Culture Wars
Page 43
Cummings, Michael 59–60
Cunningham, Jack 104–5
Curtice, John 249
Dacre, Paul 111, 179, 225
Daily Express 27, 52, 84; attacks on Foot 146; ‘Baa Baa Black Sheep’ 75; CRE (Commission for Racial Equality) 190–1; immigration 188; institutional racism 197; race relations 190; ‘Rape of the innocent minds’ 95; reaction to report on racism 205; sex education 94
Daily Herald 256
Daily Mail 158, 161, 172, 179, 253; anti-Semitism 222; ‘Apologists for Terror’ 234; attacks on Foot 146; Brown, Gordon 179; ‘Baa Baa Black Sheep’ 72–5; CRE (Commission for Racial Equality) 190; education 82; immigration 187–8; institutional racism 195, 197; Jews 187; Miliband, Ralph 219–20; otherness, Ed Miliband 222–4; racism 191–2; Red Ed 220–1, 226–7; sex education 87–9; Winter of Discontent (1978-9) 144
Daily Telegraph 65, 178; congestion charge 176, 244; CRE (Commission for Racial Equality) 190; Future of Multi-Ethnic Britain 201–3; institutional racism 195–6; ‘race relations industry’ 210; racism 192; reaction to report on racism 204; Red Ken 176; sex education 94, 98; targeting Labour 206–7
Dampier, Phil 63–4
Davies, Liz 174
decline in voters, Labour Party 126–9
delegitimating the new urban left 129–30
Democracy Day 48–9
Demos 183
Denning, Lord 42, 99
disturbances 27–8
diversity 182–3; anti-anti-racism 189–93; Future of Multi-Ethnic Britain 201–4; racism 198–201
divided parties, power of the press 121–6
“Dodgy dossier” 177
Doran, Anthony 72
Duffy, Gillian 179
Dyke, Greg 245
Dymond, Jonny 232
East Anglian Daily Times 65
East London Advertiser 186
Edgar, David 190
education: see sex education
Education (No. 2) Act 1986 101
Education Bill 96–8
Education for All 192
effects research 118
Eggar, Timothy 65
elective dictatorship 16
Englishness 159
environmentalism 244–5
equality 159; gender equality 167–8, 242–4
ethnic diversity 182–3; Future of Multi-Ethnic Britain 201–4
ethnic minorities 9–10
Evening Star, ‘Baa Baa Black Sheep’ 73
Evolve Politics 234
Express and Star 65
extreme spin 144
Facebook 234, 260–1
fake news 76–8
Falklands War 19
Farage, Nigel 225
Fawkes, Guido 263
fear 155, 158
feminism, 7, 10–11, 242–4
festivals, GLC (Greater London Council) 46–9
Field, Frank 124
Fielding, Steven 155–6, 170–1
Financial Times 148–9; Wood, Deirdre 150
Finklestein, Daniel 235
Finlayson, Alan 142–3
Fitt, Lord 99
Fitzgerald, Julia 130
focus groups 169–70
folk devils 58
Foot, Michael 37, 140, 144–6, 235
Football Association 245
framing 118
Freedland, Jonathan 2, 222
Freedom Association 116n57
‘Freedom Fighter of the Angry Suburbs’ 88–91
future of multi-ethnic Britain 201–4
Future of Multi-Ethnic Britain 205, 210, 212, 213
Gale, George 18, 87
Gallagher, Noel 199
Gallagher, Paul 125
Gavron, Lady Kate 208–9
gay issue 111 see also sex education
gay liberation 8, 11–12, 20, 32, 241–2
Gay Liberation Front 8
Gay News 83
gay rights 174
Gay Unity Group (Harrow) 32
gays 82–3; positive images 85–8
gender 20
gender equality 242–4; New Labour 167–8
general management committees (GMCs) 157
generational war, Labour Party 17–21
GLC (Greater London Council) 9, 10, 28; abolition of 39, 119–20; advertising campaigns 44–6; attitudes toward GLC abolition 44–6; Coin Street project 13; community campaigning 46–9; gay liberation 12; government’s failure to convince the people to abolish 49–52; grants 33–4; homosexuality 32; mirage of press power 119–21; police monitoring groups 29–30; political campaigns 43–4; political retribution 35–7; press reports on 40–1; public transport 42–3; racism 191; resurrection of 53
GLEB (Greater London Enterprise Board) 14, 28
Gledhill, Ruth 75
Glover, Steven 197
Glynn, Malcom 117n88
GMCs (general management committees) 157
Gould, Bryan 165
Gould, Phillip 140, 147, 151, 155, 156, 166, 183–4, 257; focus groups 169–170; presentations 152–3; reassurance 173; rise of New Labour 160; trust 178
government’s failure to convince the people to abolish GLC (Greater London Council) 49–53
Graham of Edmonton, Lord 100
Grant, Bernie, 8, 61–5, 79n8, 84, 86, 104, 125, 158; urban myths 62–5
grants, GLC (Greater London Council) 33–4
Greater London Training Board 14
Greenberg, Stan 159
Griffin, Daniel 75–6
Guardian: gay issue 111; influence of 264; institutional racism 199; race relations 210–11; reaction to report on racism 205; sex education 94; Wood, Deirdre 150
Gummer, John Selwyn 34
Hackney Council 67–72
Hackney Gazette 69–70
Hague, William 207–8
Hall, Stuart 20, 22n1, 109, 214
Halsbury, Lord 98–9, 101
Hamilton, Charles V. 194
Hanna, Vincent 149
Haringey Advertiser, ‘Baa Baa Black Sheep’ 73
Haringey Black Action, 92
Haringey Council: ‘Baa Baa Black Sheep’ 72–4; homosexuality 84–5, 93–6; promoting homosexuality 98–104; racist bin liner 61–2; sex education 85–91
Harman, Harriet 168–9
Harris, Bob 88
Harris, Keith Kahn 226
Harrop, Martin 172
Hart, David 114n12
Hastings, Max 20, 28
Hattersley, Roy 146, 256–7
Heath, Edward 45, 158
Heffer, Simon 176
Heffernan, Richard 150, 153
Hendon Times 74
heterosexism 83, 86
Hewitt, Patricia 124, 147, 150, 152, 157, 160, 166
Hill, David 161
Hitchens, Peter 196–7
Hitler, Adolf 117n96
Hobsbawm, Eric 22n1, 219, 222
Hodge, Margaret 76, 130, 254
Holliday, Richard 31
homosexuality 8, 20, 32; angry suburbs 88–91; Haringey 84–5; London local elections May 1986 81; positive images 85–8; ‘promoting’ 98–104; see sex education
Honeyford, Ray 192–3
Hooper, Baroness 97
Hornsey Journal 65, 77, 84; sex education 88, 94, 97–8
How to Become a Lesbian in 35 Minutes 102
Howard, Michael 104, 105, 108
Huckfield, Les 255
Hughes, Colin 147
Hughes, Simon 105, 111, 145, 156
Hussein, Saddam 177
Hutton, Derek 130
Hutton, Will 61
Hyman, Peter 166
ILEA (Inner London Education Authority) 9, 83; gay liberation 12; gay teachers 32; racism 191
Ilford Recorder 70
immigration 158, 185–8; London Labour Party 7–8
Independent, reaction to report on racism 205
Ingham, Sir Bernard 52, 171
institutional racism 193–5; political correctness 196–8
interpretive schema 118
Ipsos Mori
IRA (Irish Republican Army) 30–1
Iraq 177–8
Islamophobia 185
Islington 132
Islington Council, ‘Baa Baa Black Sheep’ 74–6
Islington Gazette 77, 84; ‘Baa Baa Black Sheep’ 74; sex education 83
ITV 256
Jacques, Martin 130
Jameson, Derek 144
Jardine, Jim 29–30
Jeffery-Poulter, Stephen 98
Jenkin, Patrick 50, 52, 121
Jenny Lives with Eric and Martin 83, 88, 93, 97, 107
Jewish refugees 186–8
Johnson, Boris 2, 206–7, 248
Johnson, Paul 191, 204, 206
Johnston, Philip 201, 203
Jones, Anne 41
Jones, David 66
Jones, Nick 225
Jordan, Tom 67
Joseph, Sir Keith 17, 82
journalists 18, 50, 61, 78, 112, 145, 146, 230, 257–9
Kalfayan, Leif 68
Kavanagh, Dennis 151
Kavanagh, Trevor 59, 205
Kelly, Dr. David 177
Kenny, Mary 192
Kerridge, Roy 191
Kindertransport 187
King, Chris 75
King, Tom 51
Kington, Miles 139
Kinnock, Neil 37, 99, 107, 122–4, 129–30, 140, 146–9, 153, 155, 165, 172–4, 242, 254, 257
Kirkwood, Archy 105
Knight, Jill 101–2, 104–5, 109
Knitting International 70
Kuenssberg, Laura 230, 262
Kundnani, Arun 196
Labour Co-ordinating Committee (LCC) 154
Labour feminism 7
Labour Party 5–6, 172; 1987 election 151; battle for soul of 3; clash of ideologies 15–17; decline in voters 126–9; on the defensive over homosexuality 91–3; ethnicity 183–4; evolution of 152; fear 155; generational war 17–21; GLC (Greater London Council) 37; marketing 152; OMOV (One Member One Vote) 157; Policy Review Process 155–6; power of the press 123; product of a generation 9–15; Smith, John 165–7; transition 6–8; upheavals in 27
Labour Party conferences 173
Lansley, Stewart 91–2, 158
Laski, Harold 222
Lawrence, Stephen 193, 216n38
Lawson, Nigel 244
LBU (London Boroughs’ Unit) 79n4
LCC (Labour Co-ordinating Committee) 154
Leave vote, Brexit 247
left-wing news blogs 262
Lesbian and Gay Unit, Haringey 85, 91–2
lesbians 82–3; positive images 85–8
Leveson, Lord Justice 112
Leveson Inquiry 236
Levidow, Les 84
Levy, Geoffrey 88, 219
Lewisham Council 11
Liberal Party 5
Lightfoot, Liz 62–3
Lilley, Peter 244
Littlejohn, Richard 176, 198–9, 208, 210, 218
Liverpool Echo, ‘Baa Baa Black Sheep’ 72–3
Livingstone, Ken 1–2, 9, 11, 14, 26–9, 36, 49, 52, 53, 58, 106, 126, 139, 151, 173–5, 236, 254; ‘alleged instability of’ 34–5; congestion charge 244; IRA (Irish Republican Army) 30–1
Lloyd, John 111
the lobby 257–60
Lobenstein, Joe 67
local elections 154; London local elections May 1986 77, 82–8, 135
local government 16; decline of local democracy 133–5; spending 120
Local Government Act 1986 (Amendment) Bill 98–104
Local Government Act 1988 81
London, Louise 188
London Boroughs’ Unit (LBU) 79n4
London effect 81, 103, 110–11, 150; mythologising 131–2
London Evening Standard 52, 90, 177; ‘Baa Baa Black Sheep’ 76; reaction to report on racism 204; sex education 83, 89
London Labour Party 6–7
London local elections May 1986 82–8
London Plus 123
The London Programme 41
lone parent benefit cut 168–9
loony left 1, 2, 26, 58–61, 132–3, 140–1, 169, 176, 221, 240; disappearance of 161–2; media and 253–64; New Labour 173–5; power of press to divide parties 121–6; pre-election influence of the press 126–9; references to 176–7; see urban myths
Lords, sex education 96–8
Lustig, Robin 221
Lynn, Matthew 229
Lyons, Sir Michael 230
MacArthur, Brian 172
MacKay, Dr. Dougal 34
Macpherson, Sir William 199
Macpherson report 195–200, 206, 212, 245
magic of reiteration 110
Mail on Sunday 52; ‘Baa Baa Black Sheep’ 74; racist bin liner 61–2
Mail Online, influence of 264
Major, John 158, 166
Make It Happy 95
Malik, Keenan 212
‘The Man Who Hated Britain’ 219
Manchester Daily Star 65
Mandelson, Peter 140–1, 147–8, 151, 155, 157, 166, 178, 257
manholes, urban myths 67–9
marketing, Labour Party 152
Marqusee, Mike 150, 153
Marr, Andrew 165–6
Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Act 242
Marrin, Minette 199, 210–11
Marxism Today 6
masochism strategy 178
May, Theresa 2, 232, 235, 253, 261
McBride, Damian 229
McCaffrey, Tom 144
McDonnell, John 1, 2, 9, 52, 229, 236
McGoldrick, Maureen 122
McIntosh, Andrew 27
McKinstry, Leo 198
McLaughlin, Eugene 212
McShane, John 64
Me Too hashtag 243
media logic, reporting on GLC (Greater London Council) 50–2
media monitoring 232
Media Reform Coalition 232
Mendoza, Kerry-Anne 262
Men’s Wear, ‘Baa Baa Black Sheep’ 73
Metropolitan Police Authority 29, 195, 245
migrants 247
Mikardo, Ian 26
Mikkelson, David 76
Miliband, David 171, 179, 223
Miliband, Ed 218–19, 222–8, 235, 254
Miliband, Ralph 218, 221–2
Militant Tendency 6
Millwood, Tony 71
miners’ strike 128
Minkin, Lewis 141, 153, 173
minorities 8, 183–4; anti-anti-racism 189–93; anti-racism 245–7; press racism 184–6
Mirror 64; ‘Baa Baa Black Sheep’ 75; manholes 68; reaction to report on racism 205
Monson, Lord 98
Moore, Jo 176
Moore, John 114n13
moral subversion 32
Morgan, Kenneth 144–5
Morrell, Frances 9
Mosey, Roger 230
multiculturalism 10, 202, 212–14
Murdoch, Rupert 140, 143, 173, 256
Murphy, Peter 84–5, 87, 103, 106–7
Myerscough, Paul 230
mythologising London effect 131–2
Napolitano, Joe 159
National Front 9, 191
National Women’s Aid Federation 7
Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Act 2002 200
Neal, Sarah 212
Neil, Andrew 78–9n4
neo-liberalism 249
New Labour 141, 143, 151, 167; Clause Four 170–1; evolution of 147–62; gender equality 167–8; loony left 173–5; rise of 160
New Patriotic Movement 89
new right: generational war 17–21; versus new urban left 21–2
New Statesman 110
new urban left 1, 6, 133, 240; 1960s 12–14; anti-racism 245–7; decline of local democracy 133–5; delegitimating 129–30; environmentalism 244–5; gay liberation 241; generational war 17–21; versus new right 21–2; product of a generation 9–15; product of transition 6–8; public spending 15; women’s movement 242–4
news, fake news 76–8
news consumption 260
p; News of the World 123; ‘Baa Baa Black Sheep’ 72
Newsnight 124
newspapers, influence of 264; power of the press 119–29, 228
Newswhip 261
Nicholson, Brian 123
Noelle-Neumann, Elizabeth 170
O’Brien, Mike 204
Ofcom 260
O’Flaherty, Michael 75
Old Labour 140–1
OMOV (One Member One Vote) 157
O’Neil, Jonathan 130
O’Neill, Onora 112
online news 263
opposition to abolition of GLC (Greater London Council) 39–40
Order-Order 263
otherness, Mail 222–4
Ouseley, Sir Herman 197
‘Paki-bashing’ 10
Parekh report (Future of Multi-Ethnic Britain) 205, 212, 213
parental rights, see sex education
Parents Rights Group (PRG) 88
Paris Agreement on Climate Change 244
Park, Alison 241
Parkinson, Cecil 17
parliamentary reporting 257–60
peculiar things 183–4
people of colour 194; press racism 184–6; racism 191–2
perceptions of history 142
permissiveness 81
Peston, Robert 178, 229–30, 232, 259
Phillips, Arthur 114n13
Phillips, Melanie 198
Phillips, Trevor 212
Pierce, Andrew 223
Pilkington, Andrew 213
The Playbook for Kids about Sex 99
police, institutional racism 190–200
police monitoring groups 29–30
Policy Review Process 140; Labour Party 155–6
political campaigns, GLC (Greater London Council) 43–4
political correctness, institutional racism 196–8
political parties, press disrupts a divided party 121–6
political retribution 35–7
political subversion 29–31
political transformation 143
poll taxes 16, 133, 135
Positive Images 92, 107
positive images; homosexuality 85–8, 91
Potter, Lynda Lee 197
Powell, Enoch 119, 158, 190
power of the press 119–29, 228; London effect 131–2
pre-election influence, power of the press 126–9
press; delegitimating the new urban left 129–30; journalists 18, 50, 61, 78, 112, 145, 146, 230, 257–9; London effect 131–2; loony left and 253–64; power of the press 119–29, 228; reporting on GLC (Greater London Council) 40–1, 50–2; targeting Labour 206–9
Press Council 66–7
press racism 184–6
PRG (Parents Rights Group) 88, 90
Profitt, Russell 125
promoting homosexuality 98–104
public spending 15
public transport 42–3
race 159
Race, Reg 9
race card 160
race relations 194, 210–12
Race Relations Act 1976 200
Race Relations Act 1965 245