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Coming Home (Williams Siblings)

Page 21

by Ann B. Harrison

  "I've asked Sergeant Taylor in today because of something on the front page of the newspaper. Did you have anything to do with that?"

  "What? I didn't kill that man. That was your sister’s fault from all accounts."

  "What Doctor Williams is asking, Diane, is did you have anything to do with the comments regarding Nurse Stanley and what happened to her years ago?"

  "I don't know what you mean?" She sat with her hands gripping the arms of the chair, her knuckles showing white and he could see her attitude changing as she realised what was happening.

  "There is a reference to other cases of homicides in the area with regard to crime statistics. It would appear someone has given information to the paper about a case Elizabeth was involved in some years ago."

  "Why would that have anything to do with me?" She glanced up at Russ, her eyes pleading.

  "Speaking to my source at the paper, they said they got a call from a female member of the public concerned about the rate of crime in our town. Said person made sure my source remembered the incident and also pointed out that she was cleared under muddled circumstances."

  "Well, it's true, isn't it?" She turned to glare at Stevie, her temper rising. "I heard all about it. She got off because of connections with the police or something. Everyone knows she was involved and her boyfriend didn't just happen to pull the gun on himself." She shook her head and glanced at Russ. "You're a fool, Doctor Williams, to fall for someone who has a past when you could have any other girl in this place including me." Diane stood up, lifting her chin. "Your loss, I suppose."

  "I think not, Diane. I would strongly suggest you go and see Human Resources about finding another position at a different hospital before I approach them myself. I don't want your kind of poison in this department." Russ walked over and held the door open for her. "I'll let Nurse Stanley know you won't be back."

  "That was plain nasty." Stevie sighed. "Has Lizzie seen the paper, do you know?"

  Russ shook his head. "I'm not sure. She’s off me anyway, so I'm probably the last person she would talk to."

  "Okay, I'll go and have a word with her." He paused by the door. "Russ, if you care for her at all, let her tell you the story of what went down. She is the innocent person in all of this."

  "I'm sure she is, but I doubt she’ll give me a shot after this."

  "Might be time you stood up and fought for what you wanted. Rooney told me to remind you of what she said."

  "How is my sister this morning?"

  "She is fine. Still a little bit rocky but that's to be expected. She asked me to stay again. I doubt I’ll be leaving. I hope you're okay with that."

  "Why are you asking me? It's not like I have any say in my sister’s love-life."

  "No, but the house was left to the three of you. I was planning on running it past your brother as well. I don't want to stand on anyone's toes here."

  "Stevie, you can move in permanently. I don't care." Russ shuffled some papers on his desk.

  "Right, thanks." Stevie looked at him and then down at his feet, nervous for a second. "Look, I know I don't have to do this, but it kind of feels right somehow. I want to ask Rooney to marry me."

  Russ grinned, a smile that reached his eyes. "Are you asking me if you can have my sister’s hand? Well, well, that is one for the books."

  "I figured since you’re the head of the family it was only right. Mind you, if you say no, I doubt it will make any difference." He was relieved nonetheless.

  "If you didn't marry her, I’d be angry. Of course you have my blessing. It’s time Tam had a father, and you and Rooney got your act together."

  "Great, thanks. Now I have to find a ring and the right time to get down on one knee." He reached over and shook Russ's hand. "Now I think I should go and have a chat to Lizzie, try and set her mind at rest over this whole damned thing. She’ll take it hard."

  Stevie walked down the corridor to her office and knocked on the door. Hearing her call out, he walked in, closing the door behind him.

  "Lizzie, how are you?" He stepped over and took a seat in front of her desk. "Have you read this morning's paper yet?"

  Chapter Thirty-five

  Kate rolled out of bed and stretched. Today was going to be a wonderful day. Today she was going to work with Cade and when they finished, she intended bringing him home to her bed. The thought made her smile as she bounced around the room, getting ready for work.

  She'd slept in and that was okay once in a while. She needed the rest after the emotions of yesterday. Cade had been so kind, holding her while she wept, and her feelings for him had ratcheted up a few notches.

  She’d told him how she felt about him, and he hadn't run at her admission. Most of her night had been spent planning her next step. Finally, before she fell asleep, Kate had worked out how she was going to seduce him.

  Grabbing a clean shirt and pair of jeans, she dressed and hurried over to the big house for breakfast, and to let Essie know what she needed. When she walked in, Cade sat at the island counter with Rooney. She stopped at the door, her heart pounding as she gazed at their two blonde heads close together.

  Cade was closer and she got to ogle his profile for a few seconds until he noticed her in the room. "Morning, boss, had a late night?"

  "Hmm, just a little bit restless. Slept in though, sorry." She walked over to kiss Essie good morning.

  "What have you got to be sorry for? You're the boss. You can do what you want." He sipped his coffee and patted the stool next to him.

  Kate walked over and hopped up. When Essie brought her coffee over, she wrapped her hands around it trying to stay the excitement building in her body. "How did you sleep, Rooney?"

  "Shocking. Nightmares unfortunately. Russ gave me a tablet and I slept in too. But I feel much better today."

  "That's good." She glanced at Cade. "I wonder if you would mind starting in the office for me today? There is so much paperwork to deal with and I'd rather be out on the farm today."

  "Sure. If you don't mind me going through stuff, I can deal with that."

  "None of it’s a secret anyway. It all goes to you guys at the end of the year. If you could sort out what has to go to Tory for payment and what needs to be filed, I would be eternally grateful." She smiled when Essie placed a plate of porridge in front of her with a small jug of milk.

  "How grateful?" He looked down at her, a smile on his face and a sexy look in his eyes.

  Kate bit the inside of her cheek to stop the noise coming up her throat, and concentrated on getting a spoon of porridge in her mouth without spilling it down her shirt.

  "Stop teasing her, Cade." Rooney slapped him on the arm. "Ignore him, Kate. He's in one of those moods this morning, I can tell."

  Me too. Kate knew Rooney had it wrong. He wasn't teasing her for the hell of it. He was teasing her in purely sexual way and it was working. She was so close to asking him outside to the barn right now, she was sure it showed on her face. "That's okay. I'm used to him ribbing me. God knows we all got plenty of it when he was a scrawny youngster."

  "Hey, enough of the scrawny stuff. I'll have you know that now I'm a highly-honed athlete with abs of steel and a body most men would die for."

  "Yeah well, we aren't most men, dear brother, and we know you. Do as Kate asked and clear her desk of paperwork. I'm sure she can find something else to keep you out of trouble if you get through that."

  "I'm sure that won't be a problem." Kate gave him a quick smile. She spooned the last of the porridge into her mouth before walking over to the sink and rinsing her plate. Leaning against the edge of the sink, she faced them. "Well, this isn't getting much done. You two have a great morning and I'll see you for lunch."

  Kate took her hat from the back door and jammed it on her head before heading out. There was her ongoing work with the young colt she had to see to today. May as well sort him out before lunch, then she could go herd the cows closer to home for when Cade was able to help her. Once the boys had finished the fe
nce they were working on, they could all pitch in and get the job done.

  Castrating calves was hard and messy, not a job to be taken on by one person.

  She brought in the colt and started lunging him, trying to teach him some manners while working out whether or not to keep him on the farm or sell him off when the sales came around. Cade’s father was well known for his horses and this colt was from a good bloodline. If his temperament was good enough, he would stay and Kate would train him.

  By lunchtime, she sported another bruise on her butt from when he’d kicked out. Not quite quick enough to miss his hooves entirely, he’d managed to connect with her enough to leave a sore spot. She walked into the kitchen, rubbing her butt.

  "What's wrong?" Essie looked up and watched her.

  "Damned colt go me. I might have to let him go. Has more attitude than I want in the farm horses. Little bugger clipped me with his hooves. Where is Cade?"

  "Still in the office, I think. Can you tell him lunch is almost ready?"

  "Sure, but can I ask you something first? I want to make him dinner tonight and need a few things. Do you have any chicken breast?"

  Essie grinned and nodded her head. "Sure do. I'll get them out the freezer for you. Anything else?"

  "I was kind of hoping you could throw together one of your brilliant green salads. I want to keep it simple." Kate thought for a moment. "Is there any nice wine downstairs in the cellar?"

  "Why don't you go and have a look. Bound to be something you would like. Here," she reached under the sink and brought out a torch, "you’ll need this. The light isn't very good down there. Mind the step, don't want to have you hurt yourself down there. Dangerous place to make a wine cellar, if you ask me."

  "Thanks, Essie. I'll go and look before I disturb Cade." She walked out to the hallway and opened the door beside the rarely used lift. Searching the wall for the light switch, she flicked it on. The pale glow was enough to see the old ladder attached to the wall and she shuddered. Nothing else for it. Kate turned around and went down the ladder with the torch tucked under her arm. When she reached the bottom, she turned it on to look around.

  The rows of wine were closer to the back where the damp kept everything cool. Watching for spiders and anything else that could have made its home down in the cellar, she walked over and studied the rows of wine. They were in three distinct sections. Reds, whites and sparkling.

  Kate reached for a bottle of champagne, deciding it was going to be that kind of night. She wiped the dust off the label and read it. Moet and Chandon. Nice. Happy with her choice, she turned to go back upstairs and screamed.

  Cade stood behind her in the dark, a grin on his face.

  "You scared the hell out of me. What are you doing down here?" Kate gripped the neck of her bottle and flashed the torch in his face.

  "Essie told me you were down here. Thought you might like some help."

  "Thanks, but I'm fine." She made to walk past him but he grabbed her arm turning her so their bodies were facing. With her heart pounding, Kate watched him lean forward and place his lips on hers. A groaned rose in her throat before she could hold it back and she arched her body toward him. Kate wanted to wrap her arms around his neck and plunder his mouth but she was holding the torch and a bottle of champagne.

  She closed her eyes and let him kiss her senseless, her emotions running wild at the sensual touch of his lips of hers. Just when she her mind was imagining him naked in her bed, he pushed her away and she was left gasping for more.

  "Why are you getting champagne, Katie?"

  She sighed. Her nerves were now frazzled and her body was too warm in all the right places. The cellar wasn't the most romantic place to proposition a man, but he had ruined her plans. "I thought we could have dinner at my place tonight."

  He grinned, a gesture guaranteed to make her stomach lurch with lust he had already set to simmering.

  "If you don't want to, that's fine." She wrenched her arm away from him and headed for the stairs.

  "I would love to come for dinner."

  She stopped and turned to face him. "Great. That's great." She hurried up the ladder and into the kitchen, her heart beating wildly. Walking to the sink, she rinsed the dust from the bottle before placing it in the fridge. "I'll get it later."

  "I can bring it over when I come." Cade walked into the kitchen. "Anything else I can bring?"

  "That's fine, thanks. I think I have everything under control." She turned to Essie. "I'm starving. What's for lunch?"

  Chapter Thirty-six

  Stevie lined up with the other parents at the school waiting for Tam to come out of class. His palms were sweating and he toyed with the small box in his pocket. What if she said no? It didn't bear thinking about but the possibility didn't deter him. He wanted this more than anything in his life and if it took a few attempts to make Rooney see things his way, then so be it. He was nothing if not persistent.

  "Daddy." Tam came running out of the school grounds and threw herself into his arms. He could get used to do the school pick up if this was what he could expect.

  "How was your day?" He held her hand and walked her to the car.

  "Good. I have more homework. Can you do it with me?" She gazed up into his face with eyes that mirrored his own.

  "Of course I can." He buckled her into the back seat and walked around the front, sliding in. When they were on the road, he looked at his daughter in the mirror. "Tam, I need your help with something."

  She listened while Stevie explained what they were going to do when they got home.

  Rooney was sitting on the cane lounger on the front veranda when they found her. "Hi, chicken. Did you have a good day?" She held out her arms and Tam ran to her.

  "How are you feeling?" Stevie walked over and rested his hand on her shoulder.

  "Good. I think I could go back to work tomorrow. Not one single panic attack. That's if you'll let me in the surgery." She looked at him expectantly.

  "We’ll see. I'm not sure if the boys have finished in there yet."

  "Mummy, I want to go for a walk. Can you and Daddy come with me, please?" Tam looked at her, a pleading look in her eyes.

  "Sure, I guess so. I've been sitting around all day. A walk would do me good." She let go of Tam and stood up. "Where do you want to go?"

  Tam looked at her father before answering. "Down to the lagoon. It's pretty down there."

  Rooney glanced between the two of them. "Okay. Let's go then."

  Stevie held her hand, and together they walked down the driveway until they got to the stand of weeping willows overhanging the lagoon. He opened the gate and waited for them to go in front of him.

  "Oh, how pretty." Rooney looked at the picnic blanket and basket sitting under the tree before glancing at Stevie. "I sense something planned between the two of you here. What's going on?"

  "Come and sit with me?" Tam ran over and fell down onto the blanket.

  "What have you done?" she asked.

  "Go and sit. All will be revealed. I promise." They walked over and Rooney eased herself down to sit with Tam, glancing up at him.

  "I know I have a lot to make up for, to both of you." He held up his hand when she opened her mouth to speak. "I know I have. If I hadn't been so reckless, things wouldn't have happened the way they did the night you left. Now you've come back, and I'm not prepared to miss another moment with either of you." He dropped down in front of them on one knee. Taking a small pink box from his pocket, he spoke. "Tamara, would you do me the honour of acknowledging me as your father? From this day forward, I pledge to be there for you, to shield you from evil and to be the man you want me to be."

  She giggled as he opened the box. Taking the small gold heart shaped ring, he held it out to her.

  "Yes, Daddy."

  He gripped her hand and slipped it on one finger, then another until he found one that it fitted.

  Tam stood and wrapped her arms around his neck as he fought back a wave of emotion. Looking at Roone
y, he saw she was as effected as he was.

  Okay, now for the real deal. He took a deep breath and took a small, black velvet box from his shirt pocket. Opening the lid, he turned it to Rooney and saw her eyes widen. "Rooney, I've loved you ever since I realised the difference between girls and boys Earlier if the truth be told. I've made mistakes, I'll accept that. What I won't do is let you go again. I can't bear the thought of living without you and our daughter. I love you with all my heart, Rooney Williams. Please say you'll marry me."

  She lifted her hands to her mouth and let the tears run down her face freely. Stevie felt his chest constrict as he waited for her answer. A sob escaped her throat and he couldn't take it anymore. Reaching for Rooney, he pulled her into his arms.

  "Tell me, for God's sake, just tell me what’s wrong?" He kissed her head. "Is it too soon, did I ask you wrong? Tell me, Rooney. I can't stand seeing you in tears."

  She laughed through her tears. "Foolish man. These are happy tears, Stevie. I never thought we’d ever get to this point. Even at my lowest, when I was struggling with a baby and uni, I never could have dreamed we would be here together like this." She wiped her eyes and sniffed. "I can't bear the thought of living without you. It was nice falling asleep last night in your arms. I don't want to be alone again, Stevie. Of course I'll marry you."

  He held her tight as his heart beat slowed to normal. Then letting go of her, he picked up the box he'd dropped when he grabbed her. Taking the pink diamond solitaire, he placed it on her finger before kissing her soundly.

  "We need a party," Tam cried, throwing herself at the pair of them.

  "Sounds like a good idea. We can do with some fun in the house." Rooney kissed him on the lips, mindful of the child snuggled between them. "I can't wait to share the news."

  "…asked Russ, so he knows but nobody else."

  "You asked my brother? How sweet you are."

  "Now we’re going to celebrate and have a couple of hours to ourselves before we go up and share the news." He reached for the basket and took out a chilled bottle of champagne and a couple of glasses.


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