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Always Page 8

by Randa Lynn

  I urge him to continue, needing to hear what he has to say. “No, keep going.”

  He looks at me with apprehension. “Okay, you asked for it.” He scrubs his hands over his face before continuing. “I’ve got a daughter. You know that. But I’m not like most fathers. I don’t get her every other weekend. I have her. She is mine and mine alone. I’m a package deal.” He takes a deep breath. “And before you say anything like ‘Slow the fuck down, Wes,’ hear me out. I like you. I like what I know about you, and I’d like to maybe know more. You’re good to my Scooter and that shit means the world to me, and to her. I’m just asking if we can be friends….and maybe see if there could be more, because I’m feeling you.”

  I can’t stop the smile that spreads across my face. Hearing a man lay his feelings on the line, no holds bar, is the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen. It’s so far from the reality I’ve been used to for the past four years. Around him I feel myself wanting to open up, wanting to finally move on from the past that I’ve let haunt me.

  He’s a breath of fresh air. A Sunday morning sunrise. He’s just…more.

  I laugh at his candor. “I like what I know of you so far, too. But really, it’s Ellison that’s your golden ticket. Just so you know. It’s not a thing to do with how good you kiss, your dimples, or your muscles—“

  “Wait, have you been checking this body out?” He points to himself in humor.

  Hell yeah I have. “Let’s not get a big head, you need to be able to walk out of that door in a little while,” I joke.

  He stands up straight and pulls me in for a quick hug. I feel him kiss the top of my head, causing butterflies to flutter out of control in my belly. “Thanks for inviting her over. Let’s go find them.” I agree and we walk down to the lake to find Ellison and Amber.

  “Miss Lenni, watch this!” Elli takes a rock and slings it into the water. She turns towards me smiling, brushing her dirty hands along her striped shirt. “Miss Amber taught me how to skip ‘em in the water. Can you do it? Can you?”

  I find a flat rock and side arm it into the water, bouncing five times across the water before it sinks to the bottom. The surface ripples. “I’d say so.”

  She puts her hands over her mouth and giggles. “Daddy, can you?”

  “Get me a rock and we’ll see,” Wes answers.

  She finds a rock and hands it to her daddy. He flings it and it bounces across the water eight times before plummeting to the bottom of the lake. “Wow!” Elli cheers. “That was skipping for a long, long time, Daddy!”

  “It did, didn’t it?”

  “Uh, huh!” She looks up at Wes. “I wanna go fishing.”

  I laugh, knowing that I don’t have the first bit of fishing equipment here.

  “We’ll go when I get off work again. How about that?”

  She smiles, and we continue skipping rocks, which turns into playing tag, until the sun starts to set.

  “That was a fun day. Thank you, Miss Lenni,” Elli yawns.

  She gives me a hug and I reply, “I had a fun day, too. Tell your daddy to bring you by again before I go back home, okay?”

  Her brows pinch together. “Home? You don’t live here?”

  I smile. “No, sweetie. I live in Atlanta. This is just where I visit sometimes.”

  Her bottom lip pokes out. “I’m gonna miss you.”

  “I’m going to miss you, too. You’ll see me again, though. I promise.”

  She smiles before going to give Amber a hug, leaving Wes and I alone at the front door.

  He grabs a hold of the doorknob, fiddling with it nervously before his eyes find their way back to me. “Thanks for inviting us over. Elli has done wore herself out playing.”

  “It was my pleasure. I had a great time. Ellison is amazing.”

  He grins. “Yeah, she is. You can call her Elli, ya know?”

  “Elli is amazing,” I correct myself, smiling.

  “You’re amazing too. Don’t forget that.”

  I blush at the compliment. He’s left me speechless, again.

  Elli runs back over to Wes and grabs his hand. “I’ll talk to you later,” he says.

  “Yeah.” I give a small smile.

  Wes opens the door and they walk out. I close the door behind them, and lean back against it, not able to control the smile that’s plastered across my face.

  Chapter 11


  I haven’t seen Wes since he and Elli came over. He’s been working, but he’s texted and called as often as possible. Our conversations have been nothing but easy. I’ve found myself constantly looking forward to hearing from him again, and every time I do, I cannot help but smile a little bit more.

  He makes me laugh and makes me feel like me. Not having to worry about what someone is going to be angry about is comforting. He puts me at ease without even trying.

  I came here simply for me. What I never anticipated was to stumble upon two people as incredible as Wes and Elli. I first saw Wes almost two weeks ago. That’s not very long at all. But in the time since I’ve met him, he’s shown me more kindness than I’ve ever received. He’s made me feel alive. It’s a truth I could get used to.

  I don’t even know why this is in my thoughts. A little over two months ago I was engaged. I’m becoming one of those women, the ones who meet a hot guy who’s a smooth talker and she’s instantly smitten.

  What the hell is wrong with me?

  Hearing a throat clearing, I snap my head to the bedroom door. Amber leans against the door frame, her blonde hair lightly curled and makeup done. A sheer cover-up falls off her shoulders, and she looks every bit a super model.

  “Going somewhere?” I ask.

  She gives me a mischievous grin. “Yeah, when I ran to the store the other day I met a hot-as-fuck guy with blonde hair and the greenest eyes I’ve ever seen. He was on a motorcycle and came right up and parked by me.” She makes an exasperated sigh. “And he got my number. Smooth, right? He’s a fucking golden pony that I have full intentions of riding as soon as humanly possible.”

  I look at her in awe. We are polar opposites. I often wonder how we ever became friends. Opposites do attract I guess—even in friendships.

  “Let me guess? He swept you off your feet, and you’re now madly in love?” I grab the pillow and hug it mockingly, batting my eyelashes.

  “Oh, hi, pot. I’m kettle.” She holds out her hand for a handshake. “But, hell no. You know I got my love bug vaccination a hell of a long time ago. No ma’am, no ham, no turkey. I’m all protected against the feels. But you…” She eyes me incredulously, lifting her eyebrow up. I know that look. It’s the, I’m on to you look.

  “Amber Nicole Reynolds, do not look at me in that tone of voice.” I chuck my pillow at her, hitting her square in the face.

  “Oh shut up, you little gutter slut. I saw the hearts shooting out of your eyes when Wes was around and every time you hear from him. I’m not blind, you know.”

  I know she’s right, but I refuse to admit it. “I plead the fifth.”

  She picks up the pillow and throws it back at me. I dodge it just in time. Turning on her heels to walk out she tosses her head in my direction. “I’m on to you. But we’ll save it until after my little Sophia has been satisfied.”

  After Amber left, I got out my kindle and decided to read. I love a good love story, especially one with hot, southern swoony men. So I laid down and got lost in this Max Quinn guy until I fell asleep.

  I wake up to my phone dinging. After searching for ten minutes, only to find it on my nightstand, I pick it up to see a text message.

  Wes: Question

  Oh gosh. I type several different things before finally just going with quite possibly the lamest text ever.

  Me: Answer…maybe ;)

  Answer…maybe? Yeah. Regrets.

  Wes: Feel like a party barge day? Some friends invited me. Want u to come.

  Sit here and relax, all by myself, or spend the afternoon with Wes? Who am I kidding? I’ve not got a
darn thing to do today that’s better than…him.

  Me: I like hanging out with new friends.

  Wes: Well I like hanging out with u. Pick u up in 20.

  Twenty minutes? Oh my goodness. Scrambling through my suitcase that I’ve failed to unpack, I settle on a teal and black halter-top bikini and my black cover up. I take a little more time on my makeup than usual, plastering on a light smoky eye, eyeliner, mascara, and blush. I glide on my cherry lip gloss and smack my lips together. I throw my hair in a messy/cute bun, yes, that is a thing, and slide on my flip flops and wait—anxiously—really freaking anxiously.

  Boom, boom, boom.

  I jump from the obnoxiously expensive European sofa and bolt to the door. I give myself a once over in the entryway mirror before opening the door.

  When Wes is in my line of sight, my knees start to wobble. He’s wearing nothing but flip flops, grey and green swim trunks, aviators, and his baseball cap. He looks delectable.

  Sweet mother of all things holy.

  His muscles glisten in the sunlight. His broad chest only looks better without a shirt on. I want to touch it, study his every contour with my hands. Mesmerized, I observe his every detail. Right above his left pec, he’s got a tattoo of a tiny handprint and Scooter written underneath it in the most beautiful scrollwork I’ve ever seen. It’s the only tattoo on his chest, a far contrast to his completely inked arm. My eyes travel to his face, and that scruff is still prominent. His thick lips, my God, those lips…they kiss so well.

  “These are for you,” he says, bringing around a bouquet of freshly picked flowers from behind his back

  I’m in shock, speechless. Did he pick these for me?

  Inching closer, I take the flowers from his hands, not able to pry my eyes off them. It’s the simplest, yet kindest gesture I’ve ever been shown. I’ve never had someone buy me flowers, let alone pick me flowers.

  “I know it’s not much, I just figured I couldn’t show up empty han—“

  “No! It’s perfect. They’re perfect. You’re…thank you, Wes,” I interrupt appreciatively. He couldn’t have brought anything more incredible than these. It chokes me up a little. He didn’t have to bring me anything. Not only did he bring me flowers, but he went out, found them, and picked them for me.

  I hold up my hand. “I’ll be right back.” I run to the kitchen and find a tall glass to put the flowers in. Beautiful yellows and whites fill the makeshift vase. I set it on the center of the kitchen island, wanting it to be on full display. After one last look at the most thoughtful gift, I head back to Wes.


  “When do you leave?” Wes asks me from the driver’s seat.

  The question takes me aback. If I’m being honest, I haven’t thought much about leaving. Or if I even want to leave. It’s been so nice being here, not having to worry about pleasing anyone but myself. But as much as I want to stay, I’ve got my job to get back to. I can’t just neglect it.

  “Tomorrow is my last night before I head back to Atlanta.” I frown.

  “Yeah, I go back to work tomorrow. Work seven, then off three. Swing shift sucks, but I reckon somebody’s gotta do it.”

  Shamefully, I don’t even know what swing shift is. I won’t let him know that, though. “So you’re only off today? I ask.

  “I got off yesterday morning and go back in the morning. It’s a short turnaround shift.” He looks at me and shrugs nonchalantly. “I just dropped Elli off at her grandparent’s so Mrs. Clark can watch her while I work.”

  I wish he didn’t have to work tomorrow. That means I won’t be able to see him before I leave. That kind of makes me sad, and I don’t know what to think about my feelings.

  He slows the truck down and pulls over on the side of the road in an abandoned driveway. My heart starts to race with nervousness. “What are we do—“

  I can’t finish my question. He reaches across the console and slams his lips to mine, kissing me hard and unapologetically. I kiss him back, without an ounce of second-guessing. I should be scared of him, but I’m not. I’m only scared of the fact that I am falling…fast. My heart is already fragile, and it can’t take another blow.

  Wes releases his lips from mine, a half grin whispers across his face. He stares at me for a moment, unmoving. His eyes roam over my face, leaving a fire inside my soul. He has quite possibly caused me to lose every bit of sense I have. And the truth is, I don’t even mind it.

  “We’re from two completely different worlds aren’t we, Lenni?”

  My eyes snap to meet his stare. I nod in agreement.

  We are two different worlds colliding in an impossible force. It’s up to destiny to decide if we go up in flames or rain down in glory.

  “I don’t necessarily think that’s a bad thing,” I admit, speaking so low I’m not sure he can hear me.

  He grabs my hand, giving it a light squeeze. He doesn’t look up at me, instead, his eyes remain glued to our interlocked fingers. My heartbeat speeds up with each passing second, thrumming out of my chest. I watch him as he watches me. His eyebrows pull together in concentration, like he’s mulling something over in his head.

  Is he regretting this? Is he regretting the short time we have together?

  I don’t have to have those thoughts long, because he simply whispers, “No, I don’t think it’s a bad thing. Not a little bit. Not even at all.”

  Without releasing my hand, he throws his truck in gear. We make the trek to our destination in a comfortable silence.

  For once, the silence isn’t deafening.

  Chapter 12


  I’ve got no clue what I’m doing. This girl is fucking with my head so hard. Three weeks ago it was me and Elli muddling through life, happy. Fucking happy, just the two of us. Now that Lenni has appeared out of thin air, I don’t know what the hell I’d do if I never saw her gorgeous face again. The thought has got my mind reelin’.

  That smile of hers takes my breath away. Those hazel eyes stare straight into my soul unlocking, piece by piece, a part of it that’s been closed off for so long.

  The cab of my pickup is immersed with her coconut smell, a smell I’ve come to thoroughly enjoy over the past week. If I don’t get the hell out of here soon, I’ll be able to think only with my head that’s south of the equator instead of the one perched on my shoulders. She’s a fucking goddess, and she doesn’t even realize it. Every time she looks at me with those hazel eyes, through those long, thick lashes, my heart sputters. My chest tightens with need for her.

  This woman, she could change every fucking thing. Turn the bad to good and the good to better.

  We get to the boat launch, riddled with trucks and empty boat trailers, and I find the only shady spot and park. I hop out of the truck and run to Lenni’s side and swing open the door before she has a chance to do it herself. Damn straight I’m gonna show her how a man is supposed to treat a lady. Mama didn’t raise no fool.

  I grab her by her waist and hoist her from the truck. A half laugh, half squeal erupts from her mouth, and it makes my cock twitch. Mother fuck. This day is going to cause me to use every ounce of patience I have.

  “Thank you,” she says, flashing a shy smile my way like it’s the sweetest thing that’s ever happened to her.

  What the hell has happened to this girl? This beautiful woman acts like she’s never once been treated with respect or kindness. Damn, if it doesn’t make me want to find whatever sorry bastard hurt her and bury his ass in the pavement.

  Where I come from you treat women with respect. I’d never be okay with my little girl being disrespected. Ever.

  I drape my arm around her shoulders and pull her in closer to me. “Ready to have some fun on the water, beautiful?”

  I feel her body tremble and a slight, involuntary moan escapes from her mouth. I can’t help but smirk. God, what I wouldn’t give to see that beautiful body underneath me right now.

  I kiss her on her forehead, letting my lips linger a little longer tha
n necessary. “Ready to meet my crazy friends?”`

  She looks up at me and smiles, nudging me in the side. “Ready as I’ll ever be, I guess.”

  We walk over to Cameron’s party barge. I step into the water. “Jump on,” I say, motioning for her to jump on my back.

  Her eyes bug out. “You’re kidding? I’ll hurt you!”

  I’m shocked by her reaction. Hurt me? I’m a big guy, her little five and a half foot self is nothing. “Trust me…”

  After a long pause, she inhales a deep breath and closes her eyes. “Okay,” she whispers barely loud enough for me to hear.

  I get her on the barge, with no trouble I might add, and jump on after her. I make my way to the front where Cameron, Dee, Damien, and some chicks I don’t know are.

  “Cambo, my man!” I give him a slap on the back. I turn to Lenni and introduce them. We’re about to make our rounds when a blonde quickly spins on her heel.

  What the hell? I look back between her and Cameron, utterly confused.

  “Amber? What the hell!” Lenni squeals.

  “Well butter my butt and call me a biscuit!” Amber shrieks back. They give each other a girly jerky hug. Squealing the entire duration. Seeing the smile that’s plastered on my girl’s face makes my day.

  My girl. Did I really just say that shit? Yeah, I did. Because she might not know it yet, but she’s mine, and I’ll be damned if she goes to bed tonight not knowing it.

  Looking around curiously, Lenni asks Amber, “What are you doing here?”

  A mischievous grin spreads across Amber’s face. “I’m here with Cameron.” He comes over and pulls her into a hug and gropes her ass.

  “You know my lady, bro? Dammit, you smooth mother fucker.” He playfully punches me in the chest.

  “Watch it you cocksucker.” I make my way behind Lenni and wrap my arms around her waist. Her body tenses a little like she’s uncomfortable with the PDA. I refuse to back down. It’s my last day with her for God knows how long, and I plan on having as much her as I possibly can. I rest my chin on her head. “Amber is my girl’s best friend.”


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