd.

  "You've done well, they look great. Good condition, fat. You should do well with them."

  "That's what I thought too. Hang on, let's go see the mums and babies. Tell me what you think of them." Kate took off again and drove for a good ten minutes before they came to a gate.

  Cade got off and hobbled to open it, standing back when she drove through. He locked it behind her and skipped over to climb back on the bike. Wrapping his arms around her, Cade watched over her shoulder as she headed to a small group of cows and calves.

  Their creamy hides gleamed in the late afternoon sun. The calves skittered around their mothers while they chewed contentedly on the long grass. They watched the humans with bored interest and little or no fear.

  "They look great. What is it that you have to catch up on that's stressing you out so much?" Cade rested his chin on her shoulder, a stray hair blowing against his cheek.

  "These guys have to come in and get tagged and all the usual things, worming and vaccinations. As you know, it’s more than a one man operation with animals that size. I have the boys working on repairing that long line of fencing." She smiled, glancing at the herd. "Then there is the paperwork which is piling up and maintenance on the farm machinery. I really need to be two or three people."

  "Hmm, not sure if I could cope with that many of you. I think I might have my hands full with one Kate."

  She blushed. "About that..."

  "Yes, let's talk about that, Kate. Let's clear the air." Cade got off the bike and stood beside her, hands on his hips as he gazed over the farm. "I know I was a typical brat when I was a kid. You didn't deserve to be ignored." He turned to her. "I apologise for that. I know there is something between us and so do you. I can almost hear the flutter of your heart when I'm close and it makes me happy."

  "Why would that please you?" She licked her lips and looked down at her fingers.

  "Because it means I get to you in a way I want, and that makes me happy."

  Kate laughed, a shaky sound Cade took as insecurity.

  "I don't find it funny, Kate. You are a stunning woman I want to know more about."

  "Don't play with me, Cade. I couldn't stand it." She looked at him with solemn eyes.

  He stepped over and cupped her cheeks in his hands, brushing his lips over hers. "I promise I won't."

  She lifted her arms and wrapped them around his neck, placing her lips on his. Tentatively at first, Kate kissed him, then bolder as she devoured him. He stood, stunned at the intensity of the feelings rushing though him. Little Kate, the kid who used to follow him around with hero-worship in her eyes, would be the undoing of him.

  "Wow." Cade ran his hands down over her back, cupping her butt in his palms. "That was pretty hot."

  "Sorry, I didn't mean to attack you like that. It kind of built up over the years." A soft pink tinge fluttered over her freckled cheeks.

  "I'm not complaining, not by any means. You just surprised me."

  "Yeah, well. Look, if you’re on the level, I may as well be too. I admit it, I adore you. I always have." She paused, waiting for him to react. "When you came back home I was expecting the Cade we all knew from the news. I know you said it was media hype, but you did treat me like crap when I was a kid. I had to see if I could trust you enough before I let you know my feelings."

  He kissed her nose. "I was an awful teenager, I admit it. I won't hurt you, Kate, I promise. When I first hurt my leg, I knew what was happening. Deep inside, I knew I wouldn't play again. It took me a bit of time to deal with that and I made an arse of myself."

  "It's understandable, Cade."

  "Yes and no. It's something I should have dealt with behind closed doors. You didn't need to be giving a lashing of my lousy attitude. That’s something I should have kept to myself. Fact is, you were doing things to me I didn't want to acknowledge. I didn't know if I was ready for a serious relationship."

  "A relationship or me?"

  "Relationship. You, I could never turn away from, as a friend or a lover when the time comes. You are special to me, Kate. I hope you know that." He squeezed her butt again before conceding they still had things to do. "Let's get this tour over so we can work out what I'm going to do in the morning when I start work."

  Her laugh rang out over the meadow as they got back on the bike.

  Chapter Thirty-two

  Stevie offered to carry Rooney upstairs.

  "I can walk. I'm not helpless." As soon as the words were out of her mouth, she cringed. "I'm sorry."

  "Hey, don't beat yourself up over it. I know what you meant, but I really think you should go and have a shower. Then I can tuck you in." Stevie brushed the hair from her forehead, a sad smile on his face.

  "If you need any help, may I could..." Kate stopped, the heat racing up her cheeks when Stevie turned to frown at her. "Sorry."

  "Thanks anyway, Kate." Rooney squeezed his hand, trying to reassure him. She threw the blanket back and swung her legs down from the couch. Holding onto Stevie's hand, she stood up. Rooney let him lead her from the lounge. Together they walked up the stairs to her room. She glanced inside the open door of Tam's room and smiled, happy her baby sleeping peacefully without the demons that were bound to invade her own dreams.

  He shut the door behind them and flicked on the light before heading into the bathroom to turn on the shower. When he came out, she stood at the foot of her bed, pulling at her hair, trying to undo the clasp around her twisted knot. She tore at it, impatient now to get it undone.

  "Honey, calm down. Let me get it for you." Stevie took her hands in his, soothing her with his voice. When she relaxed against him, he let go of her hands and undid the clip, throwing it on the bed cover.

  Rooney raised her hands, running her fingers through her hair. She panicked when they encountered a sticky glob. "No, get it out, get it away from me." Her breath hitched and she started to shake uncontrollably.

  Stevie grabbed her and walked to the bathroom, peeling her clothes off as soon as he stopped. "Shush, it's okay. I've got you, Rooney."

  He threw her clothes on the floor and quickly stripped his off too before walking into the shower with her in his arms. Rooney trembled in his arms and he held her until she calmed. She wrapped her arms around him and let herself be protected by him, the warm water running over their bodies as she shut out the rest of the world.

  "Thanks. I didn't mean to freak out." She lifted her head and gazed at him. His face was dark and a frown pinched the skin between his black eyebrows. White lines around his lips showed her just how much this was affecting him. After all, he’d been the one to shoot Stubbs in an attempt to save her. The poor guy was stressed enough over what happened without her breaking down too. She would have to try harder to be brave so he didn't worry unnecessarily over her.

  "Anyone would after what you've been through. It's normal to feel this way. Russ warned you what might h
appen and I'm here to see you feel safe." He leaned down and the water trailed down his cheeks, dripping from the day’s growth of beard on his chin. "How about I wash that stuff out of your hair and dry you off before tucking you in?"

  "Sounds like just what I need." She turned around and let the water run over her head and face.

  Stevie reached for the shampoo and spent the next five minutes massaging the blood from her hair. Immediately after the shooting, Rooney had blocked out the blood spray covering her face and head. It was too much to take in at the time. The nurses had wiped her face but the mess in her hair was forgotten until now. Stevie pushed her under the spray to wash away the bubbles, smoothing her wet hair down her neck and between her shoulder blades in a wet blanket.

  "That should be cleaner now." He reached for the shower gel and a cloth and with gentle hands, washed every inch of her body. By the time he turned off the shower and reached for a towel, Rooney was almost asleep on her feet. She let herself be pushed toward the bed, sleepily climbing under the blankets and closing her eyes. When the bed dipped she reached out, wrapping her arms around Stevie and fell into a deep sleep.


  She woke to a terrified scream. Throwing off the blankets, she glanced around. Stevie was still asleep beside her, snoring softly, his arm thrown over the top of his head. She reached out to shake him, calling his name but he mumbled and rolled away from her.

  The scream came again and she ran to the bedroom door, listening at the keyhole.

  A manic laugh sounded followed by the gut searing scream of her daughter. Tam, no! Rooney opened the door, and ran down the carpeted hallway to her door. It was shut, and Rooney felt a moment of panic, knowing she hadn't done it. She gripped the handle and turned. No, it's locked.

  "Tam, open the door." Her screams rang loud in her ears and she slammed her palm on the door screaming. "Open the door, someone please open the door."


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