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Always Page 15

by Randa Lynn

  I finally look on the bed and see my clothes neatly folded in a pile and on top lies a folded piece of paper. I reach across the bed and pick the paper up and read it.

  My Pretty Little Thing,

  I hope you slept well. I know I did with you by my side. I got up early and took Elli to spend the day with my dad. And before you freak out, she didn’t know you stayed over. Not that it matters anyhow. But anyways, if I’m back, I’ll be outside. Don’t rush. Stay in bed if you want. Last night was one of the best nights of my life. Thank you. I love you, beautiful.


  Be still my beating little heart. My cheeks flush as a smile spreads across my face. Elli isn’t here, and as much as I already miss her, that means Wes and I will have the day to ourselves.

  The thought makes me giddy. I jump out of bed and jerk my clothes on, making a mental note to check and make sure I have clean clothes here.

  I rush down the hallway and burst through the backdoor, the Georgia heat bombarding me. I look around for Wes, but can’t find him anywhere. I walk back further towards his shop in hopes that maybe he’s there working on something. When I get closer I hear country music thumping through the speakers, but still can’t see him. “Wes!” I call out.

  I look around the shop before I make my way back out, small panic starts to set in. When I walk around to the front of his truck I slam into a brick wall and nearly jump out of my skin in terror. “Oh my gosh!” I jump back, startled, and see a very amused, very dirty, very holy crap he doesn’t have a shirt on, Wes.

  He’s wearing an old pair of torn-up jeans, boots, and his hat. I can’t help myself, my eyes to travel down his very sexy body. His muscles contort with every breath he takes. My eyes keep traveling and land on his “V” that is doing nothing but taunting me. His boxers are barely peeping from the top of his jeans, and oh my goodness I’m slobbering. I bring my hand up and try to wipe the corner of my mouth as discretely as possible. A smirk pops up at the corner of Wes’s mouth as he wipes his dirty hands on a rag. “Am I making you drool, you pretty little thing?” Oh God. It’s like nine in the morning and I’m ready to pounce all over him. Cool it, Lenni.

  I try to divert my thoughts. “Pretty little thing? When did you decide to start calling me that?” I question.

  He walks closer to me slowly, his gaze piercing right through me. “Well, I was watching you sleep last night and you just looked so peaceful, so angelic. If I’m being honest, it blew me away that you were there, asleep in my bed. It still blows me away that you’re mine.” He steps closer, closing the gap. He’s dirty from working on his truck, and without lying to myself, it’s the sexiest sight I’ve ever seen. My heart rate triples, my breathing becomes labored with his intense closeness. In a low, husky voice he says, “You’re the prettiest thing I’ve ever seen. You’re my pretty little thing, baby.”

  Oh. My.

  A light moan escapes my mouth. I can feel that intense need pool between my legs. I could jump him right here. I shake my head and take a step back. He’s too intense and sexy for me right now.

  “Uh, why don’t you get dressed? We should do something today.” I look all around him, but not at him. I know he’s giving me that “I want to devour you” look, and if I do look at him I’ll happily oblige. But nope, not today. Not right now.

  He laughs a little. “Why aren’t ya looking at me, Len?”

  Oh, gosh. Why am I not looking at him? That’s easy. “Number one, because you’re a little dirty from working on your truck with no shirt on, and I find that extremely sexy. Secondly, because you called me your ‘pretty little thing’ and that sort of made my panties melt.” I fiddle with my thumbs and look down, unable to look at him because I know I’ll cave if I do. “So, if you don’t mind, go shower and get clothes on.”

  Once again, he laughs at me. Before I know it, he’s grabbing me into a bear hug and throws me over his shoulder. “I’ve got better plans.”

  I kick and scream playfully. “Let me down, cave man!”

  His grip tightens. “Want me to go cave man? I can.”

  “No,” I laugh. “I really want to do something today!”

  He sets me down when we get to the backdoor. “Wanna do something today? Then we’ll do something today.”

  We went inside and showered, separately. I washed up fast so I could go in the kitchen and make sure we had all the ingredients for what I had planned. When I realized we didn’t, I had Wes make a quick General Store run for me.

  “This is your idea of doing something? Making me bake?” He flashes his abs. “Does it look like I bake?”

  I can’t stifle the giggles erupting from me. “But you look so cute with that apron on.”

  His eyes narrow in on me and a mischievous grin spreads across his face. “Oh, Miss Blackmon, I object. I look damn sexy.”

  My heartbeat thrums in my chest as he inches his way closer. He stands directly in front of me as he peers down at me with hungry eyes. I reach to my right and grab a handful of flour and throw it in his face before running around him quickly. I think I’m in the clear when I feel a pair of strong arms wrap around me, picking me up and hauling me right back into the kitchen. “Let me down, Wes! Please,” I snort.

  “Only if you promise me we’ll make these fucking tea cakes and brownies you’ve done made me go to the store for.”

  “Whatever.” He lets me down and slaps me on the butt. “Ouch! That hurt.”

  “That is for being the sexiest pain in the ass I could have ever asked for.”

  I walk to the refrigerator to get the eggs. “I’ll take that as a compliment.”

  I bend down more than I should just to grab the eggs from the bottom shelf. I know he’s looking. I’ve come to realize that it’s a bit of an addiction. Anytime my butt is on any sort of display, the man can’t turn away. “Mhmm. God you’re sexy, Len.”

  I spin around, handing him the carton of eggs, acting oblivious to the bulge coming from underneath his apron. “Could you mix three eggs, a teaspoon of vanilla extract, and that cup of sugar together?” I point to the ingredients I’ve already gotten laid out.

  “Ignore me, then. I see. We’re making this a game. Alright.”

  I repeat myself, “Babe? Eggs. Vanilla. Sugar. Mix.”

  He throws his head back and groans loudly. “Okay. With what?”

  Grinning, I point to the mixer that’s a mere six inches from the bowl he’s holding. “That mixer right there. See it?” He reaches and grabs the mixer. “Use it.”

  “Ah. We’re also being a smartass, are we?”

  I wink. “I’ve learned from the best over these past few months. What can I say?”

  He turns the mixer on and yells, “Sorry, I can’t hear you!”

  I love this. Playfulness. Life doesn’t always have to be serious or tense. Letting go and having fun is one of my favorite things about Wes. He makes me laugh until my eyes wrinkle at the corners and my belly hurts. He makes me smile until my cheeks sting. He makes me feel loved like I’ve never known before.

  I feel like I’ve known him my entire life.

  I’ve spent so long losing myself for others, it’s nice to finally be able to just be. Be who I was always meant to be. Be who I was supposed to be. To be completely and irrevocably happy. I’m comfortable with him. I’m me when I’m with him, and that is the greatest feeling of all.

  Chapter 20


  “Hey, my little Mommy!” Amber squeals on the other end of the phone.

  “Shut up,” I laugh. “What are you doing calling me this early?” I ask looking at my alarm clock. 8 AM.

  Yep, she’s never this chipper so early in the morning.

  “I’m actually about to hit the road. Care to see my face for a few days?”

  What? Why the hell would she willingly come to Fredricks? She hates the country. “Can I ask why you’re coming to this, and I quote, ‘hobunk town’ willingly?”

  “Well, a girl’s got to get it in where she can. Camero
n Walker is one fine pole to slide up and down.”

  Oh my god. “You little slut,” I tease. “I thought you didn’t catch the feels, Miss Reynolds? Am I missing something here?” I joke, trying to get a rise out of her.

  “Shut the hell up, Lenni. I just refuse to let the best lay of my life slip by when he’s an eager beaver. So bet your ass I’m making the short little two hour trip for that wild ride. Cameron Walker is hung—“

  “Ahhh! That’s enough of that. I don’t need to know the details of his anatomy,” I interrupt.

  “Yeah, yeah. I’ll remind you of that when you’re drunk and sharing all of Wes’s down yonder details with me.”

  “Yeah, that’ll never happen,” I laugh, “but I have to go, I’m about to go for a run so my butt doesn’t get as wide as this house.”

  She laughs through the phone. “Okay, biotch. See you tomorrow.” “Bye.”

  I hang up the phone and throw my running gear on.

  I grab my phone and headphones from my dresser then make my way into the kitchen. I open up the refrigerator and grab a bottle of water and head out the door when my phone starts buzzing. An unknown number flashes across the screen. I slide my thumb across to answer. “Hello?” Deep breathing comes through the speaker, but no one says anything. “Hello?” I repeat.


  This is aggravating. I didn’t even know people did prank calls anymore. “Look, if you’re looking to prank call, please dial someone else’s number. I don’t have time for it.” I end the call and walk out the door, locking it behind me.

  I crank up my Spotify playlist and hit the pavement.


  My run was brutal. It took all my strength to keep up my brisk pace. After five minutes I was hot enough to want to move to Antarctica.

  As soon as I walked in the door, my phone started ringing. My realtor was needing a few more details to help seal the deal on the building I’ve found for my new office in Tatum. The location is absolutely beautiful. The office is situated right on Main Street, and Cane River is right outside what will be my office. The river is the spot Wes took me to the night of our first date. It’s what sold the location for me. I can’t wait to sign the paperwork for the lease and get everything set up and start working again.

  Wes has been amazing and beyond supportive. He’s never once complained or made me feel guilty for working so hard to get this done. He’s never said my wants and aspirations were stupid, and that means the absolute world to me. I’m still getting used to having someone around who loves me without fault. Wes has proven that life isn’t always ugly.

  I turn on the water and pour bubble bath in. Grabbing my cellphone off the countertop, I text Wes.

  Me: Thought you should know, I’m jumping in the bath ;)

  I wait a few moments and hear a ping.

  Wes: Christ woman. I’m stuck at work with these nasty ass men and u send me that. Where’s my pic?

  I laugh, and sink down into the hot bath water, my strained muscles relaxing as soon as I’m submerged. I bring the bubbles around me with my free hand, snapping a picture and sending it. He texts back immediately.

  Wes: Little cock tease. U will be punished for that.

  Me: I’m counting on it. See you after work?

  Wes: U know it, baby. Love u.

  Me: I love you, too.

  I place my phone on the floor by the tub and sink down further into the bubbles, nothing but my head left out of the water. It’s so relaxing and peaceful, warm and serene.

  Hearing and seeing Wes say he loves me makes me weak at the knees. For the longest time I saw myself as someone not worthy of love. I spent my days comparing myself to other women of the world— scrutinizing my every imperfection, wondering why I would never be good enough for anyone. Wes has helped those insecurities evaporate. Where I once saw a flaw, I now see a story. Where I once saw a broken girl, I now see a strong woman. He’s changed me for the better. He’s made me better, and for that, I will always be indebted to Weston Taylor.

  I close my eyes and just meditate on my life, on all the things that wouldn’t have been if I had not have gotten the courage to leave Ryan when I did. At the time I thought I’d never get over it, never live again.

  It’s not been easy, but it’s been worth it. Wes and Elli are worth every broken road it took to get to them. I thought Ryan had ruined me, ruined happiness, but in the long run, he helped me see that strength is built in the darkest of times. We get knocked down only to rise back up stronger, more fearless.

  After I bathe, I get out of the bathtub and grab the towels from the rack on the wall. I throw my hair in a towel and dry off with another. As I’m rubbing lotion on my legs, I hear commotion coming from the front of the house. I grab my phone off of the granite bathroom countertop and look at the time—6:00. Wes usually doesn’t get in for another twenty minutes or so. I guess he got off a little early.

  I throw on my bath robe, take my hair out of the towel and comb through it, brush my teeth, and head to greet my man.

  I walk down the hallway, gazing at the canvased family photos that are perfectly placed on the walls. Mom has always had a keen eye for decorating. One photo is from my high school graduation, the smile on my face is one of complete elation. There’s a sparkle in my eyes that dulled out when my relationship with Ryan began. I shake my head, not wanting to keep thinking of old memories.

  I hear something, maybe glass, shatter. My head automatically jerks from the photo to the end of the hallway adjoining the living room. What the hell?

  Warily, I peak my head around the corner of the hallway to get a look into the living room. I’m expecting to see Wes covered in coal dust, picking up whatever he’s knocked over, but that is not what I see. I’m staring into the eyes of my own personal hell. I’m frozen to where I stand, unable to move. My heart races out of control from pure terror at the person standing before me.

  “Hello, Lenora.”

  Oh God. Oh God. No.

  The man who nearly ruined me is standing in my living room holding a shattered picture of the man who helped heal me. He always shatters the good in my life.

  The sick, twisted irony of this moment is not lost on me.

  My fears all come rushing back to me, slamming into me like a tidal wave of emotions.

  “Ryan,” I choke out. I stammer backwards, my back crashing against the wall.

  His sandy blonde hair, which is usually not an inch out of place, is disheveled. His face is scruffy, and his normal ice blue eyes look dark, hollow, and vile—full of nothing but primal hate.

  “I see you’ve brought another sorry fucker underneath your wings. Do you plan on ruining this one like you did me?” His eyes dart from the frame back to me.

  “Wh-what are you talking about?” My words falter. He looks at me angrily, his chest rises and falls with every deep breath he takes.

  He slams the frame against the ground. “You know exactly what the fuck I’m talking about!” The veins in his neck bulge out with rage. His eyes are bloodshot as his nostrils flare, chilling every fiber of my being.

  I flinch in terror. My heart ceases function. Every memory of his wrath plays in my mind, causing me to tremble in fear. Chills prick my skin and absolute terror boils in my stomach.

  The malevolent look in his eyes tell me all I need to know.

  He’s been hit where it hurts.

  Terrified, I sink down onto the wood floor, my back sliding down the wall. I’m absolutely petrified because there is no telling what he is going to do next. As much as he’s been absolutely hateful to me, I’ve never seen the hollowness in his eyes, or the darkness in his soul, like I’m seeing now.

  With a trembling voice that mirrors the tremble of my entire body, I plead, “Ryan….I don’t know what’s wrong, but please, please just leave. I’ll forget you were ever here. Just, please, go.”

  An evil grin spreads across his face as he slowly takes deliberate steps towards me. Stopping directly in front of my
cowered body, he crouches down. He takes a piece of my wet hair in his hand and begins toying with it. “You see, Lenora, I was perfectly fine with forgetting you ever existed. Forgetting that pitiful fucking face you make when you’re scared,” he runs his hand along my jaw, causing bile to rise in my throat, “just like you are now. But your daddy dearest had other plans, didn’t he? The thing is, he messed with my company, tarnished my name, and caused me to lose millions of dollars. Hear that? Millions, Lenora.” The smell of liquor oozes from his breath. “You could have had the fucking world. I would have given you anything you wanted, and quite frankly, more than your whore ass deserved. But I loved you. I loved you so damn much.”

  Love. Ryan Hastings wouldn’t know the meaning of love if it slapped him in his face. He was born with a heart as cold as ice. He is incapable of anything other than selfishness and hate.

  In one single moment I go from being cowered against the wall to being forcefully heaved up over Ryan’s shoulder. “Let me down, you fucking piece of shit!”

  I kick and scream, bite and claw. Adrenaline pulsing through my veins, I will myself just enough to kick the hell out of his balls. I rear back, and with all my force, I ram my foot into him, causing him to instantaneously buckle over in pain. “Ahhhh, you stupid bitch!” he yells through gritted teeth. The moment he releases his hold the slightest bit I free myself from him, pushing him back with all my might, and run as fast as possible to the bedroom.

  As soon as the bedroom door is locked, I run into the bathroom, locking it behind me. With shaky hands and a boggled mind I gather what wits I can and find my cellphone. It fumbles in my hands before I’m able to swipe the screen. I press send twice, hoping whoever I called last will answer.

  Time goes in slow motion, it’s been ringing for what feels like hours. “Please pick up, please pick up,” I beg.

  “Hey baby, I’m—“

  “Wes, please hurry,” I plead through my tears.

  “Lenora!” Ryan yells, causing me to squeal in terror.

  I hear the bedroom door splinter, wood flying everywhere. My heart jumps into my throat. “He’s going to hurt me,” I whisper as I scramble and bury myself in the bathroom closet.


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